Born To Fly Wild As The Wind

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Born To Fly Wild As The Wind Page 3

by Desconhecido(a)

  “Yes.” Dominic tried not to think of her being in danger. It didn’t work. He still worried when they climbed in the car after saying farewell to Yusuf. Verity drove a bit further and parked. He waited while she swapped out her heeled boots for hiking ones. He ogled the curve of her ass as she tugged her pants legs down over the tops of her footwear. There was an engaging smile on her face when she stood upright, but Dominic saw it didn’t quite reach her eyes.

  “Ready?” she asked.

  For more than you may know, Verity Andrews. “Lead on.”

  Dominic followed her into the entrance of a cave. There were natural springs all around the cave and before was a church.

  “This is the little church of Saint John. The springs you saw around outside are called Agia Dynamis,” Verity said from beside him.

  He shook his head unable to translate. “Which means?”

  “Saint Force.” She paused. “Come on.”

  They wove in and out of the other tourists wandering around the area. Dominic found himself more and more entranced by this woman, she was a wealth of information and all kinds of delightful. He pulled her close to his chest when they rested by one of the numerous springs they passed. Settling her back against his chest, he wrapped his arms around her. He closed his eyes and sighed contentedly when she covered his hands with her own. The scent of rosewood and black currant surrounded him and embedded into his pores.

  They grabbed a bite to eat at a local restaurant. Verity spoke to the server in Greek and he was impressed all over again. Dominic found himself eating slowly in order to make their time together longer. Staring at her over the table, he swallowed and asked, “How long have you lived here?”

  She licked her lips and his cock stiffened. “Let me see. Umm, it’s been twelve years now.”

  “Twelve years? And before here, where did you call home?” That probably explains why I hear an accent when she speaks English.

  “America. Born and raised in Oklahoma, went to undergrad there then came over here. Loved it so much I stayed.”

  “Do you ever go back?”

  “I go to see my parents and my sister. But more often than not, they come here.”

  “Don’t blame them. Crete is beautiful.”

  Her eyes took on a soft glow. “Yes it is.” Verity sighed. “What about you? You said you were a pilot at NSA Souda Bay, how long for?”

  “I’ve been here about two years now.”

  “And family?”

  “I have two brothers, also pilots, and we were born and raised in Texas.”

  “Texas, huh?” She grinned. “I see.”

  He cocked a brow. “What do you see, exactly, Verity?”

  “Oh no, I think I’ll keep that to myself.”

  Resting his arms on the table, he leaned closer to her and stared into her eyes. “Are you making fun of my home state?”

  “I wouldn’t dream of it,” she said with a straight face. If not for the humor in her gaze, he would have believed her completely sincere.

  He shook his head. “Nice try.”

  She flashed a smile that made his knees weak. “I have nothing bad to say about Texas.” Verity crossed her heart and added, “Promise.”

  After their meal, they strolled through the town, not touching, but side by side. There was silence between them, but Dominic felt no need to say anything, he wasn’t uncomfortable. Quite the opposite, in fact. Late afternoon and they were standing by her car. Dominic rested against it and had Verity pulled into him, her arms wrapped around his waist and her head on his chest.

  The warm wind blew around them and Dominic sighed. “Thank you for allowing me to come along today and for sharing this with me,” he murmured.

  “My pleasure. I’m glad you had fun. But we should get going so I can get you back and get myself on my way to the site.”

  “Where are you headed?”

  “Malia is where I’ve been working.”

  “And that is where?”

  “Oh, it’s near Hersonissos, Northern Crete.” Verity stepped back from his embrace and smiled. “Come on, let’s get going.”

  Dominic pulled her against him and tipped her chin up. Forehead to forehead he cupped her cheeks. “Trying to get away from me, Dr. Andrews?”

  Her fingers undid two of the buttons on his shirt. “Not at all, Commander Stark. I thought I was getting you closer to your place.”

  He grew harder than the ground he stood upon. “Verity,” he growled.

  She kissed him lightly and smoothed a hand down his face. “You’re a dangerous man, Dominic Stark. Is this why they call you Hurricane?”

  Staring into her eyes, he licked his lower lip. “No, one of my first times up I flew through a hurricane and the name just kind of stuck.”

  “A wild man.”

  “Used to be. Although, calming down is beginning to show merit.”

  “Is that so?”

  Sliding his hands so they sank into her silken hair, he held her head immobile. With a low rumble of possessiveness, Dominic kissed her. He shuddered from the sparks which lit up his synapses. Her taste made him light headed. Verity purred and wrapped her arms around his neck, matching the passionate exchange. All the blood in his body headed south. Gentling the kiss, he reluctantly ended it. Her kiss-swollen lips tempted him all over again. One more light brush of his lips upon hers and he cast a glance around, grinning at the looks they were getting from others in the parking lot.

  “Yes, that’s so. I want to see you again, Verity Andrews.”

  “I’ll give you my card with my numbers on it.”

  After the ride back, Dominic didn’t want to let her drive away. When she pulled in by his car, he unbuckled his belt and faced her. Verity reached up to the visor and withdrew a card from the pocket it contained.

  “Here you go,” she said, handing him the piece of paper.

  Dominic scanned the beige business card. Her information was in an antique style of writing superimposed upon an ancient Greek structure. He jerked his gaze back to her when she grabbed it out of his hand. Verity turned it over and jotted something on the back. She handed it back.

  “Okay. You can keep it this time. Cell phone is on the back.”

  Placing the card in his wallet, Dominic got out of her vehicle and walked to her side. Verity also climbed out and stood before him.

  “I had a lovely day today, Dominic. Thank you.”

  Settling his hands along her waist, Dominic stared into her eyes. One thing was certain; he wanted her. And in more than a purely sexual way. The woman watching him with her dark hazel eyes and skin as smooth as silk had his mind envisioning so much more. Things like a mortgage, in-laws, and children.

  Dominic kissed her, perusing her mouth with unhurried and thorough motions. His libido wanted him to intensify the kiss, but he refrained. She sighed and sank deeper into him, her fingers clutched his shirt. Drawing back slowly, Dominic gazed upon her and brushed her bottom lip with his thumb.

  “Drive safely, doc. I plan on seeing you again.”

  “Adio, Dominic.”

  He held her door for her hand remained rooted to the spot until she had vanished from view. Only then did he go to his own vehicle. Behind the wheel, Dominic withdrew both his cell phone and Verity’s business card. Within seconds her name and numbers were entered into his address book. Content they were secure, he drove back to NSA Souda Bay with a smile on his face.

  Chapter Three


  Verity examined the broken ladder, toppled support beam, and busted tools with a frown upon her face. None of this makes any sense. With a sigh, she looked around the crypt and frowned even deeper.

  “There are things to be taken worth money. Why would someone ruin replaceable items?” She ran a hand through her hair. Maybe it was just some kids, who didn’t really want to ruin anything valuable.

  A niggling of unease slithered up her spine, but she shrugged it away. Worry wasn’t a luxury she could afford. People were always tryi
ng something, most often when stuff was announced in the paper. Which is why she figured on it being a group of kids, nothing major had been mentioned as of late.

  “Oh well. Let me get back to my job.”

  A bit later her phone vibrated and chimed against her hip. The ringtone told her it was from one of the guards assigned to site, and for a second she hesitated. More bad news? With a swipe of her tongue over her top teeth, she pulled it off her waistband and answered it.

  “Dr. Andrews.”

  “Kaliméra, doc. It’s Gaylon.”

  “Kaliméra, Gaylon. How are you doing today?” she asked him. They all knew she spoke Greek, but Gaylon longed to speak better English so they tended to converse in that language.

  “I’m good.”

  “Tell me this isn’t more bad news, Gaylon,” she said, only half begging.

  “Nothing like that. You have a visitor here.”

  She frowned and glanced at her watch. Odd, it’s way early. “Can you bring whoever it is in? I’ll meet you at the granaries.”

  “Will do, doc.”

  Verity looked around her and sighed. Not as much work done as she’d hoped so far. Pushing her glasses up her nose, she began walking toward the granaries. Stepping from behind some shrubbery, Verity grinned at the sight before her.

  Alongside one of the large holes in the ground stood Dominic Stark, talking to Gaylon.

  Damn! Her body tingled while her gaze traveled over his form. She licked her lips as her pussy throbbed. Cowboy boots, jeans which made her drool with the way they showed his lower half and a skin-tight shirt. From her position she was blessed with a side view of his body. The sleeve of his shirt hugged the powerful bicep/tricep of his upper arm.

  Dominic faced Gaylon, talking with him, both men laughing and gesturing. She walked toward them, fighting the urge to giggle like a schoolgirl when Dominic turned his head to her and a slow, mesmerizing, sex-infused smiled crossed his face.

  “Hello, Dominic. Gaylon.” She stopped beside Dominic, but glanced at Gaylon. “Thanks for escorting him here, Gaylon.”

  “No problem, doc.”

  Dominic said goodbye to the guard and she waved. When it was just the two of them, he faced her completely, removed his sunglasses and hooked them on the collar of his shirt. Her heart stutter-stepped when his amazing eyes met hers.

  “Hello gorgeous,” he replied, capturing her chin between his thumb and index finger.

  Verity wanted to melt to the ground when he gently brushed their lips together. “What are you doing here?” she asked.

  “Hmm. Well, I wanted to see some more of Crete and I heard that a woman I know was going to be here. So I thought maybe,” he kissed her again, “I could finagle a personal tour.”

  Looping her arms around his waist, she smiled up at him. “I think I can arrange that for you.”


  Verity began showing him around. The area was silent except for the sound of her voice as she shared details about the palace. Back at the crypt where she’d been when Gaylon called her, Dominic trailed a hand over her ass on his way to a bench along the wall. She looked at him; he sat there with his long strong legs out before him and this intense expression on his face while he watched her.

  “Tired already, flyboy? Guess sitting in that cockpit all day doesn’t help your endurance.”

  Dominic arched a brow. “Believe me, gorgeous, my endurance is just fine. Just fine.” He crooked his finger at her.

  “Does that usually work for you and your pilot bunnies?”

  He burst out laughing. “Pilot bunnies?”

  Verity shrugged. “Well, I would guess there are women who have a thing for you pilot types. I don’t know what you call them, so I’ll call them pilot bunnies. But, what I meant was, does it work in getting them to come with one finger?”

  Heat, pure liquid heat lit his blue eyes and they seared her. Not only with desire but promise. Her knees shook from the predatory gleam in his gaze.

  “Anytime you want me to prove it to you, Verity, let me know.”

  I’m damn near about to come now.

  Swallowing, Verity did her best to appear unaffected, but she went to stand before him. Dominic pulled her down to sit on his rock-hard thighs. Her core brushed against the length of his erection. Biting the inside of her cheek, she stifled her whimper even as a bolt of longing shot through her. It was like he knew his affect on her. Masculine arrogance lifted the corners of his mouth slightly. His hands settled along her sides, his fingers creating havoc within her.

  “Do you normally wear glasses?”

  She ran a finger along the collar of his stark white shirt. “No. Not always. But when I’m at a dig I tend to. The sand and dust floating around plays hell on my contacts.”

  He looked around before staring back at her. Verity sucked a sharp breath when he rubbed two fingers along the seam of her shorts between her legs. “I understand that,” he commented as if he weren’t touching her in such an intimate manner. Back and forth he stroked. “How alone are we here, Verity?” Dominic asked.

  Her heart wouldn’t stop pounding like she’d just run a marathon. “Extremely.” She felt out of breath and tense with longing.

  His fingers slid up under the edge of her shorts, electrifying her. “It’s dirty and dusty here.”

  Rubbing her hands around to the back of his head, she whispered, “Beaches are sandy.” She mewled when his fingers touched her wet panties. “But if you’re afraid of getting dirty—”

  He dipped beneath the elastic of her underwear and trailed a single finger up the slit of her pussy. “Not at all.”

  Verity gulped and licked her lips. “I was going to say I have a blanket in my bag.”

  “Wonderful.” He cupped her head with his free hand and kissed her as he slipped a finger up and flicked it over her clit before sinking it deep within her.

  “Ahhh!” Verity barely managed to contain her cry as the orgasm washed over her. Grinding down on his hand she rode him until the waves had passed.

  Dominic ended the kiss and stared into her eyes. His own cornflower blue gaze was smoky with primal lust. “I believe you said something about a blanket.”

  Unable to form a word, Verity nodded before getting slowly off his lap. Within mere moments she’d pulled the blanket from her bag and spread it upon the ground. Dominic had her in his arms the next second. Mouths joined in a fiery kiss; he lowered them to it. She purred in her throat as his hand stroked up her side, pulling up her shirt as he moved.

  His lips trailed down her neck to the top of her tank top, she shivered when his teeth scraped lightly along her supersensitive skin. Dominic undid the button at her waist and over her harsh breathing she could hear the sound of her zipper being lowered.

  “Lift up,” he muttered, nuzzling the hollow of her neck.

  Fingers grazed the back of his skull, holding him closer to her, Verity did as he ordered. She shimmied and got rid of her shorts, next moment his hand covered her satin-covered pussy. “Dominic,” she panted as he removed those as well.

  “Verity,” he responded in the same near-breathless tone.


  He nibbled his way up to her lips and kissed her briefly. “No more foreplay?”

  Her answer was to reach down and grip him through his jeans. “Foreplay later. Right now I have something else in mind.”

  It seemed her words had hardly faded from the air when he was rising above her. She held her breath when the large head of his cock teased the entrance of her pussy. Their eyes met and held as he sank into her in a smooth stroke. Fully embedded within her, Dominic held still and kissed her with feathery touches.

  “So tight. So blessed tight,” he groaned. Another kiss. “Are you okay?”

  With synapses firing out of control, all Verity could do was nod. Never had she felt this full before. Shifting her hips, she quivered at the sensations which rocketed through her. The flare of heat in his eyes told her he got the messag
e. Dominic rested his arms alongside her head and sank his hands into her hair. Then he began to move within her. Slow measured strokes began to create another fire deep within the pit of her belly. No words were spoken as they moved in tandem with one another, creating a beautiful symphony.

  Verity forgot she lay upon a blanket in an ancient Minoan palace. In that moment, she couldn’t have felt more treasured had they been in a huge feather bed lying upon silks and velvets. All that mattered was the incredible encounter she was experiencing. It was like he had consumed her, heart, body, and soul. She could feel him everywhere within her and she was beyond reluctant to let that exquisite and new sensation go.

  Back and forth. The same deep, powerful thrusts. His eyes burned as he watched her. Verity held tight to his shoulders as he made slow love to her. It was torture of the sweetest kind. The edge raced towards her and she flexed her fingers in his flesh while tightening her internal muscles around him, milking his cock. His strong body shuddered and his pupils dilated.

  He released one hand from her hair and caressed her cheek. “Come for me, Verity,” he commanded, swiping his thumb over her lips.

  As Crete’s morning sun highlighted floating dust and warmed them, Verity came apart and soared, much like Daedalus did, towards the heavens. She shattered around Dominic’s thrusting shaft.

  A low rumble rose up from within him and he thrust twice more before erupting deep within her. Verity trembled with another blissful orgasm as his release triggered an additional one of her own. Placing a hand along his face, Verity could feel the dampness from his sweat beneath her palm. She smiled softly at him, unable to find words.

  They remained like that until their hearts slowed and breathing wasn’t such a chore. Dominic continued to watch her, his eyes intent upon her.

  “We should get dressed,” Verity said. “I need to get some work done.”

  Dominic grumbled but soon they were again dressed, cuddled on the blanket, having cleaned up courtesy of the wipes she carried with her. Verity lay wrapped in his embrace, her body against his and their intertwined fingers caressed by the shaft of sunlight splitting the air above them.


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