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Allied Mage

Page 8

by Janelle Peel

  Blaze grouched in disapproval beside me as he followed my line of sight. “She’s going to get that idiot killed.”

  I nodded, “Probably, but it will sure kick Jackson’s ass into gear in the meantime. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned and all that.”

  Just then Jackson made an appearance at Viv’s elbow. I grinned in amusement as I watched him ask to cut in. She nodded and Zane went packing back to the bar.

  “She told me he wouldn’t dance with her at our ceremony.” I jerked my chin toward them as they began to dance, “Do you see what she did there?”

  Blaze chuckled, “Played Zane against Jackson to get what she wanted?”

  “Yup. Brilliant, right?”

  “Remind me not to get on your bad side,” he said, roping a thick arm around my waist and pulling me back against him.

  I giggled. “Should we start the ceremony?”

  “Not yet, let’s give them a minute.”

  Poison’s “Every Rose has its Thorn” came on next.

  Viv sure knew how to dance, I couldn’t see an inch of light between them. Her head was tucked against his shoulder as they slowly turned on the tiled dance floor.

  She caught me staring and threw me a wink.

  I shook my head at her deviousness. Sassy little thing.

  We stood just below the black carpeted grand staircase waiting for the crowd to settle. Blaze lifted one thick arm and the room quieted almost immediately.

  Jackson stepped forward with the gold chalice and placed it in my hand.

  “We are here to do something that’s never been done before,” Blaze boomed in his deep bass. “To join our two Clutch’s as one!”

  Whispers rang throughout the room while Zane moved forward and lifted one long finger, “Master Blaze, a moment?”

  Blaze’s expression hardened at the interruption as he gave a short jerk of his head.

  Zane turned to those gathered and pitched his voice louder, “As you all know, I am the Master of the LA Clutch. I am here to swear fealty,” he paused.

  I looked to my Mate with wide eyes. What was going on?

  Blaze wasn’t looking at me, though. His granite gaze was glued to the spectacle before us.

  Zane continued, “Before I can do this, I must request something in return. Master Blaze has guaranteed that he knows the key to turning females. It just so happens that I have a female that wishes to be turned.”

  The side door opened. Two tall hooded figures clad in black robes held a shorter red robed person between them. Silence reigned as they made their way forward and knelt before Zane. At his nod, the smaller figure stood and pulled back her hood.

  Long hair, black as night, covered her face from view as she bowed low in submission.

  “Natalie was abandoned at a young age.” Zane continued. “My Clutch found her on the streets and we took her in as a part of our Menagerie. She wishes to be turned. This is my price.”

  I sucked in a shocked breath.

  Blaze growled beside me, “You would bring her before everyone and request this?”

  Zane stepped to the side and cockily rolled a thin shoulder, “Is there a problem?”

  The tendons on Blaze’s neck tightened while he struggled with his temper. I reached out and placed my hand in his. Tipping my head to Zane, I answered, “The problem, is that you agreed to swear fealty before we would show you the key.” Gritting my teeth, I lowered my voice in displeasure, “Are you going back on your word?”

  His eyes tightened, “No. I will swear fealty, but I need proof first.”

  Lifting a brow, I came to a decision. “Natalie, come here.”

  The small girl slowly lifted her eyes to Zane’s in silent question.

  “Go,” he said.

  She stood. The only sounds were the whispers of her scarlet robe as she made her way to my side. “Mistress,” she bowed.

  Reaching out, I tipped up her chin. The hair on my arm stood on end as I held her face. Curious, I sent a tendril of magic through my hand and pushed it from the tips of my fingers. A warm buzz answered in reply. Her wide hazel eyes met mine with a shocked expression. High cheekbones with a small nose, her pink lips opened into an O. She was young, maybe 18 years old. Her nostrils flared and her eyes clenched closed.

  I let go and stepped back beside Blaze. Placing the chalice into his hand I touched his shoulder and whispered, “I need a minute with her.”

  Blaze relaxed at my nearness and nodded, “The ceremony is going to be delayed for one hour. My Mate will decide the outcome of this…” he growled, “issue.”

  I swept my gaze through the crowd until I spotted Viv making her way forward. “Viv, Natalie, follow me.” Without waiting, I turned and ascended the stairs.

  Inside the informal parlor, I gestured for both women to sit while I closed the door.

  Viv furrowed her brow and sat on the black leather couch.

  Natalie fidgeted with one cuff of her robe and remained standing.

  With a sigh, I sat on a grey recliner and left her the option of the couch or the other matching chair.

  Silently, she made her way over and perched on the edge of the opposite recliner.

  “What the fuck is going on?” Viv asked.

  “Natalie, this is Viv. She’s kind of an ass, but she is my best friend.” Viv chuckled while I continued, “I’m Sora.”

  “Hi,” Natalie replied in a small voice.

  “So, do you want to be a Vampire or not?” Viv quipped.

  “Can you really turn me?” She answered to her lap.

  “I think so, if that’s what you want. But I need to know some things first.”

  She sucked in a deep breath, “Like what?”

  Lifting my brow, I said, “Like how long you’ve had magic and if Zane knows about it.”

  Her thin shoulders rounded, “He doesn’t know.”

  I nodded. “Why do you want to be turned?”

  Lowering her chin to her chest, she hid behind her raven hair and whispered, “I don’t have anywhere else to go.”

  Viv snarked, “We’ve all been there. There’s always somewhere else to go.”

  “No, there isn’t.” I said, throwing a glare at my friend. “Having magic is different. Without a Coven, she’s living in two worlds at once. It’s hard and confusing at the best of times and completely debilitating at its worst.”

  Natalie nodded in agreement.

  I softened my words, “Is he a nice Master, Natalie?”

  She froze for a moment before jerking her head no.

  Shit. I was afraid of that.

  Viv leaned forward, “What do you mean?”

  I got up and padded to Natalie’s side. Her shoulders tensed while I slowly knelt and reached out to touch her face. Her small shoulders trembled in fear as if she expected me to hit her. I paused, “Look at me, Natalie. No one will hurt you here.”

  Slowly, she raised her head. Terror and shame warred within her hazel eyes from beneath her furrowed brow.

  “Give me your hand, please.” I whispered soothingly.

  She untucked her clenched fist from beneath her sleeve and held it out to me.

  Gently, I took her fingers and unclenched them one by one. Calling to my well, I sent a wave of warmth through our joined hands.

  Her eyes widened and her shoulders sagged in relief.

  “Magic doesn’t lie.” I said, “We mean you no harm.”

  A soft smile lit her pink lips and she nodded, “Okay.”

  “Tell me about Zane, please.” I murmured, continuing the calming flow of magic.

  “He took me in 6 years ago when I was 13. Everything was fine at first. I wasn’t allowed in certain parts of the house, but I got curious. One-day last year, while everyone was resting, I explored the forbidden rooms.” She shuddered, “Our Menagerie isn’t like yours. We’re separated and kept in cells like animals in the catacombs. The Vampires would take one and drain them nearly dry, before placing them back in their cell. Women, men… children.” S
he stopped abruptly.

  “Natalie, it’s okay. Were you kept in one of those cells?”

  “Only after it was discovered that I had found them,” she whispered.

  Can I try something?” I asked.

  A vulnerable expression entered her eyes, “Okay.”

  Reaching deep into my well, I closed my eyes. Flames lit my skin and Natalie gasped. Channeling my magic, I pushed it to our joined hands and called to hers. A vibrant red lit in my minds’ eye, similar to mine but smaller. I threw a tether around it and pulled it closer; corralling the wild crimson wave. My magic and hers overlapped, creating a deep purple spark.

  Opening my eyes again, I looked into hers. Red light zipped around her pupils, making her hazel iris glow brightly. “Close your eyes and let me in,” I whispered.

  Her lids lowered and I followed suit.

  Envisioning a white door between our different magics, I made a ball with my fire.

  Knock, knock.

  The door opened slowly and revealed a red flame. I lifted a tendril of my turquoise fire to her. Slowly, she reached out and linked with me.

  Images flashed before my eyes.

  Black corridors with blood red carpet.

  Vampires in robes with the hoods drawn.

  A golden throne.

  Revolting paintings in gilded frames.

  Faster and faster the pictures came until suddenly, they stopped.

  “Here,” a soft voice whispered.

  I looked around but no one was there.

  “Down the hall…”

  It was indeed a hall, black painted walls lit by gas torches flickered into view. Specs of sand reflected from the roughly poured concrete floor. I moved further down the corridor; looking without eyes, but seeing nonetheless.

  Barred doors broke up the monotony of black. Inside were tattered cots with people kept in nightmarish conditions. Sweat glistened on every inch of the faceless people. Their skin was marred with multiple unhealed bite marks to purposely prolong their suffering. Who could do such a thing?

  I shuddered and thanked the Goddess I couldn’t smell anything in this state.

  A bright light lit further down the hall.


  Fear roiled through me. I tried to turn away, to pull my magic back, but nothing happened. “Who’s there?” I called out soundlessly.


  The light brightened as I was pulled closed to whatever it was.

  I screamed silently in terror, “No!”

  “Sora, shhh…” A woman’s bell like voice soothed.

  Something in that voice was familiar, like a dream long forgotten. I stopped struggling. The light moved closer until it was all around me. It was too bright, but I couldn’t close my eyes.

  “I’ve got you… You’re not ready yet… Soon…”

  Then my world went black.


  “Ow, shit!” I muttered, opening my eyes to Viv’s worried face and rubbed my stinging cheek.

  “Jesus, don’t scare me like that!” she cried.

  I blinked, trying to remember what the hell was going on. My voice slurred, “What happened?” All Mother, my head felt like it was stuffed with cotton.

  Viv lifted a brow quizzically and rocked back on her heels, “You don’t remember?” She waved a hand at the room and Natalie’s cowering form curled up on the chair.

  I groaned and sat up, “My head hurts.”

  Natalie squeaked, cringing further into the leather cushion as I reached a hand to the armrest and pulled myself up.

  Prodding my cheek from the inside of my mouth with my tongue, I wondered what had happened. I’d seen the hall, the cells, then… nothing.

  Viv stood. Cocking a hip, she jutted out her chin, “You scared the hell out of me, that’s what happened. You were here, but you were completely unresponsive.” She tapped her temple, “Where did you go?”

  I shrugged, then shook my head. “Natalie’s memories, I guess. It was awful, Viv. Zane thinks he’s like a modern Dracula or something. Those poor people,” I clenched my eyes closed for a moment.

  Natalie stilled at my words and her hazel eyes opened wide, “You saw them?”

  I nodded, “Yes. The robes, the disgusting pictures, the people. Oh, and don’t forget that ridiculous throne.”

  She closed her eyes and visibly shivered.

  Viv’s brow furrowed, “Throne?” She barked a laugh then sobered, “Well, what the hell do we do now? She obviously can’t go back there.”

  My friend had a soft spot for orphans. I sighed, what to do, what to do. The wheels in my head slowly began turning as a plan started to take shape. “Natalie, do you want to stay with us and try to be turned, or stay as you are?”

  She bit her lip in thought for a moment, then replied in a relieved voice, “Stay, and stay human?”

  “If you like,” I answered.

  A small smile lifted her lips, “Yes, please.”

  I straightened my shoulders, “Okay, here’s what we’re going to do.”

  Viv clenched my arm tightly back to the ballroom and murmured from the side of her mouth, “Do you really think this will work?”

  “I hope so, it’s not like we have a choice. My magic showed you what I saw; you know what she’ll go back to if we don’t try.”

  Her nostrils flared in revulsion, “I can’t believe I liked that prick and fed from him. Fucking disgusting.”

  I bumped her with my shoulder, “You didn’t actually like him and you know it. I’m 90% sure you were just using him to get back at Jackson.”

  She made a noncommittal sound.

  We descended the stairs and Blaze met us halfway. “Well?” he rumbled into my ear.

  I leaned back and gazed into his cobalt eyes earnestly, “Trust me?”

  He studied my face for a moment, “Always, Love.”

  My lips curled into a devious smile, “Then follow my lead.”


  He knew they were in trouble just by her smile. As he followed her to Zane’s place at the bar, he wondered just how much trouble and what had happened in that room.

  Zane turned and addressed Sora, “Is everything to your satisfaction?”

  She squared her shoulders, “No. Unfortunately, she did not survive the change.”

  His brows lowered and he barked, “Show me.”

  Blaze rumbled in disapproval at his tone, “Are you calling my Mate a liar?”

  Zane shook his head and seemed to gather his thoughts before replying, “No. Apologies, I am merely curious as to what happened. I loved Natalie like my own child.””

  Sora gritted her teeth and nodded before turning back the way they’d come.

  Jackson blurred to Viv’s side on the stairs with a worried expression on his face. She jerked her head and grasped his hand.

  Now Blaze really wanted to know what was happening.

  Their train trailed through the hall on silent feet back to the informal parlor. Sora paused with her hand on the handle, “Keep calm. We did our best.” She opened the door and they all crowded into the room.

  Natalie lay on the couch as if sleeping. Two punctures marked the pale skin of her small neck.

  Zane lowered himself to his knees by her side and gently touched her forehead with the back of his hand. “How?” he asked.

  Sora looked to Viv and her eyes tightened at the corners before she answered, “Did you know she had magic?”

  Zane froze, “Magic?” he whispered.

  Viv snarked, “Yeah, she nearly killed Sora when we started the exchange.”

  Rage lit Blaze’s blood and he hissed at Zane, “What are you trying to pull?”

  Zane stood, his eyes were wide with fear, “N-nothing, Master Blaze. I swear it.”

  Sora interrupted, “Leave us. Your whole Clutch. The deal is off.”

  “What?” His eyes pinged back and forth between everyone gathered. “Why?” He sputtered, “B-but you said you had the key.”

stepped forward with her teeth bared, “Your ignorance nearly cost us our Mistress.” She hissed, “Leave, or I will make you.”

  Jackson shifted his stance and loomed behind Viv’s shorter frame with menace written in every line of his body. “Go,” he growled.

  Zane nodded, visibly shaken by the entire ordeal and flashed out of the room.

  Jackson rumbled, “Viv, would you like to join me in relieving our guests of their welcome?”

  She grinned with delight, “You sure know the way to a woman’s heart.”

  After they’d left, he snagged Sora’s waist and crushed her body to his. “I almost lost you,” he shuddered.

  She held him tightly for a moment before pushing him away. “No, not even close. Watch.” Her devious smile was back in place as she turned and knelt on the floor by Natalie’s body.

  Her hands lit with turquoise light. Delicately, she placed one palm on Natalie’s brow and the other on her chest. A white light flashed through the room and he closed his eyes.

  When he opened them once more, Natalie was breathing. Her lids flickered for a moment before slowly opening to reveal hazel irises lit from within by crimson magic.

  He stood stunned by what had transpired while Natalie slowly sat up and smiled at Sora.

  She asked in a small voice, “Did it work?”

  Sora shook out her flames and answered, “Yes.”

  Having recovered, Blaze grouched to Sora, “Care to explain?”

  She stood and padded back over to him. Taking his hand, she asked, “Can it wait a little longer? I want to make sure they are truly gone first.”

  He nodded and he reached into his dress pants for his phone. Waking the screen, he shot off a text to Jackson.


  A moment later his phone chimed, ‘Clear.’

  He replied, ‘Do another sweep.’

  Natalie fidgeted with the folds of her robe while they waited. Sora sat beside her and took her smaller hands into her own and whispered, “It’s okay. You’re safe now.”

  Blaze ran through all the possibilities for what was happening when his phone pinged again.

  ‘CLEAR’ Jackson said.

  Sighing, he sat heavily on the recliner. “Ok Sora, they’ve gone. Tell me what happened.”


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