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Born To Fly Wild As The Wind

Page 5

by Desconhecido(a)

  Her body clamped around his and she came with a scream. Dominic growled and powered up into her, harder and faster until he came with a low roar of his own. Verity shuddered around him, sending more shockwaves through him. She lifted his chin, wiped off streaming water and kissed him. Long and thorough.

  “Verity,” he warned, feeling himself begin to harden within her.

  “More,” she whispered against his lips.

  Blindly reaching behind him, Dominic managed to shut off the shower. Dripping wet, still embedded within her, he carried Verity to her bed and laid her back.

  “More,” he agreed, moving again within her core.

  * * * *

  That evening, Dominic sat across from Verity at a small restaurant. They’d spent a few hours in her bed, making love and Dominic knew no other woman would ever satisfy him from now on. Verity was his other half. They’d fallen asleep for a short time, intertwined with one another. After a proper shower and a trip to get his car they had returned to her place and now they were eating at a restaurant.

  They sat at an outdoor table, the cool breeze helping—although barely—to reduce the heat he felt within him for Verity. She sat across from him, looking all too enticing. The way her lips moved made it hard to follow the conversation.

  “Are you listening to me?”

  Damn! Busted. He flashed a disarming grin. “I was distracted,” he admitted.

  “I bet,” she said rolling her eyes.

  Dominic leaned forward and took her hand in his. “I’m sorry. You were talking about your sister. I should have stayed focused.”

  “It’s okay.”

  Caressing the back of her hand with his thumb, Dominic tilted his head to the side. “Tell me again. I’m listening this time.”

  Verity chuckled, but complied. After they had eaten and returned to her house, Dominic stood with her by her car. Leaning against the door, Dominic settled her between his legs, one hand tracing a wide circle around her stitches. She licked her lips and ran her hands along his chest. In the light that shone from her house, Verity’s gaze reminded him of molten gold. She tugged on his clothes and he followed her inside the house.

  After a few moments of heated kissing, she drew back. “You should go,” she commented in a hushed tone.

  “I know.” He didn’t make a move to get out of her embrace. “When can I see you again?” Her gaze dropped and he frowned. Not thinking of this as a onetime thing, Verity Andrews. Dominic lifted her chin and held her gaze. “Verity?”

  “I don’t know. I mean it’s not like we aren’t both busy.”

  He didn’t like the sound of that. “Meaning what, Verity? You don’t want to see me again?”

  “You’re a naval pilot,” she blabbed.

  Dominic cocked a brow. “And?”

  “—” He silenced her with a kiss.

  Verity whimpered and sank further into him. Her nails scratched into his chest. When he broke the kiss, Dominic was pleased to see her gaze all hazy and unfocused.

  “Stop with the excuses, Verity. Give us a chance.”

  He could see her mind racing, so, after a very quick kiss, he walked to the door and slipped away, knowing if he stayed, they would be back in her bed.

  Or on the couch. Which, isn’t a bad thing in the least, but I have to show her I want more than a roll in the sack.

  Dominic drove back to the base with a hard-on only one woman could satisfy. He nodded at some fellow pilots as he went to his room and fell into bed. Verity remained prevalent in his mind. With a low growl of frustration, he squeezed his eyes shut and tried to ignore the insistent erection he had.

  It was just as hard when he woke for work.

  Chapter Four

  It had been six days since the incident inside the palace. Verity stood outside, feeling unsure. Damn it! I’ve never hesitated before. Ever! Gulping hard, she glanced at her boots and knelt to retie one, giving herself a bit longer to regroup. A shadow fell over her and she peered up to see Kasey, Larry, and Yusuf staring at her.

  “What?” she asked, noting the terseness in her voice.

  “Nothing,” Kasey said with a slight frown. “We’re just waiting on you.” She tilted her head to the side. “You okay?”

  Verity took a deep breath and met the gaze of each one there. Friends and colleagues. “I’m fine. Let’s do this.” Leading with more bounce in her step than she was feeling, Verity swallowed her fears and entered the room they were excavating. Soon she got into the rhythm. She and Kasey worked together, chatting with ease and familiarity that helped calm her down.

  “I can’t believe you hooked up with a pilot. Not just any pilot, but an American naval pilot,” Kasey said in disbelief.

  “Makes two of us,” she responded. “I don’t know, Kasey. You know I don’t have the best track record with lasting relationships.” Verity shrugged and continued with the painstaking brushing she was doing. “I like him. I really like him. Things just feel right with him too.”

  “Maybe the others didn’t work out so you would give this one a chance.” Her friend looked at her, brown eyes sparkling. “Stop trying to jinx this relationship. Enjoy it. Hell, enjoy him. Let things happen how they will.”

  Verity nodded. “Perhaps you’re right.”

  “I know I am,” Kasey said with a grin. “Besides, he’s hot.”

  “How do you know what he looks like? You’ve never met him.” Kasey’s familiarity with the base rushed to the forefront of her mind. “Have you?”

  Kasey shook her head. “No, I haven’t. But seriously, Verity. Black hair, blue eyes, muscles. Damn, I wouldn’t let him out of my sight. You did describe him to me.”

  Verity frowned at the amount of appreciation in her tone. Then she caught Kasey’s wink and subtle finger point. Turning her head, Verity’s breath caught in her throat. Leaning in the doorway stood the man she’d been unable to get out of her mind for the past week. Commander Dominic Stark.

  Her breath caught and her belly clenched. Moisture flooded her pussy and her nipples hardened to almost painful points. Verity shuddered at the flashed memory of his body along hers. His hands touching her, caressing her, bringing to her untold pleasures. A sexy grin sat upon his face as he stared at her, as if he knew the line of her thoughts. He wore another pair of tight blue jeans, cowboy boots, and a light blue tee shirt that hugged his upper body.

  “I don’t think I need to be here,” Kasey said before walking between them and sliding past Dominic where he stood at the door.

  Verity pushed to her feet, dropped the brush, and wiped her hands off on her pants. Slowly she walked toward him, allowing her gaze to travel up his hard muscular body. Damnation, this man is all too fine. All too fine! Licking her lips, she allowed a small smug sigh to fill her at the answering flare of heat in his gaze.

  “Dominic,” she said softly. “What are you doing here?”

  He strode toward her, moving with a masculine fluidity that made her think of things involving him and sex. Dominic never slowed, just cupped the back of her head and planted a kiss on her lips. The kiss curled her toes within her boots and made her whimper with longing. His taste was addicting and one hell of an aphrodisiac. Sliding her tongue along his, Verity looped her arms around his neck and pressed tight against the hard length of his body.

  Dominic dropped his hands to settle under her ass and lifted her. She wrapped her legs about his waist and nipped at his invading tongue. He rumbled in his throat before he ended the kiss. Drawing back, he stared into her eyes, his gaze intense and passionate.

  “Hello, Verity Andrews,” he purred.

  Tossing her head, so her hair moved back from her eyes, she bit her lower lip. “Hi.”

  “I missed you,” he said in a deep sensual timbre.

  “I missed you, too.” She brushed her lips over his. “What are you doing here?”

  “I came to see you. I have a week off.”

  Her body burned hotter and she swallowed hard. “Staying where

  His gaze was straightforward and unflinching. “That’s up to you.”

  “Well, there’s not tons of room in my bed, but you’re more than welcome to join me there.”

  A wicked smile flitted across his face. “Trust me, we’ll fit just fine.” He smacked her on the ass before dropping his hands and she unhooked her legs and slipped to the ground. His expression turned serious and he asked in a low whisper, “Everything been okay?”

  Verity knew what he meant. “Yes. I haven’t had any more incidents.” She frowned. “Or rather, none have happened to me.”

  “Good.” He reached out quick and pulled her flush against him. “I’d be pissed if you were still in danger.”

  “We’ve already gone over this. You’re in danger in your job. Plus this is the first I’ve been back since the incident.”

  “That, Verity, isn’t the same thing and you damn well know it.”

  “No I don’t. Danger is danger. In fact, yours is worse.”

  Dominic shook his head. “I didn’t come here to argue with you, Verity. I want to get to know you, spend time with you. Get you to admit how much you love me and have you say you’ll marry me.”

  Her heart slammed to a halt within her chest. She knew her mouth moved, but for the life of her, Verity couldn’t get any words to pass her lips. Did I hear him right?

  He placed a hand along her cheek and skimmed her bottom lip with his thumb. “I didn’t stutter, Verity. Stop trying to see if you misheard me, for you didn’t.” Dominic kissed her forehead. “Tell me what to do to help. Teach me about your world, Verity.”

  Shaking, Verity stepped back and faced away from him, grateful for the moment to regroup. “Umm, this way,” she blabbed. Stopping before the area she’d been working before he’d shown up and tossed her world into a tailspin, Verity bent down to pick up the brush lying there.

  Her body froze solid when he wrapped a hand around her wrist. “Look at me, Verity,” he commanded in a low tone.

  Worrying her lower lip, she inhaled sharply and did just that. The myriad of emotions in his gaze nearly floored her. Damn, it’s like he believes what he said earlier. Behind all the passion, desire, lust, and possessiveness, Verity found herself staring at the truth. And for some reason it didn’t scare her. Well, it should if I was thinking logically. Which I am obviously not, since I’m thinking I see the truth of what he said in his eyes.

  “What?” she asked. Her voice quiet between the two of them alone.

  “I didn’t mean to scare you, Verity, but I don’t beat around the bush. Never have. Never will.” Dominic tucked some hair behind her ear. “You are more important to me than you may realize yet, but you will.”

  Her belly quivered and she longed to believe him. “I should get to work.”

  From his gaze she knew he understood she was avoiding his comments, but he didn’t say anything other than, “Yes. Put me to work.”

  A bit later, they were working on brushing free some artifacts, a few jewelry fragments but mostly parts of pots. Kasey had returned and for the moment, she was engaging Dominic in conversation. Asking him about his family and what it was like to be a pilot. Verity put the small brush down and stared at him. He crouched on the ground, sitting on one leg, the other propped up, head bent and entirely dedicated to brushing away the dirt in the area she’d assigned him while he talked to Kasey.

  Why is he interested in me? There can’t be a shortage of women who’d love to be on his arm. Taking a deep breath, she cocked her head to the side and tried to come to grips with his reasoning. Regardless of his reasons, Verity knew she should be figuring out why the thought of being with him for the rest of her life wasn’t sending her to the mountains screaming in panic. Maybe because being with him feels right. And it’s more than just a little nice to be held in his arms. She shook her head. I should know better, that isn’t any reason for a relationship, at least not a lasting one. It takes hard work, dedication, sacrifice and more.

  Verity closed her eyes and took off her glasses before rubbing the back of her hand along the lids. I need sleep. She pinched the bridge of her nose briefly and slipped her eyewear back upon her face. With a sigh, she opened her eyes and got back to work, doing her damndest to ignore Dominic’s husky Texas drawl as he talked to Kasey. Every time he looked at her, she made sure to duck her head and avoid eye contact.

  “Lunch break,” Larry broke in.

  With a smile for her friend, Verity nodded. Before she could get to her feet, Dominic was at her side, reaching out a hand. His eyes held hers and she saw the possessive gleam. “Thank you,” she murmured once he’d pulled her up.

  His gaze burned her as it trailed up and down her form. “My pleasure.”

  Larry walked to them and stuck out his hand. “Larry Eggerton.”

  “Dominic Stark.”

  Verity watched them shake hands and fought the urge to roll her eyes at the fact Dominic had his other arm around her, as if he were staking his claim upon her. “Let’s get some food, gentlemen.”

  Larry and Kasey walked ahead of them. Dominic halted her forward progress and lowered his face into hers. Verity fought the urge to whimper with longing, his stare created a massive pool of heat in her gut and she wanted to feel his thick length sinking deep inside her. Filling her. Stretching her. Making her feel things she’d never experienced before him. Her eyelids fluttered and she gulped.

  “What?” she managed to ask him.

  “Nothing,” he uttered. “Just wanted to kiss you again.”

  That said, he did. He slanted his mouth over hers and gave her a kiss which turned her into a puddle. Long determined strokes swept through her mouth. He took what he wanted and then took some more. When he drew back, she was leaning into him, hands clutched in his shirt and eyes rolling into the back of her head.

  “There, I’m better now,” he stated against her lips.

  Me too. Or rather, I would be if I could function without sounding like an idiot or begging you to fuck me against this wall. “I...I’m...I’m glad.”

  He chuckled. It was a dark, decadent sound that only inflamed her desire. “Would it help if I told you I long to rip off your shorts and panties and shove my cock as far into you as it will go until you scream my name? I want to take you over and over again.” Dominic flexed his hips against her and she trembled at the feel of his cock pressing into her side. “I want to bend you over, take you on your hands and knees, have you ride—”

  She slapped a hand over his mouth. “Stop,” she begged. “Please stop. I get the picture.”

  His blue eyes were full of mischief and he snaked his tongue out along the skin of her palm. “Are you sure? I could go for a demonstration.”

  Verity ignored the pulsing in her body for his touch and arched a brow. “Well, you’re just going to have to wait a bit. It’s time for lunch and then we have to get back to work.”

  “Fine,” he huffed. “Deny me.”

  I don’t wanna! “Suck it up.”

  His gaze snapped back to hers and she almost melted when he licked his lips. “Oh, I plan on it.”

  Goosebumps skated along her skin and the throbbing between her legs quadrupled in intensity. Dropping her hand to trail along the proof of his desire, Verity watched him from beneath lowered lids. “And I’m looking forward to it,” she purred.

  Danger flashed in the depths of his blue orbs. “Don’t start something you’re not finishing, Verity. I have no problem making it to lunch smelling of sex.”

  Like I do? “I’ll keep that in mind. Now come on. I’m hungry.”

  He bucked against her palm, which still covered his erection. “Me too, but I think we’re talking about different things.”

  One final squeeze and she stepped away. “I don’t think so,” she said walking away, leaving him to follow.

  * * * *

  Dominic stared at the woman lying on her bed. Verity Andrews. Currently she slept. She lay on her belly, the platinumed Russian blue sheet pulled up
to the small of her back. Her hair covered part of her face and he sat beside her and brushed it back so he could stare at her. He sat there in a pair of sweats, damp from his shower after his run. Verity hadn’t stirred since he left.

  He was six days into his week off and could with all honesty say he was in love with her. Verity was an amazing soul. Dominic had gone with her to a lecture she gave and had been spellbound. Everything about her intrigued him. Her daily visits to the Malia palace still made him nervous, but so far there nothing else had occurred. They had explored, made love, and had spent hours just sitting and talking. He knew she loved to play games, board games specifically. She had an insane sweet tooth and loved chocolate. Verity was addicted to coffee and drank it like it was water, especially when she was stressed. She hated to cook but loved to bake. Which made sense, given her love of sweets.

  She was a passionate and giving lover. He wanted to crawl into her skin and stay there. What he felt in her presence was unlike anything he’d ever experienced before. And he was loathe to let it end.

  “How do I keep you in my life, Verity? I don’t want our time to end.”

  Verity murmured in her sleep and stirred. Leaning down he kissed her on the shoulder and drew up the sheet to cover her a bit more. Pushing to his feet, he padded out of the room and down the stairs. Dominic reached into the fridge and grabbed a drink. Popping the top, he drank a big swallow and sighed. He leaned against the refrigerator and closed his eyes. Never before had a woman even remotely induced him to entertain the thought of settling down. This one did. Now it was a thought he entertained often.

  He was in the middle of cooking breakfast when she walked into the room, sleep-rumpled and wearing one of his shirts. Dominic liked that.

  “What are you doing?” she asked, kissing him quickly on her way to the fridge for the pitcher of juice.

  “Making you breakfast.”

  Verity peered around his arm and said, “Looks great. I can’t get over how well you cook.”


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