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Holiday in Jamaica

Page 11

by Tracy Sinclair

  He moved so close that she had to tilt her head to look up at him. "The way you look tonight, I think I'd give you anything you want."

  Erin's pulses started to race and she was thrown into confusion. He always turned the tables on her.

  Fortunately, Bibi joined them and she was spared an answer.

  "Erin that dress is gorgeous, but I still think I was right about the pin." Bibi turned to Jason and said, "I wanted to loan her my diamond pin, but she turned me down cold. Isn't that crazy?"

  He surveyed Erin with a lazy smile, taking in her creamy shoulders and the gentle swelling of her breasts over the low neckline. "You're right. That dress calls out for a diamond pin. If she's a very good girl, maybe I'll buy her one."

  Erin could scarcely believe her ears! With a stricken look, she backed away from him. How could he humiliate her like that in front of Bibi? A man didn't offer to buy a girl diamonds for nothing. He had practically told Bibi how things stood between them, and that was unforgivable!

  When he saw how his careless words had affected her, Jason groaned. "Erin, I'm sorry, it was just a joke." He reached for her cold hands and held them tightly when she would have pulled away. "I was only teasing you, little one."

  His eyes were so tender as they rested on her chastened face that Erin looked at him uncertainly. She had never known Jason to apologize for anything. Had it truly been just a joke?

  To Erin's great relief, Bibi evidently thought so. Glancing from one to the other, she said, "I think Tommy is looking for me," and, giving Erin an almost imperceptible wink, she disappeared.

  Jason didn't even notice. His whole attention was focused on Erin, and he was struggling with some deep emotion.

  "I don't know why I play these games with you," he said. "Why don't I just come right out and tell you—"

  "Well, here we are and I want you to know it wasn't easy," Brad interrupted. He was carrying two tall glasses and a couple of paper cocktail napkins. Handing one of the drinks to Erin, he said, "I hope you realize all the things I'm prepared to do for you."

  A mask came down over Jason's face and the opportunity was lost. Whatever he had been going to tell her would have to wait. It probably wasn't anything important, Erin thought hopelessly.

  "It looks like a fun evening," Brad commented. "I saw Dwayne and Karen in there," he nodded toward the bar. "They're always good for laughs."

  "That's right," Jason agreed, tight lipped. "I'd better go say hello to them," and he left abruptly.

  Veronica made her grand entrance at that point, posing for a dramatic moment in the doorway. She was clad in a long, clinging gown of silver lame that seemed poured onto her exquisite figure. Erin looked at the other woman with a sinking heart. Wait until Jason saw that!

  The room was crowded now. As people stopped to say hello to Brad, he introduced them to Erin. She was grateful to him for taking her under his wing, but she felt guilty.

  "You mustn't think you have to stick by my side," she told him.

  "Are you trying to get rid of me?" he demanded.

  "No, of course not, but I'm sure you want to circulate and talk to your friends."

  Slipping his arm through hers, he said, "We'll circulate together. I want to show you off. I want everyone to know that I have the prettiest date at the party."

  "This isn't exactly a date," she objected.

  "Of course it is. Whatever you and Jason have going doesn't matter right now because he's too busy anyway. Tonight you're all mine." His eyes complimented her warmly, but Erin didn't feel a thing.

  Brad was a handsome man, and he was going out of his way to make her feel desirable. Why did his obvious interest leave her cold, while one kind word from Jason made her quiver like a schoolgirl? Even an angry glance from Jason was better than no attention at all. She hated this weakness in herself and vowed to put an end to it.

  Giving Brad a dazzling smile, she said, "It sounds like a memorable evening."

  They circled the living room and the bar, and Brad introduced her to everyone. Erin couldn't possibly keep all the names straight. She eventually stopped trying and concentrated on the conversation instead.

  After she got over her initial stage fright, she found that these people were much like the ones she met in her own social circle. Some were very pleasant and others were not her type. People were people and money didn't seem to have anything to do with it. It was an interesting thought to tuck away and mull over later.

  In all the excitement of making new acquaintances and moving around, she barely had time to taste her drink. Brad replenished his at regular intervals. Or perhaps he merely set them down here and there and then got a fresh one. That must be it, she decided, because he certainly didn't appear to be getting drunk.

  The music started and Erin looked surreptitiously around for Jason. Would he ask her for the first dance? Although Brad had proclaimed her to be his date, wasn't she actually Jason's? She realized wryly that she was indulging in wishful thinking. As if to reinforce the fact, she glimpsed him leading a radiant Veronica onto the floor.

  During the course of the evening, Erin watched Jason out of the corner of her eye, but he never troubled his head over her. True, he was the host and had to take care of his guests, but he might have given a little thought to her, Erin thought resentfully. When he wasn't part of a laughing group, he was dancing with one or another of the attractive girls. Didn't he know any homely women, she wondered caustically.

  Who needs him, anyway? Erin tossed her head and smiled brilliantly up at her current partner. She couldn't complain about being neglected by the other men, at least. Her early fears about monopolizing Brad were groundless. After the music started, it was all he could do to get a dance with her as she was whirled from one to another of the men she had just met.

  "I can't get near you," he complained when the music paused briefly and he claimed her before anyone else could. "Let's go get a drink and find a quiet room where we can talk."

  Erin looked at him doubtfully. "Why don't we dance instead?"

  He didn't offer any argument and took her in his arms obediently, but she soon regretted the suggestion. He crushed her so uncomfortably close that it was distasteful.

  Struggling to free herself, Erin asked, "How much have you had to drink?"

  As though guessing her thoughts, Brad released her promptly. "Don't worry, baby, I'm not drunk. I haven't even had that much to drink." At her skeptical look, he explained, "It's my image. Everybody expects good old Brad to be the life of the party and live it up, so I don't disappoint them. I have an arrangement with the bartenders—they fill my glass with soda and just a splash of booze to color it. I stay sober and everyone else is satisfied."

  Erin breathed a sigh of relief. Brad was fun and she was glad there wasn't going to be any unpleasant misunderstanding between them. When the number ended, she walked willingly with him toward the bar, only to be stopped by Tommy.

  "I believe this is my dance," he said smoothly, and led her away over Brad's loud protests. "You've made quite a hit this evening; I've been watching you," Tommy commented. "Jason is apt to get jealous if you don't watch out."

  Erin's smile was tinged with bitterness. "Jason doesn't even know I'm here tonight—and he cares less. He hasn't asked me to dance once."

  Tommy seemed about to say something and then changed his mind. "He's been pretty busy playing host," he reminded her.

  Not too busy to dance with Veronica, Erin thought, but aloud she said, "Of course. I understand and I really don't mind. Brad introduced me around, and he's been hovering over me like a guardian angel. He's really a darling."

  "That's what I wanted to talk to you about." Tommy cleared his throat and then paused as though looking for the right words. "You're very young, Erin, and you don't know Brad like the rest of us do. He's a lot of fun, but he has quite a reputation as a… uh… ladies' man. He can be very charming and persuasive—especially when he's drunk."

  "Oh, I know all about that," she assur
ed him. "Brad told me."

  Her answer clearly took Tommy by surprise. "What do you mean?"

  "He told me all about his image and just pretending to drink." At his puzzled look, she added, "You know, the way he tells the bartenders to put hardly any liquor in his glass."

  "That's a new one," Tommy snorted. "I've never heard that one before. The guy gets more inventive every day. Listen, Erin, do yourself a favor and stay away from Brad. He's bad news."

  "Who's bad news?" a voice interjected, and Erin was startled to find Jason smiling down at her. As always when he was near, her pulses started to race and she felt tongue-tied; but there was no need for words. Taking her hand out of Tommy's, he swept her into his arms possessively. "It's the host's privilege to cut in," he asserted.

  It was so swiftly done that she hardly realized that what she had hoped for all evening was really happening. And she hadn't engineered it. He had come looking just for her! Erin's hand rested lightly against his shoulder, feeling the muscles ripple under his dinner jacket. She was actually here in his arms! Unconsciously, she pressed her body against his hard male length and felt his muscular thighs pressed against hers. A soft sigh of pure bliss escaped her lips, and the vow to resist his dangerous attraction seemed unimportant. It didn't matter that he wasn't in love with her. Nothing mattered except the chance to be close to him like this, inhaling the wonderful masculine aroma of him.

  Erin didn't know how long they danced this way. She would have been content to go on forever, but he finally broke the silence, bringing her unwillingly back to earth.

  "Are you having a good time?" His deep voice caused shivers up her spine.

  "Oh, yes!" Her heartfelt answer was warmer than she intended. But it was all right, since he couldn't know that he was the cause of it.

  "You're the belle of the ball. I saw all the men clustered around you."

  "I didn't think you noticed."

  "How did you arrive at that conclusion?" he asked dryly.

  "I thought you were too busy with… other things."

  He sighed. "Erin, it would make things much easier if you would stop behaving like a child."

  The blood rushed to her cheeks. He might at least have apologized for not coming near her all evening! He had plenty of time for Veronica. She raised her chin defiantly. "All I said was that you've been busy. Do you have to bite my head off?"

  "I wasn't aware of doing that," he answered grimly. "Why do you always misinterpret everything I say? I was only trying to explain that I couldn't be rude to my guests."

  He obviously didn't put her in that category, and Erin felt hurt and angry. "Of course not. We all know you're the perfect host." In spite of the glitter in his eyes, she continued recklessly, "Luckily, I was well taken care of. Brad saw to it that I didn't feel neglected."

  The tension between them was almost tangible, and Erin could have cried. What had happened to the glorious sensation they had shared when he took her in his arms and their bodies merged? She was sure he had felt it too, but now the mood was torn like fabric on a piece of barbed wire. Why did they always fence with each other in this ugly way? Erin knew she was the one who usually started it, but she couldn't accept his polite indifference. At least when they were arguing, he knew she was alive.

  Jason's face was shuttered and distant, and Erin felt chilled. She never knew what response he might have made because Manolo approached, asking for a private word.

  Jason turned to her, saying with icy correctness, "You'll have to excuse me. Shall I take you back to Brad or do you think you can find your own way?"

  Fighting back angry tears, Erin raised her chin. "You don't have to worry about me, I know exactly where I'm going."

  The rest of the evening was merely an ordeal to be endured. She didn't think anyone noticed a change in her, but all the fun had gone out of the party. She went through the motions of eating and dancing, laughing and talking, but it was just a charade. Jason never came near her again. Whenever she sensed he was looking at her across the room, she forced herself to appear animated, especially when she was with Brad. But if it bothered Jason, it wasn't apparent.

  It was the early morning hours before the evening eventually ground to a halt. Erin was exhausted, more emotionally than physically, and she couldn't wait for it to end. Most of the guests had left, but a few diehards lingered on for a last nightcap, a last conversation about future plans. Finding herself momentarily alone, Erin felt the urgent need for a solitary breath of fresh air and managed to slip quietly out the patio door.

  It was a serene tropical night and the calm elements soothed her troubled spirits. The ocean was rolling peacefully in and out as it had for a millennium, the foamy surf along the shore line touched with phosphorous as it broke on the beach. It drew her like a magnet, and she slipped off the flimsy backless sandals and walked out on the sand.

  The beach was deserted, and Erin was grateful for that. But before she had gone more than a few steps, she heard muffled footsteps coming from the direction of the house. At first she was annoyed. Then, turning around, she perceived the silhouette of a tall man, obviously targeted on her, and the beat of her heart almost drowned out the ocean. Had Jason noticed her leaving? Was he coming out to put things right between them? Her hopes were fleeting as the moonlight revealed it was only Brad.

  "I've been looking all over for you," he complained. "Everyone's gone and I couldn't think where you'd got to."

  Erin sighed. Brad had proved to be a good friend, but she had had enough of him tonight—enough of everyone. "I just came out for a little air, and now I'm going to bed."

  "Good idea. I'll go with you," he said, sliding his arms around her waist.

  Surely he didn't realize how that sounded, but Erin suddenly found him distasteful. Pushing against his chest, she said sharply, "Let go of me."

  For answer, he pulled her closer, nuzzling her neck and saying, "You know you don't mean that. This is what it's all been leading up to and you want it as much as I do."

  "I don't know what you're talking about," she said, struggling but to no avail.

  "Aw, come on, baby, this is no time to turn coy."

  His mouth covered hers, and she squirmed away from the sour odor of liquor on his breath. Redoubling her efforts, she said through clenched teeth, "You're drunk! Take your hands off me!"

  Instead, he started to nibble on her ear. When she jerked her head away, he transferred his passionate kisses to her neck and shoulders, sliding his mouth down to her soft cleavage. It was impossible to break his iron grip. While she was desperately trying, he hooked one leg around both of hers and threw her to the sand, falling heavily on top of her.

  Looking up at his face swollen with desire, Erin was genuinely alarmed. She opened her mouth to scream, but he covered her lips with a hateful kiss. His hands were roaming over her body and she felt a terrible revulsion.

  With an unexpected strength born of fear and disgust, she managed to push him over on his side. But before she could escape, he wound his legs around hers, pulling her over on top of him and pinioning her hands behind his head so her arms were around his neck. In fact, anyone who didn't know better might have thought she was embracing him. With one of his hands, he held the back of her neck in a viselike grip, gluing her face to his. The other hand was free to explore her body. Erin writhed agonizingly in an effort to get away, which only served to excite him further. He kept thrusting his body against hers.

  Then, almost like a miracle, a firm hand gripped her arm and she was hauled to her feet, away from the loathsome creature on the sand. Turning to her rescuer, she saw with joy that it was Jason—but her happiness was short lived.

  His face was white with fury, and, although his voice was low and controlled, the words were venomous. "Couldn't you wait until you got to your room?"

  Erin gasped as though he had struck her! "You don't understand. He was—"

  "I understand perfectly," he interrupted in that deadly voice. "I just find it difficult to
condone your lack of… discretion." His look of contempt was devastating.

  "Jason, I can explain…" Brad had got to his feet and busied himself brushing away the sand in an attempt to avoid Jason's eye.

  "Shut up and get out of here!" Each word was bitten savagely short.

  Brad tried again. "Erin and I…" His words trailed off at the sight of Jason's face, and he hastened to do as he was told.

  Erin was appalled at the interpretation being put on the ugly scene. It wasn't fair after the ordeal she had just been through. "You've got to listen to me," she cried. "It's not what you think!"

  It was as though he didn't even hear her. A terrible smile curved his mouth and his eyes were cruel and mocking. "I'm surprised you two were able to restrain yourselves for the entire evening. I suppose I really should apologize for interrupting at such an inopportune moment."

  She couldn't believe it! "What are you saying?"

  "I'm sure you understood me." His voice was heavy with irony.

  Erin was almost in tears, but she made a last desperate attempt to explain. "Why won't you believe me? Can't you see Brad is drunk? He followed me out to the beach. I had nothing to do with it."

  Jason took a step closer, his hands clenching and unclenching. He made no move to touch her. "Are you trying to tell me you didn't have your arms around him? That you weren't letting him make love to you—" He interrupted himself with a derisive laugh. "What do I mean, letting him? You were leading the way!"

  Erin's nerves were at the breaking point. She felt used and disillusioned and her anger flared to meet his, although she felt a sickness in the pit of her stomach. Naturally he was on Brad's side, as one womanizer to another. His anger was merely occasioned because someone else had tried to play with his toy. She had had enough of all of them. "Imagine whatever you like and I hope you enjoy the picture! I'm going to bed."

  She started toward the house, but his hand clamped roughly onto her wrist, swinging her around. "Yes, you're going to bed, but with me, not lover boy," he snarled. "And not here. Not on the beach like two stray alley cats."


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