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Murder Mysteries # 2

Page 7

by Waggoner, Robert C.

  "Sounds good to me," said Rory as his thoughts drifted to Stacy and not the case of murder, but the case of desire on his part. Sooner rather than later he needed to express his feelings. He could feel the stuffed feeling reaching up to his adams apple. He needed to talk or he would wind up with an ulcer from acid dripping into his stomach.

  Stacy left early and so did her father. She went home and he went to the market for dinner. When she walked through the door Vicki was vacuuming the floor. When she say Stacy she shut the roaring machine down. "I think it's time you invested in a new Hoover. It works good, but you need earplugs to operate the damn thing. Anyway, how's it going," as she wrapped the cord up and stuff the cleaner in a hall closet.

  "Interesting and exasperating at the same time. Three FBI came down from Portland today. The mafia says one of their own killed the dude from Chicago. I'm not sure about that being the case. But before it's wrapped up in a bow, surprises will always be just around the corner. Dad should be here soon with some dinner. I'm starving. How was your day?"

  "I sealed the deal on the apartment in Coos Bay. Through the college I found an older student who'd like to share some rent with me. I'm not high on students living with me, but for the time being, I'll suffer. I should be out of your hair by Christmas. She laughed and it was catching. After the two girls quit laughing Ray walked in seeing both girls wiping their eyes.

  "Who died," he said strolling to the kitchen with his arms full.

  "Nobody dad. We're just laughing over a stupid joke told by Vic."

  "What can I do to help dad," said Stacy.

  "I'll set up a cutting board on the table for you to cut up some veggies."

  For the next half hour Ray, while preparing a chicken dish, listened to the two girls talk about nothing much except having fun. Ray found it hard to believe is daughter was a full blown homicide detective and her best friend from high school was teaching at the college level. That motor home and retirement was looking better and closer all the time.

  Stacy went to bed thinking about the two dairy farmers off- spring of Lance and Laurie Woodrow. Neither one had a substantiated alibi. What really got her goat was the fact the FBI guy's side swiped her systematic work on the case. She'd almost forgotten about the two party goers. They'd pawned the job off on some uniforms instead of taking care of the interview themselves.

  As she drifted off, she went where she shouldn't go and that was thinking about Rory. Today she'd seen a look that sent her insides trembling. It was coming close to decision time. Not that it would be such a big deal to enter a relationship with Rory. But, the results would be just short of a disaster, in her opinion. If they were in a big city, maybe not so bad, but here in this small and tight county, nothing but talk would result. It would take a full commitment and resulting in tying the knot. No way, as she turned on her favorite sleeping side, am I going to marry at this stage of my life.

  Darin was fidgeting in his office chair while Rory and Stacy took him to task. "What do you mean that my friends couldn't confirm I was sleeping at their house? Were they too drunk to remember? When I woke up I left and came home. It's true I might have been a little hung, but I do remember milking that afternoon with Eddie."

  "Let's leave that for the time being and turned to your sister Debbie. Do you have any knowledge of her seeing a man from Chicago while they were staying at the Dune," asked Stacy.

  "Not to my knowledge. She has a boyfriend name of Kirk. I'm not her keeper and best talk to her directly about her movements. I do know Kirk has been out of town lately working for a landscaper who landed a nice contract in Eugene.

  Rory and Stacy watched him wracking his brain for some idea as to confirm his alibi. They decided to interview the sister and leave Darin to squirm. "Darin, you'd best find a witness to help you out or we'll put you on our prime suspect list. Now, as it's long before ten am, is your sister still sleeping?"

  "I think so. I'll take you to the house. Follow me please. Stacy noticed Darin was walking with slumped shoulders as if the weight of the entire dairy farm was upon his shoulders.

  Inside the house, they found both Lance and Laurie drinking coffee at the kitchen table. With a forced effort to perform some hospitality, they offered the two detectives coffee or tea. Darin went to fetch his sister. Rory sat down and looked Lance in the eye and said, "Mr. Woodrow, do you own any other land besides this dairy," asked Rory.

  Stacy could see the defeated look in his eyes. It took a few moments to answer with his wife sat with downcast eyes looking into her coffee mug for help. "Yes, I do. Years ago we picked up a forty acre piece from a friend who was deeply in debt," said Lance.

  "Is it suitable for cranberries or is it now in cranberry production," asked Stacy. She saw Darin come in and lean against the doorway with his arms folded across his chest. Stacy noticed he'd lost his macho attitude along the way since early this morning.

  "Yes, it's in full production producing cranberries," said Lance.

  Debbie came in and she too looked a little worse for wear. She found a place at the table. Stacy let her sit for minute and then asked, "Debbie, your supposedly friend who was supposed to confirm your alibi for the time of the death, can't say where you were between midnight and four am. Would you like to change your story or perhaps someone else can establish your movements at that specific time."

  "Okay, I was with my boyfriend Kirk. He'd called from Eugene saying he'd be in town around midnight. He picked me up and we spent the night in the back of his pickup truck. We were trying to keep it unknown."

  "Can you give me his contact number," asked Stacy.

  "You know the strange thing is I haven't heard from him since that night. We had a little fight and he left rather angry," said Debbie.

  Rory took his cell and went into the living room to make a call to Kirk. Meanwhile, Stacy continued asking her questions. "Debbie, did you spend any time with the guys from Chicago at the Dunes or anywhere else? Especially a Michael or a Mario?"

  "I was introduced to a Michael Corleone. He bought me and my friend a wine."

  "Aren't you aware that it was Michael or Mario that was murdered on your dairy farm," said Stacy rather vociferously.

  "No, I didn't know who it was. I'd heard it was a guy from Chicago. There were like five or six of them hanging around looking tough. Michael was not rough and very nice."

  Rory came back and Stacy saw the look on his face. All eyes were on him. Mother was sitting with an open mouth as if to help Rory say that all was well. "I talked to Kirk Rodders and he said that yes he talked to Debbie by phone on Saturday night, but never left Eugene."

  Stacy saw Debbie look down and begin crying. Her mother looked ten years older. Lance held an empty coffee mug. Darin turned and walked out the door. Stacy said, "It appears Debbie and your brother don't have an alibi for the night in question. We're going to let you think about this for a few hours'

  Rory and Stacy left the farm with everyone but Eddie hanging their heads.

  Upside Down

  "I think we did good letting the Woodrow's stew a little. I feel we're getting close, but close only counts in you know what Tall Man."

  "My father loves to throw the shoes. Me too actually. It's kind of a dying sport. Young people don't care and the old timers don't have enough oomph in their frail bodies. My father said grandpa was a dead ringer all the time. Well, the truth is going to come out sooner than later.

  Could it be that old man Lance did catch his daughter and Mario going at it in the barn? Then he takes shovel and beans the guy. No mark is left due to a shot to the same head area. He calls the Chicago boss Dino. Dino send his son and another guy up river in a small boat. Next thing we know Mario or Michael is dead in a drainage ditch."

  "If that is what happened. For now let's wait for awhile. I think there's more to this case coming up," said Stacy as Rory stopped in old town at the bakery for some mid morning snacks at the station.

  It began to rain as he hurried into the SUV with
a giant bag of goodies. They drove up the hill to New Town and parked in front of the station. Rory left the motor running then turned toward Stacy. "Stacy, when this case is over could we discuss my feeling for you?"

  "Yes Tall Man, that sounds good to me. We need to talk that's for sure. I like what I've seen lately. However, remember I'm just starting my career in detection. Let's go see what's happened with Ben up in Coos Bay."

  Inside the FBI was sitting at the table in the incident room. Rory had stopped by Flo's desk and she daintily snagged two maple bars and a cranberry muffin. She winked at Rory as her thanks to him. Ray looked into the chief's room and saw him shake his head.

  The FBI guys, except Dumas eagerly accepted some donuts. Stacy guessed the cheap Dumas had a low per diem for his two trainees. That was another good reason to shine them on, she thought.

  Special Agent Dumas said, "I asked New York to interview the Bandini boys who denied ever talking to anyone from Chicago. They said if found out Sig would fit them with cement shoes. Why would they tell a story like that? Sig said to be wary of Dino Russo. The why was answered with Dino using a local to front for land purchase?"

  Rory recapped their mornings work interviewing the Woodrow family. It seemed to Stacy that Dumas really didn't care about the homicide but was more concerned about the land investment. She really felt that they were on their own solving the murder case. And as it turned out, she was right; but some pertinent information was gleaned from Dumas; albeit unknown to him.

  Dumas wanted to follow up on Woodrow's cranberry land. Rory said, these are local's sir and they need to think for awhile. Late today we'll visit them again. Meanwhile to protect our residents let's visit some real estate offices warning them of potential land buyers from back east."

  Ben came strolling in just before noon. The FBI had returned to the Dune resort to talk further with Dino. Chief Foreham had made it his job to talk to the real estate folks around town.

  Rory said, "I know what you're going to say, but yes, I'm starving. That sugar rush is long past. Now I need a combo of carbos and protein."

  "Me too," said Stacy and Ben smiled his usual grin of agreement."

  At a restaurant overlooking the Pacific Ocean, the rain streaked giant glass window reminded the residents where they lived. Stacy really didn't mind the weather as this was where she grew up. What she really needed to do, she thought, was to find something to do outside her job. Her father had suggested wood working with myrtle wood, indigenous to this part of the world. Tourists left town with their trucks full of wonderfully made things from the classic wood.

  Agate hunting was popular along parts of the coast. She thought, maybe, to learn how to make jewelry out of agates might be a nice hobby. Rory was saying, "Earth to Stacy – hello—anyone home?" She came back to reality.

  "I want fish and chips Tall Man, with a ton of slaw and chowder please," said Stacy.

  Ben asked for a steak sandwich with fries. Rory had the same as Ben only with a side order of cole slaw like his crush had. Stacy asked Ben:

  "What do you think about the Woodrow kids as suspects?"

  "Good question. It could be that they're involved alright. But how and who is directly involved is another part of it. Are they hiding something and what about the ring on the river bank? How did it get there, is a darn good question."

  "Did anybody ask Dr. Stone if there was any evidence of Mario having had sex recently?"

  Stacy was thinking so hard it was like she was in a trance. The lunch came and she just starred at it while Rory dug in and Ben, with manners, ate his steak sandwich. After a few mouthfuls, Rory looked up and said, "Stacy, lunch is here." She shook her head, smiled and went to work on the fish and chips with relish.

  Ben saw the look that he'd seen before on other cases. Stacy had put the puzzle together or at least a big part of it. Rory also noticed and slowed down his consumption wondering what he'd been missing.

  After lunch Stacy wanted to visit some myrtle wood shops to see what was what. Ben asked to be dropped off and he'd call Dr. Stone about any evidence regarding sex.

  Rory and Stacy went south along Hwy 101 where most all the myrtle wood shops were located. On a previous case, where the murdered victim was super glued to the back of a convenience store, she'd needed some information about myrtle wood furniture. She couldn't remember his name, but remembered his store. Rory stopped at the first one that had one lone car in front. The spring rain kept most in their cars rather than shopping for souvenirs.

  Inside was full of wood products ranging from small knick knacks to stand up lamps. Out back there were headboards for beds beautifully made. Stacy was more specifically interested in agate jewelry along with small knick knacks as receptacles for small agates. She really didn't have much idea but was hoping something would pop into her head.

  They went on down the road. She found the one she'd been at before. Immediately she saw in a glass case inside what she'd been looking for. There were small to large myrtle wood bracelets with a few agates inserted. This was more like, she told Rory. The man wasn't there, but his daughter tended the store. She said, "We could sell more small pieces of agate and wood jewelry, but we can't seem to get our supplier to produce more."

  They went back to town and stopped at the station to see what Ben had found out. Ben said Dr. Stone did find traces of semen and it was in the report. Apparently they had all missed that or didn't remember it.

  They decided to visit the Woodrow's again. Ben went with them. Stacy was rather quiet all the way to the farm. When they entered the gravel road to the house, the dogs opened up signaling their arrival.

  A downcast Darin came out to greet the police officers. They followed him in to the kitchen where it was customary to have a meeting. Lance, wife Laurie and Debbie was all there not anxious to say anything.

  Rory said, "Mr. Woodrow, tell us about your dealings with Dino Russo of Chicago."

  "It's true he made me an offer on the property, but I refused as that is part of the kid's inheritance. He simply wouldn't take no for an answer. He invited my wife and I out to dinner at the Dune. He really put on the dog with pink champagne for Laurie and twenty year old Wild Turkey for me. I got a little tipsy, but maintained my focus. He upped the price by half. By now I was scared he might hurt one of my family. His number two, Emilo something or other came to the table and leaned over to whisper in his ear. His coat fell open revealing a shoulder holster with pistol. It was for my eyes. I got the message. I told him I'd think it over and let him know in a few days. I couldn't sleep for a few days. Then this guy is murdered and I'm about to have a nervous breakdown."

  "Darin," asked Rory, "Did you kill the person we found in the drainage ditch?"

  "No. a thousand times no I didn't."

  Stacy looked at Debbie and asked, "Debbie did you have sex with the victim before he was killed?"

  Mother jumped up and yelled, "How dare you ask such a question of an eighteen old. I resent the question and advise you Debbie to not answer it."

  "Mother, it's time we told the truth around here," as she looked up at her mother and then turned to face Stacy. "Me and Michael had sex in the barn that night he was killed. But I swear to you I didn't kill him. Why would I kill a man who just made me feel like a real woman?"

  "Mr. Woodrow, did you kill Mario or Michael," asked Rory?

  "No, but after what I just heard, I'm not sorry the bastard is dead."

  "Mrs. Woodrow, did you kill him," asked Stacy boring her eyes into the mother who just heard her daughter admitting having sex with a Chicago mobster.

  "No, but wish I had. Pure vermin, they are. I prayed to God they would all go home and you know what, they did. But they'll be back or someone will front for them. This is not the way God intended life should be. May the guy roast in hell."

  They left the Woodrow family a long ways from happy. Chores needed to be taken care of. Milking never stops. It's seven days a week, times fifty two weeks, times X number of years. Stacy fel
t sorry for the Woodrow's as two very different generations lived under the same roof. One was super conservative and the other was very liberal.

  On the way out, Eddie stood on the side of the drive way giving a small wave as they passed by. Stacy gave a wave back and smiled at him.

  The FBI

  When they returned to the station, the trio of agents was in a huddle with Chief Ray Foreham. The discussion was real estate salesmen and the back east families. Stacy heard Dumas say, "Sig promised that he'd only purchase land that was listed for sale. I thanked him for that promise."

  "I talked to all the real estate offices here in town. They'll pass the word to other real estate offices that inquire about bogs. All offers will be investigated as to being bona fide without major investors sneaking into our small cranberry industry. I think we can, at least for the time being, relax a little."

  "They're leaving town on their pleasure craft tomorrow. We'll keep an eye on them as we usually do. Now if you'd be so kind as to give us a ride to the airport, we'll get out of your hair," said Agent Dumas.

  Rory drove the FBI to the airport and Stacy informed her father what transpired out at the dairy farm. Ben had left when Rory did. Father looked at his daughter and said, "You figured it out didn't you. You know who killed the victim," said Ray her father and Chief of Police.

  "I think so Chief. I need to confirm a few things first and then let's see what happens, said Stacy with a smug smile.

  "You're a real gem in a pile of rocks," said her father.

  Rory came back and he and Stacy went to dinner across the street at their usual favorite restaurant. Stacy was still smiling as they sat down after dashing across the highway in a spring drizzle. Rory ran a hand through his thick hair looking hard at Stacy. He said, "You know who killed the guy, don't you."

  "I think so Tall Man. Tomorrow by ten am we'll know for sure. Now let's eat and then I'm going to bruise your lips for the ride home after dinner."


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