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Rocco: To accompany the Fallen Angel Series

Page 9

by Tracie Podger

  The Senator’s security immediate went for his gun.

  “Now, let’s all relax shall we? Here, Senator, have a coffee, on the house. Or would you prefer wine? I have a wonderful Merlot that’s recently been flown in,” Fredrico said.

  The Senator shook his head at his guy who relaxed a little.

  “Coffee smells good,” he said as he took a sip. I noticed the very slight shake to his hand.

  “Now, shall we get back to business?” he asked as he drained the rest of his drink.

  “Of course.”

  Sitting on the table was a plain white envelope and I slid it towards the Senator. He looked at it for a few moments before loosening his tie. Beads of sweat appeared on his forehead and upper lip. The timing was perfect. Just as he was about to speak I heard a car open slam and then a woman scream. Security number two reached for his gun but at the same time turned towards the restaurant door. I swiped the Senators gun from the table; the sound of metal hitting the tiled floor had the security spinning back towards us. He was too late. Mack stepped forward and shot him through his temple.

  “What the fuck…?” the Senator said, his voice raspy.

  “Mack, do you know how many times I’ve had to replace those curtains?” Fredrico said as he strode into the restaurant, the chef following.

  Blood had spattered over the window and across the floral curtains, curtains that were already in need of replacing in my opinion. The chef grabbed the security guy by the feet and dragged him through the restaurant, a trail of smeared blood followed.

  “He’s fucking US Capitol Police,” the Senator said.

  “He could be Secret Service for all I care. Did you really think you could take on the family you have?” I shook my head as he struggled to keep his eyes open.

  “Time to go,” I called out to Mack.

  Even with us either side of the Senator it was hard going. He was a dead weight as we dragged him to the car. Paulo was sitting up front and as we approached he unlocked the door. At the same time Nina tried to climb out.

  “You fucking liar, you told me no one was going to get killed. He shot that man, fucking shot him in front of me,” she screamed as her fists rained down on my chest.

  I let go of the Senator and pushed Nina back in the car.

  “Calm the fuck down. We’re taking you home.”

  “You lied to me.”

  “No I never. You asked me if I was going to kill someone, did I?”

  “What’s up with him?”

  “He’s drunk and we are taking him home too. Now sit down.”

  I climbed in the car next to Nina who scooted as far away as possible, her body was pressed against the side of the car and she kept her head facing the window. Mack positioned the Senator alongside me.

  We drove in silence for a while until we hit a stoplight. Nina tugged on the door handle.

  “It won’t open from the inside, Nina. Not until the driver releases the lock. You are not in any danger. I promised that you would walk away with a shitload of money and you’d never see me again, providing you keep your mouth shut,” I said.

  She had started to cry.

  “I wouldn’t have agreed to this. He fucking shot him,” she said through her sobs.

  “The man he shot, Nina, wasn’t a good man. He hurt some children, children as young as your son. You want him on the streets?” I lied.

  We fell silent as we made our way through the city. Once into Columbia Heights, Paulo pulled the car over outside Nina’s apartment block.

  “You lured a man to his death, Nina, that makes you an accomplice. As I said, keep your mouth shut and this is the last time you will see me, understand?”

  She nodded her head before the door was released and she left. Paulo pulled back into the traffic and on to our next destination. It was a short drive back out into Great Falls, and to a farm secluded amongst woodland. Passing the house, we carried on up a dirt path to an outbuilding. Tony was waiting for us.

  The Senator groaned as we manhandled him from the car; he had started to come round. Despite his slight build, Tony was as strong as Mack and heaved the Senator inside. I stopped at the door stunned by what I saw. It was indeed a surgery. An IV was set up next to a metal gurney in the centre of the room. A tray of surgical instruments stood to one side and, bizarrely, classical music played. The Senator was forced onto the gurney, his arms and legs strapped to hold him there. Tony turned and smiled at me before gesturing to the door. It was time for me to leave.

  Paulo pulled up outside the office to let me out, his last job was to get rid of the car. I climbed the stairs to be met by Joe.

  “How did it go?” he asked. Mack had already returned so I guessed he knew.

  “Fine, job done. The Senator is with Tony.”

  “The girl?”

  “She’s trustworthy. She’s the girl Sammy fucked over.”

  “Good, now we have another problem. Sit down.”

  I didn’t like the tone of his voice, nor the look on his face, as he asked me to sit.

  “There’s trouble at home; your sister has disappeared. I’m still waiting for full details. It may have been nothing.”

  I jumped from my chair. “Have we been double crossed?”

  “No, I’m confident our friends will follow through on their promise. This could just be coincidence.”

  “I need to get home. Just for a couple of days.”

  “I don’t think that’s wise, Rocco. Geraldo is capable…”

  I cut him off mid sentence. “Geraldo is an old man, Joe. If my family is in danger, I want to be there.”

  “You could be over-reacting, wait until we know more.”

  “No. Jonathan, run me to the airport. I’ll get a ticket when I get there.”

  “Rocco, wait. We don’t know how safe it is for you yet,” Joe said.

  “Then I suggest, Joe, you get on the phone to your friends. I’ve held up my end, now they need to step up.”

  Joe sagged a little in his chair; he looked distressed.

  “I’ll be fine, Joe. Two days and I’ll be back.”

  Jonathan and I headed down to one of the cars. We arrived at my home and with the engine still running I ran to find my passport. I didn’t pack any clothes—all I wanted to do was to get to the airport and board a flight. I had no idea if there would be even be a flight available but I had to try.

  “Will you do me a favour? Don’t tell Evelyn if she asks. Just tell her I’ll be back soon. I don’t want her worrying,” I told Jonathan.

  “I don’t think this is the right thing, Rocco. But if she asks, I’ll tell you had to go away on business,” he replied.

  I nodded my thanks as I left the car and walked into the airport. The only flight leaving that night was to the UK; I booked a seat. I’d figure out how to get to Rome from there. Sitting in a coffee house, I stared at a bank of telephones along one wall. Should I call her? I desperately wanted to hear Evelyn’s voice, I hadn’t spoken to her for two days and I knew she would be worried. Before I could make my mind up, my flight was called. I’d ring as soon as I returned home.

  Chapter Nine

  It took two days to get to Rome. Two fucking days of sitting in airports and arguing with check-in staff because I had no luggage. Finally, I found myself at a car rental desk about to pick up keys and then I was on my way. The drive to the village took a couple of hours and as I wound down the window letting the heat of the summer blow through I started to relax.

  Stopping at a service station for gas, I called Geraldo. He was annoyed that I had made the journey; it appeared the trouble was a simple car accident that Adriana had been involved in. She had never learnt to drive but had taken the old truck out late one night to meet a new boyfriend. Mamma had panicked, seeing her empty bedroom had her thinking she had been abducted. Adriana was found sitting beside the truck the following morning. Joe had called Geraldo to inform him I was on my way but it was too late for anyone to contact me.

I heard as I climbed from the car.

  Mamma came running from the orchard as soon as she saw me. She wrapped her arms around me and it shocked me to see how frail she had become. Although we had spoken, I hadn’t seen her in four years. Tears streamed down her cheeks but to see the smile on her face made the journey worthwhile.

  “Look at you. My son, you’re a man now.”

  “Mamma, I was a man when I left,” I replied with a laugh.

  “I bet you’re hungry. Let me feed you.”

  Placing my arm around her shoulder, I led her into the house. Mamma liked to feed people, and by feed I meant, at a moment’s notice a banquet could be prepared. It wasn’t long after that Geraldo arrived.

  “Rocco, you didn’t need to come. Your sister caused so much fuss but it’s good to see you,” he said.

  “I’ll be having words with her later. Where is she?”

  “She was sent for some supplies. It might be time to find her a husband, someone who can control her ways.”

  “Yeah, well, good luck with that,” I replied laughing.

  Mamma, Geraldo and I sat outside to eat. Plates of meats, cheese, olives and the ripest tomatoes were laid out. It felt a little strange to be back. It was the first time in four years I’d spoken my native language and I laughed at Mamma’s confused look when I added a few ‘Americanisms’.


  I thought of Evelyn, of what was going to be when I returned. I knew the minute I landed I was going to speak with Joe. I wanted him to know how much I loved his daughter. I tore a piece of paper from a pad and finding a pen, I began to write my thoughts. Those thoughts turned into a letter I guessed.

  I didn’t tell you, but I do love you, Evelyn, and I will tell you that every day and more. I don’t know why I am writing this; I don’t think I’ll ever give it you. I’m just writing my thoughts, preparing for when I see you next. I want it all straight in my head when I ask your father for his blessing to marry you. I picture that day; you will be beautiful and you will be mine. I’ll be the proudest man, watching you walk on your father’s arm to be handed over to me.

  I’m sitting among the olive trees imagining you here, our children playing in the grass. This is something that will always be a dream though. Perhaps, later, who knows. I want a daughter, Evelyn. I want a daughter who will look just like you, and then a son and I will cherish them. I’ll work hard; we can start our own business, a safe one and buy a house. I want that life so much it hurts.

  You gave me the ultimate gift—yourself. I hear your moans in my head when my hands touched you and all I want to do is lay next to you holding you in my arms. I want to feel your skin, so smooth and so soft. I want to stroke your hair and kiss your lips. I want, well, you know what I want.

  I’ll be home tomorrow and the first thing I’m going to do is find you. I don’t care who knows. I love you. I want everyone to know that. I LOVE YOU.

  I folded the piece of paper and headed to my old bedroom. The time difference and heat of summer had worn me out. I wanted to take a nap before telling my mother that I would be leaving the following morning. She would be upset at the shortness of my visit but I needed to get back to Evelyn. My mind was made up. No matter what Joe thought, I would be marrying Evelyn. She would carry my children. We would have the dream we both wanted.


  The following morning, after eating enough breakfast to last the day, I said my goodbyes. Adriana couldn’t quite meet my eyes; I had torn a strip off her the previous evening when she had finally returned. Mamma cried and Geraldo shook my hand. I backed the car up the dusty drive and with one last look in the rear view mirror I headed off.

  I guess I wasn’t paying attention as I drove; I was absorbed in the smells of the countryside that wafted through the window. From the corner of my eye I caught sight of a silver car as it tried to overtake me. The road wasn’t wide enough for it to pass safely so I slowed a little. As I did, I saw the driver smirk at me before he turned his steering wheel hard. The squeal of metal scraping against metal set my teeth on edge.

  “What the fuck?” I called out, trying to keep my car on the road.

  He did it again. I fought with the wheel as my car swerved towards the edge of the road, its wheels kicking up dust and stones as we left the tarmac. I tried hard to keep the car on the road but it was useless. The wheels spun on the dirt losing traction. The steering wheel was wrenched from my hands and the car rolled down the bank running alongside the road.

  Metal crunched, glass shattered and I was thrown around the car like a rag doll. It finally came to rest on its roof. I was dazed and my head pounded. I heard a groan, it took a moment to realise that the sound had come from me. I stretched out my legs expecting to feel pain and was amazed to not. I moved my arm and a searing pain shot through my shoulder. The smell of burning had started to fill the car and I knew I had to move. I crawled through the open window and rolled away.

  I was on my back looking up at the blue sky trying to process what had happened. I remembered a silver car then the countryside tumbling around me. As my brain came into focus, the sunlight was blotted out. A shadow loomed over me and I was dragged by my arms back up the bank. I screamed out in pain as my shoulder was wrenched from its socket and I passed out.


  Cold water hit my face and I spluttered. My eyes opened and I found myself sitting in an office and looking at an older man sitting opposite me. Between us was a small table.

  “Rocco, good to see you’re awake,” he said.

  “Where the fuck am I?” I asked.

  “All in good time. I’m sorry my guys were a little heavy handed; they will be punished for that. I just wanted to talk to you. You see, you’ve caused me some problems. I am missing a Senator.”

  “I don’t know what you mean.”

  “You do, Rocco. I might not be a fancy American but don’t insult my intelligence.”

  “Since you appear to know who I am, you’ll also know I work to orders. The Commission instructed the disappearance of the Senator.”

  “Fuck your Commission. They have no control here,” he replied.

  At that point I knew I was in trouble. Any family working outside the Commission were on the outside for a reason—they were not wanted nor were they trusted. Had I been set up? Had Joe sold me out?

  “I appear to have forgotten my manners. Rocco, let me offer you a coffee at least.”

  I shook my head. “Whatever plans you have for me, let’s just get on with it, shall we? I don’t really feel the need to be sociable. You had my fucking car ran off the road, I’m dragged by these pricks to be sat in front of you and for what? You got a problem with a missing Senator, take it up with the Commission.”

  I was fucking angry. I felt something hard and cold press against my temple, the clicking sound told me a gun was pressed to my head, primed and ready to fire.

  “Now, now. Rocco, I don’t have plans for you, not in the way you think anyway. I just want your help. That’s not too much to ask, is it?”

  “That depends on what help you want.”

  The gun was removed from my head and a coffee was placed alongside a large envelope on the small table. He leant forwards and picked up the envelope.

  “I want to know who ordered the hit on the Senator.”

  “You think I’d know that?” I said with a bitter laugh.

  “No, but I do believe you have the skills to find out. I know it wasn’t your Guiseppi and I also know it wasn’t the idiots causing trouble in your village. Those idiots will be taken care of, by the way. At least that end of the deal is being upheld.”

  “You seem to know a lot,” I said. One thought ran through my mind. Who the fuck is this guy?

  “I know Guiseppi was asked, in return for your villagers safety, to take out the Senator and I want to know why and by whom.”

  “I don’t know by whom. All I do know is the Senator had information that wasn’t to be made public.”

  There seemed no
point in lying; I was fucked either way. I watched as he picked up the enveloped and slid out what looked like a photograph. He smiled as he studied it.

  “Such a pretty girl, be a shame to scar that body,” he said as he threw the photograph down on the table.

  It was a black and white picture of my sister. I closed my eyes not wanting to see the image of her naked body lying on a bed, smiling at whoever was taking the shot, but I had. I gritted my teeth together and my hands gripped the arms of the chair I was sat on.

  But it was the next photograph that sealed my fate, that destroyed my dreams for a future and I tried desperately not to show any emotion.

  “If you want her to live, you’d be wise to do as I require.” He slowly placed a photograph of Evelyn on top of the one of my sister.

  She had her face raised to the sun as she sat on the steps of the church. I remembered the day, I was running a little late to collect her. She wore the white summer dress with the red flowers. She was smiling; she was happy.

  “Evelyn is another pretty girl. How did you manage to fuck her, huh?”

  I sprang from my chair and kicked over the table before arms wrapped around my chest and forced me back down.

  “You lay one filthy hand on her and you know there will be a fucking war,” I spat.

  “See, now you insult me again. What do you think will happen when someone realises you didn’t make it home, huh? You were involved in a car accident, your body—well, a body—will be found in that burnt out wreck. Your Mamma will bury you, your family will mourn for you and no one will know any different. You think I can’t make the precious Evelyn disappear and it look like an accident?”

  My heart was pounding in my chest, my palms sweated as the anger built up inside me. I fought back tears—tears of pain and tears of anger. My heart shattered with the realisation that, yes, he could make her disappear.

  “What do you want from me?” I asked, defeated.

  “You work with me, Rocco. I will gain your trust and in time you will realise that this is a wonderful opportunity for you. You’ll live in a luxurious house in Rome; you will have money, lots of it, cars, women and the finest handmade clothes until you deliver me the family that ordered the Senator’s killing. Then you are free to leave if you should wish to.”


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