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Alien Romance: Arcturus Mates Complete Series (Book 1 - 9): Scifi Alien Abduction Romance (Alien Invasion Romance, Alien Romance)

Page 35

by Julia Sexton

  “Will you think about it?”

  “No. I can’t. I need to clear my head, so much happened. It won’t work.”

  “If that’s the way you feel, I have to respect that.”

  “I went for a walk today. I saw people. They were walking dogs, playing volleyball, normal things. I need a big dose of normal right now. My girlfriend came over with Chinese food. We watched television. Normal. I need a great big heap of normal. Working for Harrington, Ltd., working with you, it’s not normal. Josh, you are not normal.”

  She sounded mean. She could hear it in her voice. But it was true. Deep inside she knew it was true.


  “Please don’t ask me again. I’m done with Harrington, Ltd. I’m going to bed. I need to call it a night.”

  “Good night.” He said it softly but he hung up before she could say the same.

  Chapter 9: Food From Heaven

  Sandy woke late the next morning. She felt fresh. The laughter with Jenna had somehow brought her back to reality. Life was good. Life was especially good after aliens had wanted to do god knows what experiments. After some coffee she’d start tweaking her resume. It had been good enough for Harrington, Ltd.

  Her clothes! She couldn’t go to interviews without her clothes. She’d have to go to Josh’s mansion and retrieve her clothes. Well, any time during the day would work, he’d be riding herd over his minions at the Harrington Building. She would get Giulia to help her.

  She took a quick shower and put on the same clothes one more time. There it was that scent of him still lingering. And the twinge of fire in her groin. She wouldn’t think about it. Except her lips felt the little kisses. She put her fingers to her mouth and gently touched her lips. Yes, like that, with his lips.

  She touched her chest where his hand had lingered the moment before he caressed her breast. Fire shot through her with the memory.

  She slipped on her shoes. She heard voices outside. Maybe late night partiers finally coming back. Ocean Beach was definitely a party town if you wanted to plug into that scene. Her bag had somehow slid under the bed. She lay on the floor and reached underneath to pull it out. The doorbell rang.

  “Second,” she called from the floor. There, her bag. She hopped up and went to the door carrying her bag.

  She could see people through the side window. More than the usual two guys in white shirts with black ties come to save her soul. A fundraising party?

  She unlocked the door and pulled it open.

  Josh Harrington, Giulia, two guys in green service uniforms and a luggage rack. She barely had time to take it all in before Josh smiled.

  “Good morning. I see you’re ready to go.” He glanced down at the bag in her hand.

  He was the most beautiful man she’d ever met. She had to admit it. His shoulders filled out yet another navy sweater. His long legs and powerful thighs

  “Jo…Josh! What are you doing here?”

  “Giulia and the boys have your clothes. They’ll put them away while we go for a ride. I have a surprise for you.”

  Giulia smiled at Sandy and nodded her head when her name was mentioned.

  “A ride? A surprise? Why?” Sandy was so flabbergasted she could barely speak. Just moments ago she’d been drinking in his scent on her shirt and now here he was.

  “It’s a surprise.” He held out his hand. The hand with the strong fingers that could touch so sensitively. “Come on. They’ll be fine.”

  She did owe him something. He had saved her life. Kept her from the Zinkan experiment using her as a Guinea pig. A shiver ran down her spine as she pictured the Zinkans around the table. As she thought about her close escape, she realized how grateful she was to Josh.

  “Alright, then I need to get back. I have things…” She stopped. She wasn’t going to tell him about the job search. She’d go for the mysterious ride and then they’d be done. She held her hand out. As he took her hand she felt the fire rush through. This is going to be difficult.

  Giulia started to lead the helpers inside. They trailed behind rolling the luggage cart. As Giulia passed she whispered, “I cook good. He good. You good.” Then she was gone, headed toward the bedroom.

  “Come on,” Josh said with a twinkle in his grey-blue eyes. He led her toward the street.

  A long, sleek, dark limousine was parked outside the apartment complex entrance.

  “Here we are.” Josh pulled her hand as the driver got out and opened the door.

  “What? Where’s your Lamborghini?”

  “It wasn’t large enough. Come on.” He handed her in.

  Before she saw the flowers their scent escaped out the open door. The inside the enormously long vehicle was beribboned in red adorned with red roses. There was a side table holding a huge bouquet of more red roses. And then she smelled the food.

  “I thought we’d have a little brunch while we drive.” Josh stepped in beside her. “Have a seat.”

  Sandy was overwhelmed. She’d never seen anything so luxurious. Her idea of limousines was pink and black party interiors. She’s seen them on the web. This interior was a soft, light colored natural leather, almost white but not. It was subtle and elegant. A large moonroof of tinted glass gave a glimpse of the blue sky as the fog rolled out to the ocean.

  She sank into a deeply soft upholstered chair in front of the table. The table was laid with linen, china, silverware, complete with linen napkins. Each plate was covered with a silver cloche.

  Before she could recover from shock Josh sank down on the seat across from her. His grey-blue eyes twinkled as he brushed a stray auburn curl from his forehead.

  “Well, this is a surprise. I’m humbled. Really I…” She was going to say don’t deserve this, but that was so wrong. She did. She’d put up with confinement and his house arrest and alien threats. Now it was time to enjoy life. Life! And if life had this to offer she accepted.

  “Oh, this isn’t the surprise. That comes later.”

  “Well this is certainly a surprise to me.”

  “We’ll start with a mimosa. I know you like champagne.” Sandy remembered that first night at the mansion. Champagne by the ocean…and his touch.

  He reached over to the bar on the side of the limousine. They were driving through Ocean Beach now headed down the highway. Sandy drank in the scent of the roses. She felt as though she was riding along in heaven. The roses, the sunny sky, the smooth glide of the limousine. And…Josh, all of him, pouring mimosas.

  “Cin, cin!” Josh toasted. He raised his glass.

  Sandy raised her glass. “Cin, cin.”

  Josh put down his crystal glass and with two deft movements removed the silver cloche plate covers. More heaven as the aroma of the food, she wasn’t certain what it was, wafted up into Sandy’s face.

  “Oh, it smells delicious.”

  “Well, Giulia was up before sunrise fiddling in the kitchen. There’s more to come.” He gestured toward a small warming oven in the side of the limousine.

  They each took a bite of the food. A miniature casserole each carefully shaped and baked and then released onto the plate. Egg and spinach and bread crumbs gently spiced. It was hot and delicious.

  The food was so good they both ate in silence as the limousine rolled south.

  Now they were heading up the hills of Point Loma.

  “Josh, if this is some ruse to get me to come to work for Harrington, Ltd. For you. It won’t work.”

  “No, no. I listened, Sandy.” He put out his hand and touched her hand. Thrills of delight flew through her body. He had listened to her. “That’s not why we having a riding brunch this morning. Coffee?”

  He lifted an insulated thermos pitcher from the bar.

  “It’s espresso. Giulia gave it that special touch. Isn’t she amazing?”

  He poured coffee and leaned back in his lush leather seat looking pleased.

  “Giulia, is amazing. I’ve never had such subtly delicious food.” She thought about Giulia’s words. I cook goo
d. He good. You good. Sandy wished she spoke Italian. They wouldn’t have to communicate in pigeon English. She didn’t understand what Giulia had meant.

  She looked at this man across from her. He was at ease and very pleased with himself. His auburn hair was lit by the light from the moon roof. His chiseled face had lost the tension of their time of confinement together. She wanted to lean into him. Feel the strength of his shoulders as his arms wrapped around her. He took a sip of his coffee and smiled.

  He must be the best looking man on Earth. Sandy was sure of it.

  The limousine had come to a stop. They were parked in front of the Pt. Loma Lighthouse.

  “Ah, we’re here.” Josh broadened his smile.

  “The lighthouse? This is the surprise?” Sandy was bewildered.

  The driver opened the door. Taking Josh’s hand Sandy stepped out into sunlight, wind, and a spectacular view of the ocean. It was like being at the end of the world. The tall pines trees rustled in the breeze. The ocean spread out before them.

  Sandy laughed. Maybe this wasn’t what she would call normal but it was beautiful and the breeze made it exhilarating. Her dark locks swept around her face in the wind.

  Josh reached over and caught an errant strand pushing it back behind her ear. When his fingers lightly grazed her ear, the fire flamed inside. She might not want to work for him, but she wanted him in a fierce, deep passion.

  “Let’s take a walk.” Josh gestured to the bluffs just a little past the lighthouse. Then he put his arm around her waist as they strolled toward the bluffs. They walked out to the very edge.

  “It’s magnificent,” Sandy breathed out. The wind whipped at her hair as they stood dangerously close to the edge of the sandstone bluff, high above the ocean. She stood enraptured with the view.

  “Just like you.” Josh said.

  She turned to look at him. He stood back and placed his hands on her shoulders. Shivers shot down. His grey-blue eyes opened wide.

  “You are…,” he paused then words tumbled out. “When I look in my heart, I see only you. I have so many challenges ahead in my totally human life, I know I can meet them if you will face them with me.” He took a breath. “If you can look into your heart, and see only me, we should spend the rest of our lives together.”

  “Oh, Josh, I feel that way. You are the only one in my heart. You are the only one who has made it that far in. How this can happen in just a few days…”

  She couldn’t finish. He swept her into his arms crushing her against him. Her nipples tightened as he his force pushed her breasts against his chest. His lips met hers with fervor then pulled hers into his. His tongue flicked into her mouth as though asking permission and she opened her lips in acceptance.

  His thigh parted her legs. She grabbed his head and pressed his lips against hers. As he held her, his scent enveloped her. She felt a passion she’d never known. Deep, as though her body had been waiting for his from the moment she was born.

  She pressed her groin against his thigh. She was swollen. Her need was strong and so was his. She could feel his cock pushing against her. Was this her future? Her heart felt complete.

  He caressed her throat with his long fingers gently stroking the side of her neck. Her fingers played with the soft red curls on his head.

  Josh stood back. “I was apprehensive. You said you would never…”

  Sandy interrupted, “Work with you. I couldn’t say my heart, my body, wanted you every moment.”

  They laughed as the wind whipped their clothes.

  “Now it’s time to go home.”

  Sandy laughed.

  “Does that mean we’ll move the clothes again?”

  They laughed as they clambered back into the limousine.

  Josh turned to the driver who held the door open. “Dragan, take us home.”

  Josh led her to a long banquette against one wall of the limousine. The nestled down side by side on the expansive leather seat. Josh reached up and pulled a red rose off the ribbon-festooned above their heads.

  “This is us. Deep with feeling. Do you see how the thorns are clipped? We started in thorns, let’s lead our life in soft petals.” His hand went out to give the rose to her and then stopped. He raised his arm, brushed back her hair, and tucked the rose stem behind her ear. “Two luxuries: a red rose and your black hair. I want to sink into them both.”

  As he stroked her hair, Sandy felt an immense jolt of pleasure. Electricity coursed through her body. She knew her lips were swelling ready to open to Josh. She was so electrified she could barely speak.

  “Soft petals,” she murmured. She took hold of his hand and brought it to her mouth. One by one she kissed his fingertips, softly imitating the way he kissed her lips. Then she brought her lips around the end of his index finger, sucking gently.

  Josh moaned in pleasure, moving his body closer to hers. Fire burned inside her groin. She felt contractions as she took in his finger and gently slid her tongue up one side and down the other. Josh placed his hand on the side of her neck and gently toyed with her hair. He took a strand, rubbed it against his cheek, then caressed the side of her neck with the strand of her tresses and his gentle fingertips.

  “Mmmmm. I can’t wait to touch all of you.” He whispered. “I want all of you.”

  His words echoed the thoughts in her head.

  Excitement and tension filled the air on the ride to the mansion.

  Chapter 10: Room with a View

  At the big doors of the mansion entrance, Josh took her hand and led her silently. Both of them filled with such sexual tension words were unnecessary. Sandy felt as though the anticipation would burst out of her.

  He led her down a passageway to an elevator. “We’re going up.” They stepped inside. As the elevator doors closed he placed his hand on her stomach and stroked her abdomen. Sandy felt as though there was so much passion inside she would explode. His fingers were the flint that would light the fuse.

  The elevator doors opened onto a spacious bedroom. The bed was large against the far wall. Spanish wrought iron work towered up to the ceiling. One tall, antique Spanish chest dominated an inside wall. Two large leather armchairs flanked the elevator door. A large oil painting of La Jolla Cove hung over the long, dark chest. The floor was tiled and then covered in a large intricately woven oriental carpet. Simple, masculine, luxurious.

  But there wasn’t much time to look because Josh took her in his arms. He planted his lips on hers with a dominance that brought her close to a swoon. She felt as if all her blood had flowed toward her labia. She was swollen with urgency.

  She felt his hard cock pushed against her. Then his strong fingers gently massaged her breasts. His lips trailed from her mouth, over her chin, down her neck in tiny, delicate kisses. Then he slowed as he reached the top of her chest as he went down to lightly kiss one breast and then the other.

  Sandy wanted the barriers of cloth gone between his lips and her skin. As if reading her mind, he gently lifted the hem of her top and pulled up. She raised her arms as he pulled the top over her head. Spasms of urgency seared her core.

  Josh turned her around, still holding her in his powerful arms. His fingers ran across the top of her bra as if going in. He followed the lacy edge up from her cleavage along her breasts to the straps. Sandy stood mesmerized by his touch as she responded to his gentle touch with light breaths. She couldn’t remember when she had felt this vulnerable.

  Josh murmured in a tender but guttural voice, “This way.” He took her hand, leading her toward the bed. He sat on the edge of the bed.

  “Turn,” he said, gently pushing her a few inches away. “I want to see you.”

  Sandy turned, feeling every blemish and imperfection in her vulnerability.

  Josh reached out and pulled at the center of her red lace bra tugging her toward him. He pulled her close so her breasts were pushing against his shoulders. She felt his biceps brush her arms against her body as he reached behind her to unfasten the bra. As it fell to
the floor he pushed his face between her breasts. His strong fingers pressed the outside of her breasts so they were firm against his cheeks.

  Sandy moaned. Her knees trembled as he began kissing her left breast. He changed his attention to her right breast, taking the aureole and nipple between his lips, gently pulling. His tongue flicked across her nipple as it hardened under his ministrations.

  Then suddenly they were one. He fell back on the bed pulling her on top of his lengthy torso. She felt the bulge of his pectorals underneath his shirt.

  Sandy unbuttoned his shirt, pulling up the hem outside of his jeans. She pushed the fabric back and then pulled his arms out of the sleeves. Then they were against each other.

  This time it was Sandy’s turn, she rolled off onto the bed to unbutton his fly. She softly led the zipper down over his erection. Josh moaned and reached for her waist.

  Suddenly they were both pulling and tugging at pant legs and laughing as they rolled and squirmed.

  Josh placed his hand on her abdomen. “So firm.”

  “Swimming,” was all Sandy could say as her laughter calmed.

  The connection between them filled the room. Deep hunger surged in Sandy as his long fingers pulled her panties down. Before she could move, his underwear was gone.

  Then like two unstoppable raging fires they were at each other with kisses and exploring hands. She felt the soft curls of his chest as his hands traveled her body from shoulder to waist.

  “Josh,” she said his name. All of her being was his, her vulnerability replaced by ardor. It was crazy. She could already imagine spending every day of her life with him.

  Her body undulated under the touch of his hands as they swirled across her abdomen. His fingers touched her pubic hair and she arched up her hips.

  “Yes, touch me everywhere,” she panted.

  His pelvis pushed against her, as he parted the hair and his fingers found her lips. His hand pushed against her swollen labia. Sandy sucked in her breath.

  Her quickened breath seemed to drive him wild. He slid his fingers between the lips of her separating them and gliding along the inside. Electricity coursed through her body. She kissed his chest, then licked his nipple as his thumb found her nub.


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