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Double Deutsch

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by Shayla Kersten

  Double Deutsch


  Shayla Kersten

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales, is entirely coincidental.

  Double Deutsch

  COPYRIGHT Ó 2007 by Shayla Kersten

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission of the author or The Wild Rose Press except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

  Contact Information:

  Cover Art by Angela Anderson

  The Wild Rose Press

  PO Box 706

  Adams Basin, NY 14410-0706

  Visit us at

  Publishing History

  First Scarlet Rose Edition, September 2007

  Published in the United States of America


  This book is dedicated to RJ and Rhonda, for daring to make their dreams come true. With love from The Roses.

  Catherine Lakeland stared at her reflection in the full-length mirror. The sheer red flowing robe didn’t leave much to the imagination. Neither did the matching silk push-up bra or the tiny thong. “I can’t do this.”

  “Yes, you can, Cat.” Geli’s amusement flowed with her musical German accent. Her sure hands stroked a hairbrush through Cat’s long auburn hair.

  “This isn’t me.” Cat shook her head at the two women in the mirror.

  “It can be.” Geli rested her chin on Cat’s shoulder. Their eyes met in the reflection. “Look at you. If I had your face and figure, I could make a fortune.”

  Cat tried to see herself without her natural humility. She did have nice hair. Long, thick, dark with hints of red, she’d always considered it her best feature. Her face was round with regular features, although her hazel eyes often garnered compliments. Her body, on the other hand, she couldn’t get past the excess of curves around her stomach and hips. Her ex-husband made it perfectly clear she was overweight. Of course, the skinny bitch he’d left her for showed exactly what he thought of her body.

  “I’m fat.” Cat shook her head. “And too short.”

  “You are sexy with pleasing curves. Trust me—men will be flocking to your window tonight.”

  Her window. Geli’s window in the Hamburg Laufhaus. What the hell was a nice American divorcee doing in a brothel in Germany?

  “Just think of it as acting a role, my friend. One you’ve wanted to play for years.” The mirror reflected Geli’s Teutonic fair-haired blue-eyed good looks.

  Cat snorted laughter. “I don’t remember dreaming about being a sex worker.”

  “Ah, but you dreamed about a man other than your husband. Tonight, you will have one.” Her smile widened to a grin. “Or more.”

  A shiver shook Cat’s body. An ache started deep in her pussy. She missed sex. Her ex-husband had made her feel wonderful in bed. Unfortunately, outside the bedroom, he was a total shit.

  After eight years of marriage to her high school sweetheart and only lover, she wanted to know sex with someone other than him. Except she wasn’t ready for a relationship. The ink was barely dry on her divorce decree.

  Geli gave her a quick hug then moved away. “Now, everything you need is here.” She walked over to the nightstand next to the bed and opened a drawer. “Condoms, lube, toys…” Holding up a long, thick dildo, she wagged it at Cat. “All sterilized after each use.” She dropped it back in the drawer but left the condoms and lube on the nightstand. “There are restraints in the bathroom closet if you are so inclined, or your customer is.”

  Shaking her head, Cat laughed. Butterflies fluttered in her stomach while tingles of a different nature swept through her body. “I think not.”

  “Then I’ll leave you to get on with it. Have fun.” With a wave of her hand and a grin, Geli left the tiny room.

  Turning in a circle, Cat surveyed her surroundings. The wide bed was the centerpiece of the room. Covered by a black satin comforter, Cat tried to imagine herself splayed out, legs open, a strange man between her thighs. Her pussy walls clenched, and warm cream dampened her panties.

  The only other furniture was the infamous nightstand, complete with supplies.

  Two pale wood doors led from the room, one to the hallway and one to the bathroom. Paintings of flowers graced two walls, one a vase of wildflowers and one of roses. Nothing about the room indicated its true purpose, sex for sale.

  This was Geli’s “office.” Her strange friendship with the German sex worker was little more than a month old. Cat moved to Germany after her divorce was final three months ago. The advertising company she worked for had a position open, and Cat needed a fresh start. A match made in heaven.

  At lunch one day in a crowded restaurant, Geli had asked to share her table. They struck up a conversation and now, Cat was in Geli’s room at a brothel about to sell herself for the experience of being with a man other than her ex-husband.

  She could hear voices through the open window. All she had to do was draw back the curtains and her adventure would begin.

  “I can do this. I want to do this.” From the first time Geli talked about her work, Cat had been fascinated. Fantasies of strange men plowing her aching center with long hard cocks filled her dreams, no strings, no risk of emotional ties. Her constant stream of questions ended with Geli issuing a challenge.

  Cat threw back her shoulders and took a deep breath. “I will do this.” Her pussy clenched sending a shudder through her body. She strode across the room and flung open the curtain. “An act, like a play…” She’d done some acting in college. “Think sex…”

  The cool spring air wasn’t the only thing that made Cat shiver. Several men paused to see what the open curtains revealed. Their heated looks sent a burning chill through her.

  A couple of them moved forward, but they didn’t fit Cat’s fantasy man. As Geli had instructed her, she moved back from the window to show her lack of interest. The two men walked past.

  She stepped forward again and leaned out to survey the well-lit street. Two more men strode down the street. One looked like Adonis come down from Olympus. Blond, with a muscular build evident through the short-sleeved polo shirt. He was arguing with his companion. She didn’t catch more than a few words of the rapid-fire German.

  She didn’t care. He was the perfect specimen for her experiment. She leaned out of the window. “Hallo,” she called out with a boldness she didn’t feel.

  Both men stopped to stare. Adonis’s dark haired companion nudged him with his elbow, and his penetrating blue eyes met hers.

  A rush of excitement tightened her throat and swept through her body to her already moist core. She didn’t have to pretend she was acting a part to smile encouragingly. The idea of this Adonis plunging into her aching pussy was enough to give her the courage to play the part. Leaning out the window a little further, her arms crossed on the windowsill, she displayed her cleavage to his roaming gaze.

  “Wieviel?” His musical baritone made the word sound exotic.

  “Achtzig Euros.” Geli told her to ask for a high price although eighty Euros sounded cheap for what she was offering. Not that she needed the money. At the time Geli suggested it, Cat thought it would be an erotic adventure with no strings attached. She planned to donate the proceeds from her night to a local women’s shelter so a higher price was fine by her.

  “You aren’t German?” His brow creased with a slight frown.

  “No, I’m American.” She smiled, hoping her nervousness didn’t show in her voice. “If you could tell that wi
th only two words, I guess need to practice my German.”

  “I’ve done business with Americans for a number of years. But never this kind of transaction.”

  The dark haired man cleared his throat. “How much for both?” His English wasn’t quite up to par with his friend’s.

  “Both?” Did he mean what she thought he meant? She couldn’t contain the shudder of excitement that ran down her spine.

  “Yes. Both. Together.” He glanced at the blond man as if for approval.

  Adonis hadn’t missed her reaction. His smile was positively wicked.

  His friend’s uncertainty fled. “How much?”

  Geli hadn’t covered that. “Double the fun, double the price.” She might not know the standard pricing for a ménage a trois, but she was a businesswoman. Though advertising campaigns were a far cry from her current negotiations.

  The dark haired man shook his head, but before he could voice his protest, the Adonis spoke up. “Agreed.”

  Cat drew a ragged breath before she found her voice. “Then come in.” She pointed down the block to the building entrance. “Room nine.”

  As the two men strode down the block, she drew the curtains closed then she turned around and surveyed the room. Her body hummed with anticipation and a healthy dose of fear. Adrenaline fed her excitement. Her nipples tightened, and a fresh gush of moisture dampened her silk thong.

  Two men. At one time. What woman hadn’t had the secret fantasy of fucking two men at once?

  Footsteps echoed in the hallway. Cat moved to the door and opened it just as the two men arrived. She stood slightly behind the door to let them enter. Closing it, she leaned against the cool wood. She wasn’t sure her shaking knees would hold her up without something solid behind her.

  So now what? She didn’t have to answer the question. The dark haired man moved in and rough lips covered hers. No real finesse, all tongue and teeth. A large hand grabbed one of her breasts and probing fingers dug between her legs. She pushed against his chest with both hands.

  “Gunter, sei etwas geduldiger.” The Adonis’ baritone chided his friend to be patient. A large manicured hand grasped Gunter’s shoulder and pulled him away. “Even a lady of the evening likes a little foreplay.”

  Gunter had the decency to look chastised as he moved away from Cat.

  “My name is Ritter, and my overly anxious friend is Gunter.” He pulled his wallet out of his back pocket then rifled through some bills. “Your asking price.” He handed her a wad of cash. “And your name is?”

  She accepted the money. After a hard swallow, she managed to squeak out her name. “Cat.”

  “Do you purr?” His smile left her breathless.

  “I’ve been known to—” She gasped as he ran his knuckle across her breast. “If I’m petted properly.” Her brazen words slipped out without thinking. The desire coursing through her body made her bold.

  “Then we’ll make sure to leave you purring tonight.” He turned his hand so his palm cupped her breast.

  Cat pushed away from the door and into his warm hand. Heat seared through her. As he leaned forward, the spicy scent of his cologne filled her senses. Soft full lips nibbled on hers. A hint of moist tongue swept the seam of her lips. Leaving the support of the door, she braced herself against Ritter’s hard body.

  The ridge of his erect cock pushed into her stomach. Strong muscled arms enclosed her in a tight circle, lifting her from her feet. Almost unaware of her actions, she wrapped her legs around his waist. Pulsing heat swept through her pussy as excitement flooded her body.

  Warmth lined her back when Gunter snuggled behind her. Firm lips pressed against her neck and teased a line down her shoulder. Another thick shaft pressed against the crack of her ass through the sheer robe.

  Her whimper-turned-moan allowed Ritter’s tongue to sweep into her open mouth. She tightened her legs, pulling his hard cock against her mons. Braced by the two muscular bodies, she let her hands roam. Tugging Ritter’s polo shirt up, she slid one hand up the back of his shirt.

  Smooth skin stretched over rock hard muscles. Her nails traced a line down his spine. His shiver matched hers. His soft kisses turned rough with need. She matched his ardor tongue against tongue.

  Gunter’s fingers slid under her skimpy bra, pushing the material up over her breasts. His hands pressed between her and Ritter’s hard chest. He cupped her bare skin while his thumbs teased her taut nipples.

  Ritter’s arms slid around her, coming between her and the heat of Gunter’s body. Gunter let Ritter pull her away.

  Clutching Ritter’s back, Cat held on as he moved across the room. He laid her on the bed and with a final kiss pulled away. Standing near the foot of the wide bed, he stripped his shirt over his head. Hard pecs rippled with his movements.

  From the side of the bed, Gunter unbuttoned his shirt, shedding it quickly.

  Cat scooted up on the bed and watched the impromptu striptease. Both men were of a similar height, six foot, maybe a little taller. Ritter had the advantage on muscles, not too beefy but well cut. An almost hairless chest glistened with a faint sheen of perspiration. In spite of his sexy build, his steel blue eyes kept capturing her gaze.

  Gunter’s body wasn’t as defined. Leaner and wiry, his body still made her heartbeat race. Dark curly fur covered his pecs. A thin trail of hair led down his stomach and disappeared into the waist of his slacks.

  Cat didn’t know where to look as both men drew their zippers down at the same time. Settling on Ritter, she bit her lip waiting to see if the thick ridge she’d felt earlier lived up to her expectations. Pulling his briefs down with his pants, he didn’t disappoint. Long, thick and uncircumcised, his cock jutted out toward her.

  With only one man to compare him to, Ritter looked huge. Her pussy rippled with anticipation. Tonight, she’d have two.

  Tearing her gaze away from Ritter, she spotted a now naked Gunter. Not as long, but slightly thicker, Gunter’s cock glistened with pre-come.

  Sitting up from her reclined position, Cat shrugged out of her transparent robe. She unhooked the front clasp on her bra and yanked it off her shoulders. Before she had the chance to shed her thong, Ritter crawled on the bed.

  Pushing her legs apart, he buried his face against the damp patch of red material. His five-o-clock shadow scraped her tender inner thighs. Teeth raked her silk-covered clit, sending her back on the bed, eyes rolling with the intense pleasure.

  Gunter’s weight dipped the mattress. Opening her eyes, she found herself facing his engorged cock. With a nervous lick to her lips, she parted her lips as Gunter leaned forward. The salty taste of pre-come exploded on her tongue, but Ritter chose that moment to slip his finger under her thong. As he parted her labia, teasing her swollen clit, she closed her lips around Gunter’s thick shaft.

  “Oh, yeah,” Gunter moaned. His fingers twisted through her hair, not pulling, just playing, letting her take his length at her own pace.

  So aroused by Ritter’s teasing, she sucked the hot shaft of flesh in deeper than she thought she could handle. Gunter flexed his hips, setting a slow rhythm, fucking her mouth.

  Ritter’s finger slid lower, circling her opening before pressing inside. Her pussy clenched around the blunt flesh. She needed more. Arching her hips, she rubbed against his hand.

  “A little impatient?” Ritter’s crooning voice made her body shiver. He moved his hand away and tugged the thong to one side. His mouth covered her clit as his finger plunged back into her moist depth.

  Moaning around the hard flesh filling her mouth, Cat sucked Gunter’s cock with greedy abandon brought on by intense pleasure from Ritter’s mouth.

  His tongue fluttered back and forth across her clit as he pushed a second finger in beside the first.

  The first wave of orgasm took her by surprise. She lost her hold on Gunter, his cock popped out of her mouth. Instead of pushing back in, Gunter repositioned himself and leaned over. His lips captured one of her nipples. Teeth grazed the turgid peak, sendi
ng Cat crashing against another wave of pleasure.

  Ritter’s mouth held on to her sensitive clit as her pelvis bucked against his face. His fingers pumped her drenched pussy fast and furious.

  Cat screamed as another crest of ecstasy slammed into her. “Oh, God…”

  Then Ritter was gone. Fingernails scraped her hips as he yanked the tiny thread of her thong. The snap of thin material pulled the skimpy cloth across her oversensitive clit. Tremors rushed through her body like aftershocks.

  “Condom,” Ritter growled.

  Gunter turned to the nightstand and the handful of condoms displayed there. Grabbing one, he handed it to his friend.

  Ritter grasped the base of his cock with one hand while he tore the condom wrapper open with his teeth. Yanking the thin latex free, he rolled it over his leaking cock.

  “Yes, hurry…” Cat begged. She needed him inside her. Strong arms grasped her hips and pulled her over. Clambering to her hands and knees, she pushed her ass toward Ritter.

  The cold tip of the condom teased her clit then the chill disappeared. Thick hot flesh pushed into her aching pussy. Her body shook with need at his slow entry. Forcing her hips backwards, she impaled her cunt on his cock.

  His moans matched hers. “So tight…”

  She shivered at his voice as wet warm flesh teased her lips. Gunter nudged his cock against her mouth. Opening for him, the crown slid past her lips. She ran her tongue around the tip, teasing the slit. Gunter’s hips jerked as she tightened her lips around his flesh.

  Ritter’s strokes grew longer. His balls slapped at her clit, teasing blows more air than substance.

  Cat spread her legs farther apart, angling her hips up so his flesh did more than tease. As if sensing her need, his hand slid under her stomach. Fingers teased her clit, and the series of aftershocks graduated to full-blown quakes.

  Lost in her ecstasy, she sucked Gunter deeper. Soon, the two men were rocking to the same beat, fucking her from both ends.


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