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Defying The Alliance (Novokin Alliance Invasion 1)

Page 8

by Bobbi Ross

  “Well, Trex, although you’re not officially a member of my crew, you’re living in my ship and you’ve offered to help with our mission. Please, don’t misunderstand me. I’m very grateful for all you’ve done.” She added the last sentence gently. Her cheeks were flustered and she moved her arms a lot while she spoke. She was captivating, if not a little dizzying.

  “Heck, you saved my life, I don’t know how many times now. And I owe you many life debts,” she proclaimed palms up, in a warm and passion-rich voice that made him want to take her in his arms and taste every bit of her. “I’m truly thankful to have met you.” Her eyes were soft, shining with an inner glow.

  She paused for a few heartbeats and he saw the struggle flitter across her face, as she rubbed her hands together, creased her eyebrows and took a deep breath before she added, “But, there is a way we do things on my ship. I’m not sure how things are done in your galaxy or if you’ve ever had military training but there is a protocol to follow. To ensure everyone’s safety, the most basic rule is that you follow your Captain’s orders. I can’t have you gallivanting around on your own accord trying to rescue the day. You’ve been lucky so far, but soon someone will get hurt. You put the lives of my crew at risk. I can’t have such reckless behavior on my team.” The firm tone in her voice, the strong set of her jaw, the fire in her eyes and the slight tilt up of her chin challenged him to defy her. She expected a fight.

  He wouldn’t give her one; she had enough fights on her plate. He had to make her understand that he was her ally. Someone she could depend on. Someone who’d fight for her. Someone, who’d do anything to keep her safe. Not a liability. He came from a strong warrior race. He was a commander in the king's own personal guard. From the moment he learned to walk, he was trained first by his father and then by the king’s own master-at-arms how to use a Charteth, the curved blade of his ancestors, to bring down his enemies. He was trained in advanced interplanetary military tactics, dozens of hand to hand combat techniques from several different warrior species over two different galaxies. More importantly he was taught how to win. He’d lived and breathed for the heat of battle in his whole life. He was a warrior.

  The long years of peace and prosperity had made the Protectorate weak and soft. Despite her fierce warrior’s heart the Protectorate had not prepared Caspia for what she was up against. Be that as it may, he knew that she’d never give up. He also knew that alone on this path she had chosen...he must convince her to let him interrogate the prisoner. It was his chance to prove his worth to her.

  It was also his chance to extract information that would help him track down the demon who annihilated his planet, killed every single male, female and child of his species, and enslaved his galaxy.

  “Are we clear, Trex?” She commanded more than she questioned, as she thrust her ample bosom out. His palms suddenly itched to squeeze and fondle the seductive, round breasts fighting for escape from the tight deep cut bodice of her captain’s suit. “No more going into battle half-loaded.”

  “Yes Captain, we’re clear,” he said with reverence, securing his hands behind his back. He didn’t want to upset her but her safety would always come first. Even if it displeased her.

  “O...Ok, then,” she drawled, searching his face for intent. When she found no opposition, her deep, chocolate eyes softened and the muscles in her neck uncoiled. “Now, you needed me for something?”

  “Yes Captain. I ask for your permission to interrogate the prisoner.”

  “Which prisoner?”

  “The Prime Minister, of course.”

  “Oh, the Prime Minister. Why is that? Do you think you can do a better job than me or the rest of my crew? Do you even have any military training?” The tone in her voice was challenging but also curious.

  “I have not always been a slave, Captain. I used to be a Commander in the Othmarvian army's Royal guard. My people were warriors. We were born to fight and defend our galaxy.”

  “Much good did it do you. I assume the Novokin Alliance somehow overpowered and defeated your people much like mine. That’s why you’re here, right?” She wasn’t playing around. He liked that. She had no fear to say things the way they were. Here was someone who stood her ground and faced him down, even ready to defy him. Most males would never even consider challenging him. He was completely taken by her.

  “The Novokin Alliance did not fight. They are a dishonorable and conniving race. The Novokin army came to my people many cycles ago, under the pretense of conducting trade negotiations while in fact they were seeding our atmosphere with MagnesiumXeflate particles.”

  At the last bit of information, she pursed her lips and nodded sympathetically. “That’s an evil, praking piece of technology. Genocidal warfare. I am so sorry, Trex,” her eyes glimmered with unshed tears.

  He continued, as if he did not hear her, reliving the horrors of his past. “Four trillion people died that day. Including my family.” His voice was hoarse, strained with rage.

  “My planet carried the command post for the entire military force of the Coalition of Planets, and also the most important civilian command post for the entire sector. With the leadership gone, and no advance warning, it took days for me to figure out what had happened. What little military still survived in the sector fell into disarray and was easily defeated within the following weeks. The remaining planets in my galaxy, mostly worlds of agriculture and industry succumbed one after another or were simply obliterated. Others of my species were systematically hunted down and killed. I am the last of my kind.” His chest tightened, as icy-cold realization set in saying the words out loud, for the first time. The last of his kind. Darkness clutched at his soul.

  Suddenly her warm fingers squeezed his arm, inciting a wave of heat surging through his body, threatening to melt the icy fortress that surrounded his raw heart. The wave turned into tsunami as she leaned closer.

  “Where were you, when it happened?” her eyes glistened and her voice cracked.

  He recognized the emotion hiding behind her words. The loss of someone dear. She’d lost someone close to her. The same as he had. In that moment he felt a deeper connection to her, an inexplicable bond. A bond forged between two souls sharing the same, deep, agonizing pain and having bore witnesses to unspeakable evil. A sad smile marred her beautiful features casting a shadow on her inner light. He never wished to see that sad smile, and he’d do everything in his power to make sure it never again befell her radiant face. “I was off world due to the small rivulet of royal blood that runs in my family. Not enough blood to ever even be considered for the throne, but enough to be drafted for the exile."

  "The exile?" She questioned him.

  "It had been standard practice on my world ever since we achieved space travel. Back when our planet was still rife with civil wars and military coups, it was required to have at least one member of the royal family off world at all times. In our modern history, this antiquated tradition often fell to the more distant relatives of the crown. I was already in my third week of forced isolation when the Novokins attacked." He stiffened his back, deliberately trying to distance himself from the images of his return to Othmarvia.

  "When my craft made its timed descent, everyone in the planet was dead. All the cities lay in ruin."

  A tear streaked the beautiful little captain's face and he slid his thumb across her heated cheek to catch it, cupping her stunning face. His other arm wrapped around the small of her back. Pulling her into his chest, she gasped. Her sensual lips parted and he leaned forward to taste her sweet lips.

  His next thought struck him like meteorite. He had a mission to complete. Four trillion souls to avenge. There was no telling, whether he’d even survive his fatal trek. He would not drag her in this. It was his burden to bear and he’d do it alone.

  Resisting his urge to take her, he stiffened his spine, dropped his arms to his sides and let her slip from his embrace. “So, yes Captain, going back to your first question. I think I have adequate mili
tary experience.”

  A bewildered expression took hold of her face. Brown, sparkling, inquisitive eyes locked into his, piercing every barricade all the way through to his very soul.

  “Is it vengeance you’re after?” she queried.

  “Yes Captain, and I will not rest until –."

  “Are you going to torture the man?” she interrupted

  “I’ll do whatever is necessary.”

  “As I thought. My answer is no. There will be no torturing on my ship, or any ship I’m on. I’ve got to draw the line somewhere. I feel for you and your people and when my crew is safe I promise to do what I can to help you fulfill your mission.”

  “But I -.”

  “Nope there will be no further discussion. You may assist me if I require it but I’m not putting you in charge. You’re dismissed.” She lifted her elegant chin, revealing the long, alluring lines of her neck muscles.

  He imagined his lips caressing the nook of her neck, nibbling on the taut muscle. Feeling her life force ebb and flow as his tongue grazed the soft skin. Slowly moving up to steal a taste of her salacious mouth...With a quick jerk of the head, he tore his sights away from her and turned to leave as hunger mounted inside of him. A hunger, he soon wouldn’t be able to control.

  “Trex”, she whispered gently his name and paused.

  He held still waiting for her to continue. Looking toward the exit door. Not daring to set his eyes on her. Not trusting himself. Not anymore.

  The stern tone in her voice did not quite eclipse the hurt behind it, “Next time remember that my lips are off limits to you.”

  There won’t be next time my fearless, beautiful Terran. He strode across the room and out the door.

  Chapter 8

  Two hours and this Garlakian rat sheetek hadn't given us anything. There was no way I was letting this opportunity slip through my fingers, but torture just wasn't in my wheelhouse.

  “Captain? Permission to come aboard the Alliance ship,” the comm system chirped to life with my first officer’s voice.

  “No way Jaxx, we went over this. I can’t put you in any more danger in your condition. How are you doing by the way? Are my godchildren ok?”

  “No worries, all’s good here Captain. Thanks for asking...” he mumbled as a sniffle crept over the still open, comm.

  “What’s going on Jaxx?” Annoyance tinted my voice with a mix of worry.

  “I’m sorry about that Captain. Damn hormones...," he huffed, followed by another sniffle. "We're linked into the Alliance cargo ship's security system and we've not only been monitoring your situation, but have been going through both the ship's and crew's logs of the past several weeks, along with a skeck load of vid surveillance the Prime Minister recorded from cams hidden all over the ship. Based on what we found, we think we may have a possible solution for you.”

  “Go ahead Commander, I’m all ears.”

  “Remember Julie?” he asked.

  “Of course I do.” Julie was the slave girl with the firey red hair whose defiance of her captors led us to liberating the slave caravan on Deep Proteus space station 5.

  “She came up with a way that might help us. Everyone still on board here thinks it’s worth the effort.”

  “What do you think Jaxx?”

  “The clock is ticking Captain, and the longer we wait the greater the chance we’ll get caught out here with our proverbial pants down. I’d say give her a chance.”

  He sounds like a Terran these days. He’s been hanging out with me way too much.

  “Ok, let's hear it."

  "No can do Captain, not with the possibility of ears listening. It would destroy the surprise. I'll send what I can to your data pad, but I think you'll want to see this firsthand."


  I wasn't clear on what exactly they had planned, but Jaxx seemed so confident Julie could make the prime minister talk without resorting to physical abuse, I had to let her try.

  When she arrived, I had to ask myself if this would really work. She was a little slip of a thing, and she looked way too young to have the ability to pry information out of a box of crackers, let alone a person.

  The crew had taken to her quickly, and in the last two days she had familiarized herself with nearly every working aspect of the ship. Anya had been quite impressed by the girl’s quick intellect and eagerness to work, and that was some high praise coming from my engineer. Sure, Julie's adaptability and resilience might be impressive, but this seemed a bit out of her league.

  Upon entering the prime minister’s broken apartment, which we had temporarily converted into a makeshift holding cell, she made a beeline for Trex. She leaned up to him and whispered something into his ear. I felt a small pang of jealousy rise up in me, threatening to lash out. I had to beat it down with a stick.

  I had no reason to be jealous, he wasn’t mine, we weren't attached. He could be with anyone he wanted. It's not as though he clearly expressed an interest in me. One moment he sends me soaring with a single kiss in the midst of a plasma firefight, the next he's cold and distant. Males. Anyway, it was fortunate that he distanced himself when he did. Such close proximity to him and without the bother of prying eyes, I’m not sure I could’ve resisted. Opening his heart to me like he did though, sharing his past, freed something deep inside me. I wanted to hold him, feel the warmth of his body pressed against mine, his strong muscles coiling around mine. I wanted to be with him. To whisper his pain away...

  Of course, all that after a quick lesson in humility. It was obvious his profound sense of superiority relating to his military experience and tactical training had him staring down his nose at this Protectorate Captain's ability. Well, we'll see about that, you barbarian.

  I watched as his sexy, massive figure strode across the room in swift, powerful steps reminiscent of a golden Arpalothian Jaguar on the hunt. Meow! He followed Julie over to where the prime minister and several of his goons were tied up. She nodded at a tall blonde haired man with a swimmer's build and Trex dragged him into his feet. He stood behind the blonde man, grabbing him by the arm with one hand and pulling his hair back with the other, forcing the goon to look at the little red haired girl. I guess the show was about to begin.

  She stood about a foot away from the sneering blonde man and leaned close leveling her eyes with his. "I'm not sure if you know who I am, or moreover what I am. I may look like you, but I'm not. I was born gifted with a power, a long time ago in a galaxy far far away. With this power I can read images directly from your mind and I can tell if you're lying to me or not," her strong voice reverberated throughout the room, a hard look frozen on her pretty, delicate face.

  He scoffed at this.

  Julie responded by rushing the man. She ended up nose to nose with him, her slender fingers splayed and grasped both sides of the blonde man's face, from temples to cheeks. Her eyes rolled around in their sockets, going nearly completely white at times. The muscles in her arms were straining, and I watched in awe, waiting to see what she’d do next. I wasn't alone. So when she leaned in to whisper into the man's ear, everyone in the room strained to listen. "If you tell the truth, this mind meld will be painless and easy. However, if you attempt to hide the truth from me..., well, let's just say, it's been described as agonizing."

  No way. Could she really do that? Jaxx had assured me that no physical harm would befall our hostages. The deadly serious look in her eye and the maniacal tinge to her voice… Let's just say I was impressed, and worried.

  Julie began pulling out pieces of his past, seemingly right from his mind. The other bound guards gaped at her ability and her accuracy. Sometimes she had questions, and other times she just looked at the man and recounted images and stories from his past. Randall, as we learn the man was named, was an open book to her. Her ability was uncanny. Even the prime minister was starting to squirm in his pink frillies. Then her questions intensified.

  "I wanted to thank you Randall, up until now you've been honest with me – to a point." Sh
e whirled, and approached him slow and deliberate. All in witness could see beads of sweat forming in his hairline as she moved closer. He tried to turn away from her but Trex forced his head back in her direction. When he dropped his eyes to the ground, Julie moved up close to the man, resting a gentle hand in the blonde man's shoulder. The room went silent enough to hear the faint background crackle of the open comms system. She whispered softly into his ear.

  "It's okay, you can tell me, you're safe here with me." The lilt of her voice almost a song against the man's whimpering.

  His shoulders bounced up and down uncontrollably as he tried to bite back his sobs. She stroked his face with the back of her hand as would a mother to comfort a small child. Even with Trex holding his head, the man fought to shake it back and forth.

  "No! Don't make me… please," he begged.

  What was she doing to him? Wait, was Trex using his power? I specifically told him no torture. I can't believe Jaxx would be okay with this? I was about to call this off, when the soft song of Julie's voice worked to soothe the soul of the blonde man they were interrogating.

  "Shhhsss, it's okay, it's okay Randall. I'll do it for you, there's no need to hurt." Patting him once more on the cheek, Julie rose and walked towards the remaining prisoners. They all scuttled away from her, including the prime minister who seemed to be a natural at scuttling, except for one. A tall, well-built dark skinned man waited in the now semicircle of prisoners, with his head down and tears staining his face.

  Julie held out a hand to the dark man, which he took without further prompting. She then guided him over to the blonde man she had interrogated, now on his knees and weeping uncontrollably. She stopped in front of Randall and held out her hand for his. Slowly, as if afraid her touch would burn, he tentatively reached his hand out to her also. She brought their hands together and clasped them in hers. She smiled warmly before directing the darker man, "Go to him."


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