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Holiday in Jamaica

Page 8

by Tracy Sinclair

  When they arrived at the restaurant, Erin was almost surprised to find herself seated between Brad and Jason. She wondered cynically how Veronica allowed that to happen. But if the other woman had no control over the seating, at least she could monopolize Jason's attention. Whenever he even turned his head to look at Erin, Veronica put her hand on his arm and drew him back to her. If it hadn't been for Brad, Erin would have been left almost completely to her own devices, but he was amusing and attentive and she turned thankfully to him.

  "When I decided to come to Jamaica, I had no idea it was going to turn into such a great house party," Brad told her. "I just expected to swim and sun and generally commune with nature."

  Erin gave him an amused look. "Why is it that I can't quite see you as a latter-day Thoreau?"

  His feelings were injured. "You're just like all the rest—you think I'm shallow and superficial."

  "Not at all." She had trouble suppressing a chuckle. "I'll bet you just love picnics—as long as there are no ants and the hamper is packed with caviar and champagne."

  His conspiratorial grin was cheerful. "How did you know?"

  They laughed together, and Erin felt her troubles lifting for the moment. When he asked her to dance, she accepted with pleasure. As Brad held her chair, she glanced briefly at Jason, but he was deep in conversation with the predatory Veronica. Obviously, he didn't care what Erin did, or with whom, and her smile was a little fixed as she followed Brad onto the dance floor.

  He was an excellent dancer, and following him was not only effortless but also a joy. Erin became so caught up in the intricate rhythm of a complicated number that she didn't realize the other dancers had cleared a space around them and were watching them perform. Only when the music stopped and the whole room applauded did she realize that everyone had been watching. She was consumed with embarrassment.

  Putting both arms around her, Brad lifted her exuberantly into the air. "You're absolutely fantastic, luv."

  "Put me down," she muttered. "Everybody's looking."

  "Of course they are. Let's give them an encore."

  "Not on your life," she told him, and led the way back to the table.

  Jason and Veronica were watching their approach with differing reactions. Veronica looked like she had just bitten into a sour pickle, but Jason's expression was enigmatic.

  He rose as Erin reached the table and, helping her into her chair, said softly, "It seems you have hidden talents. Do they extend to every department?"

  Erin blushed scarlet and replied, "I don't know what you mean."

  "Don't you?" he murmured.

  "How about this woman?" Brad asked proudly, oblivious to the byplay. "Isn't she terrific?"

  "Unquestionably," Jason agreed. "Perhaps she will honor me with this dance, even though I can't promise to put her in the spotlight."

  His sardonic tone caused an angry denial to spring to Erin's lips, but before she could refuse she caught a glimpse of Veronica's face. The other girl was clearly furious, and it delighted Erin so much that she accepted sweetly and even put her hand confidingly in his.

  On the dance floor, she had reason to regret her moment of spite. It was a slow number, and Jason held her close, his right arm wrapped tightly around her waist, molding her tense body to his. She could feel his warm breath on her cheek, and his hard nearness caused her heart to skip a beat.

  They danced in silence for a few moments and then he said, "Are you having a good time?"

  "Yes, thank you," she answered, like an obedient little girl.

  "You and Brad seem to be hitting it off quite well," he observed.

  "That's fortunate for you, isn't it?"

  He raised a questioning eyebrow. "In what way?"

  "Well, since he seems to have taken an interest in me, that leaves you free to devote all your time to… your other guests."

  "Meaning Veronica?"

  "I didn't mention anyone specific," Erin said primly.

  At first he was amused, but then his face sobered. "I'm sorry this week is such a foul-up, Erin. Believe me, I didn't plan it that way."

  "It couldn't have turned out better if you had," she told him. "I'm enjoying Brad's company enormously."

  "That wasn't exactly what I had in mind."

  The look on his face should have warned her, but Erin felt a childish urge to pay him back for his neglect. "That's too bad, because I couldn't be having a better time."

  His eyes were hard and the corner of his mouth quirked ironically as he tilted her chin up, far from gently. Looking meaningfully into her eyes, he said, "There are other treats in store for you that might prove even more enjoyable."

  Erin drew her breath in sharply. Those ominous words made it clear that he did intend to hold her to that odious bargain. But why? It was obvious that he preferred Veronica. The only time he paid any attention to Erin was to humiliate her and remind her of how much she was in his debt.

  The music ended, and Erin pulled away from him without a word, and started back to the table. Holding her head high, she tried to still her rapid breathing.

  Their dinner was being served when they returned, and for a while everyone was occupied and conversation was general. Even Veronica released her proprietary grip on Jason's arm for the time being. The others commented on how delicious the food was, but Erin wasn't aware of it. She barely touched the fresh lobster cocktail and regarded the tender charcoal-broiled steak with loathing. Her nervous stomach protested with every mouthful. Would it happen tonight when they went back to the house? Jason had spelled everything out for her except the exact time, and the prospect was even more terrible now.

  It was bad enough when he had caressed her lingeringly in his office and told her he wanted her. Although she had sensed his urgent male passion, there was tenderness, too. His hands had been gentle as they touched her, soothing her trembling body and evoking an unexpected response that left her shaking for a different reason.

  He was an experienced lover, all right, Erin told herself bitterly. He could make a woman feel she was someone special even when common sense dictated otherwise. It was Veronica who forced Erin to face the truth. Passion and love were as far apart as the poles. It was Veronica he would marry. It was Erin with whom he would satisfy himself.

  The music started again, and as she tried to swallow past the lump in her throat, Tommy leaned across the table and said, "If you're through pretending to eat, I think it's time you and I showed them what a really classy couple looks like."

  Erin pushed her chair back gratefully and rose to join him on the dance floor. Any interruption of her dark thoughts was welcome, and she liked Tommy even though she didn't know him very well.

  He was tall and lanky and an indifferent dancer, but she felt comfortable in his arms—it was almost like dancing with Bob. And, like her brother, he didn't beat around the bush.

  "I'm not exactly sure what it is, but you look like something's bothering you. Can I help?"

  She smiled at him gratefully, although unexpected tears pricked her eyelids. His concern was touching, and she felt so alone. But he was Jason's friend, after all, and her problems were strictly her own.

  "Everything's just dandy," she assured him, but he wasn't convinced.

  "Is it Veronica?" he asked. "I know she can be pretty hard to take, but you mustn't blame Jason. He didn't invite her here. We were the ones responsible, even though it was strictly accidental—our meeting in the airport, I mean. Of course, Bibi could have gone all day without mentioning our plans, but at least Brad isn't our fault. He just turned up like a bad penny."

  Erin managed the semblance of a smile. "The more the merrier, I say. Brad is charming company, and I'm sure our host is delighted that Veronica is here."

  "Don't jump to any conclusions," Tommy advised her. "I don't know how things stand between you and Jason, but I got the feeling that this was supposed to be a relaxed vacation with just the four of us knocking around this week getting to know each other. Then all of a sudde
n the whole thing turned into a dog and pony show."

  Was that the impression he gave his best friends, Erin wondered bitterly. Just an innocent little get-together? She wondered what Tommy would think if he knew the true purpose of this holiday.

  "Perhaps it isn't turning out exactly as he planned," she told him, "but I'm sure Jason isn't too unhappy about it."

  He looked at her closely. "I don't think you really know Jason."

  Before Erin could answer, Brad and Bibi danced up to them. With a flourish, Brad effected a change of partners.

  "You're a married man," he told Tommy severely, "and you're getting much too serious with this young woman. I'm doing this in the interest of your marriage."

  "You're all heart, Brad," Bibi laughed, as she twirled away in the arms of her husband.

  "What was Tommy telling you?" Brad asked. "You two looked very serious."

  "Did we? I can't imagine why. We were just chatting."

  "No, really. Was Tommy telling you anything about me?" he urged.

  "Is there something I should know?" she smiled. "Actually, I hate to hurt your feelings, but we weren't talking about you. We were talking about Jason."

  For some obscure reason, he seemed relieved. "Old super wolf?" he chuckled. Inelegant but accurate, Erin thought wryly. "He's quite a guy, I can tell you that," Brad added admiringly. "We've been rivals on more than one occasion, and he always beat me out. But at least he's no competition this time. With Veronica here, the field is clear for me. She never lets him too far off the leash."

  "Are they engaged?" Erin asked carefully.

  "Let's just say she'd like to be, and eventually she'll wear the guy down. He just isn't ready yet."

  It was what Erin had surmised, so why did she feel so suddenly bereft? They deserved each other, and it would be a shame to spoil two households!

  "But why are we talking about them?" Brad complained. "You're the one I'm interested in."

  His voice took on a personal note, and at first Erin was going to discourage him. But when she noticed Jason dancing with Veronica wrapped tightly around him, she tilted her head back and gave Brad a provocative look.

  "Because I'm the only woman here who isn't spoken for?" she asked, fluttering her eyelashes seductively.

  He held her close. "It's going to be a pleasure to make you retract those words."

  With her nose mashed unromantically into his shoulder, Erin couldn't estimate the impact on Jason. But when she finally managed to free herself slightly, she caught a glimpse of him looking at them; at least he had noticed.

  She threw herself energetically into her new, if unaccustomed, role of temptress. When the music ended and they returned to the table, Brad had his arm around her waist and she was chattering animatedly with him. The others were already there and the two men stood up politely. If Erin had expected any reaction from Jason, she was disappointed. He seemed to have completely forgotten his annoyance on the dance floor.

  "You look like you're enjoying yourself," he remarked pleasantly.

  She forced a smile. "Oh, I am. Brad is so amusing."

  "The perfect guest," he agreed before turning back to a discussion he was having with Tommy.

  Erin felt snubbed by his polite dismissal. She wanted to make him as miserable as he made her, but what had made her think she could irritate him by playing up to Brad? Jason had only one interest in her, and even that wasn't any burning passion. Sometimes it seemed more like revenge.

  The rest of the evening passed in a merciful blur. They drank coffee and danced and watched the floor show. Jason tried to divide his attention equally among his guests and was finally quite firm with Veronica when she tried to monopolize him. Erin wasn't fooled about his preference. She was very grateful for Brad's unabashed interest and responded more than she normally would have. Actually, his lavish attention would have been annoying at any other time. She knew better than to take him seriously, but at least he provided the semblance of an escort and kept her from feeling completely in the way.

  It was late when they got home, and Bibi yawningly proclaimed that she was off to bed. Tommy went with her, and Erin was about to follow when Jason put his hand on her arm, saying to the other two, "See you in the morning—breakfast around the pool."

  Veronica shot Erin a poisonous look and said to Jason, "I'm not a bit sleepy. I think I'll have a nightcap."

  "Sounds good to me," Brad agreed.

  But Jason's patience as a host was exhausted. "You've both had enough. It's time to turn in."

  Veronica's lips parted in protest, but one look at Jason's face evidently convinced her that the evening was over. Her eyes were sullen and promised retribution, but she swept out of the room, neglecting to say goodnight as a sign of her displeasure. Brad, too, was convinced, and with a lopsided smile and a small salute, followed the angry Veronica.

  "Would you like a nightcap?" Jason asked Erin.

  "I thought you said we'd had enough," she commented.

  "I said they'd had enough." He took both of her hands in a warm clasp. "We haven't had a moment alone since we got here. I'm sorry things have turned out like this."

  She felt suddenly shy at being alone with him so unexpectedly but also angry and hurt. Was she supposed to feel grateful that he had sent Veronica away and was now going to give her five minutes of his valuable time?

  "I'm sure everything turned out for the best," she assured him. "I couldn't have hoped to keep you entertained all by myself."

  He traced her lower lip gently with his forefinger. "It depends on how hard you had tried."

  She flushed at the suggestive meaning in his soft words and said, shortly, "It's been a long day. If you'll excuse me, I'm going to bed."

  A sardonic smile curved his mouth as he said, "By all means. I'll go with you."

  He couldn't mean… Erin took a deep breath and squared her shoulders, marching down the hall ahead of him as though oblivious to his presence. Reaching her room, she put an eager hand on the doorknob, but his strong fingers covered hers, barring the way to safety. A pulse started to throb wildly at the base of her throat, and she bowed her head submissively, her whole body aware of what lay in store. Did he know that this was her first time? She had always expected to give herself with love to someone who would appreciate the gift. But not like this—oh, never like, this!

  Her eyes were bright with unshed tears as he turned her gently to face him. In the dimly lit hall, he seemed very large and frightening. His hands caressed her slim body lingeringly. She started to tremble and looked up at him pleadingly, but he just smiled and bent his head to hers.

  She knew there was no escape by the way he drew her slowly closer, as though savoring the moment of her surrender. His lips claimed hers in a way that left no doubt about his passion. It was no longer a question of whether she could go through with it—that probing, ardent kiss declared his intentions, and there could be no struggle against his superior strength.

  As Erin leaned weakly against the door, resigned and helpless, she felt a gentle caress at the very corner of her tremulous mouth. Peering shyly through her lashes, she looked into his fathomless gray eyes.

  He held her chin lightly in his cupped palm and, scanning her face intently as though to memorize each feature, said with an enigmatic smile, "You'll keep." And then he was gone!

  Erin's emotions were wildly mixed. Sitting on her bed in the darkness a few moments later, she tried to understand what had happened. There was absolutely no doubt in her mind that Jason had meant to possess her, but he had changed his mind. Why? Did the thought of Veronica just down the hall inhibit him? It was more likely that, given the choice, he preferred the tall, cool blond whose hauteur probably masked a passion to match his.

  Erin was delighted, of course, she assured herself repeatedly. She was downright lucky to be less attractive than the other girl. But she would never, as long as she lived, understand men! Her skin still burned from the caress of those seductive fingers. How could he touch he
r like that? How could he kiss her in that special way when he cared nothing about her?

  Was it just to humiliate her? To remind her that he could take her whenever he wanted—if he wanted— and there was nothing she could do about it? This would hang over her head all week, and Erin didn't know if she could bear it. She had tried to fulfill her part bravely, but this exquisite cruelty threatened to crush her spirit. She mustn't let that happen—she wouldn't let it! It was what he wanted!

  Erin paced the room nervously, her body alive with the knowledge of him, her mind hating the reminder.

  Finally, she undressed and got ready for bed, putting on one of the short cotton nighties she had brought from home. The lavender peignoir set beckoned seductively, but Erin gritted her teeth and slammed the door shut.

  I'll never wear that thing and he can't make me, she vowed!

  Chapter Four

  The house party gathered around the pool about ten o'clock, in various stages of health. Brad was nursing a hangover, Veronica was still in a temper about last night and the Exeters and Jason were bright-eyed and bushy-tailed.

  "Where's Manolo with the bacon and eggs?" Tommy asked. "I'm starving."

  Brad groaned. "Could you keep it down to a low roar? And while you're at it, please don't mention eggs. Hard boiled maybe wouldn't be so bad, but why is it I picture them oozing over the plate, all ghastly yellow and white?"

  "Have you ever considered leaving your liver to a medical school?" Bibi asked. "Those college boys would be impressed. I'll bet they've never seen anything like it."

  "The way I feel this morning, they're welcome to it as long as they have a pickup service," Brad informed her.

  "That's disgusting," Veronica told him, "and so are you. If you hadn't made such a fool of yourself last night over that little secretary of Jason's, you wouldn't be feeling so rotten this morning."

  "I fail to see the connection," Brad disagreed. "Erin is my only reason for continuing on in this vale of tears." And looking around, he asked, "Where is the lissome maiden?"

  "Why don't you ask Jason?" Veronica commented nastily. "He was the last one to see her."


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