Born To Fly Wild As The Wind

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Born To Fly Wild As The Wind Page 2

by Desconhecido(a)

  Verity stepped closer to him, the ends of her hair brushing along his skin courtesy of the wind. He looked at her, trailed his gaze over her graceful neck, around which sat a thin silver chain and a pendant that rested against her skin just above her breasts. Swallowing hard he raised his eyes and found himself staring into a pair of dark hazel eyes. Damn!

  “I bet you are,” she said in an amused tone.

  “Comes with the territory,” he said with a wink.

  “The Y chromosome?”

  Dominic laughed. “You’re quick, I like that.” He reluctantly released her hand. “What are you doing here in Crete? Vacation?”

  “I’m here in Crete because I live here, but I’m here at the party because some people dragged me.”

  “Didn’t want to come?”

  She shrugged. “Well, large parties aren’t my thing.”

  Dominic gave in to the urge to touch her and brushed some hair back from her face. “What exactly is ‘your thing,’ Verity?”

  “Exploring, visiting ruins, that kind of thing.”

  An idea formed. “Would you like to come with me tomorrow? I’m going to the Chania Archeological Museum.”

  She reached out and he held his breath, waiting for her to touch him. Verity stopped short of actual contact. With a smile, she nodded. “I’d like that. Do I get your whole name now?”

  “Commander Dominic Stark, at your service.”

  “At my service huh? Interesting.”

  He winked. “It could be.”

  “I’m sure it would be. This is good though, you don’t mind if I use you, do you?”

  His cock jumped at her words. “Use me?” he asked.

  “Well, the ones I came with wanted me to meet a man with some initials in front of their name. You said you’re a commander, which means you have initials in front of yours. So can I use you?”

  Dominic stared at the way the dress hugged her upper body and licked his lips. “It’s going to cost you.”

  “What’s the going rate?” Mischief sparkled in her eyes.

  Meeting her gaze, he reached out with his free hand and threaded it into her flowing hair. “It’s pretty high.”

  “Is it worth it?” she asked tapping a finger against her cheek.

  His body ached for her. “Most definitely,” Dominic vowed, lowering his head to hers.

  Her lips were soft and pliant beneath his. He groaned as they parted beneath his touch, allowing his searching tongue to slide inside her mouth. Slow strokes took him through and taught him her taste. It was addicting. Dominic tightened his grip in her hair and stepped flush against her body, relishing the way her curves pressed into him. Verity purred and her hands gripped his biceps as her tongue danced with his.

  Desire and raw lust broadsided him so hard it almost took him to the ground. With a low growl he dropped his beer into the sand and wrapped his other arm around her, pressing their pelvises together with his hand on her firm derriere. His heart pounded hard and all he could think about was lowering her to the sand and enjoying her body the way he longed. Slow. Thorough. Over and over again.

  Within his pants, his erection pressed hard against the confines and throbbed when she slid one hand around to tease the short hairs at the base of his neck. He rumbled low in his throat and ate at her mouth, desperate for more of her intoxicating taste.

  Dominic ended the passionate kiss and stared down at Verity. Her eyes swirled with heat and desire. With his tongue he absorbed the lingering flavor of her from his lips. “You, Ms. Verity, may use me in any way you like.”

  Her nails pressed into his flesh as her pupils dilated. “I’ll remember that.”

  Lowering his face so their mouths touched he murmured, “Good.” Then he kissed her again. Short, hard, and intense. His heart pounded like a drum when he drew back. This woman is dangerous.

  Verity looked over her shoulder to where the party continued and back to him again. In her eyes he could read she was about to walk away. Refusing to relinquish any time he had to spend with her, or his hands which still remained in her hair, Dominic softened his grip and massaged the back of her skull.

  Before he could say a word, a male voice intruded, “Hurricane!”

  Dominic glanced past Verity and saw another pilot heading for them. He ground his jaw together, but released Verity. “What is it, Komodo?”

  “Charlie. He’s wasted and about to get into a fight.”

  He groaned. Turning back to Verity he watched her pick up his bottle from the beach. “I have to go. I’m sorry about this. Eight in the morning, here, tomorrow?”

  Verity nodded. “I’ll be here.”

  “Great.” He headed off then stopped and returned to stand before Verity. Lowering his mouth he kissed her until she sagged against him. “I’ll see you in the morning, Verity.”

  “Yes you will. Good night, Commander.”

  One more brief kiss. “Dominic.” He trailed his knuckles down the side of her face and over her lips, cursing Charlie all over again when she kissed the pad of his thumb. “See you tomorrow.” Spinning, he jogged off with Komodo keeping pace. Even as he broke up the argument and helped a wasted Charlie back to the barracks, his mind was on Verity. Afterwards he went back to the party to see if she remained, but there was no sign of her. Shit. I don’t even know her last name. Later in bed the memory of her mouth beneath his escorted him to the land of slumber.

  Chapter Two

  Verity tried to contain the butterflies in her stomach, but they seemed very keen on creating extreme havoc within her. She ran her hands over the legs of her pants and stopped short of walking on the sand. Not walking in heels on the sand. With a critical eye, Verity scanned her outfit one more time. A black v-neck tee, medium-brown pants and heeled boots. Guess this will have to do.

  Turning around she stopped dead in her tracks. Standing behind her stood Dominic. Commander Dominic Stark, who apparently had the call sign Hurricane. Damnation! All the moisture in her throat dried up. Her panties grew wet. He wore relaxed fit jeans, and a button-down limestone hued shirt, which offset the color of his blue eyes in a handsome way. Distressed brown cowboy boots were upon his feet. She swallowed as his intense eyes watched her from behind thick lashes.

  “Morning Verity,” he said in an unhurried way, as if he were divesting her of her clothing one article at a time.

  “Good morning, Dominic.”

  He walked toward her, and each step was like a jolt to her system. Pure power dripped from his natural swagger and she fought the urge she cross her legs to stop the flow of moisture. I’m in big time trouble with this one. Dominic stopped before her and brushed his lips over hers in a light caress.

  “Feel like grabbing some breakfast before the museum?” he asked.

  “Sounds wonderful.” Anything to spend more time with you. “I’m all yours, lead on.”

  Her belly clenched at the look of pure possessiveness that flared in his gaze. He leaned closer and whispered, “That’s an invitation I could really enjoy.”

  “Feed me, navy man.”

  “Demanding woman.”

  Verity slid her arm through his. “Yes.” They began walking towards the parking lot and she smiled when he held the door of his car for her. “So tell me what you are doing here, Dominic?”

  He began driving. “I’m a pilot, stationed here a NSA Souda Bay.”

  She smiled. “A pilot? Ahh, that explains a lot.”

  He looked at her and lifted a brow. “Does it now?”

  “Oh yeah. I’ve met a few of you flyboys. Confidence is not something you lack.”

  Dominic winked at her and returned his attention to the road. “So I should be less confident?”

  “I don’t think you can, can you?”

  He flashed a grin. “Nope. But at least I asked.”

  Verity laughed. “True. You did.”

  At the restaurant he told her a bit more about what it was like being a naval pilot. They held hands as they walked through the courtyard
of Chania Museum.

  “Wow,” he said, stopping before the Turkish fountain. “This is incredible.”

  “Yes it is, isn’t it?” She looked sideways at him, the sun shone down upon his black hair and she wanted to touch it. I want to kiss him again.

  Once inside the museum, Verity looked around and sighed as they moved across the Roman floor with its different mosaics depicting Ariadne and Dionysus, the myth of Poseidon, and the nymph Amymone. She loved it here, content to let Dominic lead she walked with him as he moved slowly from exhibit to exhibit and showcase to showcase. They stopped in front of a Minoan sarcophagus and she heard his sharp intake of breath.

  Opening her mouth to say something, she snapped it shut when a voice called from a short distance away. “Dr. Andrews, Dr. Andrews!”

  Verity turned as Terri Suavant hurried toward them. The small blonde had a smile on her face. “Hi, Terri,” Verity said by way of greeting.

  “Dr. Andrews, I’m sorry to bother you, but there’s a message for you from Yusuf. He said you would be spending the day here and to have you give him a call. You can use the phone in our office.”

  “One second, Terri.” Facing Dominic who had his eyebrows raised, she shrugged. “Excuse me for a few moments, please.”

  “No problem,” he assured her, his voice deep and sensual. “I’ll be right here, Doctor.” His brow lifted at the use of doctor and she knew he’d want to know more.

  “Good to know, Commander.” She touched his arm and smiled. “Be back as soon as I can.”

  Falling into step beside Terri, she hurried to the office and sat down behind the desk. Dialing Yusuf’s number from memory she waved at Terri as she closed the door behind her.


  “Yusuf, it’s Verity.”

  “Verity, thank you for calling me back. How soon can you be in Argiroupoli?”


  “This is something you need to see for yourself. Oh, and hon, turn your cell phone back on. I tried to get in touch with you that way.”

  “I’ll be there by tomorrow at the latest, but will see if I can arrive sooner.” She reached into her pocket and withdrew her cell phone. Sure enough it was off and Verity switched it on.

  “Okay. Verity, it’s not good. I haven’t told anyone else.”

  Dread filled her. “Are you okay, Yusuf?”

  “I’m fine. I’ll see you as soon as you get here. Just come on in the house.”

  “Cell’s on, Yusuf. I’ll be there soon.”

  She hung up and got to her feet, a frown upon her face. Worrying her lower lip, Verity walked back into the main part of the museum and scanned the room looking for Dominic. Despite the apprehension in her, a smile crossed her face when she found him. Ruggedly handsome. Her smile grew as she noticed other women staring at him. With sure strides, Verity moved towards him and her heart fluttered when he lifted his head and looked around, a warm look filling his face when he saw her.

  “Hey,” he said when she stopped beside him.

  “Having fun?”

  “This is unbelievable. I should have been by here much sooner. But, I want to know more about you, Doctor. Apparently I’m not the only one with initials in front of their name.”

  She chuckled. “No, guess not. Dr. Verity Andrews at your service.”

  His blue eyes heated. “What kind of doctor are you, Verity?”




  “Is that what the call was about?”

  “In a way, I believe so.”

  Dominic led her to the side and ran his hands up and down her arms. “Everything okay?”

  “I don’t know. That was my friend and mentor, Yusuf Cone, who asked me to call him. He said something happened but wouldn’t tell me what.”

  “Let’s go.”

  “Let’s go?” she asked staring up at him.

  “You need to check on your friend. And I would still like to spend the day with you.”

  “Are you sure you don’t have to be anywhere else?”


  “Okay, how about this? We go check on Yusuf then I’ll take you to Lappa and we can walk around there.”

  His arms slid around her, drawing her in close. “I think that sounds wonderful. I’ll take a rain check on the museum.”

  Verity tilted her face up a bit and slid her lips across his. “We need to get to my vehicle.”

  “That ain’t all we need to do,” he murmured before dropping his arms.

  You speak the truth. Finding her focus, Verity ducked her head and soon they were striding out of the building and heading to his car. The ride back to hers was done in relative silence, broken up by her calling Yusuf, telling him she was on the way.

  Once in her car, Verity snuck a glance at Dominic. As if he knew she watched him, he picked up her hand and kissed the back of it before setting it down. She drove off, expertly navigating the narrow, curvy roads. Even so, part of her mind lingered on the handsome flyboy sitting in the seat next to her.

  * * * *

  Dominic watched Verity as she drove. Her hair blocked his vision from time to time courtesy of the wind blowing through the car, but for the most part he had an unobstructed view of her. An archeologist. He didn’t see that one coming. In his mind, archeologists were old rotund men with glasses, handlebar moustaches and stuff like that. Not a hot ass woman who made him rock hard and think about taking her up against the nearest wall just for starters. And then going from there until they were both exhausted and sated.

  His cock stiffened in his pants and he shifted on the seat. This is why I wore relaxed fit jeans. Verity Andrews made him think about something other than flying. The urge to hold and protect her swarmed him. From behind his sunglasses he continued to stare at her. Her skin was so smooth, he wanted to touch and touch some more. High cheekbones gave her a slightly haughty look which was set off with her full plush lips which he knew felt amazing beneath his. Her eyes were an incredible dark hazel color with swirls of gold and green in the brown.

  Verity intrigued him unlike any woman had done before. Where has she been this whole time? “Do you spend a lot of time along the beach where the party was last night?” he asked, wondering why he hadn’t seen her before, given he’d been stationed here for a few years.

  “No. I live in Iraklio.” He raised a brow and she said, “Iraklion, the capital. I’ve done a few guest lectures at the museum, but the only reason I was there was because I spent my day off in Kalives and Kasey and Larry wanted me to go. They say I spend too much time digging up the past and need to find a man.”

  “And what do you think?”

  “Well, I think I spent a long time and a lot of money in graduate school if I don’t want to dig up the past anymore that will all be wasted.”

  Dominic laughed. “I understand. I’ve been focused on my career too.”

  He sat up a bit straighter when she pulled into the driveway of a tan colored house. Together they walked up the stone pathway and Dominic shoved his hands in his pockets when she didn’t even knock on the door, just pushed it open before waving him in after her. The man who met them in another room was exactly how he pictured an archeologist, moustache and all. Verity was drawn into an embrace and Dominic found himself not liking the kiss she put on this Yusuf guy’s cheek, nor the obvious affection between the two.

  After she introduced him and they all walked into a sitting room, Dominic lost track of the conversation. He’d not taken it upon himself to learn Greek. From living here he’d picked up a few words here and there but nowhere near enough to understand, especially at the rate they were conversing. It was apparent that Verity was fluent in the language. While they talked, Dominic looked around the cluttered house. Piles of tomes, papers, drawings and more lay scattered in a haphazard way.

  He didn’t even want to sit for fear of disturbing something. Dominic noticed a framed picture on the wall of a familiar looking object. The
same item he had noticed around Verity’s neck. The portrait was halved, showing both sides. Stepping in front of it, Dominic stared at all the intricate designs.

  “It’s a Phaistos Disc,” Verity said, standing beside him.

  Glancing down at her, he honed in on the silver pendant around her neck. Dominic jerked his eyes away when they lingered upon the tops of her full breasts.

  “I noticed you wear one around your neck. What does—did—it do?”

  “Many think the Phaistos Disc is the key to an alphabet. There are quite a few disputes about it though. The disc is one of the most famous mysteries of archeology.”

  Dominic listened with interest as she told him more about the disc. He could feel her enthusiasm and it was contagious. He watched her, noticing how her eyes sparkled while she explained, her fingers touched the pendent and slid it across the chain. Verity met his gaze and shrugged, dropping her hand back to her side.

  “Sorry, I tend to get carried away.”

  “I love it. Thank you for telling me. Now, with your friend, is everything okay?”

  She looked back to where Yusuf was on the phone and did her best to smile. “Not really. There was some vandalism at one of our sites.” Verity took a deep breath. “Good thing though, at least no one was hurt.”

  He frowned. “What happened?”

  “Odd things. It’s strange, it was more our equipment that got messed with and not the artifacts.”

  Dominic wasn’t comforted by those words. He discovered he was extremely protective of Dr. Verity Andrews despite having only known her for a short time. “Did they catch whoever did it?”

  “No. I’m usually the only one there over the weekend so it was noticed when a police officer went by.”

  That statement made his unease grow even more. The fact Verity could have been there during the attack gave birth to a low growl of anger within him.

  “You don’t seem very concerned about this,” he noted.

  Verity lifted a shoulder with a brief movement. “Not much I can do about it from here. They posted an officer there and I’ll be back tomorrow to see it for myself.” She hooked her arm through his. “Now, I believe I promised you a tour here. Are you ready?”


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