Bear Naked
Page 15
Temp studied him for a moment before he crossed his arms over his chest. Ryan’s brows rose in surprise as Temp scowled at him. “Tell me about yourself.”
“Excuse me?”
“I wasn’t here to protect her before. I need to know what kind of man you are, and from what I’ve seen you aren’t good enough for Glory.”
“How so?” This Ryan had to hear.
“I remember what my father was like with my mother. I know the signs of someone who’s overly possessive, and you’re triggering every single one of them.”
Ryan wanted to laugh. That’s what that strange look had been about? The man was trying to protect his sister? “Glory’s got a fucking stalker, but it sure as hell isn’t me.”
“How do I know you’re not the one who’s been doing all these things to terrorize her?” Temp took a step toward Ryan, ignoring the fact that Ryan was bigger than he was. Ryan hated to admit it, but he was impressed. Only Bunny really got in Ryan’s face, and Bunny had a reputation that was far scarier than any Hunter’s. Bunny had maimed the men who had terrorized Heather. Among the Bear community, his cousin was a legend. “You could be trying to drive her toward you. Without her family, you and Cyn are the only ones she trusts.”
“And the fact that Cyn trusts me is irrelevant.”
“I don’t know Cynthia Reyes well enough to decide if she’s a good influence on my sister or not. My dad hated her, so I’m inclined to give her the benefit of the doubt.” Temp smirked. “You, not so much.”
Ryan gave him the same look back. “I hate to tell you this, but I’ve already been in your sister’s pants.” He enjoyed the way Temp’s face turned grim. “And I’m still looking for the man who sent her a dead rose.”
“Dead rose.” Temp froze before swearing under his breath.
The man had the gall to start walking away from Ryan. “I have to speak to Glory.”
“Tell me.” Like Ryan was going to allow this guy anywhere near his mate without Ryan present. Until he was certain that Temp and Faith were no threat, he wasn’t going to allow them any more contact than he had to. He followed after Temp, determined to find out what the man knew.
Temp turned on him again, his expression fierce. “I don’t trust you.”
“Good. I don’t trust you, either, so we’re even.”
Standoff. The two men glared at each other, neither backing down one little bit.
Fuck. The human was stubborn. Ryan was becoming more and more impressed with the asshole. “I need to know to protect your sister.”
Temp snorted. “Fine. Just before she disappeared, Hope told me someone left her a dead rose and a note that said ‘Whore’.”
“Are you sure?” At Temp’s nod it was Ryan’s turn to swear. Glory was attacked right after getting the same message. “Was Hope getting gifts from a secret admirer?”
Temp seemed startled. “Yeah. Again, I didn’t know about them until after Hope disappeared and Dad spoke to the cops. You’re saying Glory is getting the same presents?”
“Champagne, roses, notes…”
“Fuck a duck.” Temp took off again, heading for the apartment building’s parking lot. “The gifts Hope got were more geared toward a teen, but the same thing happened.”
“Any idea why she would have gotten the whore note? Glory got hers after our first real date.”
“You just started dating?”
“We’ve known each other for a year, but your sister has…issues.”
Temp turned on him again. Damn, the man had a temper, and apparently no problems aiming it at someone bigger than him. “What do you mean my sister has issues?”
Ryan just stared at him. Was he serious?
Temp rolled his eyes. “Fine. We all have our own tickets to board the crazy train. Where does Glory’s train arrive at?”
Cute. The guy was growing on him. Ryan would say like a fungus, but that stuff in his crockpot had begun haunting his nightmares. He was pretty sure he’d heard it whimpering help me when he poured the bottle of bleach on it. “Abandonment Station, Platform C. Your sister gets panic attacks whenever something serious changes around her. She has ever since your father beat her to a bloody pulp and left her alone, homeless and penniless.”
Temp winced.
“They went away for a while, but they came back when all this shit started going down.” Ryan wasn’t about to tell the human about the attack on the girls that really started it. If Temp and Faith turned out to be everything Glory thought they were, Ryan would talk to the family about bringing them in.
If not?
For Glory’s sake, he hoped both of them were exactly what they said. “Glory needs constants in her life, someone to lean on when everything else around her is spiraling out of control.” He leaned in close, tempted to let Temp see his fangs. “In case you missed it that would be me.”
“If I find out you’ve hurt Glory…”
The threat remained unsaid, but Ryan decided to finish it. “You won’t need to hunt me down, because if I hurt her, I’ve done worse to myself.” Ryan sighed. “Whether you believe me or not, your sister means everything to me, and I’ll protect her from anything.”
“Including you?”
“Including you.” And he stalked past Glory’s brother, ignoring the way the man sputtered behind him. The scent of Glory’s stalker was richest right around her bedroom window, and Ryan wanted to snarl and rip and tear.
“Fuck you, Williams.”
“Not on your best night, Walsh.” He batted his lashes at Temp. “Your hair just isn’t blue enough.”
He froze, shoes in hand. “Hey, sweetheart.”
She tapped her toe, her arms across her chest. She’d been terrified when she woke up alone, and only calling Julian had calmed her. “Where were you?”
He put his shoes down on the carpet by the door. “I was checking out your old apartment.”
“Old apartment, huh?” She shook her head. She’d deal with that later. Fucker thought she didn’t notice that he was sneaking her stuff over? Hmph. “And what did you find at my old apartment.”
“Wolf signs and your brother.”
“Temp was there?” Glory flicked the light on, enjoying the way Ryan flinched. That’s what he got for not telling her he was leaving. “What was he doing there?”
“You know, I forgot to ask him.”
“Uh-huh.” She glared at him as he began stalking toward her, that I want a taste of Glory look on his face. “Don’t even think you’re getting out of this.”
He whined, his shoulders slumping. “But Mo-om.”
She bit her lip to keep from smiling. “Tell me when you’re going out, okay?”
He flopped onto the sofa with a weary groan. “Your brother is a prick.”
She choked on a laugh. “He’s overprotective, like someone else I know.”
Ryan grunted. “He knows more than he’s telling me.”
She settled on the sofa next to him, wrapping her long, silky nightgown around her legs. His apartment was always cold for some reason. “Ryan.”
“I’m sorry.” He cuddled her close, and she tried to ignore how safe she suddenly felt. Waking up alone had sucked monkey balls. “But there’s something about him I just don’t trust.”
She stiffened. “Your Hunter instincts?”
“No.” His expression was uncomfortable. “I don’t even know if I have Hunter instincts yet.”
“You do.” It was one of the things she and Barney had discussed when he’d arrived on Ryan’s doorstep so early in the morning. “But he also said you’d know if something was setting them off.”
“So maybe I just dislike your brother?”
She bopped him on the shoulder. “You know, he didn’t leave me behind voluntarily.”
“Rye, Temp is only two years older than me.” She stared at her mate, willing him to understand. “He was eighteen when my father kicked m
e out. He could have left Faith and come with me, yeah, but instead—”
“Instead he sacrificed himself to protect Faith.” His arms tightened around her. “Except Faith said she has scars.”
“I have scars too, Ryan.” Her father was careful not to make them too deep, but yeah, they were there. She patted his chest when he grumbled. “But Temp managed to keep him from hurting us too badly. You have no idea how many times he stepped between my father and I, trying to save me. He’s got more scars than I do. He’s even gotten his jaw broken taking a blow for me.”
Ryan relaxed beneath her petting. “He sets my teeth on edge.”
She laughed. “Because you don’t like another male, even a brother, horning in on your territory.”
“Maybe?” He shrugged. “Until I know for certain he’s not somehow involved in everything, I’m reserving judgment.”
“I trust him, Rye.”
He leaned his chin on top of her head. “I know, and I’m praying you’re right and I’m wrong.”
They sat like that for a while, simply enjoying each other’s company. Glory was almost asleep when Ryan spoke again. “Your sister got presents.”
Suddenly wide awake, she pushed away from his chest to stare at him. Or at least she tried to. Damn stupidly strong Bear. “What?”
“Temp says Hope got gifts just like the ones you’ve been getting, just geared toward a teen.”
She snuggled closer to him since he wasn’t letting her go. And, damn it, he did make her feel safer than anything else ever had. “We guessed the guy doing this was probably the one who had my sister.”
Ryan tugged the braid she slept in at night. “I won’t let him get you.”
“You keep saying that, but you can’t really promise it.”
“I can.”
The thought that Ryan could get hurt protecting her from a psycho filled her. “If anything happens to you, I’m going to be pissed.” Damn it, her voice was shaking.
He hugged her tight. “Yes, SG.”
“I mean it, Rye. If you die, I’ll kill you.”
“Yes, SG.” He stroked her back, soothing her, but she could hear he was amused.
She blew out a breath and decided to rip off the bandage. “Tell me about the Wolf scent.”
His embrace tightened almost to the point of pain. “It was strongest under your bedroom window. It was like he marked his territory.”
“The dog pissed under my window?”
She shuddered. “That’s so gross.”
“And one of the reasons you’re moving in with me.”
“I want a house.” She hadn’t meant to blurt that out, but it was true. It was something permanent, something neither of them could walk away from.
His grip eased. “Near Bunny and Tabby?”
Oh, God. He was going for it. “I was thinking between them and Cyn and Julian. I’d really like that.” Glory couldn’t hide the yearning she felt for a real home.
She could feel his smile as he pressed his face to her hair. “Me too, SG. Me too.”
Chapter Fourteen
“Wakey wakey, little Bear.”
Ryan was gonna kill him a Bear. “Fuck, Barney.”
“No thanks, you’re not my type. Not enough jiggle in your wiggle.”
Ryan groaned and rolled over, glaring blearily at the clock. “What fucking time is it?”
“Five a.m.” The shadowy figure of the Hunter crouched down beside Ryan. “I think I found Hope.”
Ryan pushed up. He’d gotten maybe three hours of sleep, so his brain wasn’t quite working yet. Otherwise he might have been more surprised that Barney had possibly found Glory’s sister so quickly. “Where?”
“She’s in a little rundown hotel outside town.” Barney sighed roughly and stood up, backing away from the bed. “She looks like she’s been through hell.”
“If we’re right, she has.” Ryan stood, not really caring that he was naked. He made sure Glory’s ass was covered, though.
“Get dressed and let’s go.” Barney leaned up against the wall. “We don’t have much time before she runs again.”
“What makes you think that?” Bleary eyed, Ryan pulled some clothes out of his dresser.
“She’s got her bags packed. I think she’s going to run sooner rather than later, especially if she thinks the guy who took her is here.”
“Then I’m going too.”
Ryan turned back to the bed to find Glory sitting up, holding the sheet to her naked breasts. He could barely see her blue eyes in the mostly dark room, but the determination rolling off his mate was loud and clear.
For once, Ryan was in total agreement with Barney. “He’s right. It’s safer if you stay here.”
She just stared at them for a moment, and Ryan felt his heart sink. “Okay.”
“Shit.” Barney pushed away from the wall. “You’re going to follow us.”
“Nope.” She curled up against Ryan’s headboard, the sheet clutched tightly against her chest. The puppy eyes she gave them were almost as good as Tabby’s. “I’m gonna stay right here, all alone, where a stalker could get to me at any time.” She sighed deeply. “Too bad I haven’t changed yet. Then I might stand a chance of defending myself against a shifter if I was attacked.” Big eyes blinked up at them. “Not that the stalker will know you left me all alone or anything.”
Ryan was already tossing a pair of his mate’s jeans and one of her gauzy tops onto the bed. “Hurry up, sweetheart.”
“Are you sure? I wouldn’t want to be in the way.” Her tone was sugary sweet.
“This is why Hunters shouldn’t mate.” Barney stormed out of the bedroom. “You have five seconds.”
As soon as he was out the door Glory was scrambling into her clothes. “Thanks.”
“You stay near either me or Barney. We could be leading the Wolf right to your sister, you realize that?”
She made a rude noise. “And you know I’m right. He’s after me, and if you leave me alone he’ll get me.” Her voice was muffled as she pulled her top over her head. “By the time you call the clan and get me a babysitter Hope could be gone.”
“If a fight breaks out—”
“I’m not stupid, Rye. If a fight breaks out, I run. I’ll grab Hope and get my ass out of there, I swear it.” She pulled her braid out from under the top and buttoned her jeans. After slipping her feet into a pair of ballet flats, she grabbed hold of his arm. “Ready.”
“We could drop you off with Bunny and Tabby.” Ryan trusted his cousin before all others to keep Glory safe. Bunny would kill anyone who threatened their women.
“Nope.” She tugged him into the living room and snagged her purse, ignoring Barney’s snort of disgust. “You don’t have time. Besides, I’ll know if it really is Hope you’ve found.” She tapped her forehead. “My twin senses will tingle.”
“Uh, I think I can figure that out on my own, Super Grover.” Barney titled his hat down over his eyes. “I’ve been doing this for a while now, ya know.”
“And you’re not Hope’s twin, so shove it up your trunk, Snuffleupagus.”
Ryan allowed his mate to drag him out of the apartment. “Snuffleupagus?”
“He appears and disappears when you least expect it, but at least everyone knows he exists now.”
“Okay.” He wasn’t going to question it.
There were just some places in his mate’s mind Ryan did not want to go, and this was one of them. “Get in the car, SG, and let’s go see if this really is your sister Snuffy found for us.”
She got quickly into the back seat of the car, yawning and curling up against the door when he shut it. Her eyes were drifting shut as he slid into the passenger seat. “Wake me when we get there.”
“Sure thing, sweetheart.”
Barney slid behind the wheel. “Are you sure about this, Ryan? She could be a liability.”
Barney’s hat flew
off his head as Glory’s hand whipped out and smacked him one.
“All right then.” Barney picked up his hat, placed it back on his head and began driving. “Here’s how this is going to work. Glory will stay in the car while Ryan and I verify that Hope is still in her hotel room. Ryan, you’ll scout around and make sure we don’t have the Wolf sniffing around either the hotel or the car. Once we’re sure we’re clear, we’ll have Glory knock on Hope’s door. That will either prove it really is Hope or not. Once we verify whether or not it is Hope, we get her out of there and someplace safe.”
“Should we call in Gabe?” The other Hunter would come in handy.
“He’s already on the scene, watching the hotel.”
Ryan blinked. “Oh.”
Barney chuckled. “Don’t feel hurt, cub. Gabe is fully trained, and you’re not. You’ve got a ways to go before I pull you fully into a hunt.”
“Thanks.” Ryan’s gaze was drawn to the rearview mirror. Glory was asleep, her blue curls framing her face, her braid hanging over one shoulder. She looked like a powder-blue Rapunzel, and he’d get smacked faster than Barney had if he dared say it out loud.
“You love her, don’t you?”
He turned back around and faced the road. “Yeah.”
Barney drove out of town, his expression solemn. “Then the sooner you get trained the better.” He grimaced. “You might want to invest in getting her some hand-to-hand training as well.”
“Because the mate of a Hunter is his or her weakest point. Attack the mate, take out the Hunter.” Barney turned down a quiet, tree-lined street, not a single lamppost in sight. “It’s happened before, and it’s one of the reasons Hunters shouldn’t mate, at least until they’re trained.”
“Too late. We’ve marked each other.” And Ryan, training or no, wouldn’t give that up.
“I’m aware of that. I just…” Barney frowned. “I don’t want to lose another Hunter.”
“Another one?”
“When I first found Gabe, we’d lost one of our Hunters in this area. One I’d trained.” Barney shook his head. “It’s always difficult when one of us gets taken down, but Daniel was a friend. He’d been a Hunter for five years before a rogue took him out.”