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Alien Romance: Arcturus Mates Complete Series (Book 1 - 9): Scifi Alien Abduction Romance (Alien Invasion Romance, Alien Romance)

Page 17

by Julia Sexton

  When she turned around she saw a group of people approaching.

  "Ah, the mayor," Kroido sighed. "You are famous. Look! People are coming to see you."

  Vicky saw people streaming in from side streets headed toward the harbor.

  "What do I do?" She asked. This was a part of being the prince's bride that she would have a hard time adjusting to. She was used to being private. Now she was a public figure.

  Kroido saw her concern. "Just do what you did yesterday. Smile and look beautiful. We will greet them and then be on our way." He put his arm around her waist and turned to greet the mayor and his party. The watchmen moved closer.

  As Kroido talked with the city fathers the crowd grew. Vicky heard the same whispers she'd heard yesterday. Neani. Neani. She felt less glamorous than yesterday. Her simple yachting clothes were certainly not as eye-catching as a see-through wedding dress.

  She smiled and smiled.

  Finally the greetings were over. Kroido and Vicky waved at the crowd. He helped her into the car. A watcher opened his door and he jumped in.

  "I don't know if I can do this," Vicky said.

  "The greetings?"

  "Yes," she was once again glad he had read her thoughts. "I have always been a private person. Here I am on display."

  "Just smile. It is a responsibility of the royal family."

  "I guess I'm not used to being royal." Vicky looked at him with doubt. He looked back and gave her his big grin.

  Kroido reached over to pat her thigh. Vicky felt the sparks fly inside. Damn! He was handsome. Just a touch and she responded immediately. How did that fit with being royal? She chuckled.

  "What?" he asked.

  Her thigh was hot under the touch of his hand. She giggled. "I just had this absurd thought. You are so devilishly good looking I can't help but respond. How does "royalty" deal with that?"

  They were driving out of the town now. Vicky could see prosperous farms as far as her eye could see. Depending on the field, crops were in various stages of growth from just planted to harvest.

  "I don't know," Kroido answered. "You are the first woman I have known."

  Vicky was astounded. This good looking man was telling her he hadn't been with other women. Was he...a virgin? No, impossible.

  "What do you mean? That's not possible," she replied. She gazed at his strong profile as he watched the road. It's just not possible.

  "The women here. They are mutants. They do not respond. That doesn't mean I haven't tried." He took his eyes off the road just long enough to glance at her.

  Vicky had a new picture of him. The virgin prince. Unbelievable.

  "When I was younger," he continued, "my male relatives took me to Earth. They found me a woman. She came to our hotel suite. I liked the sex. It felt wonderful. Ever since then I've dreamed of a woman who wanted that with me."

  Not a virgin prince. Vicky was on an emotional roller coaster. His physical presence sent shivers down her spine. His hand on her thigh now burned with heat. The way he had kissed her last night had instantly started reactions. He seemed so assured and experienced.

  "I'm not much more experienced," she admitted. "I had a wild teenage crush, but nothing really happened except some heavy petting. There were two men. One was brief...a month. The other was in college. We lived together for a year. Then he found someone else and it was over."

  "A year. That's how long you will be here," Kroido reflected, more to himself than to her. He took his hand off her thigh and she felt a longing.

  They drove in silence for a while. The watcher car followed behind. Farms rolled by, crops as far as the eye could see.

  He broke the silence. "I want to show you Leka's wealth."

  They were almost at the head of the valley where it came up against the mountains. Vicky saw the first trees of the planet edging the line between the valley and the steep mountainsides.

  Toward the head of the valley they took a small road that threaded past small farms. Dairy cows gazed quietly from behind fences of low rolling hills. Kroido stopped the car in a grove of trees.

  "It's a walk, but it's worth it." He took her hand and led her toward a path through the trees. The watchers followed at a discreet distance.

  Vicky breathed in the fresh air. Under the trees the heat was not as brutal. She could smell the soil and the fresh scent of tree bark. Kroido glanced at her to see that she was handling the trail. He squeezed her hand gently.

  "It's so peaceful here," Vicky said. She stopped to breathe in the earthy scents of the woods. Light dappled the ground with leafy patterns.

  "Long ago when I was a child my father, Zostug, brought me here to introduce me to the planet; very much like I'm doing with you today. It stays in my memory. I think of it whenever I want to feel calm."

  "I can see why," Vicky said as they started an ascent up the side of a hill.

  Under the canopy of trees they pressed up the side of the mountain. Vicky felt her breasts sway as she hit a steady stride.

  Just when she thought it was time for a break, Kroido said, "This way."

  He helped her over a boulder. The lush valley spread out before them. She could just make out the town of Zema in the far distance and the ocean beyond.

  "It's beautiful," she cried.

  "My favorite land view," Kroido said. "Now we go up a little more."

  Vicky heard a whisper from the hillside as they climbed. The higher they went, the louder the sound.

  Suddenly there was a break in the trees, and a long waterfall splashed down the steep side of the mountain.

  "This is it," Kroido said, pointing to the water. "This is Leka's wealth. Without it we could not feed everyone. It is the king's responsibility to make sure that everyone has enough to eat. It's very different than your Earth where people go hungry and even starve. Neani said that abundance for people is the responsibility of royalty, without it, people become resentful and rebel."

  "I'd never thought about that," Vicky admitted. "I've been so caught up in my own small world of just trying to make a living, abundance never entered my mind. I like what your goddess Neani says. Why should people suffer?"

  "So much is complicated in your world. I thought you would think it was too simplistic," he said.

  They stood quietly side by side, listening to the waterfall and looking out over the valley.

  Vicky was entranced by the beauty and the delightful sound of the water pouring down the mountain. This view was a wealth that a million dollars could not supply.

  She reached out to touch his cheek, feeling the soft skin over his chiseled bones. "I just learned something about myself, thanks to you. If I had a million dollars, I would not have thought of finding a place like this. I would have spent it on...I don't know what, but you are teaching me that there is more to life than just having enough."

  "Vicky," he said. He reached up with his hand to take hers. "That," he kissed her little finger. "Is," he kissed her ring finger. "The sweetest," he kissed her middle finger. "Thing," he kissed her index finger. "Anyone has said to me," he kissed her thumb.

  Vicky's body went wild. Her breasts tightened and her nipples perked. Inside her womb began to heat and throb. Her labia swelled. It's just a kiss, she thought. Lighten up, Vicky.

  "And that," she replied, "is the sweetest thing any man has done for me."

  They looked at each other in surprise. Each of them drawn by their sexual desire and an emotional warmth.

  Kroido put his arms around her, pulling her up against his strong torso. She felt the hard pectorals and was lost under his broad shoulders. At the same moment they both sought each other's lips, kissing with passion.

  Vicky was sure she had never felt this way about any man--either the overwhelming physical attraction or the warmth of feeling. It was like trusting herself to trust him.

  She felt his tongue explore her lips. She parted them opening to his probing. She put her hands against his chest exploring the broad expanse of his muscles and the nip
ples, which seemed just as hard as hers felt.

  She pushed the tip of her tongue against his. A sensation of tastes rolled on her tongue as she explored, the breakfast and something distinctly him. He had a taste and it was sweet.

  Kroido's hands ran across her buttocks stoking the fire that already burned in her womb. She felt his powerful thighs move against hers. As he pushed her against him his cock pressed against her abdomen and she wanted it inside her. She wanted him, Kroido, inside.

  He moaned into her hair as she gasped in pleasure. She felt lost in the sound of the water careening over the rocks and the power of his presence. She moved her hips gently against his pelvis. All of her sexual encounters had been at night, inside, in bed. She was stirred by the wildness of the place and his gentleness.

  She heard crashing on the trail. Kroido looked around. One of the watchmen appeared behind the boulder. "We just heard from the captain. A storm is coming. Time to return to the boat and head for Leka before it hits."

  "Mmmm," Kroido acknowledged.

  Vicky started giggling in embarrassment. She had to get used to having eyes on her whenever she was out, even when she thought it was a private moment.

  The watchman looked embarrassed. "I'll tell the others, you will be heading back shortly."

  Kroido cleared his throat. "Thank you."

  Vicky stopped giggling. "Oh, I've never had that happen. You and Leka are filling me with first time experiences."

  Kroido gave her one of his big grins. "That should help with the rumor that we have mated. Vicky, I didn't mean to disrespect your wishes. I was carried away."

  Vicky looked into his clear blue eyes. "I was carried away, too...but I liked it."


  On the way back to Leka the sun was still shining and the water was blue, but it was moving. The surface of the sea was covered with tiny waves that seemed to move in every direction. The big yacht kept a steady course toward Leka, but the ride was not smooth.

  Vicky felt her stomach lurch as the yacht road over several choppy waves.

  "Oh, oh, Kroido. I think I'm getting sick."

  "It happens to every sailor at some point. You're getting an early start." He smiled and patted her back.

  "I need to go below and lie down," Vicky moaned.

  "No, it's better if you stay where you can see the horizon. In the closed space you will feel every motion and aggravate your senses. Come." He took her hand and led her to a chair on the deck. "Stay here in the fresh air and look out at the horizon."

  "Ahhhhh," Vicky moaned.

  Kroido singled up to the bridge. In a minute a young sailor appeared with a large bucket.

  "If you can't make it to the side of the boat, here's a contingency item." He smiled. "I got seasick on my first regatta."

  "You did?" Vicky whispered, feeling encouraged. Then her stomach did another lurch.

  "Yes, the first time I captained the boat myself we were in choppy water. It was worse than this. All of a sudden I was in no shape to command the crew. That's why I say it's good you have it happen early. Your body will adjust."

  "Not possible," Vicky said. Then she leaped up and ran to the railing and threw up vigorously.

  That was the worst of it. But, she spent the rest of the journey back to Leka in meek surrender to the powers of the sea sitting on the chair. Kroido sat beside her telling her stories of his sailing adventures. She hadn't felt so cared for since she was a little kid with her Mom at her sick bed.

  By the time they docked at Leka, the wind had picked up and the sky turned grey. The dock was busy with people tidying the boats and securing extra lines to hold the boats to the dock. All the decks were cleared of anything that could blow away in the wind.

  Kroido was on the bridge talking to Zolat and the crew.

  Vicky felt better now that they weren't riding the waves. She took in several deep breaths.

  Kroido appeared at her side. "This is early but it's time for your initiation into regal responsibility. We'll be here on the docks tonight. Whenever there is a storm the royal family helps in any way possible."

  Vicky took in another deep breath. "What do I do? I can't talk to anyone."

  "You first job is to be seen. Smile and wave. Encourage everyone. I am going to Neani’s Wind."

  "Neani's Wind?"

  "The royal ship. You saw it when we left. We'll dispense food and drink and tarpaulins and rope."

  "If that's where you going, I'm going with you."

  They left the yacht in the captain's hands and walked the dock to the big wooden ship. It still looked like a fat cantaloupe slice to Vicky.

  Kroido motioned toward a rope ladder.

  "Kroido, I...I...I've never done something like this."

  "I'll be right behind you," he said. He guided her hands to the ladder and then helped her swing onto the ladder.

  When Vicky looked up the top looked a long way up. When she looked down the water between the dock and the ship's hull was dark. Up was better.

  Hand over hand and placing her feet carefully she made her way up the ladder. The soft shoes gave her purchase on the rope rungs as she gingerly made her way to the top. At the top helping hands pulled her over onto the deck. Kroido was right behind her.

  "Let's get you some storm clothes." He led her down passageways to his stateroom. He pulled a bag out of a chest and handed her new clothes. "Put them on while I find you some storm gear."

  Kroido left as Vicky quickly pulled off the loose tee and pants. The new garments were close knit and body hugging. Long underwear for sailors, Vicky thought. Of course, being body hugging it revealed every roundness that she had.

  On Earth she would have been embarrassed, but Kroido seemed to like her just the way she was. He even called her beautiful. Just as she was getting lost in body image thoughts, Kroido returned with an armload of clothing.

  "Here you go," he said, then paused and looked at here in the dark navy second skin. "Neani made flesh." He threw the bundle of clothes on the bunk. He pulled her close to him and planted a soft kiss on her forehead.

  Then he helped her sort out the layers. Soft, fleecy pants and top went over the skintight suit.

  "The storm can be powerful so we'll find you a good place to stand where people can see you." Just then the ship rocked on the water.

  Vicky let out a little cry, "Oh."

  "Yes, the storm is starting. When the wind blows the water can get quite choppy, even here in the harbor. These are your outer wear." He handed her a loose jacket and loose pants made of some light fabric and colored bright yellow.

  "They're as waterproof as you can get. Seal the wrists and ankles to stay as dry as you can. Then slip on these boots."

  The big ship was moving constantly now. Vicky heard feet running on the deck and shouts. She put her hand on Kroido's chest to steady herself. Then put on the layers according to his directions.

  "Vicky, you are quite brave. My mother did this in every storm and she was terrified the entire time. This is her storm hat. If the rain gets strong it will keep your neck from getting too wet."

  She looked at the hat. It was bright yellow Vicky felt like a giant doll dressed with too many clothes. She took the broad brimmed waterproof hat from Kroido.

  "Maybe it's because I don't know what I'm getting into," she said.

  Kroido smiled, kissed her cheek and led her up to the deck.

  Everything had changed. The sky was black with clouds and all the heat of yesterday had disappeared in a strong wind. Even with all the layers she was cold.

  Kroido led her to the side of the deck so she could look out over the people and the other boats. Everyone was busy. Neani's Wind was rocking constantly. She held on to the high deck rail to keep herself steady.

  "Smile and wave. I'm off to help with the food. I'll send someone to stay with you." He turned away and then turned back again. "Vicky, you are a royal princess and you look every inch inspiring." He took her hand and squeezed it. Then he was gone.
r />   Vicky looked down at the busy people. She felt as though she was helpless. Everyone seemed purposeful, doing tasks, tightening lines, securing all the open hatches. OK, I'm doing a job. She smiled and waved. She thought people would be too busy to notice but here and there people waved back.

  The wind blew even stronger, and small waves crashed on the dock even though the harbor was deep in from the sea. When she looked toward the ocean giant waves were crashing on the rocks at the entrance to the harbor.

  She checked the straps under her chin that held her hat. The brim was flapping in the wind. The entire harbor was frothing in the wind. Waves swirled and crashed against the outermost boats.

  She waved again and more people waved back at her. She wished she knew the language. Then she realized that no one would hear her even if she did. The wind drowned out every other sound.

  Two young men appeared and nodded to her. She smiled and nodded back. She turned to wave at the people. Below her the lights of the decks shown out on the dock. Evening arrived and the dark sky became even darker. She reached in the pocket of the jacket and discovered a pair of gloves. She put them on and held onto the railing.

  The ship rocked. The wind blew. Vicky smiled and waved. She was cold. The waving made her feel better than standing there shivering. She smiled as rain poured down the brim of her hat onto the jacket.

  She was tired and cold and scared. Now and then something clattered somewhere as the wind scraped everything clean. There was a tremendous crash. Vicky could hear it above the wind. A boat had lost its mast to the wind.

  Where was Kroido? When she thought of princesses she had never thought of shivering in a storm smiling against the wind.

  Suddenly he was there by her side...with hot food! She hadn't realized she was hungry until he handed her a steaming mug of soup.

  "Thank you," she said. "I was cold."

  The ship rocked.

  Kroido said, "Vicky, you are wonderful. I think the people will spare you a quick break. Eat your soup. Come over here and sit down." He led her to a large locker bolted to the deck. They sat side by side as the boat rocked.


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