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Page 18

by Sierra

  She caught his reluctant eyes. “We’re the most important thing in his life,” she corrected.

  Daniel looked vaguely, uncomfortably happy. After a moment he tore his eyes from hers, brushing his tongue over her knuckles in an obvious bid to distract her. Shannon shivered as moment after moment of their lovemaking slipped in and out of her memory. Matt, her wild child, and Daniel, her strong, capable one who could be every bit as wild on occasion. Was it possible to be too happy? Too content?

  Oh, she was careful not to pin her hopes on Daniel, though she often dreamt of him sharing a life with her and Matthew. A real life, including a family, however odd it may seem to everyone else. Shannon knew the three of them were meant to be together, they were all better people when they were with one another.

  An elegantly tuxedoed gentleman approached the table to announce their dining room was ready. Holding hands like teenagers, they followed him back down the stairs to the first floor. Before they could reach the Reception Room, Daniel’s phone rang. He swore under his breath and muttered, “I should have turned the damn thing off.” She smiled and shrugged. Looking at the unfamiliar number on the caller ID, he frowned.

  He answered, and before her eyes the warm, affectionate man of a moment before transformed into the shut-down, guarded man she’d hoped never to see again.

  “What is it?” He ignored her whispered question, though he did pull her into the curve of his body as he barked into the phone.

  “How bad is it?” The stark look in his eyes opened a pit in her stomach. She felt her breath jam up in her chest, and she grabbed his arm, desperately searching his eyes. There was no reassurance to be found there.

  He looked away, avoiding her questioning stare. Grabbing her hand, he pulled her along behind him as they left the restaurant, and she had to jog, unsteady in her strappy heels, to keep up as his long legs ate up the distance.

  “Where?” He snapped into the phone. Still refusing to meet her eyes, he flipped the phone closed and briefly shut his eyes. His voice had gone dead and flat.


  * * * * *

  Daniel was numb as he steered his sleek car through the Emergency entrance at Detroit Receiving Hospital. Shannon was weeping softly next to him.

  Matt had been in an accident.

  He had no answers when Shannon questioned him; all he could do was hold her hand and tell her they were going to Matthew as soon as possible.

  Thank God the hospital was close to the restaurant. He hopped out of his car and helped Shannon out. Her bloodless fingers wound tightly around his as they rushed through the Emergency entrance.

  They bypassed the waiting room where chaos reigned. The hospital was a level-one trauma center. Only the most serious and critical patients were treated here. What Daniel knew, but Shannon probably did not yet realize, was it was not a good sign Matt had been rushed here for treatment.

  He led Shannon directly to the nurses’ station. Three women were stashed behind it, snapping orders into the phones. There was chaos here as well. Doctors, nurses and paramedics ran back and forth. Curtains shielding the injured slid back to reveal a multitude of tragedies. Screams of pain sliced through the air.

  They stopped at the desk, and Daniel barked in his most autocratic voice, “Matthew Worthington. Where is he?”

  An older nurse paused. “Are you a relative?”

  “Yes, I am,” came his instant reply. Shannon was trembling in his embrace. He tightened his hold on her, kissing the top of her head as the nurse left the desk to find out more information on Matt.

  A doctor followed her back to the desk.

  “For Matthew Worthington?” he asked.

  Daniel nodded abruptly, and the doctor opened the chart in his hand.

  “Mr. Worthington came here in serious condition. He was hit by another driver and sustained both internal and head injuries. We’ve stabilized him for the moment, and he’s on his way up to surgery.”

  The doctor started to walk away, but Shannon laid her hand on his arm and whispered, “Is he…is he…” She finally forced the words out. “Is he going to be okay?”

  The doctor’s eyes, which had been blank and jaded, filled with sympathy.

  “It’s hard to say at the moment. We know he’s bleeding inside, but we won’t know just how serious it is until we open him up and assess his internal injuries.”

  “Oh God.”

  She wavered, and Daniel pulled her tightly against them. The doctor directed them to a different nurse, and she in turn directed them to the surgical waiting room. As soon as Matt was out of surgery, the surgeon would inform them of his condition.

  He turned Shannon toward the elevator. She followed as docilely as a wounded child. Just as they reached the bank of doors, two cops cut in front of them dragging a younger man in cuffs. The boy, who thrashed against his police escort, was obviously drunk. As Daniel moved to shield Shannon from his flying elbows and feet, the boy shouted, “Oh, come on…all I did was scratch his fancy red Viper.”

  One of the cops pulled his arm.

  “Listen, asshole, it was more than a scratch and you better pray he makes it through surgery. It’s not looking so good, and if he dies, you’ll be facing homicide charges.”

  The numbness deserted Daniel’s body in an instant. Pure adrenaline-fueled rage consumed him. Pushing Shannon behind him, he leapt at the drunk, his arm going around the front of the man’s neck in a vicious choke hold.

  His target immobilized, Daniel delivered repeated, punishing jabs to the man’s ribs, using arms and legs to do as much damage as possible. The two cops were unable to pry Daniel from the drunk, who was blubbering and squealing, flailing wildly and ineffectively in Daniel’s grip. Another man, this one in ratty jeans and a t-shirt, joined in with no more success.

  Somewhere in the distance, he heard Shannon’s scream, but the sound held no meaning. His vision was hazy; nothing existed except this man who might have killed Matt. Just like his father had killed Daniel’s future. His only coherent thought was death.

  “I’m going to kill you, you fucking bastard,” he roared, grabbing the man by one arm and flinging him through the window blocking a nearby trauma room. The man’s arm broke with a sickening snap, and he stayed, limp, on the floor as blood pooled around his head.

  Daniel was lunging through the broken window, going for the drunk’s throat, when two security guards swept in and, joining the cops and the bum in denim, finally pulled Daniel away. He fought their hold, lunging for the man, who at this point was bleeding profusely from his mouth and nose. His arm dangled at an odd angle, and he was a sickly blue color.

  Two orderlies picked the man up and rushed him back into the treatment area. Daniel continued to try to fight off his captors, until something broke through the haze.

  “Daniel.” Shannon slid through the arms trying to subdue Daniel and to keep her away and safe. She laid a gentle palm on his arm, and ducked around a security guard so she was facing him.

  “Please, God, Daniel, stop it.” Her words were simple but they were enough to freeze Daniel in his spot. “I need you.” Her voice broke, and he looked at her for the first time since the red haze had obscured his vision. She was white as chalk, shaking uncontrollably, and her brown eyes were stark and glassy. He felt the fight drain out of him.

  The security guard started to place Daniel in cuffs but the stranger in dirty denim waved him off.

  Daniel paused to actually look at the man and was surprised to realize he recognized him. Dorian Jenner, undercover narcotics officer. What the fuck was he doing here? Shouldn’t he be at the Worthington construction site, hunting down the person passing drugs through the property? Daniel blinked a few times as he was released, and Shannon wound her arms tightly around his middle, her tears soaking into his shirt.

  His chest was heaving, his eyes dry and burning as he turned his anger inward.

  Dorian grabbed his shoulder.

  “Dan, I can cover for you with the bea
t cops, for tonight at least. I won’t take you in, but too many people saw you for me to just pretend it didn’t happen. Somehow you’re gonna have to answer for this.”

  Daniel knew it was true, but just now he didn’t care.

  “I should have killed the bastard,” he spat, his gaze going to Shannon’s face. His heart broke at the look in her eyes. He wanted to reach in and take all the pain from her, let it bleed into him. He was stronger; he was better able to handle this shit.

  “You’re here for Worthington?” Dorian asked. He knew Daniel and Marcus from the club. But more importantly, Daniel knew that Dorian was working with the Worthingtons to find the mastermind behind a flood of illegal party drugs that had appeared stashed on Worthington property.

  Daniel didn’t know what he was doing at the hospital, particularly dressed like some drug-addict low-life, but the man seemed competent enough. And he was letting Daniel stay with Shannon.

  Daniel gave him a jerky nod, and Dorian studied him curiously.

  “Can you let me know what happens with the fucker who put him here?” Daniel’s voice was like broken glass. He felt Shannon shift in his arms, turning tragic eyes on the cop, who nodded slowly.

  “I’ll tell you what I can. Go on, Dan, take her up. I’ll be in contact. And you’ll need to stop by the precinct tomorrow.” Dorian turned and left, letting Daniel lead the way to the surgical floor.

  * * * * *

  Shannon sat huddled under Daniel’s arm and looked over to where Marcus and Carrie held the same pose. The older woman had swept Shannon into her arms the moment she saw her, and Shannon appreciated the gesture, but the only place she felt even remotely comforted was here, in Daniel’s arms.

  She thought he might feel the same. His eyes roved continuously, sweeping the room, hitting the clock, staring out the waiting room window, but he never made a move to release her.

  They’d been waiting about half an hour when Matthew’s older sister rushed into the room, followed by a gorgeous dark-haired man who had eyes only for the female Worthington. Shooting Shannon and Daniel a cool, speculative look, Meredith met Marcus, who’d risen to greet her, in the middle of the room and seemed to crumple into his arms.

  “Is he going to be okay?” Her voice, usually so cool and even, shook. “He has to be okay, Marcus. I have too much to say to him.”

  Marcus cradled his sister in his arms and, with a jerk of his head, beckoned the dark-haired man closer.

  “He’s in surgery, Meri.” Matt’s sister flinched. “We know he’s got a concussion, and his spleen was ruptured, causing a lot of internal bleeding.” Even though she’d already heard the list of Matt’s injuries, Shannon’s stomach churned with Marcus’ words. “We can only pray and trust the doctors to fix him.”

  He gently surrendered Meredith to her lover’s possessive embrace when her eyes went icy.

  “And the bastard who put him here? Is he in surgery, too?”

  All eyes turned to Daniel, who sat grim-faced beside Shannon. Finally Marcus answered.

  “No, not in surgery.” He sent another quick look at Daniel. “He walked away from the accident without a scratch.” He continued to speak over Meredith’s growl of outrage. “But he didn’t make it out of the hospital. Someone,” Carrie looked sympathetic and Daniel continued to scowl, “snapped his arm and threw him through a plate-glass window, knocking him cold, concussing him and slicing him up like fajita meat.” The satisfaction in Marcus’ voice reflected the satisfaction on Meredith’s face.

  She sent Daniel a less hostile, more considering look. Her voice was less frosty than usual, but her only comment was, “Good.”

  In spite of her terror and nausea, Shannon sort of agreed.

  * * * * *

  The three couples sat for the next several hours, taking turns going for coffee and to the restroom. Daniel held Shannon, trying not to clutch at her too obviously. He knew the warm, solid feel of her was the only thing keeping him from flying to pieces, but the rest of them didn’t have to.

  When the surgeon finally made her appearance, he hung back while everyone jumped to their feet to cluster around her. He needed distance. If he didn’t disconnect, he’d break. Just like his dad had predicted.

  “The surgery went well. He had a lot of internal bleeding, and we had to transfuse him, but once we removed the spleen, that settled down and now he’s stable. He’s in recovery.” Her voice was surprisingly girlish, though husky with fatigue. “It will probably be two or three hours before he wakes up, and then he’ll be very groggy.”

  “When can we see him?” Carrie had a supportive hand on Marcus’ arm as she spoke. The man looked numb with relief.

  “Once he’s in his room, he can have visitors.” The doctor cast a warning look around the room. “Only two at a time, and only immediate family.”

  “Oh.” Carrie lied easily. “Shannon’s his fiancé, and Daniel is our brother.”

  Shannon looked relieved. Daniel didn’t know whether to feel relieved or trapped. He didn’t know how he could face Matt, pale and still in a hospital bed, and not lose it completely. Images of Daniel’s mother came to mind. Her cancer-ravaged body, slowly wasting to nothing in a hospital that looked and smelled like the one they were standing in.

  The surgeon looked unconvinced by Carrie’s claims, but let it slide.

  “Well, you should decide who will go in first once he’s in his room.”

  * * * * *

  It was after one, and Shannon was leaning on Daniel’s shoulder as he played with her hair when the nurse came in to tell them that Matthew was out of recovery and in his room.

  Marcus sent her an inquiring glance, and she quickly spoke up.

  “Of course you and Meredith will go to him first.” Meredith shot her a look that said she’d never expected anything different, but Marcus just nodded.

  “We’ll keep the first visit short so you have a chance to see him for yourself.” Shannon gave him a watery smile. She was finally beginning to see why everyone seemed to adore the man. He was intimidating, abrupt and arrogant, but he had a compassionate and understanding heart under that rough exterior. And boy, did she appreciate it now.

  After only five minutes, Meredith re-entered the waiting room. Her eyes were wet, and her nose was red. Gesturing to Daniel and Shannon, she flapped her hand at the door before melting into Tony’s arms where she began to quietly weep. As Daniel walked Shannon to the door, Carrie hurried to the other woman and wrapped her and Tony into a three-way hug.

  When Shannon arrived in Matthew’s room, Marcus was sitting by the bed with the younger man’s hand clasped in his. Matt’s eyes were closed, but when Marcus softly greeted her, they slid open and wandered in her direction.

  “Heeey.” His voice was thick and slow. He tried to reach his free hand out to her, but it immediately fell back, limp against the covers, seemingly dragged down by the I.V. hook-up taped to it.

  “You look ’mazing.” His glazed eyes were almost pure gray, a color she’d never seen there before. “God, babe. I really fucked up your birthday, din’t I?”

  His words seemed to break the paralysis that had frozen her in the doorway. She flew across the room.

  Marcus released Matt’s hand and she quickly claimed it, pressing a kiss to his knuckles before holding his palm to her cheek.

  “You big liar,” she sniffled. “I’ve been crying for hours. I look like shit.” She kissed his hand again, so very, very grateful to see that irritated flicker in his eyes. So grateful he was alive for her to see it.

  “And to hell with my birthday.” Her tears bathed his hand, and he flexed his fingers to stroke her soft skin. “You scared the crap out of us, Matty.”

  Her voice was fierce as she examined every bit of him that was visible. With a soft sound she ghosted her fingers over the stitches on his forehead and the lacerations on his chest, which was bare above the sheet.

  “You scared the crap out of Daniel, too,” she added in a quiet enough voice that Marcus, who�
��d crossed the room to give them some privacy, wouldn’t hear her.

  Matt gave an almost imperceptible nod and addressed his brother.

  “Marc?” His voice was low, and the word seemed to take almost more effort than he could bear. The other man crossed the room instantly. “Can you go and tell Carrie I’m okay?” When he looked ready to argue, Matt added, “I’m sure she needs to see you. And we…” He blew out a weary breath. “I need to see Daniel.”

  Marcus gave him an odd look before nodding quietly and exiting the room.

  * * * * *

  Daniel didn’t know what to expect when he entered the ICU. He just knew that he’d see Matthew, hurt and vulnerable. When he opened the door, Shannon ran immediately to throw herself into his arms, murmuring, “He’s going to be okay. We’re going to be okay,” between soft kisses to his neck and jaw.

  He allowed her to hold him for just a moment, shoring up his strength to face the man in the hospital bed.

  And, fuck. It was worse than he’d imagined.

  A tube wound around Matthew’s ears to send a steady flow of oxygen under his nose. He was hooked to an I.V., and to several machines that seemed to be monitoring everything from the level of oxygen in his blood to his heart rate. His normally sun-kissed golden skin looked pasty. Even his lips were pale.

  It was all Daniel could do not to tear out of Shannon’s arms and run from the room. But then Matt opened his eyes.

  Shannon returned to Matt’s side, pressing as close against the hospital bed as she could without crawling up and wrapping herself protectively around the injured man. They beckoned Daniel to his bedside. Daniel reluctantly scooted a chair next to the bed as Matthew’s dry, rough voice spoke.

  “I think I totaled my car, man.”

  Daniel smiled but couldn’t find his voice. Shannon scooted off her chair and pressed a kiss to Matt’s forehead. He closed his eyes, looking exhausted. He made a gesture to touch her cheek, but his hand fell limply back to the pale-blue covers.


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