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My Lady Vixen

Page 18

by Connie Mason

  Governor Wright was the last person called upon to testify and he but repeated the careless words spoken by Alexa months ago at the General’s reception. When the Governor sat down, General Prevost asked, “Have you anything to say in your own defense, Lady Foxworth?” Alexa shook her head negatively. What good would it do when there was no one to come to her aid? “If not. I am prepared to pass judgment.”

  Immediately Alexa came to attention, her breath caught painfully somewhere between her lungs and her windpipe. So soon? How could they come to an agreement so soon? But to the spectators watching with avid anticipation, there was never a doubt as to the final outcome.

  “The charge against you is a serious one,” the General drawled tonelessly. “You are the daughter of a nobleman, the wife of an earl, and yet you chose to disregard your upbringing and deliberately set out to betray your country.

  “Your high station in life does not absolve you of guilt nor should it sway our judgment in any way. There is only one sentence I can render, and that is to find you guilty of treason.” Looking to his fellow officers seated beside him, he duly noted and recorded their silent nods of agreement. “As you can see the jury is in complete agreement with my findings.”

  Alexa let out her breath slowly as pandemonium reigned in the courtroom. Expecting to be found guilty is one thing, hearing it is another. Inexplicably her eyes found Adam’s, catching him in the odd moment before he had a chance to disguise his feelings. To her dismay she found pity and compassion lurking in their silvery depths, and a hint of something she could not define. And then her attention turned to the General who signalled for silence.

  “There can be but one punishment for treason and that is death. Lady Foxworth, you are to be taken at dawn two days hence and hung by the neck until dead! The traitor you took into your home shall hang beside you. May God have mercy upon your souls.”

  A great hush fell upon the room as all eyes concentrated on the beautiful, slender woman whose existence was to be terminated in the prime of life. The truth to tell, there were many present who considered it a waste to kill such a lovely creature and Alexa felt grateful for their groans of commiseration. But mostly she was too numb to react. Two days! She had but two days to breathe the air, to dream of the future that would never be, to consider the fickle love of the man who had betrayed her.

  Instinctively Alexa knew that had Fox learned what was happening to her things would be different. But she had no way of knowing whether Fox was dead or alive. Imprisoned as she had been these last weeks she had heard nothing of his exploits. Alexa’s thoughts were immediately curtailed when she heard her name spoken by the General.

  “Have you anything to say. Lady Foxworth?”

  Alexa was about to shake her head when she thought better of it. Why should she not speak her mind? What more could they do to her? Certainly not hang her twice. Resolutely she stood to her meager height, turning to face her delighted audience. Her face had gone dead white, and she had to clasp her hands tightly together to keep them from shaking, but her voice was strong and steady, laced with a courage that came from somewhere within her soul.

  “What you are doing is wrong,” she said in a low but steady tone. “Not only what you are doing to me but to America as a country and her brave people. I freely admit I admire freedom, and courage, and the will to survive against all adversity. But that is the only crime I confess to. Hang me if you will, for I shall become but another martyr to justice and freedom.”

  Alexa was startled to hear cheers ring throughout the room and wondered if Adam was one of those encouraging her. He was, but only in his mind and heart. Never had he admired or loved Alexa more. If only there were some way to make her aware of his feelings, Adam reflected miserably. But with Gwen suspicious of his every move there was no safe way to approach Alexa. Against his will he was forced to stand by helplessly as Alexa was roughly hustled from the courtroom and into a waiting carriage.

  Her supper lay untouched on the table, just where Bates had placed it when he carried it in. Usually he just shoved it through the opening, but this time he chose to enter Alexa’s damp cell in order to torment her.

  “Didn’t I warn you you’d end up swinging from a rope?” he jeered crudely. “You don’t have much time left, milady. You have only to say the word and I’d be more than happy to ease your last hours.”

  Alexa let him ramble on, too numb to react to his taunts. Eliciting no reaction from Alexa. Bates finally gave up and left her in peace. Somehow, amidst her scattered thoughts of Adam’s cruel rejection and Fox’s failure to appear at the last minute to save her, Alexa slept. And when she awoke she had but one day left to live.

  She thought of many things to do the last day of her life, but did none of them. She wanted to write to Mary Forbes and tell her goodbye; to let Adam know that she had truly loved him once; to explain to Fox that if it were possible to love two men, then he was surely one of them.

  Automatically she washed and ate, and the day passed. No one came to bid her farewell; whether by choice or by order, she had no way of knowing. Had she been more aware of what went on around her Alexa would have noted the sly look Bates gave her whenever he passed her cell and glanced through the grille. But Alexa was too miserable to notice the pecularities of her guards.

  Somewhere from the depths of her memory she conjured up the image of Fox; Fox making love to her for the first time; Fox coming to her when she was desperately ill; Fox telling her he loved her but advising her to cling to her husband. From there her bleak ruminations settled on Adam, the husband who had proved undeserving of her love.

  From the very beginning Alexa knew she meant nothing more to Adam than a means to an end. Oh, it was true enough he was never deliberately cruel to her, though he might have wished to be it was not in his nature to be abusive to a woman, and he soon had her yearning for his lovemaking. He was a consummate lover, considerate, thorough, tender. When she had finally discovered her love for him he sent her back to her father and an ignominious fate while he hastened back to Savannah to marry another woman.

  The final blow had come when Adam refused to come to her aid. His cruel rejection proclaimed his complete disinterest in her and her plight. This coming as it did on the heels of his recent confession of love made his refutation all the more painful. But it did not matter now. Nothing did, for at dawn tomorrow her life would end before it had really begun.

  When Bates carried in her second meal of the day Alexa knew her time on earth was running out. She grew suspicious when he did not leave immediately, but stood back, silently appraising her. Alexa paid him no heed until abruptly he grasped her by her slim shoulders.

  “In hours you will die, milady, and I have yet to see anyone come to your defense or offer you comfort,” he said, devouring her with his beady eyes. “And at this late hour it looks as if no one will.”

  Alexa pulled away but his strength overpowered her. “Take your filthy hands off me.”

  “You think you’re too good for the likes of old Bates, eh? Well, milady. I’m all you’ve got, like it or not.”

  “I need no one, and certainly not you!” Alexa flung out insultingly.

  “I’ve been patient for weeks,” Bates hinted nastily, “but no longer. I’ve sent Grubbs out on an errand so I could have you first. If he protests too much I’ll share you with him when he returns. Meanwhile, milady, lay down on the cot and spread your legs; you won’t be hurt if you do as I say.”

  “You’re mad!” spat Alexa, backing away from the menacing brute whose mind was set on rape.

  “Mad with desire, milady.” Bates grinned, pursuing her across the room. “And tired of waiting.”

  Lunging forward, Bates caught Alexa’s skirt, ripping it away from the bodice, and Alexa screamed, looking toward the open door as she visibly assessed her chances of escape. “Don’t try it, milady. I’m faster and stronger than you are.”

  The words had no sooner left his mouth than he grasped her by the waist and f
lung her roughly on the cot where she bounced once on the hard surface before Bates pinned her in place with his considerable bulk. He attempted to kiss her but Alexa’s head whipped wildly back and forth, denying him access to her lips. Alexa felt herself weakening but was determined to resist as long as a breath remained in her body.

  And then Alexa felt his weight leave her as a growl of outrage rent the still, damp air. “You bastard! What do you think you’re doing?” Alexa recognized the voice immediately. Adam had finally come!

  “This woman still bears my name,” Adam declared with angry indignation, “and I won’t have her treated in such a vile manner. Do I make myself clear?”

  Picking his bruised body off of the floor, Bates abruptly realized who it was he faced. “I was only having a little fun. Lord Penwell,” Bates whined obsequiously. “I didn’t mean nothing by it.”

  “We both know what you were attempting to do,” Adam contended harshly. “Or,” his gray eyes narrowed dangerously, “has this been going on since Lady Foxworth was placed in your care?”

  “No … no!” denies Bates quickly. “This is the first time, I swear it!” Fear clutched at his vitals the moment he saw the murderous look in Adam’s steely gaze.

  Adam glanced at Alexa for verification. “Alexa, is what this man says true?”

  Still lying in a daze where Bates had flung her, Alexa nodded, then found her voice. “They—Bates, here, and Grubbs, tried to … to … but they were unsuccessful.”

  “Was he ‘successful’ tonight?” he asked, the menace in his voice apparent.

  Alexa shook her head and Adam sighed audibly. “Lady Foxworth has just saved your worthless hide, Bates. Now get the hell out of here. I wish to visit with my wife in private.”

  “Of course, my lord, of course.” Bates bowed, backing toward the door.

  “I fully intend to appear before dawn tomorrow and should I learn from Lady Foxworth that you’ve molested her during her last hours, I’ll kill you. Is that understood?”

  “Perfectly.” Bates nodded, moving with alacrity from the cell in order to escape Adam’s threatening glare. He had no wish to tangle with the vengeful lord. In his haste to leave he nearly backed into a small, veiled figure standing in the doorway.

  The woman sidled into the cell, stopped beside Adam and slowly raised her veil. Until then Alexa had no idea Adam had not come alone. She gasped in shock and outrage when Gwen revealed her smiling features. Immediately Alexa’s violet gaze slid to Adam, searching his face intently, her contempt for him clearly visible.

  “Why didn’t you let Bates have her, Adam?” Gwen asked innocently. “After all, she’s as good as dead. Perhaps she might have enjoyed it.”

  Adam glared at Gwen, effectively silencing her. “No matter what Alexa has done she doesn’t deserve to be treated in a despicable manner. As long as a breath remains in her body she is Lady Foxworth and shall be treated accordingly.” He regarded Gwen coldly. “I thought I told you to wait outside.”

  Adam tried desperately to rid himself of Gwen so he could visit Alexa in private but she had attached herself to him like a leech, refusing to be parted from him for a moment. In the end he was forced to bring her along, hoping she would obey him and wait outside while he talked to Alexa. But it was not to be, and he gritted his teeth in frustration.

  “I was lonesome out there,” Gwen whined. “Do hurry, Adam, and make your farewells. It’s so … so … dreary in here and I’m anxious to leave.”

  “I’ll leave when I’m good and ready, Gwen,” Adam declared icily, turning back to Alexa. “and not before.”

  “Are you all right. Alexa?”

  Alexa nodded her head. “You arrived in time. Adam. Thank you for that much. What I would like to know is why you bothered to come at all?”

  Adam flushed. He deserved that, and more. If only he could talk with Alexa alone, explain to her, tell her of his plans. But with Gwen hanging on to his every word there was nothing he could do to ease her tortured mind.

  “I couldn’t let you go without telling you goodbye. One day we will meet again,” he hinted meaningfully.

  “In the hereafter, no doubt,” laughed Alexa harshly, completely missing his point. “Your farewell is duly noted, Adam, now you may leave, your conscience salved.”

  “Alexa, if only …”

  “Oh, for God’s sake, Adam, don’t get maudlin,” Gwen interrupted derisively. “The woman is a traitor, you owe her nothing.”

  Cursing beneath his breath, Adam tried to convey with his eyes all that he wanted to say but couldn’t, bemoaning the fates that refused to cooperate with his plans. First, Gwen had insisted on accompanying him, then he arrived to find Alexa in danger of being raped. And now, there was little chance for him to tell her all she needed to know. He was forced to place his trust in God and pray that everything went according to plan, and that Alexa cooperated without his instructions.

  Adam wavered halfway between speaking out before Gwen no matter what the consequences and leaving Alexa thinking he had abandoned her, when Bates, bolstered by Grubbs’s considerable bulk, appeared in the doorway.

  “Lord or no, I’ve got my orders.” Bates grumbled spitefully. “Ten minutes are all you’re allowed. You’ll have to leave.”

  Cursing the fates that created women like Gwen and men like Bates. Adam nodded curtly. But instead of following Gwen from the cell he hesitated a moment and strode swiftly to Alexa’s side. Taking her stiffened body into his arms as if to kiss her goodbye, he whispered urgently into her ear, “Have faith, all is not lost.” Then he did kiss her, putting into it all the things he could not tell her.

  The kiss lasted a long time, demanding, needing one last taste, and Alexa responded without willing it. His tongue curled into her mouth, drawing from it a measure of her unique essence. He wanted never to let her go, to protect her forever. Instead, he must place her into another’s keeping. Exerting tremendous will, Adam drew away. As he turned to leave Alexa imagined him to say, “Be brave. I love you.” Then he was gone.

  Through the stillness surrounding her she heard Gwen complaining bitterly. “Was that necessary, Adam darling?” She did not hear Adam’s response for just then the cell door closed with a resounding bang.

  Immersed in grief. Alexa failed to comprehend Adam’s last words. She remembered only his kiss and the feel of his arms around her. She also recalled his eyes upon her in that brief moment before he turned to leave. It was almost as if his eyes were forming a picture his memory would carry forever. Tears blurred her vision as she realized that she would never see Adam again. Perhaps that was the reason for his probing look and strange words, she thought bleakly.

  One thing Alexa could not forget or forgive was that Adam had seen fit to bring Gwen with him tonight. The indignity of his callous disregard for her feelings left her numb and withdrawn. The most she could say for Adam’s unexpected visit was that it arrived at a most propitious time, or else Bates would most certainly have raped her. Her stomach heaved in revulsion as she thought of that terrible moment when he nearly had his way with her.

  Alexa collapsed heavily on the dingy cot that had served as her bed these past weeks, afraid to sleep, for dawn was but hours away and she wished to savor fully the last moments of her life. Memories both sweet and sad flooded her mind as she relived those moments most dear to her. Somehow, against all odds, Alexa nodded off sometime during the wee hours of morning.

  Somewhere in the dark recesses of her mind Alexa noted and recorded the commotion outside her cell, but was too lost in her subconscious reminscing to respond. She lay as one already dead and so did not react immediately to the creaking hinges when the heavy oak door opened. Nor did the sudden appearance of light in her dark cell register upon her befuddled brain. It was the voice that brought her out of her slumberous state. Low, raspy, with a huskiness she would recognize anywhere. Fox!

  “Alexa, wake up!”

  “Fox! Oh my God! You have come for me!”

  “Aye, my l
ove. Hurry now, we haven’t much time.”

  Moving with alacrity. Alexa asked. “Where are the guards? Where are you taking me?”

  “The guards are … taken care of,” Fox rasped as he tenderly wrapped her cloak about her thin shoulders. “As for our destination—the sea, my love. Come along, we must be gone before dawn.”

  “Wait! What about Mac? We can’t leave without him!”

  “My men have already seen to him. They await us at the docks.”

  On their way out Alexa spied her two guards lying in a corner trussed up and gagged. She smiled as Fox, in a parting gesture of contempt, drew a mask from his belt similar to the one he wore and carelessly dropped it beside the two men. Then, taking Alexa’s slim hand he led her into the dim light of predawn.


  Guided by Fox, The Gray Ghost cautiously slipped through the English ships lining the harbor as noiselessly as she had entered. Painted entirely gray to blend with the sea and the horizon, sporting gray sails, she quickly left behind Savannah’s white-bluffed port. Alexa knew of no other man who would dare such a brazen feat. To sneak into port in the dead of night beneath the very noses of the English took a courage few men possessed. But hadn’t Fox always exuded matchless confidence and an undeniable contempt for danger? she reflected as she watched the dark water speed by. A tangible air of brute strength clung to him, making him appear larger than life.

  Once they had left the Governor’s mansion Fox led her along the dark streets on foot, keeping well to the shadows. Twice they were passed by patrols and Alexa held her breath while she and Fox slipped into a doorway to escape discovery. With Fox’s large frame shielding her she felt protected and safe. Never for a minute did she doubt his ability to defend her with his life.

  Within a surprisingly short time they approached the dock and Fox unerringly led her to a long pier, the last one in a line of many. He called out softly and the bow of a small boat appeared from beneath the dock where it evidently had been waiting for Fox’s signal. Alexa was carefully handed down, followed by Fox, and then a pair of oars cut silently through the murky water as they glided forward with a stealth a cat would envy.


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