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Rescuing Gracelynn (Special Forces: Operation Alpha) (Bravo Series Book 1)

Page 10

by Anna Blakely

  “There aren’t many, but the ones I do have, I’d like to keep. If that’s possible.”

  “I’ll do my best to get them back for you.”

  Nate grinned at her from across the table, and Gracie’s heart did that whole skipping-a-beat thing. Focus, Gracelynn. Focus

  “Thanks. I forgot to grab it and my purse when I went back to the office that night. I guess I was still so shocked about what happened to Craig, I just grabbed my keys and drove. When I got back home and saw what had happened, I was afraid whoever that guy was would be able to trace my location, so I left it all on purpose.”

  There was a stretch of silence before Nate pushed on. “Let’s back up. So, you and Sarah talked about Craig. Then what?”

  “She left to go back to work. I started to run a bath, thinking it would help me relax. But, then I remembered someone from the phone company was supposed to be at the office at three, so I went back there to wait for them.”

  “Why? You could’ve called Jake. Had him take care of it.”

  Gracie shook her head. “He left, remember? He told me he was going to finish up with you guys, then close the office for the day and work from home.”

  “You’re right. I stand corrected. Anyway, it’s probably a good thing you weren’t home when that guy got there.”

  “No kidding.”

  “Okay, so you went to the office. What happened next?”

  “I went to R.I.S.C., the guy came and fixed the intercom system, then I went back to my apartment. Only, when I got there, my door was cracked open. I was sure I’d locked it when I left, but started to second guess myself. I pushed the door open a little more, and that’s when I saw the mess.”

  “And the man? Where was he?”

  “In my bedroom. I could see his reflection in the mirror hanging above my nightstand.”

  “Jesus, Gracie.” Nate sat back in his chair and ran a hand over his five o’clock shadow. “If you could see him, he just as easily could’ve seen you.”

  “I know. That’s why I didn’t keep the door open like that. Once I saw him, I pulled it so it looked like it did when I got there. Then, I just stood and listened at the door.”

  She could tell Nate wanted to reprimand her for sticking around rather than going for help. Instead, he asked, “What did he say?”

  Hating that she could still feel the pure, unadulterated fear from that day, Gracie licked her lips nervously and took a breath before telling Nate everything she could remember.

  “He told whoever he was talking to that he couldn’t find it. And before you ask, no. I have no idea what it is. Then, he said not to worry. That he’d keep looking for the”—she made air quotes—“‘McDaniels bitch’ until he found her. Me. Whatever. Anyway, the bastard swore he’d do whatever was necessary to get me to tell him where to find whatever it was he was looking for.” Gracie looked down at her hands, which were clenched into fists atop the table. “That’s when I got really scared.”

  “And you could hear what he was saying from all the way outside?”

  Gracie gave him a half smile. “He talked really loudly for a burglar. Almost like he didn’t care if anyone heard him. His voice really carried, too, so that made it easier.”

  “Do you think you’d recognize it if you heard it again?”

  “Absolutely. Between his vocal tones and his accent…I’ll never forget it.”

  “Accent?” Nate perked up at that. “What kind of accent?”

  “It sounded middle-eastern. I’ve never been great at accents, though, so don’t quote me on that.”

  “You said you got a good look at him?”

  “I did.”

  “That’s good. I’ll have you sit down with Zade tomorrow and give him the description so he can put together a sketch for us.”

  “Zade can draw? Wow. Who knew?”

  Nate chuckled. “He’s a man of many talents.”

  Gracie grinned but then hid a yawn behind her hand. “Sorry. I haven’t slept well since…well, this whole week, really.”

  “I can imagine. Where did you go after you left your place? And where have you been staying this whole time?”

  “I hid in the bushes behind my apartment building and waited until the guy left. When I felt it was safe enough, I ran inside, grabbed a change of clothes and a few hundred dollars I keep stashed away for emergency money, and flagged down the nearest cab. From there, I changed hotels every couple days, just in case. Then, I came here. To you.”

  Gracie’s mind whirled from memories of that night. She didn’t even notice Nate getting up and coming over to her until he spoke again.

  Much like he’d done in the office after she’d first learned about Craig, Nate squatted down in front of her and put a hand over hers.

  “We’re going to figure this out, Gracie.”

  “I know you will.”

  He gave her a sweet smile. “Listen, why don’t we call it a night? Jake will probably want to go over all this again with you tomorrow, anyway.”

  “Great. Can’t wait.”

  Chuckling as he stood, Nate pulled her to her feet. “Come on. You can take my bed. I’ll sleep out here on the couch.”

  “Oh, Nate, no. I’ve caused you enough trouble as it is. I don’t want to take your bed, too.” Unless you’re going to be in it. With me. Naked.

  “Don’t worry about me. I can sleep anywhere.”

  Clearing her throat—and her X-rated thoughts—Gracie decided it best not to argue. “Only if you’re sure.”

  “I’m sure. Now, go. Those sheets haven’t been slept on since I got back, so they’re still clean. You know where the bathroom is, and if you need anything else, just ask.”

  Trying to talk past the big knot that had suddenly taken up residency in her throat, Gracie blinked quickly and whispered, “Thank you, Nate. I didn’t…I didn’t know who else to turn to. I would have gone to the police, but I got the feeling the person the man was talking with was important. I don’t know why, but my gut said to stay low and not say anything to anyone until you got back.” She looked at his handsome face and smiled. “Something told me you’d know what to do.” Glancing away, she laughed nervously. “Silly, right? I probably should have gone straight to the cops.”

  Like before, Nate lifted her chin. “Don’t waste time second-guessing yourself, sweetheart. You did good. You stayed calm, waited until it was safe to get your emergency money, and remained hidden until you had someone you could trust to go to. I wish you’d have found a way to contact Sarah to let her know you were okay, but only because we were all worried sick, thinking of what could have happened to you.”

  “I know. I’m sorr—”

  Nate stopped her with a finger to her lips. “No more apologies. You’re safe now, and that’s all that matters. Got it?”

  Gracie nodded and tried to say “Got it”, but it came out all jumbled, since his finger was still in the way.

  The man’s eyes danced as he laughed, making him look even younger than his thirty-three years. She made a mental note to try and make him laugh as much as possible.

  “Go on, now. Get some rest. If you’re lucky, I’ll make you some breakfast in the morning. I think I have a box of Pop-Tarts in there, somewhere.”

  “You do drive a hard bargain, Mr. Carter. But, if Pop-Tarts are on the line, I’m all in. Unless they’re strawberry.” She scrunched her nose. “I don’t really like those.”

  “Which kind are your favorites?”

  “The brown sugar and cinnamon, of course.”

  “Well, how ’bout that. They’re my favorite, too.” Nate gave her a wink and a smirk. God, the man was too freaking sexy for his own good.

  Knowing she needed to leave the room before she did something ridiculous like kiss him again, Gracie smiled and said, “Goodnight, Nate.”

  “Goodnight, sweetheart. Sleep tight.”

  Turning around, she walked back to Nate’s room. He said the sheets were clean, and they were, but she could still smell hints of
him on the pillowcase.

  Just like the shirt she was wearing, it was a mixture of laundry detergent and whatever cologne Nate used. It was light, not like the strong, make-you-gag type some men wore. And it was quickly becoming her most favorite scent in the world.

  Given all that had transpired, she expected this to be just like the previous nights. Every night for the past week, she’d lay awake, tossing and turning, while listening for any signs of someone trying to break into her room.

  Every little sound would make her jump, and she was constantly checking the flimsy locks on the hotel door. It would take hours for her to actually fall asleep, then she’d wake up in a panic, fearing she’d been in the same place for too long.

  Tonight, for the first time in a week, Gracie closed her eyes and fell asleep almost immediately. And she stayed that way, knowing the man in the other room would gladly stand between her and any danger that may come her way.

  Chapter 7

  Edric Yavuz calmly removed the crystal stopper from his decanter and poured himself two fingers of his favorite bourbon. Typically, he’d take a moment to appreciate the bottle’s intricate etchings, but today he had more pressing issues occupying his thoughts.

  “You said you’d find her.” Edric replaced the stopper. With both it and his glass in hand, he turned to face his most trusted associate. “I pay you well to keep your word.”

  “And I will.”


  “I will find her, Edric. You just have to give me more time.”

  Edric slammed the expensive tumbler down onto the serving table. “It’s been over a week, Achim. People like Gracelynn McDaniels do not just disappear. She is nothing. A nobody. She should not have the means to simply vanish like this.”

  “You’re right. She will turn up. And when she does, I will be there.”

  “Well, you’d better hope it happens soon. That treaty is to be signed in less than a month. If that file is found before then…”

  “I will find the woman and the file, Edric. She couldn’t have gone far. Her purse and phone were still at the apartment when I was there.”

  “And you’re certain Wyatt didn’t send the file to her in an email or text?”

  “I already told you he didn’t. There were no emails and I went through each and every text he sent to her. It was all foolish pictures and worthless conversations.”

  “Well, check it again.”

  “That’s not possible.”

  “Why not?”

  “I already went back for it. Either the police or the people she works for must have taken it. It doesn’t matter. I crushed it before I left, just in case.”

  Swallowing the warm liquid remaining in his glass, Edric poured himself another. “Tell me more about this company she works for.”

  “It’s called R.I.S.C. They do private security. Bodyguards, shit like that. It’s owned by a man named Jake McQueen. He’s former Delta, and from what I’ve heard, his operatives are the best. All former military. The McDaniels woman recently took a job as McQueen’s office manager and public relations contact. Her soon-to-be brother-in-law is a security specialist for one of the two teams McQueen put together.”

  At least the man found out something useful. “Is this going to be a problem?”

  “On the contrary.”

  Intrigued, Edric motioned for Achim to continue.

  “With no ID and limited funds, the bitch will have to reach out for help soon. Given what they do for a living, I’m thinking she’ll go to someone with R.I.S.C., and I plan to be there when she does.”

  “And the sister?”

  “There’s been no sign of Gracelynn anywhere near her sister’s apartment. She’s smart. Much smarter than we gave her credit for. My guess is she knows someone’s after her and doesn’t want to put her sister in danger.”

  “Maybe that’s where you should start. Get to her through her sister.”

  “That’s one route we could take.”

  Edric thought for a moment. “Is your friend who discovered the McDaniels woman close by? I don’t want to waste time having to wait for him to show.”

  “I can have him here by morning,” Achim said with certainty.

  “Make the call.”

  “Yes, sir.” He turned and started to leave the room, but Edric stopped him.


  With his hand on the expensive doorknob, the killer-for-hire turned to face him.

  “As always, do—”

  “Whatever it takes,” Achim finished for him. “Don’t worry, Edric. I’ll take care of everything.”

  “You always do, my friend.”

  Long after Achim had left, Edric was still in his office. Sitting behind his large, mahogany desk, he studied the framed photo of him with President Russell.

  They were smiling and shaking hands, having come to an agreement on the terms of the treaty. Edric laughed to himself, knowing once Gracelynn McDaniels was in his possession, he’d have everything he needed to destroy Russell and the precious United States of America.

  Nate stole another glance at Gracie. She was sitting between her sister and Kole in the conference room while they waited with the rest of the team.

  They’d all arrived twenty minutes ago, but Jake had gotten caught up with something at home and was running a few minutes late.

  After a tearful reunion in the office’s reception area, Nate and Kole had escorted Gracie and Sarah back here to go over everything and figure out what their next move was.

  He and Gracie hadn’t spoken a whole lot this morning, outside their awkward greeting in the kitchen and small talk over Pop-Tarts and coffee.

  Knowing she was more than ready to see her sister again, Nate hadn’t wasted any time getting her here.

  Sarah had brought her a change of clothes so she wouldn’t have to wear what she slept in. Although, if it were up to Nate, she’d wear nothing but his favorite shirt. Forever.

  Not that the T-shirt and denim capris she had on now weren’t every bit as sexy. Hell, the woman could be wearing a moo-moo and she’d still look good enough to eat.

  Nate shifted in his seat as his cock began to swell. He really needed to get a grip on his hormones. But, fuck.

  All he’d thought about since last night was that goddamn kiss. That, and how—had he not been a complete dumbass—it would have turned into a whole hell of a lot more.

  He was just so taken off guard when she’d kissed him like that. He knew he should’ve stopped her sooner, but a bigger part…okay two bigger parts…wanted nothing more than to feel those full, supple lips on his.

  So, like a complete loser, he’d waited for her to make the first move.

  Then, when she did kiss him, what did he do? He stood there. Frozen. Just like the geeky, high school dork he used to be.

  Thankfully, he finally got his ass in gear and kissed her back, and ho-ly-fuck could she kiss! Their tongues met, and his dick went from half-mast to ready-to-explode in less than a second.

  It was a damn good thing he stopped her when he did, because had her fingers made it down any further, he would have completely and unequivocally embarrassed himself.

  Guilt settled in his gut again. He hated knowing Gracie had been embarrassed afterward. Nate could tell she thought it was because he didn’t want her, which was the farthest fucking thing from the truth.

  He’d tried to tell her that, too, but she’d changed the subject to food, and he was such a chicken shit, he’d let her.

  Because of that, he’d then been forced to lay there all night, knowing she was alone in his bed…wearing that damn shirt.

  For the first two hours, he did nothing but shift this way and that, trying to get comfortable enough to fall asleep. Of course, that was an impossible task when his dick was as hard as a fucking two-by-four between his legs.

  For a minute, he’d considered going in and taking a shower in the second bathroom so he could relieve the pressure and maybe get some rest. In the end, he decided aga
inst it.

  For some reason, jerking off to thoughts of Gracie while she was in the very next room made him feel like a creep. Instead, he’d tried to think of anything and everything that wasn’t sexual, eventually falling asleep.

  The door to the conference room opened, and Nate blinked rapidly as he brought his thoughts back to the present. Kole looked over at him with a strange expression, mouthing you okay?

  With a single tilt of his head, Nate silently assured his friend he was fine as Gracie stood to greet Jake when he entered the room.

  “Gracie.” Jake drew her in for a hug. “I’m so glad you’re okay.”

  Clearly surprised at their boss’s show of affection, Gracie stumbled over her own words as she belatedly hugged him back. “I-I…um…thank you.”

  Pulling back, Jake kept his hands on her upper arms. He spoke with sincerity when he looked at her and said, “We were all incredibly worried about you. I understand your reasons for staying away, and while I admire your selflessness, I wish you’d come to me when this all started.”

  “I’m sorry, Jake. I panicked. I was afraid whoever that guy was would be watching the building here, and I…” Gracie sighed loudly and shook her head. “I’m sorry. You’ll have my letter of resignation before I leave here, today.”

  Resignation? Now, Nate was the one panicking.

  Gracie hadn’t mentioned anything to him about quitting. If she quit, she might move back to Maryland. If she moved, he may never see her again, and if that happened…

  Calm your shit, dude. That little voice was right. No way Jake will let her quit over something like this. Would he?

  Nate waited with bated breath for his boss’s response.

  “Resignation?” Jake dropped his hands. “You just started. Why the hell would you resign?”

  Hiding a smile, Nate shifted his attention to Gracie. Looking even more nervous than before, she said, “I…uh…I just assumed since I didn’t show up or call for an entire week, you’d already be looking for my replacement.”


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