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Eternal 2: Eternal Obssession

Page 14

by Ann Lory

  When the sun did finally rise, they curled under the covers and fell into sated slumber.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Kelly stretched leisurely, then smiled up at Jacques, who was propped on one elbow and grinning down at her. A fire crackled cheerfully in the fireplace, casting a soft warm glow to the room.

  Jacques rose from the bed, dressed in a black silk robe, and brought a tray of food to her. Kelly gave a contented sigh, sitting up in the bed and pulling the comforter up over her breasts.

  “I had Marian prepare this for you ‑‑ which reminds me: she wants to see you as soon as you are up and about. It is nice to have her speaking to me again.”

  Grinning wickedly, Kelly couldn’t help asking, “Why wasn’t she speaking to you?”

  Jacques shrugged as he set the large wooden tray over her lap. “Let’s just say she didn’t agree with the way I treated someone dear to her heart.” His fingers brushed gently down her cheek. “And mine.”

  Kelly covered his hand with hers, kissing his palm and looking adoringly into his eyes.

  “Eat. I know you must be hungry.”

  Turning to her food, she picked up her fork, ready to dig into the brisket with rich brown gravy, when she noticed a black velvet box beside the plate. She gave Jacques a quizzical look and noted his small smile. Picking the box up, she slowly lifted the lid; her hand flew over her mouth and various emotions gathered in her chest.

  A gorgeous diamond sat in the cushion, twinkling up at her. The center stone appeared to be one carat, princess cut, with a half-carat baguette nestled on each side and another layer of round diamonds circling the white gold band. Her eyes sought his, but she couldn’t speak. She could only stare at him, uncertain but hopeful at what this meant.

  Removing the box from her hands, Jacques slid to his knees beside the bed and lifted the ring from the case. He took her trembling hand in his, his gaze searching hers before he spoke.

  “Kelly, my light, my love. Will you be my wife and share my life with me?”

  Happiness filled her and she gave him a radiant smile. Tears collected in her eyes at the joy that overwhelmed her. She studied his face intently for any doubt. “You mean it.”

  His words brushed her mind intimately, gently. With all my heart.

  Nodding her head vigorously, she laughed. “Yes, Jacques! Oh, yes!”

  The ring glided in place on her left ring finger, Jacques bestowing it with a kiss. She held her hand up before her, marveling at the way the diamonds sparkled in the light. It was the most beautiful piece of jewelry she had ever seen. Her gaze went to Jacques; he had his hands on his thighs and was grinning as if he were the proudest man in the world.

  Kelly pushed the tray aside, food forgotten. With a thrilled little squeal, she lunged at Jacques. He caught her flying body to him, laughing as she rained excited kisses all over his face.

  “Oh, Jacques, I love you, I love you, I love you.”

  Her hands went into his hair, and her lips traveled every bit of bare flesh she could reach. He groaned as she rubbed herself against the hard wall of his exposed chest where she opened his robe. He cleared the bed, the sound of crashing silverware and broken porcelain hitting the floor startling her.

  He grinned as she looked over the edge of the bed at the mess, then back at him. “Marian will have my head for breaking one of her favorite dishes.”

  Kelly giggled. “I’ll protect you.”

  He laughed, rolling over to sprawl over her nude body and kiss her deeply. “I don’t doubt that a bit.”

  * * * * *

  Kelly watched Jacques dress, heaving a pleased sigh as he gave her a gentle peck on the lips, then left the room. She burrowed deeper into the covers.

  They had decided to get married immediately. Jacques had gone to organize things, and she wondered if Cassie and Dimitri would be able to come. She would have to talk to Jacques about that; Kelly wanted Cassie to stand with her on her big day, for her friend to share her happy moment. They had always promised each other that they would do so.

  Making up her mind, she tossed the covers aside, jumped out of bed, and slipped into the only clothes she had available. Wrinkling her nose at the mess of the outfit she’d worn last night, she was quickly done.

  When she reached the corridor outside Jacques’s chamber entrance, she made her way to the main hall. The heels of her shoes echoed on the stone as she approached the study, abruptly stopping dead in her tracks when a man appeared at the doorway.

  She had to tilt back to look at him; he was even taller than Jacques was ‑‑ six-six, six-seven? His hair was pitch black, and his eyes were just as dark... but cold. Kelly couldn’t help the shiver of fear that traveled through her, or notice the recognition on his face, despite the fact she knew she’d never met him before. There was no way anyone could forget such an imposing figure as this stranger, but just as quickly, the look vanished.

  As though sensing her sudden apprehension, Jacques appeared at the door, then glared at the man. “Would you not frighten her to death?” He extended his hand to her, love and warmth shining in his eyes. “Do not mind Damian, my love; he is heartless.”

  Damian bowed regally, and Kelly nodded at his courtesy. Jacques brought her into the study, and another man rose to his feet. This one had a shock of blond hair, and he was tall and lean, with the same black eyes that all vampires seemed to have, yet his seemed more dull somehow.

  “Kelly, this is Christian Mason. Dimitri met him some time after your country’s Revolutionary War.” Christian inclined his head, and Kelly smiled slightly.

  “And you’ve already met Damian Salvatorio. He is an old friend.”

  “A pleasure to meet you, cara. I believe congratulations are in order.”

  His words were like magic, and Kelly lost her nervousness as she melted against Jacques. At the mention of their engagement she couldn’t seem to help the huge smile on her face, even though it seemed ridiculous since she was in a room full of vampires. “Yes, thank you.”

  Jacques’s arm tightened around her; he looked at Kelly’s garb and the way Damian studied her. Christian even smiled a little.

  “I see I forgot to have a change of clothes for you.”

  Kelly blushed. “I’ll go to the hotel.”

  Jacques looked at the two men lounging in his chairs. Christian appeared mildly amused at his hard stare, and Damian looked bored as always. Both men seemed subtly intrigued at his show of jealousy. He almost growled at them. “Gentlemen, if you would please excuse us.” They rose and left. Kelly appeared to breathe a sigh of relief.

  Jacques touched her chin and kissed her. “I want you to get your belongings and stay here with me.”

  “One thing, though.”

  Jacques paused. “Yes?”

  “I want Cassie here when we get married. I want her to be my maid of honor.”

  “Of course. Contact her; as soon as she and Dimitri arrive, we will be married.” He examined her face. “Are you sure this is what you want? Do you still wish to be turned? Once you are, there is no going back. You will be mine forever, and I will never let you go.”

  Her hands came to rest on his chest; she gently brushed her lips over his heart and looked deeply into his dark eyes. “I want this more than anything. Twice now, I have been separated from you, and it was misery. My happiness lies with you.”

  Jacques picked her up and whirled her around. “Then let us retrieve your things; we will make arrangements from Paris.” They turned to leave, but Damian stepped back into the study.

  “Jacques, a moment, please. I’d like a word with you in private.”

  Jacques kissed Kelly’s temple. “I’ll be along shortly.” Kelly nodded and walked by Damian to wait in the hallway.

  Damian closed the door behind her and strode to Jacques. He lowered his voice as though to keep Kelly from hearing him, even through the thick walls and door. “Jacques, do you not realize who she looks like?”

  Jacques frowned. “I’ve no idea,

  “Dominique. She is the very image of Mussek’s lover all those years ago.”

  Jacques’s heart constricted in his chest. “Kelly did say he called her by Dominique’s name, but I never met Dominique. I didn’t know.” He sank down into a chair, many things abruptly more clear to him. “Of course. It makes sense now why he’s fixated on Kelly.” He stared at Damian. “My God. You believe he thinks Kelly is really Dominique.”

  His friend nodded. “It’s the only logical explanation for his extreme behavior. But knowing this makes the situation more precarious. He won’t stop. I remember how much he pined for Dominique. He’ll pursue her, Jacques, no matter the cost.”

  Jacques agreed. “I’m going with Kelly to her hotel; then we’ll be back. She cannot wander about unguarded. One of us must be with her at all times.”

  Damian inclined his head. “I’ll help you. I’ve already told you I will.”

  Jacques rose from his seat pulled Damian into a hug, the other vampire holding himself stiff. But Jacques didn’t care. “Thank you, my friend. Now I have to find a way to tell Kelly.”

  Kelly’s grin faltered as Jacques approached. He looked so serious all of a sudden. “You okay?”

  He smiled faintly, the somber look disappearing. “Of course. Let’s go.”

  They took the Jaguar. Kelly turned to Jacques as he drove through the splendid evening, concern eating at her. “Jacques?”

  He glanced at her and brought her hand to his lips. “Yes, ange.”

  “Why are those men at your home?” She could see he knew what she meant; the other vampires were there for a specific reason.

  “They are here to help me fight against Mussek, and to protect you should the need arise.”

  “But why is Mussek so determined to have me? I’ve really done nothing to encourage him ‑‑ at least I hope I haven’t.”

  He paused before answering her, as though trying to find the right words. “You remind him of someone he loved a long time ago.”

  Kelly frowned. “Dominique?

  “Yes. I’ve no other way to tell you this, but Damian met her. He says you are the very image of her.”

  Kelly gasped, her heart thudding loudly in her ears. Jacques squeezed her hand.

  “I’m sorry, Kelly. I did not mean to upset you, but there was no other way to tell you than to just to come right out and say it.”

  “He won’t stop then, will he? If I really remind him of Dominique, he’ll keep coming, won’t he?”

  At Jacques’s silence, Kelly shivered. He kissed her hand. “I’ll protect you till my dying breath, Kelly. He will not have you.”

  “But, Jacques, he almost killed you the last time. It almost was your dying breath.”

  “I know, but Damian and Christian are here, and they will aid me, If, God forbid, anything should happen to me, they, along with Dimitri, will see to your safety. You will be shielded always. This, I swear to you.”

  “I don’t want their protection, and I don’t want yours. I only want us to be safe and happy, for Mussek to go away and leave us in peace.” She laid her head on his shoulder.

  “I know, mon ange. But something in Mussek snapped a long time ago, and he cannot be trusted. That is just the way it is. I will stop him.”

  “I don’t think I could stand it if you were hurt or killed,” she whispered.

  “Do not worry so much. All will be well, I promise.”

  She leaned back and looked at him in the light from the illuminated dashboard, saw the sincerity in his eyes. Kelly turned her gaze and stared out the window, silent for the remainder of the trip. Her emotions and fear for Jacques plagued her. Mussek was a real threat; she’d known it for a while now, but Damian and Christian’s presence brought it home ‑‑ as did Jacques’s resolve to see her safe.

  They entered the hotel parking lot and Jacques maneuvered the car to a spot before cutting the engine. “Kelly, look at me.”

  She shook her head, ashamed of her weakness. Of the terror settling in her heart like a heavy stone.


  Turning slowly, Kelly faced him.

  “I will be fine. I give you my most solemn promise.” There was such confidence and determination in his eyes that she had to believe him.

  “I know.”

  Climbing out, Jacques helped her exit, then wrapped his arm around Kelly. They walked quickly into the hotel. Once inside her room, the tension between them seemed to ease a bit. She went to her suitcase and tossed it on the bed. She began stowing her personal items, then paused.

  “I’d love a shower before we go.”

  Jacques walked to the balcony window and looked out. “I’ll wait here for you.”

  Kelly started the shower, stripped, and hopped in. The hot water felt good washing over her body. She closed her eyes and let the spray soothe her.

  The sound of the curtain being drawn back made her jump and squeak in surprise. Jacques grinned sheepishly, his body completely nude.

  “Hearing you in here, knowing you were naked... I couldn’t help but want to join you.”

  Kelly went immediately into his arms as he stepped in. His mouth claimed hers, his tongue sweeping and stroking, and she moaned. His cock pressed against her belly; she reached down with one hand and wrapped her fingers tightly around him. He hissed, his head thrown back. She laved his neck with her tongue, kissing down his body. She licked each nipple, paying special attention to the taut nubs, while her hand pumped up and down his erect shaft. He filled her hand, thick and heavy. He felt unbelievably good.

  She went to her knees, peering up the length of Jacques’s torso. His eyes were heavily hooded as she leaned forward and took the head of him into her mouth, loving the salty flavor from his juices that was smeared across her tongue. She delighted in the sound of his moans as she licked his balls, then back up to the tip of his cock. She thought his legs might have buckled for a moment, but the wall seemed to hold him up just fine. Engulfing him into her mouth once more, she swallowed every inch of him, moaning as his hands went into her hair, his cock thrusting in and out of her mouth.

  She felt him grow more rigid, and she continued to suck, to draw him in and out, her hand running up and down the shaft till he pulled back. She groaned in disappointment, but he jerked her to her feet and turned her to face the shower wall. His breathing was harsh, and his mouth brushed her ear, his tongue sweeping over the lobe.

  “When I come, I want to be inside you, feeling you clasping me tightly.”

  Her nether lips quivered and pulsed at his words; then she gasped as he plunged into her. She cried out as he thrust unmercifully inside her, his hands coming around to grasp her breasts, squeezing them, plucking the nipples. Her own hands scrabbled along the walls; she thought that the growl that filled the shower couldn’t possibly have issued from her throat as she slammed her hips back into his, meeting every demanding lunge.

  One hand roughly wound in her wet hair and tugged, yanking her head back so that his mouth could dominate hers. He possessed her in every way, taking her over and over, surging into her, the passion seeming to drive him as it drove her. When she came, her orgasm was fierce and harsh, but he wouldn’t let up. She screamed his name, screamed things a nice girl shouldn’t, but she didn’t care. She needed him.

  Finally, he jerked spasmodically, his hot seed spilling into her. His thrusts remained urgent until he stopped at last, panting heavily behind her. Slowly, he lowered them both to the shower floor, still buried deep inside her. They stayed on their knees for a long moment, trying to recover.

  Jacques revived first. He kissed her cheek and withdrew from her slowly, then helped her to her wobbly feet to face him. He grinned, picking up the bar of soap.

  “Now, how about that shower?”

  * * * * *

  A short time later, they were both clean and dressed and on their way back to the castle. Once they reached his home, Jacques excused himself to find Damian and Christian.

  Kelly went
in search of Marian. The smell of fresh baked bread filled her senses, and she followed the delicious aroma to the kitchen where she found the housekeeper sweeping the floor. When the older woman saw her, she clapped her hands together in delight.

  “Kelly!” Placing her broom aside, the older woman opened her arms wide. Kelly eagerly went into her embrace, holding Marian to her.

  “How are you?”

  Pulling away, Marian grinned brightly at her and led her to a small table at the back of the kitchen. “Oh, fine, fine, dear. You sit right over here, and I’ll fix you something to eat.”

  “You don’t have to do that.”

  The woman held up her hand, silencing Kelly, and feigned a stern countenance. “I do. I know for a fact you didn’t eat because Jacques broke my dishes.”

  Kelly laughed. “You weren’t too hard on him, were you?”

  “If I was, he deserved it.” Marian’s eyes twinkled at her; then she turned her attention to removing a loaf of fresh bread from the oven.

  “While you are doing that, could I make a quick phone call?”

  “Heaven’s yes, dear. You go right ahead.”

  Moving to the phone on the wall, Kelly picked it up and dialed, knowing that it was almost time for Cassie to sleep, but hoping she might catch her. She was delighted when her friend answered the phone. “Hi, Cass.”


  “I’m getting married; I want you and Dimitri and the family to come to Paris so you can be my maid of honor.”

  “What?!” Cassie squealed, and Marian dropped the pan of bread on the counter, running over to Kelly and lifting the ring on her finger for inspection. Kelly listened as Cassie excitedly told Dimitri the news, then returned to the phone.

  “Congratulations! We will be out there in the next couple of days. You can count on it.”

  “I can’t wait, Cassie. As soon as you get here, I will become Madame Kelly Devereaux, so hurry!”

  “I am so happy things have worked out for you. You’ll have to tell me every little detail, you hear?”


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