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Holiday in Jamaica

Page 13

by Tracy Sinclair

  It was said lightly, as a joke, but that about summed up his feelings, Erin thought grimly. She was supposed to jump when he commanded like a circus poodle. Turning aside to hide the sudden tears that stung her eyelids, she started for the door. But his voice stopped her.

  "Did you enjoy the trip, Erin?"

  She turned back fractionally, just enough to satisfy good manners. "Yes, it was very interesting."

  "Tell us about it." His tone was peremptory, and Erin felt like a little child being called upon to recite for company. Why was he trying to humiliate her? Wasn't last night enough?

  Veronica's petulant voice cut in. "Oh, for heaven's sake, Jason, who cares about a tourist trip on a hick train?"

  "Have you ever been on it?" Bibi demanded.

  "Of course not! I'd have to be tied up and kidnapped before anyone could get me on that dumb thing."

  Bibi's face took on a speculative look, and she raised her eyebrows at Erin, who suddenly felt better. They both laughed and Jason, who was watching them closely, asked what was so funny.

  "Just a private joke," Bibi told him airily. "Erin, let's show them the dresses we had made."

  But Veronica said, "Not now. We're on our way to a cocktail party at the Detweilers."

  Bibi looked to Jason for confirmation and he nodded. "Tommy is still at the club. He wanted to play singles, so we left him there. We'll wait for you to get ready and he can join us whenever he's through."

  "We're late already," Veronica complained. "How long will it take you?" From the tone of her voice it was obvious that she didn't welcome their company.

  "There's no big rush to get to the Detweilers," Bibi said. "Their parties last forever. I feel grubby and I'll bet Erin does, too. I'm going to soak in the tub for hours, so you and Jason go on ahead. We'll wait for Tommy."

  Veronica looked like she had just been presented with a saucer of cream, and Jason didn't look too unhappy, either, Erin thought grimly. His face was expressionless, but he made no attempt to urge the two to join them. Veronica hustled him out of the house before he could have second thoughts.

  "Take your time, Erin," Bibi said after they had gone. "Knowing Tommy, he won't be home for quite a while."

  "If you don't mind, I think I'll stay home," Erin told her. "It's been a full day, and I'd just like to purl up with a book."

  Bibi shrugged. "If that's what you feel like, why not? Are you sure?"

  "Yes. I'm really not used to all this partying. I don't see how you do it every night."

  "It gets to be a way of life," Bibi told her cheerfully. "Well, if you change your mind, just holler."

  But as Erin ran a bath and poured fragrant bath salts into the swirling water, she knew she wouldn't change her mind. Let Veronica have her triumph. At least tonight Erin wouldn't have to watch it.

  Luxuriating in the tub for a long time, Erin felt her tensions lifting as the scented water relaxed her. By the time she got out and dried herself, there were muffled voices down the hall, indicating that Tommy had returned and he and Bibi were getting ready for the party.

  Sweeping her auburn hair off her neck, she pinned it carelessly on top of her head and slipped into a lightweight robe. As she reentered the bedroom, there was a knock at the door.

  "Erin," Bibi called, "we're about ready to leave, but you still have time to change your mind."

  Erin opened the door and smilingly shook her head. "No, thanks, you two go on." And looking at her friend resplendent in finery, she added, "You look gorgeous."

  "And you look comfortable. For two pins, I'd kick off these spike heels and stay home with you."

  "Nonsense! Go ahead and have fun," Erin told her.

  After they had left, an eerie silence settled on the house, accustomed as it was to the ring of voices. Rosa and Manolo were somewhere about, but no sound reached Erin's bedroom and she felt completely isolated. Well, this was what she had wanted, wasn't it? She walked to the window and looked out at the calm ocean sparkling in the moonlight. Was Jason looking at it, too—with Veronica?

  Turning away abruptly, she walked with determined steps to her bedside table, where a stack of books were piled. This moping around had to stop. If he thought she was going to waste her time wondering what he was doing, he had another thought coming. After much deliberation, she chose a current novel she had been wanting to read and carried it over to the chaise. Tucking her bare feet under her, she started to read, forcing herself to concentrate.

  It proved to be an engrossing story, and Erin was completely oblivious to the passing time until a knock sounded at her door. Oh, dear, she thought guiltily, that was probably Rosa or Manolo wanting to know when she wanted dinner. She had completely forgotten to tell them she wasn't hungry, and now she had held them up for no good reason.

  "Come in," she called, prepared to apologize.

  But when the door opened, Erin received a shock. Jason stood in the doorway, tight lipped yet looking impossibly handsome. With a thudding heart, Erin scrambled to her feet, tightening the thin robe around herself more securely.

  Jason noticed the unconscious gesture and a faintly derisive smile touched his mouth. He merely said, "What are you doing here?"

  "Shouldn't I be asking you that?"

  He frowned, ignoring her question. "I told you to come with Bibi and Tommy. Why didn't you?"

  "No, you didn't," Erin said defensively. "You told Bibi to wait for Tommy. You didn't mention me. Besides, I thought you'd be pleased. This way there are two couples. No one needs an extra woman."

  His expression changed and there was an unaccountable gleam in his eyes as he studied her closely. "Is that why you didn't come? Because of Veronica?"

  Did he think she was jealous of that dumb blond? Erin gritted her teeth. She would correct that impression right now! Adopting an elaborately casual tone, she said, "Well, when Brad was here we made an even number, but five is kind of awkward, don't you think?"

  Jason's face darkened and he took a step toward her while Erin held her breath. Mentioning Brad's name had been foolhardy, but it was the only way she could think to get back at him. Had she gone too far?

  His eyes were stormy as he said shortly, "Get your clothes on. You're coming to the party."

  "I'd rather not," she said.

  He looked at her coldly. "I said you're coming."

  Stung by his peremptory tone, Erin's anger rose to meet his. "I won't and you can't make me!"

  Jason smiled, but his eyes were hard. Reaching out almost lazily, he took the pins out of her hair. It tumbled in a silken curtain about her flushed face. He was very close to her now, and she started to tremble as his glance swept casually over her slim body. She clutched the deep vee of her robe together and then regretted the inadvertent gesture as his gaze was drawn to the soft upward thrust of her breasts under the thin fabric.

  "You have two choices," he said softly. "Either you get dressed by yourself or I'll do it for you."

  Erin drew her breath in sharply. There was no doubt that he meant exactly what he said, and he had left her no way to back down gracefully. But it was her own fault for challenging him directly. Hadn't she learned by now that Jason Dimitriou always came out a winner?

  Her face was mutinous as she admitted defeat. "Give me a few minutes and I'll be ready." He inclined his head regally and sat down in a chair, picking up the book she had been reading. Erin looked at him in astonishment. "Aren't you going to wait outside?"

  He looked up with complete disinterest. "Don't be such a child—and don't dawdle. I've wasted enough time coming all the way back here to get you, so see that you speed it up or I'll have to give you a hand."

  Giving him an outraged look, she moved selfconsciously to the closet and took the first dress she touched. Then, gathering up the rest of her things, she took them into the dressing room, and securely locked the door. Luckily for Erin, she was spared the look of amusement on his face when he heard the latch click.

  In record time, she reappeared, fully clothed
but with a rebellious expression on her face, which Jason ignored. Taking her chin in his hand, he inspected her minutely and said, "You look pale. Put on some rouge."

  "I don't use rouge," she told him.

  "You will tonight," he assured her.

  Erin had never been treated like this in all of her sheltered life, and she opened her mouth to tell him so. But one look at Jason's firm jaw convinced her to follow instructions. As she started toward the dressing table, she couldn't resist one barbed shot.

  "There are some men who like me the way I am," she told him, stung into angry indiscretion.

  He grabbed her arm savagely and pulled her around to face him. "Is that who you were waiting for tonight?"

  "What are you talking about?" She was honestly puzzled.

  "Don't play the innocent maiden with me!" Jason's face was carved out of granite. "Were you waiting for Brad? Is that why you were dressed like that when I came in?" His lip curled. "Or undressed, I should say."

  Erin flinched and turned even paler. Her lips quivered as she whispered, "You can't believe that."

  His eyes searched her face and there was some powerful emotion flickering in their depths. "I don't know what to believe anymore. Could I really be so wrong about you?" He held her face between his palms and looked deep into her sapphire eyes. "You're so heartbreakingly beautiful," he murmured in a husky voice, bending his head toward her.

  A shiver ran through Erin and for a moment she felt actually ill. He believed all those terrible things about her and Brad and yet he still wanted to make love to her! Or maybe that enhanced her desirability. Had he decided she was an experienced woman who would give him great pleasure in bed? Well, he would never find out. It was at that precise moment that Erin realized that no matter what he did to her,. she couldn't go through with the bargain.

  Her legs were trembling and her mouth was dry, but she forced the words out. "Let me go home, Jason. I'm sorry, but this whole trip was a mistake. I thought I could go through with it, but I can't."

  His passion slowly receded as he looked at the miserable girl confronting him. Lighting a cigarette, he inhaled deeply. "Aren't you forgetting something?" he asked ironically.

  The ten thousand dollars, of course. He still had that to hold over her head. How could she possibly raise it? There had to be another solution. Squaring her shoulders, she said, "I'll pay off the money some other way. Maybe… maybe I can borrow it," she added desperately, although she couldn't imagine where.

  His face hardened. "Brad is a very rich man, but I think you'll find his interest rates are the same as mine."

  The enormity of his suspicions took her breath away. "You're detestable!" she cried. "I wasn't thinking of Brad. I don't want anything to do with him—or you, either. I just want to go home."

  His face was cruel and there was no longer any desire in it, just grim determination. Erin's head drooped with the realization that she was completely at his mercy and there was nothing she could do about it. She didn't even have enough money for her fare home.

  Putting his finger under her chin, he forced her to look at him. "Right now, we're going to a party and you're going to pretend you enjoy being with me."

  Mercifully, the ride to the Detweiler house was short, because they drove it in complete silence. Jason seemed preoccupied with his thoughts and Erin languished in the farthest corner of the front seat, a small bundle of misery.

  When they reached the house, he helped her out in a perfunctory manner and escorted her inside. As usual, there was a large crowd, and many of the same people present had been at Jason's the night before. Erin found herself being greeted as part of the group, and, to her surprise, Jason stayed by her side as though he were truly her ,escort. Or was he afraid she might somehow manage to escape before he was through tormenting her, Erin wondered bitterly?

  Bibi materialized out of the crowd and looked at Erin in surprise. "You changed your mind! That's great, but how did you get here?"

  "I went back and picked her up," Jason said without further explanation.

  Bibi looked at them speculatively, but all she said was, "I see."

  Tommy joined them then and showed surprise also. "Well, look who came to the party. Glad to see you, Erin. How did Jason get you to change your mind?"

  Before she could answer, Jason smiled mockingly at her and said, "I have hidden powers of persuasion, don't I, my love?"

  He slipped his arm around her waist and pulled her to him. For a moment her head rested against his hard shoulder before she strained against his encircling arm. But it was like a steel band and she was forced to let him hold her, terribly conscious of the warmth of his body next to hers.

  "Jason, I've been looking all over for you. Where on earth have you been?" Veronica's petulant voice demanded his immediate attention.

  For the first time, Jason showed irritation with his beautiful blond houseguest. Barely containing his annoyance, he said, "Veronica, surely you must have something better to do than keep tabs on me all evening."

  Her face flushed an ugly red and she snapped, "How dare you talk to me like that."

  "I seem to be the only one who can, my dear," he drawled insolently.

  "You think I'll take anything from you, don't you?" Her voice had risen shrilly and people were turning around to look.

  "Lower your voice, Veronica." Jason's tone was deadly.

  "You can't tell me what to do," she shot back furiously, seemingly intent on making a scene.

  Erin was horrified and shrank back into the crowd. There was no telling what Veronica might say. She was working herself into a tantrum, and Erin didn't want to be her next target. Making her way to the farthest side of the room seemed to be the safest idea.

  Bibi found her there and remarked, "Our Veronica is in rare form tonight, isn't she? Don't worry about it, though; nobody pays any attention. This time Jason doesn't seem in the mood to calm her down, but that's all to the good. Either she'll toe the mark tomorrow or else. Either way we win."

  "Does she do this often?" Erin asked.

  "Often enough."

  "But I don't understand. Why do people put up with her?"

  Bibi shrugged. "I guess it has something to do with the fact that most of us have known each other all our lives. Or maybe we just feel sorry for her."

  "Sorry for her!" Erin cried, unable to credit this explanation. "How could you? She has everything!"

  Bibi looked at her pityingly. "When will you accept the fact, Erin, that you have more."

  The rest of the evening passed in an uneasy blur for Erin. She spent most of it staying out of Jason's path. At times, she saw him searching for her, but the frown on his face convinced her to move in the opposite direction. Avoiding Veronica was automatic. Erin didn't feel up to a battle of wits with either of them, and the effort to be on her guard was exhausting.

  At some point, most of the party moved to another house where a buffet supper was laid out. Erin dutifully accompanied Bibi and Tommy. She couldn't eat a morsel, but at least she was with her good friends and she stuck unobtrusively close to them.

  Finally, Bibi started to yawn and said, "I've about had it. How about you, Erin?"

  "Oh, yes!" Erin's answer was so heartfelt that Bibi grinned. "Just let me tell Jason I'm going and I'll be right back."

  She couldn't make the mistake again of merely disappearing. Jason had made it abundantly clear that he had paid for her time and was entitled to an accounting. Spotting him across the room, Erin approached him diffidently.

  "Bibi and Tommy are going home now. Do you mind if I go with them?"

  He looked searchingly over the crowd. When he glimpsed them waiting in the doorway, his face relaxed. "If you like," he said indifferently.

  It obviously made no difference to him whether she went or stayed, and Erin felt like an idiot for having disturbed him. "Well… good night," she said uncertainly.

  "Good night." His enigmatic eyes held hers for a long moment. "Perhaps I'll see you later."r />
  Erin was silent in the car going home, but nobody noticed. Bibi chattered on about the party and Tommy concentrated on his driving, punctuating it with massive yawns. When they parted in the hall, Erin was keyed up like a finely tuned instrument.

  What did Jason's last words to her mean? Were they a warning that he didn't intend to let her out of her promise in spite of her plea that she couldn't go through with it? If that were the case, there would be nothing she could do. Erin knew from bitter experience that he was capable of forcing her to submit to his superior male strength. Was tonight the night? And, if so, would he take her more gently than that terrible last time?

  Erin undressed and slipped beneath the covers, her whole body taut with uncertainty. She stared at the ceiling, willing herself to relax, but Jason was a tangible presence in her bed. She could almost feel his hard body covering hers, and, with a shiver, she covered her breasts with her arms.

  The minutes ticked by unnoticed, and Erin didn't know how much later it was that she heard muted voices in the hall. Jason and Veronica had returned.

  She waited, unbearably tense in the darkness, but her bedroom door remained closed. After a while the house grew silent. A long time later, Erin fell asleep.

  Chapter Seven

  Breakfast at Jason's house was an informal affair that would have driven most servants to give notice, but Rosa and Manolo didn't seem to mind. Everyone ate whenever he felt like it, and, unless otherwise specified, the food was laid out English style on a long marble buffet in the dining room. There were pitchers of iced fruit juices and covered silver chafing dishes that kept the eggs and ham and sausages piping hot. A silver service at one end held coffee and tea, and there were baskets of blueberry muffins and small coffee cakes.

  When Erin came in to breakfast the next morning, she found everyone but Veronica already assembled. Helping herself to a plate, she joined them at the long, polished dining room table.

  "Did you sleep well, Erin?" Jason asked.

  She looked at him warily. Surely it was just a polite question from a solicitous host, but why did she detect a sardonic gleam in his eye? Or was there? She had got into the habit of examining his smallest utterance, which was fruitless. She still couldn't figure him out.


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