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Alien Romance: Arcturus Mates Complete Series (Book 1 - 9): Scifi Alien Abduction Romance (Alien Invasion Romance, Alien Romance)

Page 13

by Julia Sexton

  Vincent nodded slowly.

  “Yeah,” he replied. “Yeah, it is.”

  “Good.” She nuzzled her cheek against his leg.

  “I can live with that. And I won’t be running away again.” She smiled up at him. “It’s a promise.”

  “I’ll hold you to that,” he replied.

  He tipped her chin up with two fingers and drew her upwards, until she was standing and leaning over the chair. One hand closed over the back of her neck and he pulled her in for one more kiss.

  Alien’s Hired Mate

  Julia Sexton

  Copyright 2015  by Julia Sexton

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced

  in any way whatsoever, without written permission

  from the author, except in case of brief

  quotations embodied in critical reviews

  and articles.

  This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to any

  person, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

  First edition, 2015

  About This Book

  An Irresistible Offer & All It Takes Is A Night With A Sexy Alien Prince! But, A Turn of Fate May Change The Meaning of This Relationship Forever…

  Curvy Vicky Donovan is desperate to change her life. She is fed up of offensive offers from drunks at her bartending job. Stuck in a financial mess, all Vicky is looking for is a place to live and a decent amount of money to lead a close to normal life.

  Desperate to get out of the hell she’s in, the curvy beauty sees some hope when she accidentally comes across a tempting yet bizarre offer. With nothing to lose yet expecting least from this opportunity, Vicky decides to give it a shot!

  But little does she know that she’ll be the number one choice of the arrogant, but breathtakingly hot alien seeking to have a baby…

  In order to become King of the infertile planet Leka, Prince Kroido must marry and produce an heir before his 30th year. He loves his independence and wants no part of a relationship that will keep him tied to a woman. He makes a bargain with his father: marry, produce and heir, and then set his human mate free following her one-year commitment.

  But when Vicky arrives on Leka, she finds that becoming a princess is nothing like a fairy tale…

  Sure, the job seemed simple, give the kingdom its heir and get the life of her dreams in return. But with second thoughts haunting her mind, it may now be too late to convince the not-so-patient Kroido that she doesn’t feel ready for the job she had willingly accepted in the first place.

  What comes next is beyond Vicky’s wildest imagination…

  Kroida must convince her that he can give her the best of both worlds, even if this relationship isn’t meant to last forever…

  When their two dreams collide one disastrous night, lustful desires and pleasurable passions will decide the future of the hired bride with this wild and sexy alien prince!

  Chapter 1: Last Call

  Five minutes until last call in the bar and Vicky Donovan couldn't wait. Tonight had been full of especially trying bar patrons and her feet hurt. She got busy loading glasses into the dishwasher so she wouldn't have to look at the forty-something, middle-of-his-career-and-stuck-there businessman across from her.

  "I like Junoesque women," he slurred. "Really got something to hold on to, you know what I mean." He gave her a significant look that focused on Vicky's ample bosom underneath her white shirt and black bow tie.

  She kept loading the glasses, didn't glance up. Why him? Those young two lookers, her age at the other end of the bar, hadn't given her a glance. OK, maybe she was just a bit plump but she still had curves. She knew her complexion was flawless--pale skin with rosy cheeks.

  Everyone told her she had a beautiful smile. Her teeth were white and even. Her chestnut brown hair fell in luxuriant curls around her face and shoulders. Personally, she thought one of her best features was her naturally long, dark eyelashes which accented her dark blue eyes. Plus the Junoesque lover was a skinflint. One dollar tip for a night's worth of drinks.

  Vicky glanced at her watch then up at the bar clock. "Last call," she shouted.

  She got through the last round, did her end of the day cleanup, balanced the till and the counted up her tips. She sighed. Tuesday night was pretty bad but tonight the tips were pathetic. At this rate she'd never get those new brakes.

  But it was a moot point because she had one week to find a new place to live. Her rent was so far behind she had to be out by next Wednesday. The landlord had been sympathetic enough not to formally evict her but he said the end of the month was the end.

  The manager unlocked the door for her. She limped down the street on her sore feet to her old blue Toyota and prayed that the brakes would hold for another month. When she got home she'd pack and sort through more stuff for the House Chilling party on Saturday. She had to get rid of stuff. She asked a bunch of friends over to buy at no or low cost so she wouldn't have so much to move...wherever it was she was going.

  Back at the apartment the first thing she did was take off her shoes. Ten minutes on the bed with her feet up before she tackled sorting and packing. She grabbed her old Sony Vaio laptop that she still had from college.

  Rents were so high, everything seemed out of reach but she would check the local ads. At least she was employed. Thank god for bartender school. College had gotten her nothing but joining the ranks of unemployed college graduates.

  She skimmed through the rental listings. Nothing new since yesterday, all hopelessly out of her meager means. She looked at the roommate wanted listings. Either too much or something strange about the person who placed the ad.

  Just for entertainment, she decided she give her feet more of a rest. She checked the males seeking female section. Same old stuff, married man seeks discreet...Then one notice caught her eye.

  Young male seeks attractive woman, 20-25. One year commitment. Substantial financial annuity. Must be willing to relocate. Respond with photo and particulars. Let's meet.

  There was an email address. She liked the financial part. Maybe this was the answer to her desperate situation. How much could the reward be? What did she have to loose? She didn't have a place to live. Dates had been few and far between. The one-year commitment was pretty strange; kind of like a short term, mail-order bride.

  There was no picture attached. Definitely a red flag. Usually that meant they were old, or fat, or both. She wondered what he would look like. Short and bald or young and pasty. Well, she would cross that bridge when she came to it. Her chances of meeting someone even remotely good looking were very slim. Now, money, that was attractive.

  Vicky decided she would give it a shot. She might lose a few hours, but a few hours with the chance at making some money was worth it. There was nothing to lose. She forgot about sorting and packing and started searching for a photo.

  She'd never done any online dating and knew there were protocols and code words but she didn't know what they were. First find a photo. She scrolled through her photo collection but they were all snapshots with other people.

  She ran to the bathroom to freshen her face and apply a little makeup. She put mascara on her long eyelashes and outlined her full lips with rosy tinted lip gloss. Maybe just a hint of eye shadow and a little blush. She grabbed her mobile phone, stood in front of a blank wall and took a shot.

  The makeup definitely highlighted her face but she needed to hold the phone up just a little more to hide her touch of double chin. She took another shot. Better, but it looked dark. She pulled the floor lamp over in front the blank wall and turned it on. Click. As good as it was going to get.

  She agonized over what to say and rewrote her response five times. Two hours later she attached the photo, did a cut and paste with her response into her email, hesitated for a second, and then pushed send.

  Kroido tossed his pale mane of hair and stamped his foot. "You know, Father, I'm just not really into this. I like my freedom."
  King Zostug frowned and slapped the arm of his throne-like chair. "You're not listening. Our scientists have determined that Earth has the best female matches for mating."

  "Right. They did a great job two generations ago 'designing' our genetic makeup and making 99% of our women infertile. Why do I have to do this now? The regatta is coming up in a month and I have to drill my crew. It would be a big blow to the crown if we lose to the women." He said the last word with a sneer.

  "Because the child must be born before you are thirty. That gives you 18 months. You know how the prophecy goes: the prince can only take his father's throne and become the king of the planet if he finds a suitable mate and she produces an heir for him. And you are due to take over the throne when you are thirty. So, stop acting like a willful teenager and take responsibility."

  Kroido loved his father and he knew that he should comply. Being king and ruling seemed like such a heavy weight. His father had done his best to school him in diplomacy and the various affairs but he preferred sailing. It was a tradition, too. The planet Leka was covered with vast bodies of water and only one landmass. The world of water dominated. He sighed.

  "I'm just not ready to have a mate and spend the rest of my life doting on some willful woman all because of some prophecy." He tossed his blond mane again and crossed his arms over his massive chest.

  Zostug was silent for a moment, then he asked, "Do you want to be king?"

  Now it was Kroido's turn to be silent. He paced back and forth on his long legs. Then he stopped and turned toward his father.

  "I want to be king, but I am afraid of the responsibility. When I think about all the decisions I'll have to make on a daily basis my head swims. I don't know how you do it."

  Zostug smiled. "You do that all the time on your boat. You make split second decisions about what to do next. It's the same. I've been training you. Are you able to fulfill your obligations now?"

  Kroido laughed. "Yes, I am. But, this woman thing...I don't want to be tied down. I do want to be king." He started pacing again.

  The large hall, empty except for the two of them, echoed with his footsteps. Zostug waited patiently. He knew his son was intelligent but impatient.

  "I'll agree on one condition," Kroido stated. "I will go to earth, find a mate, bring her back here to Leka. We will generate a new being. Then, she can leave after one year if she wants. That way I won't have to be saddled with all those womanly demands."

  Zostug looked uncomfortable.

  "What's wrong with the plan?" Kroido asked reading his father's hesitation. "It fulfills all the demands of the prophecy...and it meets my needs."

  "If you will really go to earth and bring back a mate to create an heir, I agree." Zostug got up from his chair and took Kroido in a big fatherly embrace. He patted him on the back. "Gather a team and start your search."

  Kroido decided he would get his team to do most of the work. He needed a navigator, a doctor, and the female. The doctor was easy. Ridi Guloo was the best researcher in female generative properties on the planet.

  If he chose his own navigator Vasu, he might be seen as picking favorites, but he would because Vasu was the best. And for a trip to a foreign planet, he would choose the female Cona, the opposite of everything desired in a female and symbolic of the failed science on Leka. He called the meeting in the chapel of Neani inside the palace.

  The chapel was dominated by a huge statue of the goddess Neani, draped in the soft flowing garments of Leka. Her hair was carefully carved in soft waves and curls that fell around her classic face with high cheekbones and a defined nose. Her eyes were carved looking straight ahead as if telling the prophetic legend of the goddess looking into the future. Under the soft drape of her garments her full body stood resolutely with her right arm gesturing ahead, as if leading Leka to a rich future. Her breasts and hips were well rounded and yet softly feminine.

  As each entered, they stopped and saluted the statue, echoing her gesture with their right hand pointed toward the statue...and the future.

  Kroido quickly told them they would all be leaving for Earth as a team to select a mate for his role as king. When he told them about the bargain he had struck with his father, and therefore, with Leka, his crew had mixed reactions.

  "If she leaves," asked Cona, "who will take care of the child?"

  Kroido looked bewildered. "I hadn't thought of that. I don't want the child raised in a cloning nursery. They do such bizarre experiments there." He paused. "Maybe we could bring one of the attendants to the palace..."

  Ridi Guloo, the doctor, nodded his head. "We think of the queen staying to produce more offspring and guide them maternally. You certainly aren't going to do that."

  Kroido stood at his tallest. "No, I am not."

  There was silence in the room as they all pondered the possibility of the chosen female leaving in a year.

  "Well," said Kroido, "You all know your roles. Doctor, you will examine the selections for overall physical health, Vasu you will test their intelligence, and Cona you will check their femininity. The queen must look fertile and luscious, a model for the females of Leka. If we keep the beautiful goddess Neani in mind we can't go wrong."

  The three nodded in agreement.

  "Let's see what we have so far. The technicians posted messages as soon as I spoke with my father." He pressed a button on the table and a large screen projection showed on the wall across from the statue of the goddess.

  Transmissions of responses on Earth began scrolling down the screen. From time to time one or the other would select a response, which went in a separate data bank. Many of the women were quite beautiful by Earth standards but lacking the fullness of Lekan beauty.

  "Stop. Freeze," Kroido exclaimed. He saw Vicky's face and something tugged at him. "Get that one."

  First Date

  Vicky tried on almost everything in her closet. Clothes were strewn all over her room. Shoes, dresses, jeans, sweaters, tops, accessories.

  "What am I doing?" she mumbled as she tugged on yet another pair of jeans. She found a red knit silk top and slipped it on.

  "Dressy but still laid back and casual." The top was loose and draped softly over her breasts while hiding her extra roundness. She liked the look. She decided that simple worked best for a first meeting. Black shoes, black bag, address of the hotel, room number. She picked up Jack, her old teddy bear and gave him a hug for good luck. Then, she was out the door.

  At the hotel, she hesitated in front of the door. She checked that her top wasn't stuck on anything and smoothed it one more time. She fluffed her hair and knocked on the door.

  She was surprised when a woman's voice said, "Come in."

  A woman! Now what? No way this was going to happen no matter how much money she offered. She was about to leave when a man's voice called out, "Enter."

  OK, what the heck! She could always leave. Just then the door opened and a nice looking man smiled at her and beckoned her in. Who were these people? Where was the guy in the ad?

  The older man introduced himself. "I'm Doctor Guloo. These are my colleagues Cona and Vasu." He pointed to a mannish looking woman and a darkly handsome, very physically fit man in his early twenties. They were all dressed in flowing robes. All of them stared intently at Vicky.

  Weird! Alarm bells were going off in Vicky's head. This must be some kind of cult. They lure you in with the promise of money.

  The woman Cona spoke. "Thank you for coming. We are selecting the breeding mate for Prince Kroido. We are all from very far away."

  Vicky was speechless. A prince? From far away?

  Cona continued, "We come from the planet Leka in a very, very distant galaxy."

  That was it! Vicky blurted, "Um, I think I made a mistake." She summoned up her bartender distancing act. "I'll be off and we'll call it even. Very nice to meet you."

  As if reading her mind, the good looking guy said, "I am sure it is hard to believe. Distant space travel is really just a dream for you peop
le here on Earth. But, I think you are a smart girl. Why don't you sit down and make yourself comfortable. We will explain. I am sure you have a lot of questions."

  Vicky took a seat in a comfortable arm chair. The all sat down in so that they were gathered in a "conversation group." Vicky had seen a television program about furniture arrangement.

  "We have a problem on our planet," Cona said. "Long ago, scientists tried to make our women more fertile. In their search for the best breeding techniques, they only succeeded in mutating female genes so that all women on Leka are sterile.

  The prince needs an heir to become king. We want you to come, become impregnated, tend to the baby, with help, of course; and become queen with the prince. If you decide in a year that you do not want to stay, we will bring you back to Earth and pay you one million dollars."

  Vicky gasped. One million dollars! That would change her life. This was like being a mail order bride, but with substantial benefits.

  "I will examine you for physical health," said Doctor Guloo. "Cona and Vasu will evaluate your feminine and intelligence qualities. What do you think, so far?"

  "When do I meet this prince guy?" Vicky asked.

  "Now," said a fourth voice as a door to one of the side rooms opened. Kroido strode in. "I will supervise this examination personally."

  The three Lekans stirred uncomfortably.

  Vicky was looking at the best looking man she had ever seen. The fabric of his garment flowed over the muscles in his arms. The rounded, firm thighs pushed against the fabric as he walked. Everything about his face was chiseled and fine.

  His nose, his high cheekbones, his smooth forehead under a mane of flowing blond hair, so light he was almost a towhead. And his face and hands were bronzed by the sun...or whatever they had on his planet. His clear blue eyes looked into hers. This guy was drop dead gorgeous.


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