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Shattered (Dividing Line #5)

Page 2

by Heather Atkinson

  “He killed his own mum,” he murmured.

  “So did Nick.”

  “He told you about that?”

  “Yes. He thought I should know who I was getting involved with.”

  “Alex forced him, he had no choice. He was a decent bloke.”

  “I know.” Beth wanted to curl up into a ball and cry her heart out, she had to get the grief out before she lost her mind but there was something else Mikey needed to know first. “Alex told the Jordans that Rachel was still a leader in the family when she wasn’t. Nick said his mum would have left her alone if she’d been told the truth. Thomas’s death is on Alex.”

  “Just when I think he can’t get any more depraved he does. Does Rachel know?”

  “Yes. She went mental. She attacked Alex but no matter how hard she fought she couldn’t beat him. He kept hitting her and stabbing her and he was enjoying it. I can’t believe he’s the same man I married. What happened to him?”

  “I wish I knew. I miss the old Alex too.”

  “Was he always like this and he just hid it from us? Have I been married to a monster all these years?”

  “No, I’m sure of it.”

  “I used to love him so much, he was everything to me.”

  “And he loved you too, he told me often enough. This new Alex is an impostor. The real Alex is gone and he’s never coming back.”

  A knock on the door made Beth jump. “Who’s that?”

  “Don’t worry, it’s just Declan and his brothers. I asked them to come over to keep an eye on you.”

  Nevertheless Mikey’s hand rested on the butt of the gun tucked into his jacket pocket as he approached the door. He peered through the spy hole, relieved when he saw it was indeed his cousins. He opened the door and hastily ushered them inside before locking it behind them.

  “How is she?” whispered Declan.

  “How do you think? I need you to stay with her, I’ve got to get back to the hospital.”

  When there was another knock at the door they all tensed. Mikey indicated for his cousins to get behind the door while he once again peered through the spy hole.

  “It’s alright, it’s Riley.”

  He opened the door and was greeted by the smell of smoke. “Get yourself in quick before someone sees you.”

  Riley hurried in looking dirty, skin streaked with grime.

  “I take it the warehouse is sorted?” said Mikey.

  Riley nodded. “There were only a couple of coppers guarding the front entrance. It went up quickly, most of it was gone before the fire brigade even got there but the bodies had already been moved.”

  “They won’t find anything of us on them. Thanks mate.”

  “You’re welcome. I had a call from Ryan. He said I’m to stay here.”

  “Sure. Your room’s the third door on the left. For God’s sake take a shower, you stink. There are spare clothes in the wardrobe.”


  Riley walked into the living area and found Beth on the couch.

  She looked up at him, eyes heavy with grief. “Hi Ryan.” She turned back to the television before her head snapped round again. “Sorry, Riley. I saw you at the warehouse. You’re Ryan’s half-brother?”

  He nodded.

  “Thanks for helping get us out of that hellhole. I’ll be eternally grateful to you, to all of you.”

  “There’s no need.”

  She gave him a nod before turning back to the television, although it was clear she wasn’t watching it.

  Riley understood exactly what she was going through, that the person she loved had been killed right in front of her and he wanted to offer her words of support and comfort, knowing the agony that was eating away at her inside. In Beth he saw a kindred spirit, someone who understood that pain but he couldn’t find the words so he walked past her and into the bathroom. He shut the door and locked it behind him before sinking to the floor. Zoe’s death replayed itself before his eyes, her screams echoing in his head. He recalled the two Lucifer’s Shadow MC members lying on the floor of the warehouse, shot to death and satisfaction flooded him. Jasper White was involved in this. Finally his time had come.

  Ryan had never seen his father-in-law so scruffy before. His thinning hair was all over the place, the collar of his shirt was stuck up and he was unshaven. Battler and Bruiser followed him into Rachel’s hospital room and all three were appalled by the state she was in.

  “Rick,” said Ryan, getting to his feet.

  But Rick’s attention was entirely focused on his daughter, who was fast asleep. Tears filled his horrified eyes. “What has that animal done to my little girl?”

  “The surgeon said she’ll be okay,” Ryan told him.

  “Battler said Alex stabbed her.”

  “He did but nothing too deep.”

  “Why is there a bandage around her neck?”

  Ryan sighed and ran a hand through his hair. He hadn’t even told Battler about this, thinking it wasn’t news that could be broken over the phone. “He cut her throat Rick.”

  “He…he…” Rick trailed off, looking like his heart was breaking.

  “It’s okay, he didn’t get the arteries, which is why she survived.”

  “Oh Christ Ryan, I’m sorry,” said Battler. “I should have stayed closer, I shouldn’t have let her run off.”

  “I don’t blame you,” replied Ryan, watching as his father-in-law collapsed into the chair by his daughter’s bedside.

  “Tell me everything he did to her,” said Rick.

  “We don’t have all the details yet, Rachel hasn’t been strong enough to tell us. Mikey’s gone to talk to Beth, she was there too.”

  “I thought she’d run off with someone called Nick.”

  “She did but Alex caught them. Nick was betrayed by his brother. Alex executed Nick in front of Beth.”

  “That poor girl. How is she?”

  “I haven’t seen her myself but apparently she’s very traumatised. The kids were there too.”

  “They saw someone being killed?” he said, aghast.

  “No, they were locked in another room but they heard everything, including Rachel being beaten.”

  “This is horrific. I didn’t think even a Maguire was capable of such atrocities. I’m told the bastard is still alive.”

  “He is. You should know they’ve put him in the room just across the hall,” said Ryan, gesturing to the window.

  Rick stared at him blankly, as though he couldn’t process what he was being told. Slowly he got to his feet and peered through the window. Fortunately the blinds were still drawn. “Why have they put him there when they know he tried to kill her?”

  “Because they think he tried to save her.”


  “Because that’s what I told them.”

  Rick rounded on him. “How could you after what he did to her? What sort of husband are you?”

  Ryan tried not to be offended, he knew Rick was upset but nevertheless the barb still stung. “I said it to protect her. There are very dangerous people involved in this who at the moment are on our side. That would soon change if I grassed to the police. They’d come after us all, including Rachel. This way we stay safe and we stay out of prison and Alex isn’t arrested, leaving me free to get rid of him once and for all. If you’ve any better suggestions about how to handle the situation I’d love to hear them.”

  Rick held up his hands. “I’m sorry Ryan, you went after her and you saved her life.”

  “Actually it was Beth who saved her. She was the one who shot Alex.”

  Rachel started to stir, her eyes flickering.

  “Rachel?” said Rick, leaning over his daughter.

  “Dad?” she said, forcing her eyes open.

  “It’s me baby girl, I’m here.”

  “Dad,” she repeated, a tear sliding down her face.

  Rick took her hand. “Don’t talk, just rest. You need to get back on your feet as soon as possible.”

  “The kid

  “Are safe and well. Don’t worry about them. They’re enjoying their holiday. Me and Ryan are right here so you can rest easy.”

  She gave him a slow nod before her eyes slid shut again.

  When Mikey walked in he hesitated. He hadn’t realised Rick would be here so soon and he didn’t want him hearing what he had to tell Ryan. He didn’t really want Ryan to hear it either.

  “How are you Rick?” said Mikey, extending his hand.

  Rick regarded his proffered hand with distaste. “I don’t shake hands with Maguires.”

  “This isn’t down to me. Rachel’s like my sister.”

  “She was like Alex’s sister once and look what happened there.”

  “I would never…”

  “Yeah I bet Alex said that once and all. This room is a Maguire-free zone so you can piss off.”

  “I love Rachel too, I’m trying to help.”

  Rick stood nose to nose with him. “All you care about is grabbing what you can before he gets back on his feet,” he said, pointing in Alex’s direction. “I don’t want you or anyone called Maguire anywhere near my daughter. Since she met Danny she’s spent half her life in hospital. You’re rotten, the lot of you. You all had the cheek to look down on the Montford and the Laws when they’re twice the family you are. Now fuck off,” he yelled in Mikey’s face.

  His raised voice roused Rachel from her sleep.

  “It’s alright Babe,” said Ryan, stroking her hair.

  Reassured, her eyes closed again.

  “Alright, if that’s what you want,” said Mikey, hoping he didn’t look as hurt as he felt. He took one last look at Rachel before heading for the door. “Ryan, can I talk to you?”

  Ryan nodded, experiencing a touch of nervousness because he knew he was about to find out exactly what Rachel had endured. He kissed her forehead before following Mikey out of the room.

  “Do you want us to leave too?” Battler asked Rick.

  “Your last name isn’t Maguire, is it?”


  “Then you can stay,” he replied, retaking his seat. He looked through the window towards Alex’s room with murder on his mind.


  “You spoke to Beth?” Ryan asked Mikey, opening the door of the Relative’s Room. He bobbed his head inside to make sure it was empty before entering.

  “I did,” he replied.

  They sat opposite each other and Mikey began to relate what he’d learnt.

  It was a surprise to Ryan to find out that Nick’s own brother had sold him and Beth out and that Alex had murdered Martina.

  “The sick dirty bastard,” he spat. “Martina was a good woman, all she wanted was for her family to be happy. He got rid of her so he could do what he wanted without having to answer to anyone. All that about her winding him up until he snapped is bullshit. That sneaky way of injecting her while she slept was premeditated, cold and he didn’t want her to know he was her murderer.” Ryan was genuinely upset. Martina had been the one to make the rest of the family accept his relationship with Rachel, she’d supported them and been a grandmother to their boys. It was disgusting that her own child had killed her.

  “At least she wouldn’t have known about it, I suppose that’s a blessing. But there’s more.” Mikey wasn’t sure it was his place to break this news to Ryan, Rachel might want to do it herself or she might not want him to know at all but he thought an experience like that might change her attitude towards close contact with men and it was only fair he was forewarned. “Beth said when Rachel was taken to that house in Moss Side Alex forced her upstairs and tried to rape her.”

  Ryan grabbed Mikey roughly by the shoulders. “Please tell me he didn’t.”

  “No, he didn’t, thanks to Alfie and Archie. They managed to stop him going all the way.”

  “So he took her to the brothel to be raped instead because he couldn’t do it himself.” Ryan sighed and released him, the weight of the world on his shoulders.

  “I thought you should know because we can’t be sure how an experience like that will affect her, you know, in the bedroom.”

  “Yes thank you Mikey, I know what you mean,” he snapped. “Jesus why that? Hadn’t he hurt her enough?”

  “It was about power and domination, a big fuck you to you as well as her. Beth said he knows about something that happened between you and Rachel in Martina’s Bar years ago when she split up with Danny. That’s what’s been driving him crazy, as well as the fact that Frank wanted Rachel in charge.”

  “I thought so. He almost killed her for that. It was nothing for Christ’s sake and her and Danny weren’t even together at the time. She never cheated on him, despite how much I encouraged her to.” He pressed his palms to his eyes. “Alex trying to rape her would have devastated Rachel more than anything, more than the beating and the throat cutting. The ultimate betrayal from a man she considered to be a brother.”

  “Beth wants to see Rachel. I’m not sure it’s a good idea with Alex in such close proximity.”

  “Let her. They’re best friends and they need each other but keep the kids away.”

  Mikey nodded. “There’s one more thing.”

  “I’m not sure how much more I can take.”

  “Alex told Jan Jordan that Rachel was still a leader in the family before they had that meeting. According to Nick, if Alex had told Jan the truth she would have left Rachel alone. Although she was curious about her she was only interested in the leaders.”

  “And Thomas would still be alive?”


  Ryan shot to his feet and slammed his fist into the wall, leaving a large indentation in the plaster.

  “I’ll kill him, I’ll fucking kill him,” he yelled.

  Mikey jumped up and grabbed Ryan by the shoulders. “Listen to me. Yes you will kill him but not here and not now. Do you hear me? Everything hinges on you keeping your cool.”

  Ryan nodded and raised a hand. “Alright, I’m calm.”

  “Good. I’m sorry he’s taken so much from you.”

  “Yes he has and he will pay for it.”

  “Now, can I go and bring Beth in without having to worry about you charging into Alex’s room?”

  “Yes,” sighed Ryan. “We need to know as much as we can about Alex’s other businesses, the ones he kept from you.”

  “The Sugar brothers are the ones to go to about that. Not the two youngest, they’re a couple of plebs, Alex only lets them near things they can’t screw up. Gavin Sugar might be the best bet, he’s weaker than Col and Andy.”

  “Track him down as quickly as you can.”

  “I will. It shouldn’t hard, I’ll just check the local pubs, he’s a bit of a piss-head. By the way, Frankie McVay’s been on the phone non-stop. What should I do about him?”

  “Oh Christ, I’d forgotten about him. Where is he?”

  “Holed up in the flat I bought off you when me and Amber got together.”

  “Leave him there for now, I don’t want him in my hotel, he’ll draw too much attention. Tell him we’ll all visit him this evening. I don’t think they’ll let me spend the night here anyway.”

  “He’s called in a couple of his heavies from Glasgow. They should be here later today.”

  “Oh fucking fantastic, that’s all we need.”

  “He’s got his collection of body parts in my old flat,” said Mikey with distaste. “Stu’s head is in my fridge. When he’s gone I’m having a new kitchen fitted.”

  “Your sodding décor’s the least of our worries. Tell him we’ll be round in a few hours and for God’s sake try and keep him in the flat.”

  Mikey huffed. Why did he keep getting lumbered with babysitting the psychopath?

  Katia had sat in devastated silence for a full minute after Col broke the news to her about Alex. He’d taken her to a safe house owned by Alex that no one else knew about. Robbie Jordan was with them, his left arm, which had been nicked by a bullet, held in a sling. When Col looked at him qu
estioningly he just shrugged.

  “Katia, are you okay?” Col eventually said, becoming worried.

  She raised her head, blinking myopically before her face twisted with anger, an almost animal scream flying from her lips. She picked up the bowl of pot pourri off the coffee table and hurled it at the wall, Robbie just managing to move out of the way before it collided with his head.

  “The bastard Laws, I will kill them all for this,” she screamed.

  “It wasn’t them who shot him, it was Beth,” said Robbie.

  “That ugly little shrew? I don’t believe it. She couldn’t bring down a man like Alex.”

  “It was her, I saw it happen,” he insisted. “He laughed at her, he didn’t believe she could do it but when he started cutting Rachel’s throat, she did.”

  “Only because the Laws attacked, giving her the chance. It is their fault and I will kill Rachel and Ryan personally.”

  “No Katia, you won’t. Alex won’t want you anywhere near them because you wouldn’t stand a chance against either of them,” said Col.

  “I could easily kill Rachel.”

  “No you couldn’t. I saw her fight Alex and she actually managed to stand up to him with no weapons, just her fists. You’re used to dealing with weak scared women, nothing in her league. She’s an anomaly, nothing like any woman I’ve ever encountered.”

  “You admire her,” she said, outraged.

  “No, I respect her. There’s a difference. You’d be a fool not to do the same.”

  “How dare you speak to me like this you stupid man?”

  Col rolled his eyes. “I’m trying to stop you doing something silly and getting yourself killed. There are other ways to hurt the Laws. You must keep your temper in check if you want to help Alex and please stay calm, think of your baby.”

  Katia inhaled sharply, raking her fingers through her hair, so enraged she tore out a few golden strands. She sat back down on the couch and breathed in slowly and deeply until she felt calmer. She looked up at Col, eyes clear and sharp. “I have an idea.”

  Col smiled. He thought she might.

  Beth was escorted to the hospital by Riley, the kids staying back at the hotel under Mikey’s watchful eye. Archie had started to cry when his mother said she was going out and it had broken Beth’s heart to leave him sobbing into his uncle’s chest.


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