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Allied Mage

Page 6

by Janelle Peel

  After my fourth solo game and the end of my first pint, I cracked the lid on another bottle. A slight buzz tingled through my veins, but it wasn’t nearly enough. Tipping my head back, I opened my throat and emptied the entire bottle in one go. My eyes teared instantly in reaction as I dropped it back to the bar.

  Damn! That shit burned!

  I racked the balls again and left the table in search of something more potent. Ducking behind the bar, I scanned the neat rows of alcohol. Hmm, Everclear. Now that was some hardcore stuff, but it had been a hardcore night so I figured what the hell.

  Snatching a glass to play it safe, I opened the cap and filled it to the brim. A rustling drew my attention to the hall before I could take a sip.

  “Hello?” I called out.

  A man appeared. His thin pink lips tipped into a smile when he caught sight of me. “Hi there,” his hand lifted in a wave while he nodded his head in greeting. Black hair covered one blue kohl rimmed eye with the motion, baring the other half of his partially shaved head. He looked like a wannabe Rockstar.

  Poison was emblazoned in bold letters across the front of his grey tee. Faded skinny jeans covered his hips, paired with a leather silver studded belt. Black Doc Marten boots completed his goth like look.

  My brows rose while I perused his fashion choice, “Um, hi?”

  He paused and gestured to the pool table, “Am I interrupting?”

  “Nope,” I shrugged. “Just seeing how much it takes a Vampire to get drunk.” Lifting my glass in salute, I held my breath and tipped the nasty stuff down my throat.

  His face broke out in a grin while his brows furrowed, “With that?”

  Grimacing at the vile stuff, I whispered past the fire in my throat, “If it works.”

  His eyes roved the empty bottles on the bar before settling on mine. “It seems you’re well on your way then. In my experience, mixing different types of alcohol is the quickest way to get there.”

  I smiled and placed the empty glass on the polished oak. “Excellent. I’m Viv.”

  Silently, he prowled to the bar and reached out a hand, “Zane.”

  Lifting my own hand to shake, I was caught off guard when he took my fingers in his own and bent his face to my hand. Inhaling, he placed a chaste kiss on the tops of my knuckles.

  My cheeks pinked in embarrassment.

  His breath whispered across my hand, “The pleasure is mine.”

  “Um, right,” I stammered, pulling my hand back. Awkward. “Do you want a drink?”

  Zane straightened with a smile, “If you don’t mind, yes.”

  Nodding, I reached for another rocks glass and busied myself with pouring. Mentally, I slapped myself. Get a hold of yourself Viv, he’s probably old as hell and kissing a stranger’s hand was normal for his era.

  Zane turned his back to me and propped his elbows on the edge of the bar. “So, you play pool?”

  “Mmm hmm,” I capped the bottle and studied his glossy black faux hawk from behind. “Do you?”

  He rolled a sinewy shoulder, “On occasion. I admit, it has been a while.”

  “Well, you’re free to join if you want. I got my ass handed to me by my friend last night, so I’m really just practicing.”

  Pushing himself off the bar, he approached the rack of cues. Selecting a 20oz, he turned and rolled it across the pool table to see if it was true. Nodding in satisfaction, he tapped the rubber end on the floor and proceeded to chalk the tip.

  My emerald robe swished in tandem with my steps while I moved around the end of the bar, a half full glass in each hand.

  Zane reached out and brushed his fingers against mine as he took his drink from my outstretched hand. Lifting it into the air, he asked, “What shall we drink to, Miss Viv?”

  I giggled at the endearment. Damn, that second pint was hitting me quick. “No Miss, just Viv please, and I have no idea.”

  He smiled earnestly and touched his glass to mine with a soft clink, “How about we drink to new friends?”

  “Okay,” my smile mirrored his as I tipped the glass to my lips and swallowed. I needed more friends on this crazy rollercoaster my life had become. My nose wrinkled in disgust. Ick, that sip was worse than the first drink.

  Zane swallowed his drink with no reaction at all.

  So, being the mature person that I am, I stuck my tongue out at him.

  His eyes darkened while he stared intently at my lips. A predatory look flashed across his face before it was replaced with a devilish smirk, “Practice, dear Viv, practice.”

  Rolling my eyes, I picked up my own stick and quipped, “You want to break, or should I?”

  “Ladies first,” he bowed and swept a toned arm to the red felt.

  I set my drink on the bar and chalked the tip of my stick. Moving to the head of the table, I lined up the cue ball at an angle from the solid yellow 1 ball and lowered myself closer to the felt. Gripping the bank between the first two fingers of my right hand, I placed my stick over the offset white diamond inlaid into the polished wood. Holding the opposite end in my left, I stroked the stick between my loose fingers a few times before slamming it against the cue ball.

  Crack! The 1 dropped in the right center pocket while the 6 hit a bank and disappeared in the far corner; the other balls scattered.

  I cocked my head, that was way better than I’d expected. My vision blurred slightly as I made my way around the table to line up the angle for the blue 2 ball.

  Zane tsked from the opposing side of the table.

  “What?” I grouched.

  “It’s too close to the wall.” He tapped a finger on the edge of the red felt. “You’ll risk scratching if you use that angle. I would bank it.”

  Well damn. It was kind of close, but you needed to hit the balls in sequence for 9 ball. My eyes roved the table, taking in the angles as I bit my lower lip in thought. Moving to the left, I leaned over to hold my stick out to check the lines when I stepped on the tie to my robe and tripped.

  Zane flashed, catching me before my face could hit the corner of the table. His lean arms cradled my smaller frame to his firm chest and he purred in my ear, “Careful, Viv.”

  Butterflies danced in my stomach at his nearness. He gently wrapped his long fingers around my ribs, lightly brushing bottoms of my breasts and helped me to my feet. My mind stuttered. Was this the pheromone thing Sora had told me about, or was it the alcohol?

  Either way, he smelled delicious and I hadn’t been laid in forever.

  Shrugging internally, I slid the robe down my shoulders and tossed it onto the couch. Refusing to thank him, I bent over the table once again to line up my shot.

  He snickered over my bare shoulder, “Put some English on it.”

  My brows furrowed, “English?”

  Moving beside me, he pointed low on the cue ball, “You want to hit it here. It’ll cause the ball to roll back instead of following your 2 into the pocket.”

  “I don’t know how to do that.” I tipped myself upright again and padded over to my glass. Lifting the double shot to my lips, I emptied it down my throat and noted that it tasted almost pleasant this time.

  Zane’s eyes sparkled appreciatively, skimming my bare throat and low-cut tank.

  Cocking a hip, I snarked, “What? These are my pajamas. I couldn’t sleep.”

  His eyes tightened at the corners. Turning to the table nearest him by the couch, he lifted his own glass and swallowed his drink. His Docs were silent as he approached me, “Apologies. It has been a very long night. May I pour the next round?”

  I handed him my glass and wondered what was going on with him. Deciding it was none of my business, I padded back over to the table and lined up my shot.

  “Aim lower,” he said from the bar.

  Tilting my tip lower, my eyes rose to his in question.

  He lifted a single finger while he poured, “Just a sec.”

  Once he finished, he left the half full glasses and approached my side. “May I?” he gestured to help me
from behind.

  At my nod, he moved into position. His solid chest met my back and his arms curled around mine as he guided my stick to the appropriate angle.

  Sweet Jesus,that felt good. Focus Viv!

  I thrust the stick at the cue.

  Crack! The 2 dropped into the pocket and the cue ball rolled back to rest against the bank. I let out a whoop of joy and moved out of his embrace to dance around the table.

  He chuckled in amusement, clearly enjoying the show.

  “A toast!” I cried and sauntered over to the bar to grab my glass from the oak. “That was awesome!”

  Still grinning, he walked over and lifted his own glass. “Very good. You’re a quick study, aren’t you?”

  Rolling a shoulder, I murmured over the rim of my drink, “I try.”

  Mmm, who knew Everclear could be so tasty? I watched his Adam’s apple bob while he swallowed his entire drink. Curious, I asked, “So what brings you out so late in the morning?”

  A wicked gleam entered his eye and he tipped his head toward mine, “You, to be honest.”

  My brows drew low in confusion. Hooking a thumb at my chest, I queried, “Me?”

  He stepped closer, lowering his face near my cheek and whispered, “Your scent calls to me.” His lips brushed the shell of my ear as he continued in a near purr, “It’s intoxicating, like fresh cherries intermixed with the salty spray of the ocean.”

  I inhaled sharply and my mind flickered to a hazy stop.

  A low growl began from the other side of the room, startling me from my frozen state as I snapped my eyes to the source of the sound.

  Zane simply leaned against the bar beside me and watched my reaction.

  Jackson’s eyes zipped from mine to Zane’s close proximity before skimming down my pajama clad state. His face turned glacial and he bit out, “Master Zane, please step away from my Mate.”

  My eyes widened and my mouth formed an O. Master Zane, like the LA Clutch Master? My drunken thoughts spun, frantically trying to connect the dots.

  Wait, Mate?

  Zane tipped his head toward me and inhaled, “Mate, you say? I scent no mark on her.”

  My cheeks pinked in embarrassment. This was getting weird fast.

  Jackson flashed to my side and wrapped a massive arm possessively around my waist. His growl reverberated through my back as he bit out, “She is mine.”

  Zane’s brows rose and he looked from Jackson to me, “Is that so, Viv?”

  My mind zipped back to how close Jackson and I had come earlier in the night, then to all of his rejections. Fuck that, I thought. I am so over this crap.

  Stepping to the side, I pulled myself clear of both men and met Jackson’s shocked eyes, “I am no one’s.” Turning on my heel, I swayed to the couch, snapped up my robe and left.

  When I was a comfortable distance away, I lifted an arm out to the wall for balance. My vision was spinning like I’d just gotten off a tilt a whirl. Well, I mused, at least I now knew how to get drunk as a Vampire. My bare feet sank into the carpet as I stopped and wondered which way led back to my room. Why the hell was the house so freaking big anyway? There should be signs on the walls like a hotel or something.

  A soft breeze whispered across my shoulders just before Zane flashed in front of me. I tipped sideways and caught myself as confusion flared through my muddled thoughts.

  His bright blue eyes met mine in concern. “Hey, would you like some help?”

  I sighed in relief, “Yes please.” I waved a hand out to the hall, “This house needs signs.”

  He grabbed my flailing arm and placed it into the crook of his elbow before pulling me into a slow walk.

  My brows dipped, “How do you even know which room is mine?” I giggled, “I don’t even know.”

  Lifting his other hand, he chuckled and tapped his nose.

  “Ah, that makes sense.” I laughed at my own pun, “Scents, sense.” God, I was drunk.

  Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, we reached my room.

  Lifting my eyes to his, I murmured, “Um, thanks.”

  Zane smiled, “It’s no trouble at all. I quite enjoyed our time together.” He reached out a hand and opened my door, “Do you need any help getting settled?”

  I started to shake my head no, but the motion caused an intense rush of nausea. Slapping a hand over my mouth, I rushed through my suite to the bathroom and barely made it to the toilet before the alcohol made a savage reappearance.

  Zane settled himself on the floor beside me and rubbed small circles with his palm on my lower back.

  How embarrassing, I thought, wiping my chin with the back of my hand. Gripping the toilet again for round two, I noticed my hand was stained pink. “Zane?” I whispered worriedly.

  His hand paused, “Yes?”

  “Is it normal to throw up blood?”

  “Typically, no.” He shifted beside me, the tips of his hair brushed my shoulder as he leaned over to inspect the bowl.

  “You need blood,” he said. “Another Vampire's would be best.”

  “Ugh,” I groaned. “My head hurts.”

  The toilet began swimming in my vision, causing a violent shudder to shake my body. I really didn’t feel so good. Leaning my head onto the seat, I slurred, “What happens if I don’t drink Vampire blood?”

  “You’ll become sick,” he replied. “Do you have a Mage on hand?”

  Squeezing my eyes closed, I debated on calling Sora. She’d had a rough night and I didn’t want to disturb her. This was just craptastic. Always the overachiever. Yup, that was me.

  “Viv?” Zane whispered into my ear.


  “Do you have anyone for me to call?”


  He paused, “Would you like to try mine?”

  That sounded like a really bad idea, but then again being sick didn’t sound very fun either. Jackson would be pissed. Wait, why the hell should I care what Jackson thought? He hadn’t helped me back to my room. He got all stupid possessive and ruined my dammed morning.

  Evidently, I was taking too long to decide.

  The scent of blood permeated the air. My mouth to watered and my fangs dropped down with a snick.

  Zane gently lifted my head from the bowl and settled his pierced wrist before my mouth.

  Without a second thought, I latched on.

  He tasted spicy, masculine; and utterly delicious. I groaned my approval with the first swallow and he inhaled sharply.

  Shifting his grip from my head to my shoulder, he gingerly guided me backward to lean against him. His breath came in short pants, moving the short strands of hair on my head.

  I pulled again on his vein and he moaned.

  Clarity slowly returned to my fuzzy mind. I really didn’t want to stop; he tasted so good. Swallowing one last time, I retracted my fangs and flicked my tongue over the small punctures, sealing them instantly. Neither of us breathed as we sat in a tangled heap on the cold travertine floor.

  Zane broke the silence first, “Do you feel okay now, Viv?”

  Nodding my head, I leaned forward and got to my feet.

  He flushed the toilet and followed. His eyes were nearly black as they met my gaze.

  Abashedly, I tipped my head to the floor and whispered, “Sorry about that.”

  Reaching out a hand, he traced my chin with his fingertips, “Nothing to be sorry for. Are you going to be alright?”

  My cheeks pinked, “I think so. Thank you.”

  He lowered his hand, “Anytime. I’ll let myself out. Rest well, Viv.”

  Then he was gone and I was left wondering the hell had just happened.

  Chapter 6


  After a lengthy shower with Blaze, I was feeling much more optimistic than the previous evening. Somehow, we would figure out this entire mess. But first, food.

  Dressed in my favorite faded grey jeggings and blue Van Halen band tee; I zipped out of my room and headed for the kitchen.

ening the white swinging door, I was greeted by Julian’s standard half bow. “Sora,” his brown eyes crinkled at the edges with a genuine smile, “What can I assist you with today?”

  “Hello Julian, I just popped by for a snack. I have to help Blaze figure out a strategy for all the,” I wiggled my fingers helplessly in the air, “stuff.”

  He nodded, “Certainly. Would you care for a tray? Or something to go perhaps?”

  My brows rose hopefully, “Do you have any more of those delicious blueberry muffins?”

  “Of course.” Turning on the shiny heel of his dress shoes with a chuckle, he grabbed a plate and loaded it with muffins before passing it to my waiting hands.

  Leaning over the buffet, I inhaled, “Mmm, they smell amazing.”

  With a grin, he snatched a bottle of from the fridge and tipped his head in question.

  “You know me too well.” I shifted the plate to one hand and grabbed the water, “Thanks, Jules.”

  He cocked his head at my abbreviation of his name before nodding to himself with a satisfied smirk. “Anytime, Sora. Will there be anything else?”

  I blushed in embarrassment, “No, thank you.”

  Issuing another half bow, he strode away, busy with his next task while I stole away with my prize.

  Viv answered the door on my fourth knock with major bedhead. Her blue green eyes ping ponged from my smile to my full plate, before she grinned and quipped, “You’re so going to get fat.”

  Shouldering my way past her pajama clad state to the wingback, I snarked in mock outrage. “You’re just jealous.” Roving my eyes around the room as I settled my bounty on the side table, I queried, “Where’s Jackson?”

  Kicking the door closed with a heel, she grumbled, “Who the fuck cares?”

  Uh oh, what the heck had happened now? Peeling the paper wrapper from my first muffin, I waited to see if I’d have to pry the answers from her or if she’d dish willingly.

  A moment passed while she flopped onto her stomach on the bed and screamed into a fluffy pillow. Raising herself up on her elbows, she addressed the headboard, “We almost had sex before you came in with the news about Blaze. Then he got all stoic, like what we were doing didn’t matter.” She sighed, “Everything happened so fast after that.”


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