The Sagas of the Icelanders

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The Sagas of the Icelanders Page 100

by Smilely, Jane

  Bard Herjolfsson (father of Herjolf Bardarson) 636

  Bard Hoskuldsson 284–5, 303, 305, 312, 317–20

  Bard the Peevish 267

  Bardi (Killer-Bardi) Gudmundarson 150, 230, 326, 377–9, 561

  Bardi the Short 598–601

  Baug (foster-brother of Ketil Haeng) 38–9

  Beard-Avaldi see Avaldi Ingjaldsson

  Beard-Bjalfi 508–9

  Beard-Broddi see Broddi Bjarnason

  Beard-Thorir (at Herdla) 103, 106

  Beinir the Strong 315, 415, 417

  Bera Egilsdottir (Skallagrimsson) 129, 150

  Bera Yngvarsdottir (wife of Skallagrim) 33, 51, 56, 62, 107

  Berg Skammfot (at Skammfotarmyri) 524–5

  Berg the Bold 239–41, 243–6

  Berg Vesteinsson (son of Vestein Vesteinsson) 504, 543, 556–7

  Bergfinn (Norwegian skipper) 561–2

  Berg-Onund Thorgeirsson 59, 92, 95–9, 102–6, 112, 120, 127

  Bergthor (farmer at Bodvarsholar) 494

  Bergthora Olafsdottir (Peacock) 149, 321, 326

  Bersi (farmer at Bersastadir) 513

  Bersi the Godless 94

  Bersi Veleifsson the Dueller 285, 321

  Bjalfi (father of Kveldulf) 8

  Bjalfi Hildisson 494

  Bjarni (farmer at Laugarhus) 439–40, 443

  Bjarni Brodd-Helgason (at Hof) 677–83

  Bjarni Grimolfsson 664, 666–7, 669, 671, 673

  Bjarni Herjolfsson (from Drepstokk) 636–8

  Bjarni Skeggjason (from Breida) 347

  Bjarni the Stout 169

  Bjarni Thordarson of Hofdi 422

  Bjartmar (in Arnarfjord) 504, 512, 529, 544

  Bjorg Eyvindardottir 280

  Bjorgolf (landholder at Torgar Island) 14–15, 19

  Bjorn (father-in-law of Ref the Sly) 605–6

  Bjorn (hersir in Sognefjord) 52

  Bjorn (kinsman of Hrafn Onundarson) 593

  Bjorn (Norwegian skipper) 257

  Bjorn (settler in Bjarnarfjord, father of Jorunn Bjarnardottir) 284

  Bjorn (Sleitu-Bjorn) Hroarsson 303

  Bjorn Arngeirsson Champion of the Hitardal people 94, 561

  Bjorn Brynjolfsson the Landowner 52–9, 65, 77, 92, 94–5, 97–9, 121, 127, 561

  Bjorn Buna (hersir in Norway) 276, 327, 653

  Bjorn Eiriksson (King of Sweden 885–935) 112

  Bjorn Gilsson (Bishop at Holar 1147–62) 652, 674

  Bjorn Ketilsson the Easterner (son of Ketil Flat-nose) 165, 276–7, 279, 281, 327, 653

  Bjorn Refsson (son of Ref the Sly) 606, 609, 617–19, 622, 624

  Bjorn the Black (berserk) 500–501

  Bjorn the Red (Red-Bjorn) 167, 285

  Bjorn Thorfinnsson (son of Gudrid Thorbjarnardottir; see also Thorbjorn Thorfinnsson) 651

  Blund-Ketil Geirsson 61

  Bodvar (one of Ingimund Thorsteinsson’s men) 209

  Bodvar Egilsson (Skallagrimsson) 129, 150–52

  Bolli Bollason (son of Gudrun Osvifsdottir) 382, 386, 388–9, 391, 394, 397, 399, 403, 405–12, 419–22, 424–35, 712

  Bolli Thorleiksson (third husband of Gudrun Osvifsdottir) 318, 321–2, 325, 331,344–7, 349–52, 354–6, 359, 361–2, 364–82, 385, 387, 389–91, 398, 402, 408–9, 421

  Bork Thorsteinsson the Stout 282, 298, 505, 519–20, 523–32, 537–43, 556

  Bothild (slave of Ingjald) 536–9

  Bragi Boddason (poet) 112

  Brand (Faxi-Brand) 243–4

  Brand Saemundarson (Bishop at Holar 1163–1201) 651, 674

  Brand Thorarinsson 420

  Brand Vermundarson the Generous 347

  Broddi (Beard-Broddi) Bjarnason (a ‘Confederate’) 477, 479, 485, 488, 491, 683

  Brynjolf Bjarnarson (hersir in Sognefjord) 52–3, 55–6, 59, 64, 97

  Brynjolf Bjorgolfsson (at Torgar Island) 14–16, 19, 28

  Brynjolf Helgason 64

  Canute Sveinsson the Great (King of Denmark 1018–35, of England 1016–35) 166, 580

  Dala-Koll see Koll

  Dalla Onundardottir (daughter of Onund Anason Sjoni) 169

  Dalla Thorvaldsdottir (wife of Bishop Isleif) 345

  Dueller-Starri see Starri Eiriksson

  Dyri (settler in Dyrafjord) 504

  Edgar (King of England 959–75) 572

  Edmund I (King of England 940–46) 129

  Edward the Elder (King of England 899–924) 80–81

  Egil Audunarson 345

  Egil Skallagrimsson 51–2, 62–82, 85–114, 118–52, 158–9, 173–7, 180–84, 312–15, 322, 377, 561, 564, 569

  Egil Skulason (grandson of Thorstein Egilsson, a ‘Confederate’) 477, 479–83, 486–7, 489–93

  Egil Thorsteinsson (Egilsson) 169, 561

  Eid of As 383–6

  Einar (‘brother’ of Sneglu-Halli) 704–5

  Einar Eyjolfsson of Thvera 204

  Einar Hareksson Fly 703–7, 712

  Einar Helgason Skalaglamm 165–7

  Einar Jarnskeggjason (son of Jarnskeggi Einarsson) 484

  Einar Magnusson (father of Magnus Einarsson Bishop) 683

  Einar Sigmundarson (at Laugarbrekka) 655

  Einar Skeggjason (the Dueller) 503

  Einar Skulason (priest) 561

  Einar Teitsson (godi) 172–7

  Einar Thorbjarnarson 440–43, 445, 447, 460

  Einar Thorgeirsson (at Thorgeirsfell) 655–6

  Eindridi Onundarson (brother of Hrafn Onundarson) 566

  Eirik (brother of Sheath-Grani) 623–4

  Eirik Hakonarson the Earl (King of Norway with Svein, his brother, 1000–13) 184, 570, 576, 580, 589, 638

  Eirik Haraldsson Blood-axe (King of Norway 930–34) 57–60, 65–7, 69, 71, 77–9, 95–103, 106, 108–22, 127, 129, 132, 160

  Eirik the All-wise (landholder) 120

  Eirik the Victorious (King of Sweden 935–93) 577

  Eirik Thorvaldsson the Red (first settler in Greenland, father of Leif Eiriksson) 636, 638, 641, 643, 654–5, 657, 660–62, 664–7, 672–3

  Eirik’s sons (sons of Eirik Blood-axe) 132, 134–5, 158, 166

  Eldgrim (at Eldgrimsstadir) 338–40

  Ella (probably King of Northumbria, d. 867) 91

  Erlend Jonsson the Torpid 374

  Erling the Wealthy 59

  Erp (from pictish ‘Esp’, son of Earl Meldoon; a freed slave) 280

  Ethelred the Unready (son of Edgar, King of England 978–1013, 1014–16) 572, 574, 580, 584–5, 591

  Eyjolf (at Karnsnes) 244

  Eyjolf (outlaw) 397

  Eyjolf Aesuson (of Sviney) 654

  Eyjolf Eyjolfsson 345

  Eyjolf Gudmundarson the Lame 345

  Eyjolf Thordarson the Grey 282, 519–20, 522, 531–3, 536, 541, 547–8, 550, 553–6

  Eyjolf Thorfinnsson 567

  Eystein Erlendsson (Archbishop of Trondheim 1161–88) 374

  Eystein Ivarsson Glumra 653

  Eysteinn Olafsson Fart (king) 438

  Eyvind (father of Ozur and Thorodd) 150

  Eyvind Bjarnason (brother of Sam) 439, 456–61

  Eyvind Braggart (brother of Queen Gunnhild) 78–80, 94

  Eyvind Lamb (son of Kari from Berle) 8–9, 13, 15–17, 36–7

  Eyvind the Easterner 276, 278, 653

  Eyvind the Plagiarist (poet, son of Finn the Squinter) 37

  Eyvind the Proud 215–16, 225, 235, 260

  Faravid (king of the Kven people) 24–5, 28

  Filth-Eyjolf 654

  Finn Arnorsson the Priest 684

  Finn the Squinter (son of Eyvind Lamb) 37

  Finnbogi (skipper) 648–9

  Finnbogi Asbjarnarson the Mighty 239–46

  Fostolf (brother of Throttolf) 266–8

  Frederick the Bishop 265

  Freydis Eiriksdottir (the Red) 636, 648–51, 666, 670

  Fridgeir Gyduson (at Blindheim) 122–6, 132

  Fridmund (one of Ingimund Thorsteinsson’s men) 209

  Frodi (foster-son of Eirik
Blood-axe) 102–5

  Frodi the Valiant 276

  Galti Ottarsson (brother of Hallfred the Troublesome Poet) 264, 582

  Gardi (foreman on Thorstein the Black’s farm) 663–4

  Gaut (at Gautsdal; see also Thororm (friend of Eyvind the Proud)) 216, 225

  Geir Ketilsson the Wealthy 61

  Geir Thorgilsson (from Vik) 606

  Geirlaug Eyvindardottir (wife of Sighvat the Red) 37

  Giermund Hjorsson Dark-skin 149

  Geirmund Ingjaldsson (foster-son of Thorkel Sursson) 511, 514, 519–21, 556–7

  Geirmund Saemundarson 204, 216, 225–7

  Geirmund Thunder (follower of Earl Hakon the Powerful) 322–6

  Geirny Gnupsdottir 566

  Geirstein (of Jorvi) 654

  Gellir Sigridarson (from Hlid) 603–4

  Gellir Thorkelsson (son of Gudrun Osvifsdottir, a ‘Confederate’) 405, 413, 418, 420–21, 477, 479, 483–9, 492–3

  Gest Oddleifsson the Wise (at Hagi) 328–31, 333, 337, 383, 399–400, 506, 533, 541–3, 546, 548, 556, 597–8, 602–5

  Giant-Bjorn 189

  Gilli the Russian (Irish ‘gillae’: a boy) 287–8

  Gisli Sursson 501–41, 544–57

  Gisli Thorkelsson (Skerauki) 500–501

  Gizur Isleifsson (Bishop of Iceland 1082–1106; at Skalholt 1106–1118) 345

  Gizur Teitsson the White 353–4

  Gjaflaug Arnbjarnardottir (wife of Thorleik Hoskuldsson) 303

  Gjaflaug Kjallaksdottir (wife of Bjorn the Easterner) 278

  Glaedir (son of Gudmund the Powerful’s sister) 259–63

  Glum (at Skridinsenni) 467

  Glum Geirason (poet) 328, 333

  Gnup Molda-Gnupsson 566–7

  Goat-Bjorn Molda-Gnupsson 582, 585–6

  Godric (Earl in Northumbria) 81–2

  Gorm the Old (King of Denmark -940) 74

  Grani (Sheath-Grani) 619–23

  Grani (slave of Steinar Sjonason) 170

  Grani at Granastadir (one of Skallagrim’s men) 40, 48, 62

  Grelod (wife of Thorfinn Einarsson, Earl of the Orkney Islands) 278, 653

  Grettir Asmundarson the Strong 345, 467, 531

  Grim (helper of Ref the Sly) 602

  Grim (kinsman of Hrafn Onundarson) 589–91

  Grim (one of Skallagrim’s men) 40

  Grim Bardarson 17

  Grim Eidsson (of As) 383–6

  Grim Grimolfsson 47

  Grim Heggsson 62

  Grim Ingjaldsson (foster-brother of Ingimund Thorsteinsson) 198, 200–201, 204–6, 209–10

  Grim Ketilsson Hairy-cheeks (from Hrafnista) 119, 504

  Grim Svertingsson (Lawspeaker 1002–3) 149, 168, 173, 180, 182–3

  Grim Thorisson the Halogalander 46–7, 94

  Grim Thorsteinsson (Egilsson) 169, 178–9

  Grima (wife of Kotkel) 333, 340–41

  Grimar Grimsson at Grimarsstadir 47

  Grimhild (wife of Thorstein the Black; see also Sigrid) 644–5

  Grimolf (one of Skallagrim’s men) 40, 47

  Gris (one of Skallagrim’s men) 41, 49

  Gris Saemingsson 264

  Grjotgard (son of Earl Hakon of Lade) 10

  Groa (sister of Thorey) 246–7

  Groa Dala-Kollsdottir (mother of Bersi the Dueller) 285

  Groa Geirmundardottir (Thunder) 324

  Groa Thorsteinsdottir (the Red) 278, 653

  Gudbrand Thorsteinsson (Ingimundarson) 237, 248, 250–54

  Gudlaug (nephew of Osvif) 369, 371, 375

  Gudmund (survivor of shipwreck) 299–300

  Gudmund Amundason 683

  Gudmund Eyjolfsson the Powerful 204, 259, 262–4, 353, 360, 362, 426, 431–2

  Gudmund Solmundarson (in Vididal) 150, 230, 326, 358, 373, 377, 379

  Gudny Bardardottir (daughter of Bard Hoskuldsson) 318

  Gudny Bodvarsdottir 684

  Gudrid (native woman in Vinland) 647

  Gudrid (wife of Kolbein Flosason Lawspeaker) 683

  Gudrid Ingjaldsdottir (foster-daughter of Gisli Sursson) 511, 514, 516, 529, 547, 552, 554, 556–7

  Gudrid Thorbjarnardottir 641, 643–7, 651–2, 655–7, 659, 662–5, 671, 674

  Gudrid Thorsteinsdottir (wife of Thorkel Scarf) 285, 299

  Gudrod Halfdanarson the Hunting King 438, 653

  Gudrun Amundadottir 683

  Gudrun at Marbaeli 422, 424

  Gudrun Gjukadottir (legendary heroine) 526

  Gudrun Gudmundardottir 326

  Gudrun Ospaksdottir 420

  Gudrun Osvifsdottir 327–30, 332–8, 344, 346, 354–9, 361–9, 372, 376, 378, 380–83, 385–90, 397–9, 402–8, 411, 413–14, 418–21

  Gudrun Sigmundardottir 420

  Gudrun Steinsdottir 684

  Gunnar (husband of Olof Thorgilsdottir) 606, 609–18

  Gunnar Egilsson (Skallagrimsson) 129, 152

  Gunnar Hamundarson of Hlidarendi (main character in Njal’s Saga) 561

  Gunnar Hlifarson 168, 282, 561

  Gunnar Thidrandabani 404–5

  Gunnbjorn Erpsson 280

  Gunnbjorn Ulfsson (discoverer of Greenland) 654

  Gunnhild (wife of Vestein Vesteinsson) 504, 556–7

  Gunnhild Bjarnardottir 59, 92, 95, 97

  Gunnhild Halfdanardottir (wife of Finn the Squinter) 37

  Gunnhild Ozurardottir (queen, wife of Eirik Blood-axe) 59, 66–7, 70, 77–9, 94–5, 97–8, 102, 106, 109–10, 112–14, 121–2, 129, 300, 305–6, 311

  Gunnlaug (mother of Ofeig Skidason) 465

  Gunnlaug Hromundarson 94

  Gunnlaug Illugason Serpent-tongue (poet) 169, 184, 280, 561, 565–94

  Gunnlaug Serpent-tongue (father of Thurid Dylla) 565

  Guttorm Sigurdarson 43–5

  Gyda Solmundardottir (wife of Thorstein Ingimundarson; see also Thurid Solmundardottir) 230, 246

  Gyda Thorisdottir (sister of Arinbjorn) 122–4

  Hadd Thorgeirsson 59, 102, 104–5

  Haki (from Scotland) 667

  Hakon (Earl of Lade) 11, 706

  Hakon Haraldsson the Good (foster-son of King Athelstan, King of Norway 934–60) 80, 108–9, 120–21, 126, 129, 131, 135, 137, 147, 158, 284, 286, 288, 319, 327, 500, 597

  Hakon Sigurdarson the Earl/the Powerful (King of Norway 975–95) 165–6, 182, 322–3, 346, 571, 706

  Halfdan Eysteinsson the Mild and Meal-stingy (king) 438

  Halfdan Grjotgardsson (Earl of Lade) 37

  Halfdan Gudrodarson the Black (King of Norway) 9, 15, 43, 161, 438

  Halfdan Olafsson White-leg (King of Norway) 135, 653

  Hall (of Saudeyjar) 290–92

  Hall Gudmundarson 150, 184, 326, 360, 362, 374, 378

  Hall Styrmisson (son of Styrmir from Asgeirsa) 484

  Hall Styrsson (son of Killer-Styr) 318

  Hall Thorsteinsson of Sida 352–3

  Halla (mother of Thorgils Holluson) 383, 400

  Halla Bjarnadottir (daughter of Bjarni Brodd-Helgason) 683

  Hallad Rognvaldsson 203

  Hallbera (mother of Gudmund the Powerful) 204


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