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Murder Mysteries # 2

Page 18

by Waggoner, Robert C.

  Stacy drove over to see Sam who, because it was raining, was home sitting on his porch all bundled up snarling at the weather delaying his one pleasure in life: Fishing.

  "Hello Stacy," Sam said. "What brings you by to visit an old man on a crummy day on the coast of Oregon?"

  "I need your help," said Stacy climbing the five steps to his porch. An old wooden chair sat against the side of the house in case visitors arrived. Few visitors ever came by, but the chair was there just in case.

  "As you can see, my dear detective I'm extremely busy. I'd ask you for an appointment, but I gave my secretary notice years ago. All sarcasm aside, what can I help you with? I don't want any more dead bodies cluttering up my fishing hole."

  "Do you have a set of binoculars?"

  "Sure do. Just ask old Francis Brown and she'll tell you I use them to spy on her taking a bath. Why in God's name would I want to look at a bunch of wrinkled flesh when all I have to do is look in a mirror?"

  "Here's my plan Smiling Sam," Stacy went on to tell him her idea and his role in the scheme of things. When she was finished, he nodded his head.

  "You're brave Stacy. Your plan is solid, but risky. A knife wielding wacko is unpredictable. You have good back up with detective Rory. One more thing, instead of a binoculars, I've a friend who has a spotting scope and tripod. That would work better I think."

  "Good idea. I'll get that cell phone and all you have to do is press one button to make a call. I'm not sure when this event will take place, but I suspect within a few days."

  When Rory heard that his crush was going to be bait for a crazed rapist/killer, he almost went ballistic. Chief Ray smiled as he played with his yellow pencil and legal pad. Ben was expressionless considering the plan from all angles. Later he would say it was extremely risky but doable.

  Officer Dan, who would play a vital role being undercover in his own car keeping an eye on the suspect, smiled at Rory's reluctance to risk his love of his life. He liked watching him squirm. Dan had confidence in Stacy and her ability to outthink a suspect.

  Vicki on the other hand was really scared the Randy dude would get both of them. Chief Ray said, "We'll have a police officer with you at all times Vicki. You're not to worry. I guarantee your safety, but I can't guarantee my daughter's safety. However, we need to bring this suspect to a stop; also make it a final stop."

  All in the station knew full well what Chief Ray was implying; including Flo.

  Stacy grabbed Rory by the hand and took him outside and across the street to the restaurant where he could top of his tank that would calm his masculine nerves. It was only eleven but time didn't matter to Rory's stomach. He ordered a double bacon cheeseburger, fries and a chocolate peanut butter shake. Stacy had an egg salad sandwich. She said, "Hey Tall Man, I'm sure you're an expert with a rifle?"

  "Yes, ever since I was a young feller my father had me learning how to handle guns. I spent two years in the army as well. Why do you ask?"

  "I know the exact spot where I'll be waiting for Randy to sneak up on my from behind. Not a hundred feet away is a place where you can hide with a rifle to take him out if you see I'm in trouble. I'll remind you again later on to wait and let me take care of it if at all possible. I also want the scene videoed for the record if we need it."

  "Okay, I feel better now," he said while fishing some fries into his mouth. "We need some more troops uncover watching for strangers coming to town; what do you think," as he took a bite with burger juice running down his hand onto his plate. He wiped his mouth and hand after each bite knowing she was watching his table manners, like his mother would.

  "Let's keep the undercover down to two plus Dan. We don't want to scare him off. We can have your two guys on each end of town and Dan as a rover. Now I need to see a glass shop to have them make a mirror for my cell phone."

  It's not raining so hard right now. Let's go look at the location with Ben. Speaking of Ben, here he is now…… sit down partner and listen up for the director of this play that has the makings of prime time TV."

  Ben ordered a soup and sandwich special while listening to the plan of action. He nodded his approval and after lunch they drove to the South Jetty not a quarter mile from Old Town. The rain had almost stopped and Smiling Sam was already on the jetty fishing.

  The seashore south of the jetty is without a doubt a beautiful place to walk the beach. Along the shore, just outside low tide sits many sea stacks with names from the locals many years ago. From the littoral zone to the cliff which rises almost vertical is about a hundred yards. Violent storms have deposited large and small forms of driftwood. They line the shore next to the cliff. A clean sandy beach is perhaps two hundred feet of fresh washed sand. The closer to the cliff the softer the sand gets along with walking is more difficult. Beach combers scour the driftwood for unique pieces for furniture and other things. At night or evenings small family groups or kids will build a fire and roast some hot dogs or marshmallows.

  As they walked south, Stacy flashed back when they were in high school coming down here to have a fire and listen to ghost stories. Some of the more promiscuous couples would drift off to the darker areas for making out. She smiled thinking back about her and Ricky doing the same things.

  She and Ricky were a couple her senior year. As usual, a popular sports star and a cheerleader were stereotyped to spend the rest of their lives together. Ricky, unfortunately, found out in college that alcohol and drugs don't mix well with sports. The last Stacy heard he was in Portland doing she didn't know what.


  A stark white tree about fifty feet long and a diameter of three feet lay at a 45 degree angle to the sea shore with its back end or root system against the cliff. Near the cliff the large tree afforded visitors the opportunity to tuck in behind the large tree that blocked the on shore breeze. Many old fires had scared the ancient blow down evergreen.

  When the three detectives arrived at the location of her site to confront the killer, Stacy pointed out the exact spot she'd be sitting at with her back to the jetty. Actually with the 45 degree angle, she'd have some peripheral vision with her left eye. Moreover, with her cell having a mirror would allow full vision of the area extending back to the jetty some three hundred yards away.

  "I'll be sitting right here," she said jumping on the bark-less tree. I'll sit Indian style like this, with my cell like this," as she held her cell in her left hand pretending she was texting with one hand. "Also, if you can see I'll have my pistol at the ready with my right hand just inside my coat. My plan is he will sneak up on me, raise a big knife to stab me in the back. I'll be wearing a bullet proof vest of course. Regardless, if he just tries to grab me, I'll shoot him. Rory don't shoot until he commits himself. Ben can find someplace over there to set up a video camera. If no place, then with a zoom lens from the top of the cliff would work."

  Rory and Ben prowled around looking for a place to snipe the bad guy. About a hundred feet south, against the cliff, a large pile of driftwood, would make a perfect place to hide behind. A half hours work and Rory had a Jim dandy place to hide from being seen from any direction.

  Ben couldn't find a good spot to take a video so Stacy called Dan to pick up Ben and take him up to the Beach Loop Road that overlooked the ocean. Directly above Stacy were a motel and a large parking area with a steep trail down to the beach. The perp would not suspect he was being videoed from the rim.

  Stacy was still sitting on the log which made her almost the same height as Rory when he stood in the sand on the leeward side of the log. It had been dug out by years of visitors hiding from the cold wind off the ocean. She said, "Tall Man, you not so tall now. So, you are a little worried that small weak me, as a female, can't win against a crazed out psychopathic killer huh?"

  She saw his face turn a little redder as there was a stiff wind blowing off the water making both their faces a little wind burned. He said, lowering his eyes, "I'm doing my best Stacy to find that balance men need to work with females doing t
he same job."

  "I know you are Rory. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Wrap those long arms around me as I'm a bit chilly."

  "He did as commanded and even through the roaring sound of the ocean and the wind; she could faintly hear his beating heart as she laid her head against his chest. When she raised her head up, he was looking down at her with eyes the color of a Montana sky. She moved her arms up around his neck pulling him to her waiting lips. At first both sets of lips were cold, but after the sound of a wave or two crashing upon the beach, warm lips and tongues met for an even warmer occasion.

  Stacy finally broke it off with a big sigh. "That was nice Tall Man. But I must tell you that as much as we both want a relationship it's just not possible at this time. I'm working on a career and have no desire to settle down and have kids. You're seven years older than me. If I were your age, it might be a different story. If you're looking to find a woman and have a family, I suggest, reluctantly, you keep your blue eyes open for that opportunity."

  "I hear what you say Stacy. I'm not sure what I want for the future. Right now, albeit, frustrating, a large part of me is very happy. It's the alone times that drag me down. But our occupation keeps me from having too much down time. It's times like this when I can taste your essence that keeps me focused on life.

  If you can spare me a few like these times, I'm happy. Just try to remember I'm always salivating and not from food hunger, but from Stacy hunger. Now-- where were we—I'd like an instant replay—if you don't mind.

  This time around it felt like it should never end except in bed for both of them. It had been a long time, if ever, that she felt this way. She was almost to the point of falling off the log onto the sand letting him have his way with her. That moment was broken when he said, "Whoa Stacy, let's take a break. Blue jeans were never meant to have room for—well—you know what I mean."

  At the police station, Ben said that a around the clock teams of state troopers would be in effect by this evening. Also, as Oregon had a policy of no self service at gasoline stations, the convenience store on the corner of hwy 101 and 42 would have undercover operatives on site. Stacy and all others felt things were completely under control.

  That night, just before dinner, Vickie and Stacy were in the kitchen making dinner. Chief Ray was visiting a friend and would be back around seven pm. Stacy was making baked chicken with rice. It was one of her mother's favorite recipes. It called for brown rice with cream of mushroom sauce and a few secret ingredients. To break up the rich taste, a cool green salad with a homemade French dressing kicked anybodies backside.

  While they were making dinner Stacy told Vicki the driftwood lips sucking this afternoon. "God Vickie, I got hot as all get out. I was ready to have him jump my bones."

  "You could do a lot worse Stac. I'd have him in a hot second if you gave me the go signal."

  "I know I'm being selfish Vic. But we're just too involved professionally to have a relationship. Who knows the future and that's what I told him. He's willing to keep floating down the river where on a rare occasion a set of rapids gives us both a thrill. Now let's put this baking dish in the oven and watch the news. We finally had a news conference, but I've just a cameo appearance. Rory and Ben looked great."

  Officer Dan, having been born and raised in Bandon, knew every building and house in town. To catch speeders, he also knew where to hide. Tonight he was behind or just to the side of the local glass company. He'd spotted the state police right away. He flashed his lights and they responded. The word would be passed on to the other shifts of undercover officers.

  After the bars closed, for the next four hours, you could count the cars coming and going through town on Hwy 101 on one hand. Dan was yawning when at four am a dark colored Toyota Corolla coming from the north going south. With his binoculars Officer Dan recorded the license plate number and watched it slowly drive through town. The driver made the mistake of going to slow. Most drivers would be five over at least going through a town without any sign of traffic around. Dan never moved he waited to see if the car came back through town or kept on going.

  Later the state police reported the car kept going south, but then at around eight am, it came back. By nine am the car in question had been stolen out of Eugene two days ago. Red Eagle was in town. It was time to bait the hook.


  When Stacy was informed Randy Warren was in town, she put on her game face. The first thing she did was check the weather, but looking outside. It was cloudy but no rain falling. She checked her smart phone for a weather forecast and as to its reliability, maybe 50%, it said clearing in the afternoon with a storm coming the following day. It appeared, via Sherlock, 'The game was afoot'.

  Vicki watched her dress from the bed. Vicki was visibly scared for her friend. She'd seen her friend Carmen lying dead on her parent's bed. She'd heard that her friend Carol was attacked, but successfully fought off the attacker. She'd heard that Randy Warren had raped and murdered at least three other girls on the western side of the Cascade Mountains. Now, as she chewed on the pillow cover, she watched her best friend put on jeans, a long sleeve T shirt and then strapped on a bullet proof vest before she put on a sweat shirt over the top. From her top drawer of her chest of drawers, she took out her short barrel .38 police special and holster. She positioned it on her left side so as to reach it with her right hand for ease of drawing it out.

  Stacy sat on the bed and put on a pair of heavy socks. At the front door she'd put on her hiking boots. Lastly, her Gore-Tex coat with hood would provide her with some comfort while she waited for her animal to enter the trap.

  Stacy thought around ten am would be a good time to start this operation. Rory and Ben both had received the word Red Eagle was in town. Both scrambled for preparation. Rory would be waiting long before Stacy and her predator came. He put on long handle underwear with loose fitting cotton pants. He'd stopped at the surplus store and bought some desert colored camo shirt and pants, along with a light weight camo tarp to hide under.

  Rory, the day before, had test fired a police 30.06 rifle with a variable 3 x 9 power scope. He was satisfied, but worried his fellow detective and significant other was going into the same arena with a psychopathic killer.

  Rory picked up Ben and his video equipment at seven am. Both were drinking coffee at eight am in Bandon. Chief Ray had the restaurant deliver enough oat meal for the squad of officers to stave off any hunger later in the morning.

  It was very quiet around the office while they ate breakfast. Vicki would not stay home, but would hang out at the station with Chief Ray. Dispatcher Flo was acting like a mother hen tending her flock of chicks making sure coffee and tea were available when needed. She kept up a constant chatter of not much substance, but her voice was soothing during a time of crisis.

  Chief Ray had ordered a tow truck to arrive in town by ten am. Officer Dan would signal the tow truck to tow away the blue Toyota of the perp. Smiling Sam would give Dan the go signal from his fishing spot. Stacy had already called Smiling Sam who was set up with spotting scope and fishing his heart out just waiting for action, he told Stacy.

  At nine word came in the suspect's car came from the south and turned off on the Beach Loop Road. Stacy thought he'd come full circle and she wanted to be seen getting into her SUV by Randy. A state patrol officer would pass the word when he came down the hill into Old Town or took the short cut that came out no far from the police station and supermarket. Stacy guessed correctly that he would take the cut of road and watch the station from somewhere close by.

  At nine-thirty the suspect was spotted parked watching the police station with binoculars. Stacy told all that she'd wait until ten to begin the game. Rory and Ben had left earlier and the only ones left were Vicki and Chief Ray. Officer James was outside washing his police car keeping a safe eye out if the suspect decided to attack the police station.

  Smiling Sam, Rory and Ben, along with all the rest of the undercover team were alerted that Stacy
was outside slowly, but not obviously, getting into her SUV. Stacy had the back end up fuss budgeting around with her homicide bag and flashlight. This action was to ensure the suspect that indeed it was Detective Stacy Foreham entering the police vehicle.

  Her SUV had its back end to the street. Stacy buckled up and slowly turned right to proceed down the hill to Old Town. About half way down the hill, she saw the blue Toyota coming just over the top of the hill. She moved to left lane and signaled a left turn into Old Town. Old Town is only a few blocks long and then the road parallels the Coquille River and the harbor.

  Stacy drove like she always did with safety and with purpose. When she made the right hand turn to the South Jetty, she caught a glimpse of the blue car quite far behind her. She smiled thinking that this rapist and killer would soon feel the lack of freedom others took for granted. In her mind, he either came quietly or carried out in a black bag. Stacy and all the others like the latter rather than the former way.

  Stacy parked and opened up the back end for her small back pack. When she drove in she saw Smiling Sam playing with his fishing pole ignoring any traffic coming in. Only a few cars sat in the parking lot. November is not the prime tourist season for Bandon by the Sea.

  A quick look back towards Old Town, while she opened the back end indicated Red Eagle was hot on the trail of his victim. Stacy closed up the back end, locked the doors and slowly followed the trail to the beach south towards Face Rock. Face Rock being a local and prominent tourist attraction as this sea stack truly does have a profile depicting a face.

  Stacy had her cell phone equipped with a small mirror. There wasn't any sun to reflect off of her small mirror to give her away. After she'd gone perhaps two hundred yards, she took a quick look to see if Randy Warren was following her. She did see a small person walking down towards the surf and after that it walked south.


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