Born To Fly Wild As The Wind

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Born To Fly Wild As The Wind Page 1

by Desconhecido(a)

  Born to Fly:

  Wild as the Wind

  An erotic novella by

  Aliyah Burke

  Published by Phaze Books

  Also by Aliyah Burke

  Add a Little Mistletoe

  Just a Dream

  Sin Is Not a Four-Letter Word

  Born to Fly: Landing in Love

  Born to Fly: You Save Me

  This is an explicit and erotic novel

  intended for the enjoyment

  of adult readers. Please keep

  out of the hands of children.

  Born to Fly: Wild as the Wind

  Copyright © 2011 by Alilyah Burke


  Edited by Loukie Adlem

  Cover Art © 2011 by Amanda Kelsey

  First Edition January 2011

  ISBN-13: 978-1-60659-587-9

  Published by:

  Phaze Books

  An imprint of Mundania Press LLC

  6470A Glenway Ave., #109

  Cincinnati, OH 45211

  All rights reserved under the International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher, Mundania Press LLC, 6470A Glenway Avenue, #109, Cincinnati, Ohio 45211, [email protected].

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. The publisher does not have any control over and does not assume any responsibility for author or third-party websites or their content.

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  Chapter One

  Verity Andrews sighed with contentment as she pushed to her feet and wiped her dirty hands on her khaki shorts until they were clean. The warm air from the Mediterranean Sea cooled the sweat from her body. Through her mirrored shades she scanned the coastline of Kríti, or Crete to the rest of the world. She’d come here years ago to complete her thesis in archeology, focusing on Minoan history, and had never left. It was her day off and she was out enjoying her time near Kalives. She was exploring around Kastelli Hill that lay east of the town and housed the remnants of the Castello Apicorono, a fortified settlement identified by some scholars as the location site of ancient Ippokoronion. She stared down at the long sandy beach that ran alongside most of the town. Kalives was a big tourist attraction sitting at the entrance to Souda Bay; it drew many visitors with the sea on one side and low hills on the other.

  It was early Saturday morning and she caught movement off to her right and turned her head. Oh my! A lone man jogged along the path heading in her direction. The morning sun glowed off his tanned body and only enhanced her vision of the muscular naked torso. Have I said oh my? She swallowed and did her best not to stare, but tall, muscular and tanned made it very difficult. His strides were smooth and even, suggesting he did this often. As he passed her, she turned her head in time to follow his action and watched him until she could no longer see him.

  Black hair, tanned skin, and an angular face were all she saw before he was gone. Well, that and one hell of an ass in those shorts. Well defined arms and legs too. Fanning herself, Verity took a few deep breaths before she headed back down to the town.

  She ambled along, staring at the pathways littered with mosaics and the walls in which stones in shapes of different creatures were stuffed. Fresh baked bread and pastries lent their scents to the air and Verity inhaled them greedily. When she reached the small outdoor café she visited every time she came to this town, Verity sat down and waited for service.

  “Kaliméra, Verity. Wonderful to see you again.”

  Looking up, Verity smiled at the older man who stood before her, a white apron wrapped around his middle. She reached for his hand and squeezed it gently after he placed a small blue ceramic mug on the wrought iron table before her. Verity knew it was coffee, served just the way she loved it; gliko. Very sweet. Since being over here she’d come to love her coffee served what many considered to be “Turkish”, where the loose grounds are in the bottom of the small cup, and the coffee is very strong.

  “Yassou, Apostolos. It’s wonderful to see you again.”

  “You stay away for far too long, my dear. We’re not that far from Iraklio.”

  She heard the subtle reprimand in his voice. “I know. I’ve just been busy.”

  Apostolos looked at her and nodded in understanding. “Your usual this morning? I’m assuming you’ve been out visiting around Kastelli Hill.”

  “You know me well, Apostolos. And yes, my usual. Please.” Releasing his hand, she picked up the coffee he’d set before her.

  “Be right up.” He walked away calling out her order in Greek.

  Swallowing some of the hot brew, Verity sighed and removed her sunglasses. The wind picked up, moving through her hair and she turned her head before tucking some strands behind her ear. Her breakfast arrived and Apostolos joined her. This often happened because she was almost always the only customer at that time, or one of a few. After breakfast, alone with a topped off cup of coffee, Verity glanced behind her and froze.

  Oh damn!

  Moving down the sidewalk across the narrow street was the man from earlier. The runner. He still jogged and looked just as smoking hot as he had when he’d gone past her the first time. This time, his head turned and he looked at her. Verity couldn’t explain the feelings that rocked her. Her heart pounded and her hands shook. As nonchalantly as she could, she faced forward again and finished her coffee. Setting her cup down, Verity grabbed her glasses and walked inside the café to pay.

  “Adio, Apostolos. I’ll stop by before I head back to Iraklio.”

  He bent over her hand and kissed it. “Until next time, Verity Andrews.”

  She left with a wave and a smile. Slipping her sunglasses on, Verity headed down to the beach. She had a few hours to kill before she met up with her friends. Very few people were out on the white sands and she strolled along, hands in her pockets.

  Up ahead of her she could make out the figure of a person running. What are the chances? The way her body began to react she knew it had to be the same man. It wasn’t logical, she hadn’t even spoken to him, not even a simple “good morning,” and yet he was making her lightheaded. The closer he came the more parched she began to feel.

  Fingers clenched in her pockets when he slowed and veered a bit closer to her. By the time he reached her he was almost walking. Jogging in slow motion. Sweet mother... The man was downright mouthwatering. She ogled him, grateful for the way her glasses hid her searching gaze. Dropping her stare to the sand, she worked her way up.

  He wore tennis shoes with no socks. Powerful legs and a lean waist led up to his torso which was well—very well—defined. She made out with ease the six-pack he sported. His arms were strong and made her think things like him holding her in bed with nothing on. Whe
n she reached his face it was as if he knew she was checking him out, for there was an arrogant smirk on his lips. He flashed a grin, and straight white teeth shone out against his tanned skin. As he passed her, she saw his eyes, cornflower blue with thick curly lashes.

  Verity couldn’t help it; she turned with him as he moved past her. Her own mouth curved up when he jogged backward for a bit, his masculine grin growing wider before he winked and touched his temple with two fingers in silent salute. She chuckled and waved before continuing her walk.

  Oh, what a man like that could do to me. Oh, what I would like to do to him. Verity snuck one more glance over her shoulder and bit her lower lip as his tight ass vanished from view. Wow! “Uh, uh, uh. They just don’t make men like that anymore.”

  Later on that morning when she met up with some friends and colleagues there lingered a faint satisfied smile on her face as that man’s image hung around in her mind.

  “You have a big suspicious grin on your face, Verity. Find something this morning?” Kasey Schmidt asked.

  Verity winked and nodded. “Oh boy, did I.”

  “I know that sound. You found a man,” Kasey announced. “Give.” She scooted her chair closer.

  “Well, I didn’t actually meet him. Just saw him jogging. Three times.”

  “Three times, just today?” Kasey whistled low. “It’s fate. Third time’s the charm. He checked you out too, didn’t he?”

  “A bit,” Verity admitted with another grin.

  “And how did he look?” That warm feeling filled her again as she described her handsome jogger to Kasey who punched her in the shoulder after she finished and said, “Remind me to go with you on your next early outing.”

  “You don’t like getting up before the sun, Kasey.”

  “For eye candy like that, I can learn.”

  She laughed and rolled her eyes. “The power of persuasion.”

  “Hey, it’s called adaptation.”

  “Is that what we’re calling it now?” Verity asked, a trace of sarcasm in her voice.

  Kasey punched her in the arm again and flipped her, off causing Verity to burst out laughing.

  Verity took a drink of her fruit juice and sighed with satisfaction as she was drawn back in to the conversation going on around them. It was late morning when they split to each go their own ways. Getting a bottle of water to carry with her, Verity waved her farewells and walked back up the beach, threading in and out of the numerous people who now lined the waters of Souda Bay.

  Wow, I have a half a day to myself. What should I do? At her car, she climbed in and headed for the nearby village of Kalami. It wasn’t long before she had passed behind the fields of bamboo to locate a hidden beach, Kyani Akti, as it was known by the locals. Sitting on a large rock, Verity took a stick, and drew abstract designs in the damp sand as she enjoyed the beautiful weather. A while later her phone rang. She answered to discover her friend Larry inviting her to a party that evening. With the time and location set, Verity pushed to her feet and made her way back to her car. There was a need to shop for something other than shorts and a tank top to wear.

  * * * *

  “Did you hear me, Hurricane?” Charlie asked.

  Dominic “Hurricane” Stark jerked his attention off the image that floated in his mind’s eye and looked at his friend and fellow pilot, Charlie Patterson. “Huh?” he said. “No, sorry, can you repeat the last thing?”

  Charlie began talking again. Shifting on the seat, Dominic ran his tongue over his teeth and did his damndest to focus on what his friend was saying. Dominic couldn’t get her out of his mind. All he could see was the lovely Aphrodite with skin the color of coffee with a hint of cream in it, wavy dark brown hair with caramel highlights and a figure which made him almost trip over his own feet. Three times he had seen her this morning and the final one he’d moved closer to her. Dominic longed to stop running and remove her glasses and discover the color of her eyes from where they hid behind her mirrored rectangular sunglasses. He didn’t, but he sure did slow down a lot. He knew she was checking him out and he made it obvious he was doing the same thing. Crete was filled with beautiful women, but there had been something very special about her.

  “Okay, what gives man?” Charlie said, snapping his fingers in front of Dominic’s face. “I just told you I was going in for a sex change and I wanted to bear your children. All you did was nod and say ‘uh huh’ so I know you aren’t paying any attention.”

  Dominic blinked a few times. “Man, I’m sorry. I can’t get this woman out of my head.”

  “Woman?” Charlie lifted a black brow. “Do tell.”

  “You know I went to Kalives this morning to run there, just for a change.” Charlie nodded. “I swear it was like I broke the sound barrier in my Hornet when I laid eyes on her.”

  “So when are you meeting her, or have you already gotten some?” Charlie asked.

  “I never even spoke to her. I saw her a second time at a café and then again on the beach, but short of checking her out I didn’t say a word.”

  “Well damn. I didn’t know there was a woman on this island who could make the smooth ace pilot, Hurricane, lose his cool.”

  Dominic narrowed his eyes at his friend. “Stuff it.”

  Charlie laughed. “Before you go off on another dream trip, listen to me for a moment. Party tonight, you’re going.”

  “A party? Okay.”

  Pushing to his feet, Charlie looked at him. “I’ll call you beforehand to remind you again.” He headed off.

  Dominic lifted his beer and finished it before walking out of the Officer’s club into the warm afternoon sun. A party. Could be just what he needed to remove the unknown woman from his mind. As he ambled along, Dominic tried to figure out what to do for the next two days.

  “I should go explore a bit more of this island,” he muttered to himself. That may just be the thing to do. Go check out some of the ancient ruins around. Dominic headed toward the MWR building. MWR stood for Morale Welfare and Recreation and he knew they would have ideas of things to do.

  Charlie did as promised and called him before the party. Dominic walked down with unhurried steps. There was no rush; there would be plenty of women and drinks. The breeze off the bay cooled the night to a comfortable temperature. He was right, the place was packed with officers and enlisted sailors, as well as civilians. Loud music and lots of fun to be had by all.

  “Hey Hurricane!” Charlie called as he waltzed by with a woman on each arm.

  “Hi, Charlie.” He nodded at the women clad in scant attire. “Ladies.”

  “Hello,” they cooed together.

  “Stay away, man, these are my dates for the night.” Charlie cut his eyes at him and Dominic shook his head.

  “Have a wonderful evening. I’m sure I’ll see you around,” Dominic said.

  Dominic walked away with a slight smile on his face, Charlie never lacked for female companionship. Not that he did either, but Charlie was way more of a ladies’ man. Dominic was all about his career. Walking up to the bar, he ordered a beer and while he waited for it, he leaned and looked over the crowd. There were both singles and couples talking and dancing to the loud music, laughing and having an all-around wonderful time.

  “Here you go,” the bartender said.


  Dominic paid and took his drink. Lifting the bottle to his lips, he froze when his gaze fell upon a sight he’d not been able to vanquish all day long. His mystery woman. I’m not missing out on talking to her again. With one quick swallow, he walked in her direction.

  She faced toward the water, talking with a group of people and he had no problem taking in her profile. The gentle breeze blew the fabric of her dress around her legs. The pale material contrasted beautifully with her darker skin. It was a sleeveless dress with a handkerchief hem; otherwise he didn’t know anything about it. Aside from the fact it made him hard as steel in his pants. Women walked before him in less clothing and Dominic couldn’t tear his
gaze away from her. Moments before he reached her side, she slipped away and headed down towards the water.

  Increasing his speed a bit, Dominic dodged a woman in a revealing bikini and made his way down to the shoreline. The closer he got the tighter his throat became. In the softer light he could pick up on the subtle yellow hint in her dress. The urge to wrap his arms around her almost took him to his knees.

  Clearing his throat so he didn’t scare her, Dominic waited for her to turn toward him. Her dark eyes widened at the sight of him and he knew she was surprised to see him there. For a moment they stood in silence and stared at one another.

  “Hi,” he finally said over the sound of the surf lapping upon the shore.

  “Hello.” A slight smile curved up her full, kissable lips.

  Her voice was a low alto and stroked along his skin, bringing him to a fevered pitch. There lingered the hint of an accent as if English weren’t her first language. And that was with just one word. ”Am I disturbing you?” he asked, noticing how much deeper his voice sounded.

  “No. Not at all, just...” she shrugged and smiled.

  “I understand.” And he did. Sometimes you just needed to get away. The breeze blew around them, bringing to his nose the scent combination of rosewood and black current. Damn, she smells good. Reaching out with one hand he said, “I’m Dominic.”

  His heart sped up when her hand curled around his, palm to palm. “Verity. Nice to finally meet you.”

  Verity. What a beautiful name. He chuckled. “Well, I would have introduced myself earlier, but I wanted to make a better first impression than standing before you all sweaty.”

  She arched a brow and the way her eyes moved over him he wondered if she would have minded him doing that. “How could you be certain we’d meet again?”

  Dominic skimmed his finger over the pulse in her wrist before stepping a bit closer to her, loving the way her nose flared and she licked her lips. “I’m confident.”


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