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Shattered (Dividing Line #5)

Page 11

by Heather Atkinson

  “The nurse is calling Ryan right now. I’ll be fine. Go with them. I don’t want you done for assaulting a police officer.”

  “Alright, but we wait until the nurse comes back so we really know she’s called Ryan then one of them sits with you until he gets here, won’t you?” he demanded of the sister.

  “Yes, I think we can stretch to that.”

  “We can’t wait…,” began Leyland.

  “It’s the best you’re going to get,” snarled Battler. “Take it or fucking leave it.”

  Leyland thoughtfully chewed his lip.

  “Take it you fool. He looks like he could eat you for breakfast,” Sister snapped at Leyland.

  “Fine,” he sighed, folding his arms across his chest, looking distinctly put out. He’d been completely humiliated in front of his junior colleagues.

  Battler pushed through the circle of police to reach Rachel’s side. “This is all bullshit Rach,” he said, taking her hand.

  “I know. Don’t worry, you’ll be out soon enough.”

  “I’m not worried about myself, I’m worried about you.”

  “Don’t be. Ryan will be here soon and nothing can happen if there’s a nurse with me.”

  He didn’t appear convinced and bent to kiss the top of her head. She felt him slip something under her pillow.

  “Protection,” he whispered in her ear.

  Divining he’d hidden a weapon under her pillow, she smiled up at him and nodded.

  When the nurse returned to say she’d called Mr Law and he was on his way, Battler and Bruiser were escorted out by the officers.

  The whole ridiculous situation had exhausted Rachel and she slumped back into the pillows.

  “You’ll stay with me?” she asked the young nurse.

  “Yes. Is there anything I can get you?”

  “No thanks, I’m so tired,” she said before drifting off.

  Rachel jumped awake again only it wasn’t a noise that disturbed her this time, more of a feeling that something was wrong. She opened her eyes to find herself all alone, the nurse gone. Glancing at the clock on the wall she saw that only a few minutes had passed. Her heart started to bang in her ribcage as she looked through her window into Alex’s room and saw the blinds were open. Col Sugar’s grinning face stared back at her but there was something distinctly eerie about his death’s head smile. Black shadows ringed his eyes, pale skin stretched tightly across his skull. She watched with mounting horror as he walked to the door of Alex’s room and turned the handle, his destination clear. His way was blocked by a porter pushing a patient on a gurney, accompanied by a doctor and two nurses, buying her precious seconds.

  Rachel yanked the tubes out of her arms and pulled herself upright. She knew she was too weak to walk but she wasn’t going to lie there and let him kill her. Taking a deep breath she planted her feet on the floor and reached under the pillow for whatever Battler had left her. It was a small knife. Clutching the weapon she staggered a few steps towards the bathroom, knees threatening to buckle. Gripping the handle of the bathroom door, it took all of her strength to pull it open and she released a loud groan as the movement tugged her wounds. Just as Col entered her room she snuck inside the bathroom and fell against the door to close it, lacking the strength to push it. She turned the lock and slid to the floor, a thud reverberating on the other side as Col pounded on the door. She dragged herself to the far side of the room and leant back against the wall, the knife still clutched in one hand as the thuds continued to sound.

  “You can hide in there but I’m going to get you, you fucking bitch,” she heard Col hiss. “I’m going to slice you open from your cut throat to your belly and pull your insides out.”

  Rachel didn’t respond, listening to his footsteps then the unmistakable sound of the blinds being lowered.

  This was followed by absolute silence and she held her breath in an effort to hear. A loud bang caused her to jump as Col tried to break down the door. Even though she had the knife if he broke through she’d be defenceless because she was far too weak to put up any kind of resistance.

  As suddenly as it started, the thudding ceased. She tried to stop her teeth from chattering as cold from the tiled floor seeped through the thin material of the hospital gown.

  “Rachel open up, it’s DCI Taylor,” called a deep voice.

  Rachel didn’t move. Despite what he’d told Ryan, she had no idea whose side he was really on.

  “You’re safe now, he’s gone.”

  “How can I trust you?”

  “I don’t know what to say to that.”

  “I’m not moving until Ryan gets here.”

  “Come on Rachel, you’re ill, you should be in bed not locked in a toilet.”

  “Back off,” she yelled when the door handle waggled up and down. A fire started in her neck and water filled her eyes

  “Fine, I’ll wait right here if that’s what you want. The nurses told me Ryan’s on his way, they assured me they’d contacted him.”

  Rachel slumped against the wall, the knife slipping from her hands, wrapping her arms around herself as the shivering grew violent, feeling weak and useless. She used to have bucket-loads of confidence, mainly due to the fact that she knew she could stand up to anyone and usually win if it got physical. However her utter defeat at the hands of Alex had shown her that she wasn’t as invulnerable as she’d thought and it scared her.

  She could hear Taylor pacing the room, slow steady footsteps telling her he was thoughtful and calm and not in a homicidal mood.

  Rachel couldn’t stop a low groan from escaping her lips as her wounds started to ache, the cold not helping. The stab wounds were shallow and hadn’t penetrated anything vital, it was fortunate Alex was so well versed in torture, but they still bloody hurt.

  “Rachel, are you okay?” called Taylor.

  “Fine,” she tried to call back but her voice was faint.

  “You don’t sound it. If you don’t feel safe with me I can get a nurse to be here when you open the door.”

  “Go away, please,” she whispered, wiping the tears from her eyes. There was no way she was opening that door until Ryan was there. After they’d left her all alone she couldn’t even trust the nurses anymore.

  Helplessness washed over her as she continued to shake and shiver on the floor. She’d never felt so powerless in her entire life.


  Just when Rachel thought she couldn’t stand the cold and pain any longer, a voice called, “Rachel, open up Sweetheart, I’m here now.”

  “Ryan,” she said joyfully. She was so weak she had to crawl to the door, struggling to reach up to the lock with one trembling hand. The moment the locked clicked the door slowly opened, Ryan being careful not to hit her with it.

  “Jesus Rachel, are you alright?” he said, crouching down beside her.

  “It hurts,” she whimpered, nestling into him. He wrapped his arms around her and his warmth helped chase away the cold and fear. Behind him she could see Riley.

  “It’s okay Sweetheart, I’m here. Christ you’re cold, let’s get you off this floor.”

  He spotted the knife she’d dropped, picked it up and slid it into his jacket pocket before Taylor saw. As gently as he could he lifted her and carried her to the bed. She clung onto him, soaking up his warmth, her strength returning and by the time he laid her back on the bed she felt more like her old self. As long as she had Ryan she could do anything. She looked at Alex’s room but the blinds had been drawn. She thought about him and Col plotting other ways they could get to her and a chill ran down her spine.

  Taylor had called in a nurse, who happened to be the one who’d promised to stay with her. Rachel’s accusing eyes landed on her. “You left me.”

  “I’m sorry but we had an emergency come on the ward and we’re short-staffed. I had no choice.”

  Rachel gripped onto Ryan’s hand, his strength filling her and she seemed to unfurl herself, her presence gaining power, eyes darkening. “You woul
dn’t listen to me and a man came into this room intent on killing me. If I hadn’t managed to get into the bathroom I would be dead now.”

  “Are you sure it wasn’t a dream?”

  “There was a man in here. I saw him,” said Taylor. “He did one when he saw me coming.”

  The nurse appeared horrified. “I’m so sorry I thought…”

  “That she’d imagined it all, is that what you’re saying?” said Ryan, voice dripping ice. “Do you think she imagined all these injuries too? Are you saying they’re the result of a dream?”

  “I’m sorry, I’m…” Tears filled her eyes. “I’ll get Sister.”

  “Don’t bother because I am out of here.” Rachel looked to Ryan. “I can’t stay in this place any longer.”

  “Okay Babe, if that’s what you want,” he replied, kissing her hand.

  “You can’t be moved yet, you’re not strong enough, your doctor said so,” replied the nurse.

  “I don’t care what he said, I’m leaving.” Talking still hurt but she was so angry and so determined to get the words out that sheer will triumphed over pain.

  “I’ll get the doctor,” said the nurse.

  “You do that,” Rachel snapped at her as she scuttled out. She turned her attention to Taylor. “Why are you here? Isn’t it enough that you arrested my bodyguards?”

  “That wasn’t down to me, the order came from the detective chief superintendent. I was out when he gave the order but as soon as I heard I called Ryan then came straight here.”

  Rachel looked up at Ryan. “Col Sugar came into my room, he was watching from Alex’s room. He knew it was going to happen.”

  “No doubt he did, fucking coward.” The burning inside Ryan had returned with a vengeance and he fantasised about doing to Col what he’d done to Gavin. “I’ll get you out of here as soon as I can, today preferably.”

  “You need to let me know where you’re going,” said Taylor.

  “So your men can arrest our security there too? Not a fucking chance,” said Ryan.

  “Remember our deal.”

  “What deal? So far you’ve done nothing.”

  “I helped you destroy any forensics left at the warehouse. I could go to prison for that alone. I’ve kept up my side of the bargain but Alex Maguire is still alive.”

  “We’ve discussed the situation and we agreed it can’t be done here.”

  “Why not? The Maguires murdered Uncle Terry in his hospital bed.”

  Ryan refused to comment on that. He still didn’t trust Taylor not to be wired up in an attempt to trap him. “Right now my priority is Rachel.”

  Taylor looked fit to explode with frustration and stress. “If you don’t do it now I’ll…”

  “You’ll what?” said Ryan quietly.

  Even Taylor understood that the man was at his most dangerous when he spoke softly, like the calm before the storm. Plus his equally dangerous brother was in the room, as was his dangerous wife.

  “You’re up to your neck in it,” said Riley.

  “I could nick you both,” said Taylor defensively.

  “For what?” said Ryan.

  “Murder. I know you’re responsible for some of those bodies in that warehouse.”

  “I deny it utterly,” Ryan replied indignantly, just in case he was being recorded. “You might have forgotten but you need proof before you start throwing around allegations like that and I do believe any evidence was burnt up in the fire. I wonder how that started?”

  “Stop it, all of you,” said Rachel. “This isn’t helping. We need to work together to get what we all want.”

  “You’re right. Sorry,” conceded Taylor, surprising them all. “I’m just so tense.”

  “Understandable,” said Ryan.

  Rachel grasped his hand. “My dad?”

  “I put him on the plane myself. He’s safe.”

  She released a gasp of relief. One less thing to worry about.

  They all stopped talking when Rachel’s doctor entered the room. For once the benevolent man looked furious.

  “I demand to know what is going on? We have critically ill patients on this ward and we can’t have…”

  “Just before you start getting on you high horse, why was this woman left alone?” said Taylor.

  “My staff aren’t bodyguards. I do believe that’s your area of expertise,” replied the doctor, looking disparagingly at Taylor.

  Taylor didn’t reply, there was nothing he could say to that.

  “We’ll be out of your hair soon enough Doctor,” said Ryan. “We want to transfer Rachel to a private hospital.”

  “Impossible. She can’t be moved for another couple of days. There are post-operative complications; infection, haematoma…”

  “I’m aware of the complications,” said Rachel. “I used to be a nurse but I have to get out of here before I end up in your mortuary. It’s not safe and I’m sure it will be a lot quieter on the ward without me here.”

  “I’m sure it will but in my professional opinion you can’t be moved and will you please stop removing the tubes, they are there to help you get better.”

  She sighed and rested back in the bed while he replaced them, all the while tutting to himself.

  “I have to get out of here, there’s no choice,” she said.

  “I can’t stop you but I won’t be responsible for the consequences.”

  “Maybe you should stay if the doctor’s so insistent?” said Ryan. “We’ll arrange tighter security. We don’t want anything to happen to you for the sake of a day or two.”

  “Fine, I’ll stay but only for another couple of days.”

  “Wise decision,” said the doctor, suddenly looking benevolent again. “I’ll be back to check on you later and this time, keep the tubes in.”

  “I will, promise,” she said, giving him a weak smile.

  “So you’re really staying?” Taylor asked as the doctor left the room.

  “I’ve no choice,” she replied, closing her eyes. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m really tired.”

  “Right, I’ll leave you to it then,” said Taylor, happier now he knew his only allies weren’t about to disappear.

  “DCI Taylor, please get our friends released. We need them,” said Ryan.

  “I’ll do my best,” was all he said before leaving.

  Ryan sat beside Rachel and began stroking her hair. When the door shut behind Taylor, Rachel said, “has he gone?”

  “Yes, thankfully. He is very annoying.”

  “He is that.” Her eyes opened and she smiled up at him. Events of just a few minutes ago seemed a distant dream now she had her husband beside her.

  “I take it you still want to leave as soon as possible, despite what you said to them?”

  “How well you know me. For all I know that doctor is reporting straight back to Alex. I’ve got the feeling he paid him to say I can’t be moved to keep me here. The wounds aren’t deep, I’ll be fine. This way the staff here and the police think I’ll be staying put for at least another couple of days and I can disappear before Alex tries again.”

  “We need to sneak you out of here. If Alex or the doctor sees you leaving they’ll both kick off.” Ryan paused to listen as he heard several deep voices talking outside the door. He got up, raised the blinds and found himself staring at four men sporting leather jackets with the gurning devil face of the Lucifer’s Shadow MC patch. All were large, unshaven and very aggressive. When they saw Ryan watching they practically foamed at the mouths. The biggest of the men - who had more hair on his chin than on his head - strode up to the glass, dark piggy eyes fixed on him. The man slammed his forehead against the glass, causing it to reverberate loudly then gave him a maniacal grin. No doubt Alex had already told them he and his friends were responsible for the deaths of their two club members at the warehouse.

  “You’re dead,” the man snarled, his breath fogging up the glass.

  Ryan stared back at him impassively as the man took his place beside his fri
ends, the four of them creating an impenetrable line outside Alex’s room. They stood back to allow a well dressed blond clutching a briefcase to enter Alex’s room. Ryan wondered if she was the famous Katia then dismissed the idea, she was too old and appeared to be on official business, not a social visit. He noted her swollen lower lip and frowned as he recalled something Rachel had told him.

  Riley stood by Ryan’s side, stunned to see so many of his enemies before him. When the men saw him they all started to point and laugh.

  “Your missus was a good fuck,” one of them shouted jovially.

  “Take it easy Riley,” Ryan said softly, putting a hand on his shoulder, feeling how tense his muscles had gone.

  The cry Riley released wasn’t anything Ryan recognised as human; it was primitive, animal and revealed a bottomless well of pain. He lunged for the door but Ryan managed to grab him and push him up against the wall.

  “You can’t do this here.”

  But Riley was beyond all reason. He shoved Ryan away and pulled the door open.


  The soft feminine voice caused him to hesitate, so certain it was Zoe calling to him, but when he looked back over his shoulder he realised it was Rachel.

  “Don’t, please. This isn’t the time.”

  Despite how wild and free a spirit Zoe had been she was always the voice of reason in their relationship and somehow he felt as though it was her speaking to him rather than his sister-in-law. Torn, he looked back at the four MC members who were grinning and obviously enjoying winding him up and it dawned on him that they wanted him to explode. If he attacked them he’d be arrested and Rachel would have one less protector.

  Ryan, who had just picked himself up off the floor, closed the door and pulled the blinds, blocking out the sight of them.

  Rachel pointed to the chair beside her bed. “Tell me about her. What was she like?”

  This pleased Riley. On the rare occasion he did tell people about his past they were too caught up in the horror of it all, it was only natural he supposed. Zoe was defined as a victim rather than a living thinking person. Now Rachel wanted to know all about her and, most amazingly of all, he wanted to talk about her, to bring Zoe back to life. He sat beside Rachel and took her hand, needing to feel her strength just like she had needed Ryan’s.


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