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TABOO EROTICA : Daddy's Candy Vol.5: (Man Of The House ~ Taboo Erotica) (CANDY GIRL SERIES)

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by Lucy Lixx

  “Patience, my little raven. Patience. You’ll get your rewards soon.” Daddy whispered into my ear.

  After pulling off his boxers and discarding them, he cupped my face between his hands and licked the edges of my lips in a sensual display of affection. The head of his cock teased my outer labia, tracing them gently up and down. Slowly, my hips started to rock to and fro against his erection, the thick and long rod hot against my lips which made me ache to be filled. I pulled at his shoulders, attempting to keep the volume of my moans in check. Apparently, I was doing a horrible job as he slipped his hand over my mouth and shook his head.

  “Little girl…”

  “I’m sorry, Daddy.”


  In a swift motion, he slipped his dick into my sweet depths and I pushed my head back into the pillow in a fit of overwhelming joy. I didn’t know I could take such a huge cock for it was the first time I had ever been with a man twice my age. Were all older men this size or was it just my Daddy who was special like this? I found my hips were still rolling against his as he picked up his rhythm. A deep, primitive tug signaled my need to be pounded and I gripped my Daddy’s hips to make him dive deeper. He followed my cue and started to push harder, the sensation in my gut making me want to cry out when I wasn’t even able to make that much noise.

  Daddy’s touch was absolutely enthralling, his fingers dancing over every bit of open flesh available. I found myself thinking that my body now belongs to him, that he could do whatever he wanted with me whenever he wanted to. My desire to service him was strange and satisfying at the same time. As smoothed his hands over my ebony skin, my eyes slid shut in ecstasy, savoring the moment of him sweating between my legs. He pulled me up into a sitting position and hugged me into him, allowing me room to bounce and ride as much as I wanted. I took the opportunity to show him my talent, popping my bottom out and grinding against him wildly.

  Our bodies intertwined and disappeared in the darkness of the room, suddenly becoming one creature at that very moment. I couldn’t tell where I began or where he ended. It was a blissful feeling to be so attached. I could just get lost in this position forever. I must have been doing something right because Daddy started bucking into me and gripping me harder, his fingers digging into my shoulders as he drove his cock further into my silky abyss. I teetered with excitement, the tickling sensation I had felt earlier in the office growing once again in my gut.

  But this was different. This sensation was much stronger and seemed to build. It dragged me into the air suddenly and kept dropping me – like riding a roller coaster in the heat of summer – in rolling fits until I finally released it, my juices soaking Daddy’s cock uncontrollably. I shoved my face into his shoulder to muffle my cries, his hand resting at the base of my neck to keep me there. While I finished grinding against him, he started bucking again, growling into my ear as he grunted with each pound. I felt him tense and then release, his rhythm momentarily picking up and leveling out as he filled me up with his delicious cream.

  I looked down to see what it looked like against my skin, but the room was too dark. I wanted to be decorated in his load, to be covered and marked by his delicious seed. Part of me wanted to lick it up off his cock, but I resisted the urge. Another time would be better.

  As I dismounted, he pulled me into a loving hug and thanked me, saying I would be his favorite little toy in the house.

  “I might play with your mother, but I’ll always be thinking of you, Vi.”

  The sound of his words made me melt into his hug, the overwhelming bliss of being loved and spoiled all a welcome feeling. I nuzzled his neck and wrapped my arms around him, feeling the delicious aftermath fade as the world around me started to fade. Before I fully fell into the throes of sleep, Daddy tucked me under the covers and kissed my head, assuring me he’d see me in the morning. My Daddy, I thought. He’s going to spoil me and I’m going to love it.

  Chapter Four

  It wasn’t long before Daddy and I got into a healthy habit of seeing each other every couple of days. At the end of the week, he’d pay for all of my expenses and then take me shopping for a special treat. Sometimes it was ice cream and other times it was sexy outfits that I would only wear for him. When I was feeling extra horny, I’d dress up and send him the pictures on his phone where he would reply with a chastising remark as well as praise for being good and sharing. I had gotten so used to being showered with his blessings that I forgot what it was like to have a job.

  Whenever I had initially quit, I was shaking with anxiety. It was so bad that Daddy suggested I allow him to fuck me to keep my nerves under control. He had me bent over my bed as I spoke over the phone with my old manager, the vibration of him pounding me making it difficult to speak clearly. I relished the feeling of him deep inside me and it gave me the strength to deliver the news confidently without missing a beat. After I got off the phone, Daddy commended me for being brave and rewarded me with rolling orgasms that shook me to pieces.

  Quitting my job was probably the best thing to do for school. I was starting to excel in all of my classes because my work hours were replaced with study hours with some breaks in between to please my generous Daddy. He insisted I work hard and I pushed myself each time because I didn’t want to disappoint him. If I didn’t succeed in my classes, he’d likely stop paying my bills and I’d end up in a rut. I didn’t want to stop now that I was finally getting ahead. It was just the right opportunity to send me catapulting into a great career.

  Part of me considered getting into the same business as my mother, but the law wasn’t terribly interesting to me. I had always dreamed of becoming a veterinary doctor, so that’s what I wanted to focus on. I told Daddy about this one day and he gave me a huge hug.

  “You have such a big heart, Vi,” he said while brushing his fingers through my hair. “You should do it. I totally support that.”

  I was overwhelmed with joy. He was being so supportive and I couldn’t tell if it was truly genuine or if it was because of my sweet bits giving him pleasure. Either way, I was glad to have his blessing to continue with my vet degree instead of training for law. I didn’t want to have to climb any corporate ladders. My work would be passionate and honest while also saving the lives of animals.

  Something else I had asked Daddy to give me was a puppy. I knew they were messy creatures, but I felt like it would provide the perfect opportunity to prove how responsible I am. I love dogs and how playful they can be, especially how they give comfort and companionship when you don’t have any. Daddy gave me plenty of this and I made a point to say so, but he still said no.

  “We simply can’t afford to have a puppy in the house, Vi,” he said through the phone. “But how about we start with something smaller? Maybe a bunny?”

  “But I want a puppy,” I whined.

  Daddy sighed from the other end of the line.

  “Your mother isn’t going to like having a puppy. He’ll tear up the whole house and then she’ll have a fit.” Daddy said.

  “Well, I don’t get why you have to please her first.” I retorted. “You love me, don’t you?”

  “Of course I love you, sweet Viola. When have I ever denied you love?”

  Daddy sounded hurt and I felt awful. He had been giving me so much and yet I was pushing him for more. I felt like a puppy was a small thing to ask for, but I realized those little fur balls also came with a huge price that could potentially ruin the house. They constantly needed attention and supervision as well as training for things like using the bathroom. It reminded me of how much I needed training with Daddy even though I was doing fairly well for my first time. I wondered if he thought of me as a puppy and frowned.

  “Do you think I’m like a puppy?” My voice sounded tiny and weak over the phone.

  Daddy gasped and replied, “Never! You are my sweet chocolate sugar baby who is so wonderful. Don’t you ever worry about that sort of thing. I would never treat you like a puppy.”

  The reassura
nce made me melt and I smiled as we whispered our goodbyes and got off the phone. I knew he would be home later and I was beyond ecstatic to show him the new outfit I had purchased as a surprise. Tempted to show him prematurely, I opened the camera app on my phone and started to pose in the mirror, but stopped after a few snaps. I felt so sexy and glamorous that I didn’t want to spoil it before he got home. I wanted so much to see his face during the reveal of this delectable treat.

  Dinner was a chore while wearing the outfit under my favorite sun dress. As my parents chatted about work and other news-related topics, I drifted into a dream world where only my Daddy and I existed. A goofy smile was plastered across my face which drew some attention my way. I waved it off, saying that I was just happy to be blessed with my family. I wasn’t necessarily lying, but I was still upset with my mother at this point. I almost felt entitled to what she had, like she owed me something for destroying my biological dad’s life.

  I still planned on fixing the mess, but I was having so much fun in the process that I didn’t really want to stop the fantasy. The exhilaration of her being next door while Daddy sneaked into my room at night was beyond encapsulating. His cock was utterly satisfying and his touch could wake me from the deepest slumber, the talent his fingers held something to be treasured and worshiped.

  When dinner was finally over, I helped clean up and then ran upstairs to the hall closet where I had told Daddy to meet me. It was on the other end of the hall near the office, but still away from the bedrooms where no one could hear him ravishing my body. It was Wednesday night, so my mother would be returning to her office at the firm to finish up some work. We had a few hours to spare.

  I found a large suitcase to lean against and flipped my dress up as Daddy entered the closet. The scrumptious pink panties I had picked out were a lovely match to the yellow sun dress I was wearing and my matching pink bustier added a boost to my breasts beneath the dress. I turned to see his face. Satisfaction filled his eyes as they trailed over every bit of my body and the access I was freely offering. He seemed like he was stuck in a dream momentarily before he shook himself out of it, closed the door, and approached my bottom.

  “Little girl,” he whispered. “Where did you get those?”

  I smiled sweetly and said, “I bought them today while you were out. I wanted to surprise you.”

  Daddy nodded, incapable of speaking as he brushed his hands lightly over my thighs and hips. A moan escaped his lips as he pushed into my pert bottom, his fingers looping around the lacy thong to pull me into his erect cock. He slid his hands up my torso and to my perky breasts that were busting from the bra and dress. As he pushed my breasts together and dipped below the cups to play with my nipples, he hissed and planted his lips against the back of my neck.

  “Take me, Daddy,” I said as he continued to grind into my bottom. “Ravish me.”

  “No, little girl. I’m going to make this very painful for you because of that naughty tantrum you threw earlier today.” He growled into my ear while slamming me into his cock.

  “But Daddy, I got this outfit—”

  “You never apologized, Vi.”

  Another grunt came from my throat as he slammed his cock into me again, this time pulling my bra down a bit more so my breasts were practically hanging out. He grabbed them again as he shoved his erection against my wet lips, the juices soaking around the thong and decorating the front of his jeans. I was sure that he was going to split me in half like a little sex doll and maybe even punish me by making me suck his cock or something. Instead, he pulled away from my bottom, took my thong between his fingers, and pulled it up gently. The fabric rolled over my clit lightly enough to stimulate me, but not hard enough for me to hump and achieve release.

  I moaned, rolling my hips as he twisted the fabric up and tugged. His free hand held my hip in place and he growled for me to stay still lest I lose my chance to cum.

  “Be good and I’ll consider relieving you.” He said.

  As he continued to tug against my thong, I gripped the outer pockets of the suitcase I was bent over and cringed with every motion. I couldn’t control myself anymore. I was ready to burst and Daddy was just going to keep teasing me! Before I could start begging again, I heard the front door slam and my mother’s voice coming up the staircase.

  Shocked, we both jumped from our places and composed ourselves, Daddy checking the front of his jeans for any stains. Luckily, his jeans were particularly dark, so my juices didn’t show where his erection still stood. He turned to me and waved his finger, indicating for me to hide behind the clothes hanging behind me. I retreated behind the row of coats and ducked down against the wall where the cool air came up and greeted my wet thong, causing me to hiss and bite my lip.

  “I’ll be right back,” Daddy whispered before leaving the room.

  I didn’t respond, but kept biting into my lip. The cold air from the vent below me was directly blowing against my sopping wet lips that were twitching now from all the teasing Daddy had done. What could possibly release me from this torment? I was so desperate to cum and I wasn’t sure I could wait till Daddy got back, not with this steady flow of air pushing against my delicate clit. What was a naughty girl to do?

  Chapter Five

  I could hear my Daddy talking to my mother through the coats and the closed door, but their conversation was muffled. What were they discussing? The vent was still blowing against my clit and I was about to crawl out of my skin if I couldn’t get off soon. Daddy was taking too long. What were they doing? Would Daddy be mad if I just went ahead and pleasured myself?

  With some hesitation, I reached down and slipped my fingers beneath the pretty pink bows and started to rub my clit just like Daddy. The activity was exciting for it wasn’t something I had done very often before Daddy and I started making love. My juices were cold from the air blowing through the vent and I shivered as I slipped a warm finger between my chilled lips. The contrast of warm and cold were absolutely thrilling, my fingers curling perfectly up inside me to hit all of my secret crevices that only Daddy had been able to reach.

  I felt like such a big girl.

  As I dipped my fingers deeper inside my delicious peach, I pressed my thumb against my clit and started rubbing it to the same rhythm as my other fingers. It wasn’t long before I was bucking into my own hand, the vent still pushing air up my sun dress and causing me to gasp sporadically. I kept my legs spread wide and pressed my back against the wall while biting into my free hand, hoping I wasn’t making too much noise. Before I could finish, the coats suddenly parted and Daddy was standing before me with his cock hanging out of his jeans.

  My hand stopped moving and I was frozen in place, my stomach clenching still from all the stimulation. Daddy placed both hands on his hips and frowned heavily, his demeanor that of a disappointed father.

  My disappointed father.

  “Daddy, I…” I tried to explain, but couldn’t come up with any good reason why I was doing this without him.

  “What is my little girl doing?” He asked, hands firmly pressed to his hips as his cock started to rise.

  I was completely distracted by his twitching member, captivated by how it grew in girth and length right before my eyes. I couldn’t help but start rubbing myself again, my exquisite liquid now seeping out and hitting the carpet beneath me. As my thumb worked, I started gasping again and Daddy took a step forward.

  “How does that feel?” Daddy asked, leaning his hips forward so his cock was about to touch my nose.

  “It feels…so good…” I whispered, sticking my tongue out to meet his hot rod.

  “Good girl. Are you going to cum for Daddy?” He pushed his erection into my mouth, forcing me to gag on its enormity as I continued to finger myself.

  I tried to respond, but his cock was too big for me to speak. I hummed sensuously in response as he drove himself slowly between my lips. He stroked my cheek as I sucked and pushed my hair from my face, demanding that I look up at him while I acted
like a good little girl. The sentence elicited an intense longing to have his cum all over my face. I didn’t want to push him out of my mouth to ask, but I also desperately needed him to blow all over my mouth so I could taste his delicious cream slide down my throat. I was so thirsty for his milk that it made me rub myself harder.

  “Keep rubbing yourself. Don’t you dare stop.” He growled as I sucked harder.

  Daddy’s encouragements were so hot that I started to feel the flood gates opening for my liberation. As I shoved my fingers deeper and rubbed my clit harder, I pulled him further into my mouth with my free hand and groaned as loud as I could. The vibration caused Daddy to grab my hair as he tensed up and grunted, his hips uncontrollably pumping himself in and out of my mouth. His groans grew louder as I started to squeak, my blissful orgasm charging my body in waves as Daddy shot his load into my mouth.

  While he came, I pulled my mouth away from his cock and turned so his cum would land all over my cheek and lips. My mouth was momentarily fixed in an ‘O’ as I continued to buck into my hand, my whole body shivering with rapturous relief. Daddy patted my face with his cock that was still erect and rubbed some of his cum around my lips.

  Still shaking, he said, “You are such a beautiful little princess.”

  I smiled and licked the cum from my lips, savoring the salty taste of him inside and around my mouth.

  “You’re so nice to me, Daddy. Have I been good? Was that good enough?” I almost started to tear up while asking him these questions, some of my insecurities showing a bit.

  Admittedly, I had never told Daddy that I got incredibly upset disappointing him. If I felt like I had done something wrong, I’d run off to my room and cry furiously into my pillow. His approval was absolutely pertinent to my success in addition to his financial support. I hadn’t planned on getting so emotionally involved, but it was too late to stop it now. My face suddenly crumpled up and a high-pitched wail left my stomach, tears suddenly dropping like rain and pattering against the carpet.


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