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Murder Mysteries # 2

Page 12

by Waggoner, Robert C.

  They found him in a cocktail lounge in Santa Monica. At fifty five he looked seventy with a full head of white hair. Booze and nicotine had taken its toll on him. The FBI took him gently by the arm to their office. The senior agent was a fan of Raleigh Tallis and took pity on him. He told the agents to clean the man up, feed him and have the doctor check him out. After that he called the detectives in Bandon. The Oregon State Police sent a plane for Rory, Ben and Stacy to fly to LA.

  They arrived the following day just after noon. Raleigh had asked for a shot of whiskey to ward off the shakes. They made him eat again first and then a coffee with a shot was gratefully accepted. The questioning would wait until the detectives arrived.

  Rory was surprised when Michelle sat in on the interview. Stacy was a little short with the nice looking forty year old agent. However, the interview began with Stacy telling the story of R.C. Owens and the discovery of Samantha and the murder of Rebecca all with the last name of Tallis. Raleigh sat with his mouth open shocked to find out is daughter Rebecca had been murdered.

  Stacy asked, "Mr. Tallis are you married and if so to whom?"

  "I am or was, not sure anymore. It's hard to remember when in an alcoholic fog. She left a long time ago taking my pride and joy with her. Rebecca was still a little girl then. The courts prevented me from visiting her as I'd lost myself in a bottle or two. The bitch could have saved me, but chose another friend of mine. I guess can't blame her as she caught me with a model. Anyway her name is Lucy Tallis. Or maybe she remarried. Last I knew she lived in Portland, Oregon. Wait, I did hear she was back east at one time."

  "Mr. Tallis, do you know Rhonda Owens or maybe by her initials, R.C. Owens," asked Stacy.

  Stacy saw the gears grinding trying to search the memory banks. His grey shaggy eyebrows rose and said, "Now I remember her and that fat bitch of a sister of hers. One of the two of them ripped off my coin collection and disappeared."

  Rory looked at Stacy who looked at Ben who looked back at Raleigh. "Mr. Tallis, did you have an Indian Head Coin collection?"

  "I sure did. I had three complete sets. I personally gave one set to Rebecca. The other two disappeared."

  "You mentioned R.C. Owens had a sister? What did she look like and what did she do for a living," asked Stacy.

  "Both were photographers. R.C. took landscapes and sister C.R took pictures of models like I did. I taught them both. Now can I have a double please? I feel the shakes returning."

  On the way back to Oregon, with Michelle tagging along, Stacy kept to herself. Not that she was concerned about the FBI coming, but giving the new information serious consideration. Especially the R.C. and D.C. Owens sisters. Raleigh had no idea what the D.C. stood for, but Stacy was determined to find out. She also thought that if Rhonda was guilty, she'd flown the coop by now. Was it possible that Rhonda didn't know if her sister D.C. was a suspect in a serial killing? If for example, Rhonda wasn't guilty then who murdered the new victim found in Richard's bog? It surely seemed to Stacy that all evidence pointed to R.C. as the guilty party. Stacy nodded off as the jet streaked north to land at North Bend Airport.

  Search for Lucy

  Michelle wanted to interview Rhonda Owens. When they landed about daylight the next day, Stacy called Flo to have Dan pick up Rhonda Owens on 11st for questioning at the station in Bandon. By the time they were ready to depart for Bandon, Dan called Stacy to tell her the house was empty and the black van was gone. Stacy told Dan to put out an APB on the van with an additional warning that the driver was armed and dangerous.

  While that was taking place, Michelle alerted Portland to locate Lucy Tallis. The FBI went to work along with the local law enforcement agencies. At the same time, a search went out for a D.C. Owens. The LA office was already working on finding her. With no leads to follow up on, Rory took Lucy and Michelle down to Bandon. Rory dropped Stacy off at her house and then took Michelle around to the two sites where Rebecca and the last unnamed victim were murdered.

  Stacy was running on empty. She told her father a brief report and went to bed. She really needed to charge her batteries. Her head no more than hit the pillow when she went into a dreamless sleep.

  At noon Vicki shook her awake. Stacy blinked a few times and heard her best friend say, "Rory is on the phone Stac. He says they found Lucy Tallis. He's on his way down now to pick you up for a flight to Portland."

  "Okay Vic, I'm awake now. I need a shower first and some food. What time is it anyway?"

  "Noonish and raining like hell. I'll fix some scrambled eggs and toast for you. Father is at the station. He'll be by to pick you up very soon. Your car is at the station house if you remember."

  Stacy hurried and soon she was filled up ready to go. She thanked Vicki and when father tooted the horn out the door she went into a full blown storm. Chief Ray said, "They found Lucy Tallis in her apartment dead. She'd been shot and best guess is up to forty eight hours before a neighbor caught a foul odor from under the door. She called the police. They discovered a buffalo Indian nickel in her naval."

  "Thanks dad. I'll see you when I get back. Have Dan keep an eye on that 11 St house just in case," said Stacy as she left hurrying to Rory's SUV for the ride to North Bend Airport.

  "Did you have a nice nap," asked Rory as he pulled out on the highway driving north to the airport.

  "Yes I did. I could have slept all day. Dad told me about Lucy Tallis. Tell me again leaving out no details please."

  His story was the same with no much added. Lucy's physical description was a little shocking as she was grossly overweight. Also, the house was full of pictures of work either taken by Raleigh or posed by Rebecca and Samantha. How she made a living wasn't known just now.

  "The state police stopped R.C. Owens' van just north of Salem. She cooperated fully and no firearm was found. She said she was on her way to Portland for a meeting with some other photographers. We detained her and currently she is in our Salem office waiting for an interview by the FBI and us."

  "I wonder where the sister D.C. Owens is," said Stacy as they entered Coos Bay. Stacy saw the rain coming down sideways and wondered if the plane could take off in the stormy weather. That question was soon answered with Michele, Ben, Rory and herself buckled in tightly as the small Gulf jet roared into the wind. Indeed it was a rocky ride for a half hour but then the plane rose above the storm smoothing out for a nice ride to Salem.

  Stacy could see that Rhonda wasn't any too happy being held up in Salem sitting in an uncomfortable chair waiting for the plane to arrive. The detectives moved to an interrogation room. They were taking no chances losing her again. Her right were read, but like the last time, she waived wanting to continue on her way. Stacy jumped right into the middle of her asking, "Where is your sister D.C. Owens, Ms. Owens?"

  "I think she's in Portland, but I'm not sure. She was or is staying with a friend of hers I'm to meet her in Portland at the Round Tree Motel tomorrow at noon. I do have her friend's cell phone number."

  Rory asked, "Where were you two days ago?"

  "I was at my friends' house and then drove up here. It can be verified as more than just my friend was there."

  "When was the last time you saw Lucy Tallis Ms. Owens," asked Stacy. Stacy saw her flinch and look up at the ceiling for the answer. Her double chin quivered as she shook her head slightly thinking hard.

  "I'm not sure about the date or year, but maybe more than five years ago."

  "When was the last time you saw Samantha," asked Stacy.

  "It was about the same time as I remember seeing both at a showing of photographs in Portland.

  "Describe them please. Both of them," asked Stacy.

  "Lucy was heavy, like me and I hardly recognized Samantha as she was much heavier than when she was a model. Both looked much older, but then I guess we all do."

  "Please give us your sister's contact number," asked Michelle.

  After writing down the number, Michelle left to make a phone call. Meanwhile Stacy asked, "What wa
s Samantha doing for a living if you know."

  "She was hustling jobs for models using her past contacts, from I remember hearing. Maybe my sister knows as she runs in those circles."

  They decided to let her go with informing her whereabouts at all times. A female police officer went with her to Portland. Michelle said they had an appointment with the sister at six pm at the Round Tree motel near the airport. That would give them time to visit Lucy Tallis apartment for a look around.

  Revealing Photos

  At a lower end apartment in an even lower end neighbor hood off Burnside on the east side of the Willamette River, Stacy, Rory, Ben and Michelle looked over the apartment. To Stacy, it seemed Michelle was sticking awful close to Rory. He seemed a little embarrassed by the attraction. Stacy inwardly smiled knowing how attractive Rory really was. He stood well over six foot with an athletic body. He dressed well in his usual Dockers, dress shirt, loafers and sport coast when in the big city. When he smiled it would melt most women and it even mad Stacy feels funny when he looked at her with puppy dog eyes smiling. She shook her head and continued looking at a room full of photographs of family and probably friends.

  There were many photos of Rebecca and older shots of Samantha. The sisters looked very much alike even though many years difference in age. The longer Stacy stood there, the parts of the puzzle, if you will, fit into the complete picture.

  "Who killed Lucy Tallis," she asked all in the room. All heads snapped over to look at her. Michelle looked puzzled; Dan had a grin; Rory was flashing his ivory at her. "Is this the work of the serial killer we seek or is this a copy cat killing?"

  "I'm not sure Stacy. It has all the hallmarks of the serial killer and especially the nickel as that has never been made public. However, by now word could have leaked out for sure. What do you think Stacy," said Michelle with a perplex look on her face.

  "Well Michelle, I almost positive I know who the serial killer is. But proving it might be hard. Also, finding the killer might be even harder. However, I've an idea how to bring the killer out into the open for questioning," said a straight faced Stacy.

  Rory and Ben both knew better than to push the answer from Stacy. It would come out in due time. When they finished looking around it was time for the six o'clock meeting with D.C. Owens.

  At the Round Tree Motel, the four law officers met D.C. and her friend, along with R.C. Owens at a conference room reserved by the State Police. At first glance, the two sisters almost looked like twins, but then upon closer inspection, at least five years separated them. By this time word was out that Lucy Tallis had been murdered. D.C. had an alibi that was soon verified as bona fide. This wasn't surprising to Stacy.

  It was soon agreed that nobody had seen any of the Tallis females for years. It wasn't a surprise for the sisters to learn that Raleigh had found the bottle as his best friend. All felt sad at that knowledge.

  Stacy said, "Would you ladies excuse us for a minute. We'll step outside and be right back. Please order dinner if you'd like."

  Once again Michelle had a curious look on her face. Just outside the door Stacy huddled up her colleagues. "Here's my plan to draw out the killer. We're going to bring Raleigh Tallis back into the limelight. I think he'll have a grand showing of his former work and be on hand to greet the public. It'll need extensive advertising and work by volunteers. I'm quite sure our killer will attend out of curiosity. As a matter of fact, I'm 99% sure of the Buffalo Nickel Killer will be at the showing."

  "You're a real confident detective," said Michelle. "However, you're previous record greatly lends creditability to what you suspect. I'm all for it. Tell me what you need and let's make a plan."

  "I'll introduce it when we get back inside. I think our two sisters will be excited at the prospect," said Stacy moving towards the door.

  The Grand Showing by the Redhead

  The idea was received with applause by all in the industry. Up and down the coast and back east advertising the fact that Raleigh Tallis was back bigger than ever was warmly accepted by his former associates and customers. Models were especially excited thinking they had a chance to pose for the master.

  The show was set before the weekend before Thanksgiving holiday at the Lloyd Center in Portland. The FBI took care of Raleigh giving him no choice but to dry up. It was a rough go, but by the time he was due in Portland, he was looking much better. He was ready to meet the public again.

  The volunteers were fabulous, as Michelle said to all who care near her. Darling, better known as D.C. was the pseudo boss of the showing. She and her sister designed the showing. By the time it was ready, even Stacy, Rory and Ben were impressed.

  The show was scheduled for a two pm Saturday opening. It was decided that Rory and Michelle would be a couple while Ben and Stacy would stay together. Many other FBI agents would be milling around waiting for Stacy's move; or see a high sign.

  Raleigh looked completely different with his hair and a short beard a deep red color. He appeared clean and sober. It was his time to bask in the glory. He wasn't aware the show was to catch a serial killer. He asked, but all just shrugged their shoulders when asked why.

  Stacy guessed correctly that the killer wouldn't show until after dark when the show would be in full swing. She waited patiently and spent a lot of time admiring the beautiful pictures of even more lovely models. And speaking of models, the giant area was full of strikingly beautiful female and male models. Raleigh always had a crowd around him. No doubt he was totally enjoying himself.

  At just after six the killer walked in with head held high looking anxiously around for the show's center of attraction. Stacy recognized the killer immediately. She waited until the killer was standing in front of Raleigh as if starring at a ghost. Raleigh with his ear to ear smile closed his joyful face into a startling look of shock. He said nothing but his eyes never left the green eyes looking back at him.

  Stacy nodded to Ben and Rory saw it too. Rory nudged Michelle who in turn sent some looks to her agents. They all followed Stacy to the area next to Raleigh. Stacy stood alongside the killer and said:

  "Samantha you're under arrest for the murders of six people including your sister and mother. Don't think about running as you're completely surrounded by FBI. If you come quietly, I will allow you to speak to your father later."

  Samantha nodded in agreement and turned to walk away with Stacy on one arm and Rory on the other. Rory never felt prouder than he did at that moment of what he realized was a special person gifted in the ranks of detection. What really excited him was that he loved that person and, he suspected and wished, loves him in return.

  Michelle, after they'd returned to the FBI offices where they were set to interview Samantha, wanted badly to learn how Stacy came to the conclusion that the older sister and daughter of the famous photographer was the serial killer. She was about to learn the how in just a short time.

  As both Rory and Ben came to know that Detective Stacy Foreham likes to tell her story before the suspect ultimately confessed. IF they didn't confess, she told the story anyway. In this case, they brought the father to be with the daughter to hear the story.

  "Ms. Samantha Tallis, please correct me if I make an error in my rendition of the events of this case. When you were in your early twenties you were the top model in your field. Your perfect body and flaming red hair impressed all including your father. I pick up the story when you were in Bandon a decade or more ago. Your father was there too. He was taking pictures of not only you but other models. After that I'm not sure happened. Your father returned to LA and I presume your mother and father had a fight of sorts. You were totally upset at both parents and especially with your fathers specially attention to your sister Rebecca. You could see her replacing you in the coming years. Your father loved collecting old coins. Your mother decided to leave him taking with her some of his coin collection. You went with your mother and Rebecca stayed with father for awhile. I'll come back to the coin collection shortly, but first let's t
alk about how you aged and grew heavier leaving you without an income. Where once men were panting after you, now not even a second glance came your way. I did a little research and found in the late 70s and 80s it was common for some attractive men to go buffalo hunting. Not in the literal sense, but if you look at a bison its ugly as sin. It has a huge body and no back end. God really did miss out when he made the bison. Anyway, for an attractive man to romance a plus size woman is heaven to the neglected unattractive woman. After the one night stand, the man goes to tell his buddies he'd been buffalo hunting. It's not nice, I totally agree.

  You knew this and resented the fact that young lovely ladies were the center of attraction and you were left out. So you took revenge pretending to be a professional photographer. You ended the life of a young woman and left your calling card: an Indian Head Coin with a buffalo on the back. That was your first mistake.

  Next you resented the popularity of your younger sister Rebecca. Ironically, you came back to where you spent a lovely vacation pretending to be Rita Hayworth. You lured your sister and murdered her dumping her body in a cranberry bog. To add to the mix and to throw off the FBI, you lured a black lady to the same location murdering her.

  I think by this time your mother had figured it out so you killed her too. I'm sure I've missed a few things along the way Samantha and fill in the gaps if you would like to," said Stacy.

  All watched and Stacy saw Raleigh with tears streaming down his face. He'd no idea about any of this information overload he'd been hearing. It was a sad day when a father finds out half his original family was murdered and one daughter was responsible. He realized that he'd be the only left enjoying the free air of the planet of the original four.

  Samantha said, "You've got it mostly right detective. Anything more would just add more grief and sorrow. My life ended many years ago. The choices I made are mine alone. My father was and is a drunk. My mother wasn't much better with a cycle of men who kept us fed, unsatisfied emotionally. Am I sorry, well, maybe and maybe not. Where I'm going is a roof over my head, a bed of sorts, three square meals and all the company I require. I never did much like men and found comfort with women.


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