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Alien Romance: Arcturus Mates Complete Series (Book 1 - 9): Scifi Alien Abduction Romance (Alien Invasion Romance, Alien Romance)

Page 9

by Julia Sexton

  This time, she put her arms around his neck as he took her down the hall. Trisha watched his chiseled features as he walked. She was very aware of his muscles moving under his uniform and she couldn’t stop imagining what the muscles looked like without the uniform on. She began to blush.

  Alexander’s eyes turned to her face, “Are you alright?”

  “Perfectly. Just…thinking, that’s all.”

  “And thinking makes your skin change colors?”

  “Some thoughts do, yes.”

  “I see. That’s unexpected.” He placed her on the bed and returned to the door. “Sleep well.”

  “Thank you. You too Alexander.”

  Though his face was profile and a shadow cast on it, she could see a hint of a smile spread across his face. The door closed and Trisha soon fell asleep.

  Chapter 4

  The next day, the pair talked about Earth. They went to a little garden area that he said was patterned after something Racheal had shown him in a picture. They spent the day there, this time Trisha did most of the talking. Alexander had so many questions that Trisha wondered how she had ever thought him human.

  They picnicked and talked without giving much thought to their circumstances. When it was time to rest, Trisha made him promise to take her swimming the next day.

  “If time permits, I would love to have your opinion of the pool. It has water and everything.”

  “Whatever would a pool have?”

  He gave her a mischievous grin, “Considering that most beings are not water based, do you really want an answer to that?”

  “Oh, no you are right, I don’t want to know.” She smiled, but it faded, “Why wouldn’t we have time?”

  “I expect that by now they will have realized I’ve left. It’s only a matter of time before they try to contact me. I would like to be a bit further before they give chase. For now, I am making it look like we are headed elsewhere, like I stole you. Well, I did, but I want them to think it was personal. Well, it was, but…”

  Trisha put a finger over his lips, “I get it. I’m not entirely stupid. You want them to think that you have stolen a slave for your own enjoyment instead of realizing we are going to Earth.”

  He nodded. Before he could stop himself, he gave her finger a kiss. Then he quickly rose, “If you will excuse me, I have a few things that need to be taken care of. The path will light you back to your quarters.”

  Shocked by the innocent kiss, Trisha could only give him assent. For most of her time on the vessel, she had been trying to remind herself this was an alien, not a human, but her heart seemed to have stopped caring. Watching his perfect form exit the garden, she felt longing.

  She shook her head. No, no, no. He was an alien, and she could not stay in space. Alexander had already explained about humanity’s inability to adapt out in space, so even if she had offered, she knew he would never allow her to stay. It would never work, so she had to keep herself in check.

  As Alexander had predicted, things were not nearly as comfortable the next day. Trisha followed the path to where he was, but found that she could not access the room. She could hear talking, but it was not in a language she understood. Instead of hanging around like a puppy, she returned to her room and made several more outfits.

  The woman was stepping out of the machine in a very intriguing looking bikini with the door opened.

  “I’m sorry for-” Alexander froze in the doorway. His face flushed red, and he turned to leave. “I am so sorry! I should have knocked.”

  “No, no, it’s alright!” Trisha hurried forward.

  “This is called a bikini. It’s very similar to what real people wear to pools and beaches.”

  Alexander turned to look at her hand on his arm, but his eyes wandered over to her figure. He swallowed, then moved his eyes to her face, “It doesn’t look anything like the other clothing.”

  Trisha shook her head, “Of course not. Water is heavy, so we wear as little as possible when we swim.”

  “What is the difference between what you are wearing and nothing?”

  She giggled, “That is something that only I know. But believe me, there are still a few things left to the imagination.”

  He had no response to that and it was obvious he was a little embarrassed by his reaction to her bikini. Trisha tried very hard not to be pleased. “So, can we go swimming now?”

  “Well, I have-” He stopped and looked at her expectant face. His eyes softened and he grinned, “There’s no good reason not to.”

  They walked side by side to the pool.

  Once they arrived, Trisha looked at Alexander’s uniform, “Don’t tell me you swim in that.”

  “No, I don’t swim in this.” He removed his uniform and several undergarments so that the only thing he had was similar to boxers.

  “Don’t we need towels?” Trisha asked, looking around as she tried to get her mind off of the muscles that were now attracting far more of her attention than she thought was appropriate.

  “No. I’ll show you after the swim.” He smiled at her, then ran toward the pool, his muscles moving in a way that was so animalistic that Trisha was like a frozen animal. Alexander’s legs bunched, and he did a magnificent dive into the water with very little splash.

  Trisha walked over to the water’s edge and found the pool was a lot more like a deep pond than a pool. The sides were sandy and there was vegetation around the water. She walked slowly into the shallow portion of the water.

  “Is that how people usually get into the water?” Alexander asked as he swam over.

  “Women in bikinis, absolutely. The force of the water tends to be a bit too much for so little cloth, and I don’t want to cause you any further embarrassment by removing all of my clothes.”

  Alexander gave a nervous laugh, “That’s very noble of you, but I dare say it is more out of a sense of self-preservation than any desire to make me feel comfortable.”

  She gave him a coy smile, “Maybe.”

  Trisha took a few steps in and was up to her waist when she looked up with a serious look on her face. “So how did it go?”

  The humanoid gave her a confused look, “How did what go?”

  “I know you talked with someone. Are you going to be alright?”

  “I-” he shut his mouth and started again, “It doesn’t matter. We will be able to get you home safely. That was the mission and that is my focus.”

  “But what about you?” She waded in further enjoying the feel as the water lapped at her body, but unable to fully appreciate it for the concern she had for the alien that had saved her.”

  “Things will be different for me, but I can’t say that I regret it.”

  “How will things be different?”

  He pursed his lips and looked away.

  “Wait, what are you hiding? What is going to happen to you now?’

  “I couldn’t honestly say.”

  “You are the commander, you are on the Tribunal, surely they won’t do too much to someone with that kind of power.”

  Alexander turned to look at her, “Is that what it’s like on Earth? If you have power, you are immune from responsibility and judgement?”

  “Well…” she thought about it. Everyone knew it was wrong, but yes, that was exactly how things worked on Earth. “yes, it is.”

  He gave a sad grin, “So primitive. That is not the way it works out here. A crime is a crime not matter who makes it.”

  “So, what will happen to you? Do you really not know, or do you just not want to tell me?”

  Alexander turned and began to swim away, “It doesn’t matter at this point, it can’t be undone, so there’s no point in worrying about it.”

  Trisha swam after him and grabbed his arm, “You can’t just give up like this. You didn’t do anything wrong!”

  “Didn’t I? I stole a slave, and I did it in the name of the Tribunal. No matter the reason, life as I knew it is over. I will be stripped of my title, be kicked of the Tribunal,
and will be disgraced for the rest of my life for what I’ve done.”

  “But that’s not right! Slavery isn’t right! Why can’t they see that?”

  “I told you, it is too ingrained right now. Once enough people have acted against it, things will start to change, but it is still too early.”

  She moved toward him, and pushed Alexander’s chest, “Why did you do it? Why did you give up everything you worked for? To make a point? To show you aren’t like them? What does that get you?”

  “My reasons are my own.”

  “But you could have bought me! You could have done things legally. You didn’t have to throw everything away. How long have you been planning this? Months? Years? Why me? Why did you drag me into this? To make me feel guilty?”

  She put her hands out to push him again, hurt and angry that he gave up so much and that she was dragged into it.

  His hands grabbed her wrists before she could push him again, “I had no intention of ever interfering again. Any money I would have paid for you would have been used to perpetuate the slave trade. Funding them would have cost more lives than the single one I saved. I wasn’t going to get them any money to help them continue to fight what it is right.”

  “Why me? Why couldn’t you have used someone else to make your point?” Her eyes were filling with tears, “I don’t want to be the reason you lose everything.”

  He gently put his hands on the sides of her head and kissed the tears from her eyes, “Because it was you. You were not broken. No matter what they did to you, you were still whole and fighting to keep yourself. That is always worth saving. I couldn’t let them take that from you. I couldn’t and continue to live with myself.”

  Trisha opened her eyes and looked into Alexander’s beautiful yellow eyes.

  “But it’s not fair. It’s not fair and I can never repay what you did.”

  “Seeing you happy is the best repayment. Knowing you get to live your life as you please instead of it being snuffed short at the hands of a master, that is all I need to make this whole thing worth it.”

  Trisha wrapped her arms around his neck and began kissing him. At first, he was shocked and didn’t move, but when she wrapped her legs around him, Alexander’s well-toned arms reacted without him having to think. They encircled her waist and his hands pulled her to him. His legs moved them back toward the shallow shore.

  Her hands slid down his back and into his boxer-like swimming suit.

  “No!” He pulled back from her, “I am not going to use you. You don’t owe me anything. Please, don’t do something you will regret later.”

  Trisha drew close to him, “I won’t regret it. I swear to you, I won’t.”

  “I don’t want to you do it out of obligation. I didn’t save you from one master to become no better than him.”

  Trisha stopped him from talking by putting her mouth on his.

  She put a hand on his neck and whispered in his ear, “I’m not doing this to thank you. I’m doing this because I want to. Because what you are is everything I’ve ever wanted. It does not matter than you aren’t human, you are far more human, kinder and gentler than any man I’ve ever known.”

  Alexander tried to pull away, “You won’t feel that way tomorrow. I don’t want to see the same hate and loathing in your eyes directed at me that you did at the slavers and the creature.”

  Trisha pushed forward again, “Tell me you don’t want to and I will let you be. Don’t make this about what you think I want. I want you. I’ve never wanted anyone like this before because no man has ever been so noble, so selfless, and so brave that he cared more about anyone over himself. Of my 22 years I have been looking for someone who truly cares, and I have waited to find him. It wasn’t marriage I’ve been waiting for, I was looking for a good man.”

  Alexander’s eyes showed his confusion, “But we aren’t the same species. I don’t know what will happen to you. I don’t want to … learn to love you, and then lose you. We will be to Earth the day after next, and I don’t want to lose my heart when you go. I’ve lost too much over my life, but my heart, I’ve always protected.”

  Trisha’s eyes softened. “Come with me.”


  She reached down and took one of his hands. She gently kissed each of his fingers, “Come with me. You’ve said yourself there is nothing for you in the Empire, so why not come to Earth?”

  Alexander swallowed hard but did not pull his hand away.

  “My home isn’t nearly as nice as your vessel, but I would be more than happy to share it with you for as long as you want. And if my happiness is your concern, how will you know if you don’t stay with me?”

  “I-well-I couldn’t possibly impose on you.” It was clear this was not something he had even considered.

  “You saved me. How can I not save you now? Come live with me and we’ll build a much better life than we’ve known on our own. You will be able to choose your own life now. There’s no one to tell you to kill or protect laws you don’t believe in.”

  Alexander’s eyes were pleading, “But how do you know you won’t regret this decision?”

  “Do you regret saving me?”


  “Not even a little? Not even though life as you knew it is over?”

  “I’ve never doubted it was the right thing to do.”

  Trisha tilted her head, “That is difficult to believe.”

  “But it’s the truth! Saving you was worth it, no matter the cost.”

  Trish moved a little closer to him and looked Alexander directly in the eyes, “And why do you think I would regret this decision? My life would be changed for the better.”

  Alexander looked down at her, “I’m not worth you giving up your search for the right mate for the rest of your life.”

  Trisha laughed, “Alexander, if you aren’t the perfect life mate, I will never find him.”

  Alexander looked down at her mouth and his resolve ended. He leaned forward slowly and gently he kissed her.

  “Thank you Trisha, for saving me. I will try to live up to your expectations.”

  Trisha smiled, “Thank you Alexander, for saving me from a much worse fate. I promise to be happy as long as you stay with me.”

  For the first time since they started the discussion, Alexander smiled. His right hand pulled her lower back to him and his left hand went up to her neck. Trisha leaned her head back and he began kissing her neck. He carried her a little way up the shore and laid her down gently on the sand like substance, the waves from the pool gently lapping over them.

  Alexander’s hands slipped under her and pulled at the strings on her bikini top as he kissed her neck. They moved to the straps and he slid them off of her shoulders as she pressed her pelvis into his. He moaned and then his hands moved much more rapidly. Stroking her now bare breasts, he pressed into her.

  She giggled, and slipped her hands down his back again. This time, instead of protesting, he lifted up and allowed her to slide them down his legs. One leg at a time, he removed them. Trisha looked down and saw that Alexander had the perfect male figure. She had seen pictures in sex ed, but this was her first exposure to a fully naked man. The sight was more thrilling than she had thought it would be.

  Alexander watched her. When she looked up, she smiled at him as he gave her a shy grin. Before she could say a word, his mouth was on hers and his hands were pulling off her bikini bottom. He rested his forehead on hers and slowly he slid between her thighs. He placed a hand under her lower back and lightly pressed inside her.

  She tensed at the initial penetration, but he was so cautious and gentle that Trisha felt very little pain. Once he had broken her hymen, he slid all the way inside and held it as her body reacted to the first sexual contact. Slowly, he began to move out and in, in and out, and her body reacted with hunger. She pulled his face down and they made love on the beach, a world of pleasure and delight open to both of them for the first time in their lives.



  Seduced By The Alien Boss

  Julia Sexton

   Copyright 2015 by Julia Sexton

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced

  in any way whatsoever, without written permission

  from the author, except in case of brief


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