Hallbera (mother of Kveldulf) 8
Hallbjorn (a wanderer) 541–3
Hallbjorn Half-troll (from Hrafnista) 8, 504
Hallbjorn Kotkelsson Slickstone-eye 333, 336, 341, 343
Halldis (at Arnarstapi, wife of Orm, foster-mother of Gudrid Thorbjarnardottir) 655, 659
Halldis Erpsdottir 280
Halldis Olafsdottir (wife of Ingolf Thorsteinsson) 250
Halldor Armodsson 328, 386, 388–9, 391, 395, 398, 401
Halldor Gudmundarson (the Powerful) 353
Halldor Olafsson (Peacock) 149, 321, 355, 373, 375–82, 409–10, 415–17
Halldor Snorrason (the Godi) 420, 685–93, 724
Halldor the Godi of Garpsdal 332
Hallfred at Hallfredarstadir (father of Hrafnkel Frey’s Godi) 438–9
Hallfred Ottarsson the Troublesome Poet (main character in The Saga of Hallfred the Troublesome Poet) 214, 250, 264, 347, 350–51, 580–82, 589
Hallfrid Amundadottir 683
Hallfrid Snorradottir (daughter of Snorri Thorfinnsson) 651, 674
Hallgerd Hoskuldsdottir Long-legs 284
Halli (Sarcastic Halli) (poet) 694–712
Halli Hrolfsson 457
Halli Thorsteinsson (Egilsson) 169
Hallkel (father-in-law of Helga Thorsteinsdottir) 594
Hallkel Hrosskelsson 565
Hallorm (son-in-law of Ingimund Thorsteinsson; see also Klakka-Orm) 221
Hallstein (at Vidivellir, father of Snorri and Sighvat) 457
Hallstein (son of Earl Atli) 9
Hallstein the Godi (at Hallsteinsnes) 333, 335–7
Hallvard (Gisli Sursson’s farmhand) 512–14
Hallvard Travel-hard (from Hising) 29–30, 32–4, 36, 43–6
Hallveig Einarsdottir (wife of Thorbjorn Vifilsson) 655
Harald (Gold-Harald) (son of King Canute Sveinsson the Great) 166
Harald Eiriksson (Gunnhildarson) Grey-cloak ( King of Norway 960–75 ),
102, 132, 134, 158, 166, 300, 304–6, 308, 311, 314, 339, 507
Harald Gormsson (King of Denmark -986) 74, 79
Harald Halfdanarson Fair-hair ( King of Norway - 932; first nicknamed Tangle-hair
9–12, 13, 15, 17, 20, 22–3, 25–6, 31–4, 36–7, 39–40, 42–3, 45, 49, 54, 57, 80, 102, 108, 111–12, 135, 201–3, 205–7, 212, 276–7, 438
Harald Sigurdarson (King of Norway 1046–66) 374, 488, 610, 612, 618, 620, 624–5, 685–8, 693–6, 698–700, 709–12, 717–19, 721–2
Harald War-tooth (legendary King of the Danes) 713
Hardbein (father of Helgi Hardbeinsson) 378
Hardbein Helgason (son of Helgi Hardbeinsson) 392, 397
Harek (son of Hildirid) 14, 19, 21–3, 26, 29–30
Harek from Thjotta 703
Harold Godwinson (King of England 1066) 708
Hauk (two berserks with the same name) 265–6
Havard (farmhand of Gisli Sursson) 512–14
Havard (kinsman of Gest Oddleifsson) 546–8
Hegg from Heggsstadir 62
Hekja (from Scotland) 667
Helga (daughter of Ketil Haeng, Hrafnista) 14
Helga (mistress of Berg the Bold) 242–4, 246
Helga (mother of Gudny Bodvarsdottir) 684
Helga Ansdottir (Bow-bender; mother of An Grimsson Red-cloak) 504
Helga Bjarnardottir (wife of Ref the Sly) 605–6, 608–9, 615, 618–20, 624
Helga from Kropp 383
Helga Kjallaksdottir 278
Helga Olafsdottir (Feilan) 168, 282
Helga Thorfinnsdottir (in Eidaskog) 141, 147
Helga Thorsteinsdottir the Fair 169, 184, 565–6, 568–70, 578–87, 589, 591, 593–4
Helgi (farmer at Skeid) 428–34
Helgi (skipper) 648–9
Helgi (son of Rannveig) 64
Helgi Bjartmarsson 504, 529
Helgi Eyvindarson the Lean 276–8, 280, 653
Helgi Haengsson 39
Helgi Hardbeinsson 378–9, 381, 387, 389–98, 400–401, 408–9
Helgi Ingjaldsson Ingjald’s Fool (son of Ingjald of Hergilsey) 536
Helgi Ketilsson Bjolan (Irish ‘Beóllán’) 276–9, 281
Helgi Olafsson (king) 653
Helgi Olafsson (Peacock) 321, 379
Helgi Osvifsson (brother of Gudrun Osvifsdottir) 327, 369
Helgi Ottarsson (father of Osvif Helgason the Wise and Einar Helgason Skalaglamm) 165, 327
Helgi Red-Bjarnarson 167
Helgi the Spy 531–2, 536–7, 546–7, 553
Helgi Thorfinnsson (in Eidaskog) 142
Helgi Vesteinsson (son of Vestein Vesteinsson) 504, 543, 557
Hellu-Narfi (father of Thorstein) 427
Heming Strut-Haraldsson (leader of the Danes in Britain) 580
Herdis Bolladottir (daughter of Bolli Bollason) 411, 418–20
Herjolf (father of Hrut Herjolfsson) 283
Herjolf Bardarson (at Drepstokk, settler in Reykjanes) 636, 638
Herjolf Haengsson 39
Herlaug (King in Naumdal) 9
Herlaug (son of Earl Hakon of Lade) 11
Hermund Avaldason 264–5
Hermund Eyvindarson 225
Hermund Illugason (the Black) (a ‘Confederate’) 280, 420, 477, 479, 482–3, 487–90, 493, 565, 585–7, 593
Hermund Kodransson 420
Herstein (son of Earl Atli) 9
Herstein Thorkelsson 282
Hild Bjartmarsdottir 504
Hild Eyvindardottir (wife of Beard-Avaldi) 260–61, 264
Hild Thorarinsdottir 298–9
Hildir (father of Mar and Bjalfi) 494
Hildir from Hildisey 39
Hildirid (daughter of Hogni at Leka, mother of Harek and Hraerek) 14–15
Hildirid’s sons (Harek and Hraerek) 14–15, 17, 19, 21, 23–8, 38
Hjaltasons (Thord and Thorvald at Hof) 320, 422–4, 427–8
Hjalti Skeggjason 353–4
Hjorleif (Leif) Hromundarson (foster-brother of Ingolf Arnarson) 38
Hjorleif Thorsteinsson (Egilsson) 169
Hlodver Thorfinnsson (Earl of the Orkney Islands c. 970) 257, 279
Hogni (farmer at Leka) 14–15
Hogni Ingimundarson (son of Ingimund Thorsteinsson) 209, 221, 229–30, 234–5
Hogni Ingolfsson (Thorsteinsson) 254, 264
Holmstein (son of Earl Atli) 9
Hord (settler in Hordadal) 278, 280–81
Hoskuld Dala-Kollsson 149, 279, 282–90, 296–8, 300–305, 308, 312–19
Hoskuld Olafsson (Peacock) 321, 379
Hraerek (son of Hildirid) 14
Hrafn (Norwegian skipper) 214–15
Hrafn (nephew of Onund of Mosfell) 593
Hrafn Dyrason from Ketilseyri 504
Hrafn Haengsson (Lawspeaker 930–49) 38, 39, 49
Hrafn Onundarson (poet) 169, 184, 561, 566, 577–93
Hrafn the Dueller (at Leikskalar) 654
Hrafn Thorsteinsson (Egilsson) 169
Hrafnhild (daughter of Ketil Haeng, at Hrafnista) 37
Hrafnkel Hallfredarson Frey’s Godi 438–47, 449–62
Hrapp (one of Thorgils Holluson’s men) 395–6
Hrapp (Killer-Hrapp) Sumarlidason 285–8, 315, 317, 395
Hrefna Asgeirsdottir (wife of Kjartan Olafsson) 237, 345, 358, 360–66, 372, 374
Hrein Hermundarson 420
Hrifla Thorsteinsson (Egilsson) 169
Hring (Earl in Britain) 81–2, 85–7, 89
Hroald (Earl in Fjordane) 9, 11, 55, 163
Hrodny Skeggjadottir (wife of Thord Bellower) 282
Hrodny Unadottir (at Unadal) 217
Hrolf (a freed slave) 318
Hrolf (at Hrolfsstadir, father of Thord and Halli) 457
Hrolf Kraki (legendary king of Denmark) 421
Hrolf Ox-Thorisson the Walker 327
Hrollaug (King in Naumdal) 9
Hrolleif the Tall (son of Ljot) 216–30
Hromund (brother of Grim the Halogalander) 94
romund Eyvindarson the Lame 225, 235–6
Hromund Ingjaldsson foster-brother of Ingimund Thorsteinsson) 198, 205–6, 210
Hrossbjorn (son of Giant-Bjorn) 189
Hrut Herjolfsson 283, 300–303, 305, 318, 339–44
Hunbogi Alfsson the Strong (of Dalir) 391, 395, 397
Hundi (a freed slave, settler Hundadal) 280
Hungerd Thoroddsdottir 561, 582
Hunrod Vefrodarson 266–9
Huntjof (King in More) 10
Hvati (slave of Ingimund Thorsteinsson) 209, 214
Illugi Aslaksson (of Langadal) 654
Illugi Hallkelsson the Black 94, 206, 280, 565–71, 579, 582–3, 585–6, 592–3
Ingibjorg (daughter of King Harald Fair-hair) 37
Ingibjorg Asbjarnardottir (mother of Gunnlaug Illgason Serpent-tongue) 279, 565
Ingibjorg Isadottir (wife of Gisli Thorkelsson) 500–501
Ingibjorg Tryggvadottir (sister of King Olaf Tryggvason) 353–4, 357
Ingigerd (wife of Isi) 500
Ingimund (Earl of Gotland) 192, 194, 196–7, 204
Ingimund Thorsteinsson the Old 197–216, 220–27, 229–30, 237, 256, 269
Ingimund’s sons (sons of Ingimund Thorsteinsson the Old) 214, 220–21, 224, 226–7, 229, 232–6, 239, 242, 246–7
Ingirid (queen, wife of King Olaf Haraldsson the Quiet) 64
Ingjald (father of Beard-Avaldi) 260
Imgjald (father of Geirmund and Gudrif) 556
Ingjald (in Hefne) 197–9, 204–5
Ingjald Frodason 276
Ingjald Helgason (King) 653
Ingjald of Hergilsey 535–9
Ingjald Olafsson (Feilan) 286
Ingjald the Godi of Saudeyjar 290–96
Ingolf Anason (at Holmlatur) 655
Ingolf Arnarson (the first settler in Iceland) 38, 43, 636
Ingolf Thorsteinsson (Ingimundarson) 237, 248–55, 264
Ingunn (mother of Thord Ingunnarson) 328, 333, 335–6
Ingunn (wife of Ketil Haeng) 38
Iri (a freedman of Thorstein Egilsson) 177
Isgerd (grandmother of Gisli Sursson) 500
Isi (at Fibule) 500
Isleif Gizurarson (Bishop of Skalholt 1056–80) 345
Jarngerd Ofeigsdottir (daughter of Ofeig Jarngerdarson) 465
Jarnskeggi Einarsson (a ‘Confederate’) 477, 479, 484–5, 488, 491
Jofrid Gunnarsdottir (wife of Thorstein Egilsson) 168–9, 282, 561, 563–4, 582
Jokul Ingimundarson (son of Ingimund Earl of Gotland) 191–6, 209
Jokul Ingimundarson (son of Ingimund Thorsteinsson) 209, 220–25, 227, 229–38, 240–47, 249
Jon Ulfsson (son of Ulf Ospaksson) 374
Jorund Atlason (father of Thjodhild Jorundardottir) 654
Jorund Hrafnsson Godi 39
Jorund Neck 214
Jorund Thorisson (son of Thorir the Silent) 209
Jorunn Bjarnardottir (wife of Hoskuld Dala-Kollsson) 284, 286, 289–90, 302, 316
Jorunn Ingimundardottir (daughter of Ingimund Thorsteinsson) 209, 237
Jorunn Ketilsdottir Manvitsbrekka 276
Jorunn Thorbergsdottir (wife of Ulf Ospaksson) 374
Kadlin (daughter of Hrolf the Walker) 327
Kalf Asgeirsson 237, 345–6, 352, 356, 358–61, 374
Kari from Berle 8–9, 11, 15–17, 35
Kari Hrutsson 340–41
Karlsefni see Thorfinn Thordarson Karlsefni
Ketil Bjarnarson Flat-nose 276–8, 283, 327, 653
Ketil Blund 61
Ketil Gufa (Steam) 148–9
Ketil Haeng (son of Thorkel) 37, 38–9
Ketil Hallbjarnarson Haeng (from Hrafnista) 8, 14, 37, 119, 504
Ketil Hermundarson (Abbot of Helgafell) 420
Ketil Keelfarer 46
Ketil Ormsson the Large (in Romsdal) 189, 191–4, 197–8
Ketil Ram 276
Ketil the Lucky Fisher (son of Jorunn Manvitsbrekka) 276
Ketil the Slayer (one of King Eirik Blood-axe’s men) 100–101
Ketil Thistle (settler in Thistilfjord) 655
Ketil Thorsteinsson (Bishop at Holar 1122–45) 420
Kjallak Bjarnarson (Irish ‘Cellach’; son of Bjorn Ketilsson the Easterner) 278
Kjallak the Old 278
Kjartan Asgeirsson 326
Kjartan Olafsson (Irish ‘Certán’; son of Olaf Hoskuldsson Peacock) 149, 184, 237, 321–2, 331, 344–77, 379–80, 561, 568
Kjartan Thorhallason 326
Kjarval (Irish ‘Cerball’; King of the Irish) 276
Kjotvi the Wealthy (see also Asbjorn the Fleshy) 17
Klakka-Orm (in Forsaeludal; see also Hallorm) 256, 259–61
Knut (brother of Aud) 328, 334, 369
Knut Sveinsson see Canute Sveinsson
Kodran Eilifsson (at Gilja) 265
Kodran Hermundarson 420
Kodran Ormsson 420
Kol (slave of Ingibjorg Isadottir) 501
Kolbein Flosason (Lawspeaker 1066–71) 683
Kolbein Sigmundarson 217
Kolbein Thordarson (godi of Hrafnkel Frey) 353
Kolbjorn (at Hella in Surnadal) 501–3
Kolfinna Avaldadottir 264
Koll (Dala-Koll) 149, 278–9, 281–4
Kollsvein Thorsteinsson (Egilsson) 169, 561, 585
Kori (Irish ‘corre’; slave of Ketil Gufa) 149
Kormak Ogmundarson (poet; Irish ‘Cormac’) 169
Kormlod (Irish ‘Gormflaith’; queen, wife of Olaf Kvaran) 574
Kotkel (husband of Grima) 333, 335–8, 340–41, 343–4
Kveldulf (Ulf) Bjalfason 8–10, 12–13, 15–17, 30, 32–3, 39–47, 49, 51, 58, 561
Kvig (brother of Hegg) 62
Lambi Thorbjarnarson (son of Melkorka Myrkjartansdottir and Thorbjorn the Pock-marked) 312, 343, 379, 381, 387, 390–91, 394, 397–8
Lambi Thordarson 148–9, 179
Leif Eiriksson the Lucky (son of Eirik Thorvaldsson the Red) 636, 638–43, 646, 648–51, 660–61, 667
Ljot (companion of Hrolleif) 219
Ljot (mother of Hrolleif the Tall) 216, 218, 220, 227, 229–30
Ljot of Vellir (in Svarfadardal; main character in Valla-Ljot’s Saga) 433–4
Ljot the Pale (berserk) 124–6, 131–2
Ljot Thjodreksson the Dueller of Ingjaldssand 374
Ljufa (mother of Jorunn Bjarnardottir) 284
Luta (at Gemlufall) 513
Magnus Einarsson (Bishop of Skalholt 1134–48) 683
Magnus Gudmundarson 683
Magnus Olafsson the Good (King of Norway 1035–47) 420, 694
Magnus Thorsteinsson (son of Thorstein Sidu-Hallsson) 683
Mar Atlason 280
Mar Hildisson 494–5
Mar Jorundarson (at Masstadir) 214, 232–6, 244, 246
Meldoon (Earl) 280
Melkorka Myrkjartansdottir (Mael-Curcaich/Mael-Corcrae, daughter of King Myrkjartan in Ireland, mother of Olaf Hoskuldsson Peacock) 149, 287–90, 296, 303–5, 309–10, 312, 343
Mjoll Ansdottir (Bow-bender) 189
Moeid Hildisdottir (wife of Vestar Haengsson) 39
The Sagas of the Icelanders Page 101