Holiday in Jamaica

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Holiday in Jamaica Page 15

by Tracy Sinclair

  "Well… if you're sure you're up to it," he gave in reluctantly.

  "Oh, I am! Honestly, I am. I'll take a hot bath and soak out all the kinks. I'll be as good as new."

  Her face was tilted eagerly up to his and he put his hands on her shoulders. Something flickered deep in his eyes, and Erin's senses quickened as she wondered if he was going to take her in his arms. But instead, he turned her around and she heard the soft purr of her zipper being unzipped. Then, before she could stop him, he unhooked her bra.

  Clutching her blouse to her, Erin gasped, "What are you doing?"

  She started to turn around to face him, but he slid his arms around her waist, pulling her against him and kissing the back of her neck. "You said it hurt to reach around. How did you expect to get out of your clothes?"

  Erin's rigid body relaxed and she felt foolish. "I don't know," she mumbled.

  He kissed the soft skin behind her ear and sudden waves of feeling swept over her. "Well, now you know."

  His warm mouth was traveling down her back, pausing sensuously at each bump of her spine, and her pulses started to throb like a tom-tom. She leaned weakly against him, all will to resist long gone, and he held her for a delicious moment.

  Erin was floating on a pink cloud of happiness. It came as a rude shock when he gave her a firm pat on the bottom and ordered, "Now go get in a hot tub."

  When she turned around, he was going out the door.

  Chapter Eight

  The party at the yacht club that Erin was so determined to attend was a costume party. The theme was "Caribbean Night," and all the guests were supposed to dress in their version of native attire. This left a wide latitude, but at least the men were guaranteed comfort for one night, freed of their usual coats and ties.

  After Erin had convinced Bibi that she was feeling fine, the two women discussed their costumes.

  "I have a couple of sarongs that I think would be just perfect," Bibi said. "They might be more South Seas than Caribbean, but who's to know?" She rummaged in her drawer and came up with two brightly colored lengths of cloth. "This one will be darling on you, Erin."

  It was brilliantly patterned in large flowers of purple and fuchsia on a white background. Erin accepted it gratefully.

  "It's beautiful, Bibi. How can I thank you? You're always doing nice things for me."

  Looking at her friend's radiant face, Bibi commented, "It looks like you and Jason patched things up. Didn't I tell you everything would be okay as soon as we got rid of Veronica and Brad?"

  The words gave Erin pause. In spite of the truce, Jason's bitter suspicions about her and Brad still hung over her like a cloud. He had never said he believed her. And Veronica was gone, but was she really forgotten? However, she refused to dwell on anything unpleasant tonight. Surely nothing could go wrong on this charmed day, and tomorrow was far away. She was completely carefree as she went to her room to dress.

  After securing the knot on her sarong, Erin wasn't quite as serene. The exotic garment was a great deal more revealing than she had bargained for. Her creamy shoulders rose bare above the strapless top as she had expected, but the side-slit skirt disclosed an alarming amount of naked thigh and was extremely short to boot. Erin's legs were long and lovely, but she was dubious about displaying so much of them. Which was silly, really. A bikini revealed a whole lot more. What was there about appearing half naked at night that was so much more seductive?

  A knock sounded at the door and Bibi entered, carrying a square white florist's box. "Jason sent us orchids. Isn't he a lamb?"

  Opening hers, Erin found a spray of small purple blossoms. She felt as ecstatic as a schoolgirl with her first corsage.

  Looking over her shoulder, Bibi cried, "Those will be absolutely perfect in your hair. Sit down, Erin, and let me fix them for you."

  Positioning her in front of the mirror, Bibi deftly lifted the hair at Erin's temples, securing the shiny strands with a wreath of orchids like a halo across the top of her head. The rest of her hair hung down like a thick auburn cloud and curved softly around her slender shoulders.

  Surveying her handiwork, Bibi gave a satisfied nod. "You look smashing. Wait till they get a load of you at the club tonight. You'll knock them dead."

  Erin gazed in the mirror and her eyes were wistful. There was only one person whose attention she wanted. Would Jason think she looked smashing? Inspecting her image critically, she automatically tried to pull up the sarong where her young breasts swelled gently over the top, but Bibi stopped her.

  "Leave it alone, it's perfect just the way it is. You look sexy as all get out."

  Erin looked at her doubtfully. She didn't want to look sexy; she wanted Jason's love, not his passion. And yet… deep down in the recesses of her mind, Erin knew that she wanted this man any way he would have her.

  Blushing at the thought, she picked up her purse to cover her confusion and said to Bibi, "I'm ready if you are."

  When they joined the men, Tommy gave a low whistle, including both of them in his admiration. But it was the look on Jason's face that made a small pulse start to beat at the base of Erin's graceful throat. His eyes were gray coals of fire, and her long lashes shyly drooped before the blaze.

  Taking her small rounded chin in his palm, he forced her to look at him. "That color is very becoming on you," he smiled.

  Erin was having difficulty with her breathing, but she managed to say, "Thank you for the orchids. They're lovely."

  "You seemed to like them so much today. It was the least I could do."

  "Oh, but I wasn't asking for anything," Erin protested, aghast that he should think she had been hinting.

  He took both of her hands in his warm grasp. "You never do. That's the wonder of you."

  "How's the old noggin, Erin?" Tommy asked.

  "I'm fine," she assured him. "Not even a headache. I must have a very hard head."

  "Great! Then if everybody's ready, we can get going."

  Festivities were in full swing by the time they got to the yacht club, which was gaily decorated for the occasion. Balloons and larger-than-life paper flowers decorated the room, and all the tables were lit by the soft glow of candles surrounded by fragrant fresh floral arrangements.

  Everyone was dressed in costume and some of the men rivaled the women in splendor, with brightly patterned shirts that were tied at the waist instead of buttoned. There were also a few men in pirate costumes scattered about the room.

  Their progress was impeded while Jason and the Exeters greeted their many friends, but eventually they were shown to their table. After they had ordered a drink, Jason asked Erin to dance and she preceded him happily onto the floor.

  He took her in his arms and she almost shivered with delight as her soft body molded to his hard, demanding one. His tanned chest was bare through the open shirt and she nestled her cheek against the curly black hair that showed through. For this moat least, he was all hers, and Erin closed her eyes and let herself dream the impossible. This man, holding her so lovingly was her husband. When they went home a little later, he would make exquisite, tender love to her, and his hands and body would bring blessed relief from the longing she felt whenever he was near.

  "You're very quiet, Erin." His low voice called her back to reality. "What are you thinking about?"

  He was studying her face intently and she blushed under those penetrating gray eyes, afraid they might guess her fantasy. She couldn't bear the cool amusement her silly dream would afford him.

  "I… nothing. I was just thinking what a wonderful party this is," she said in answer to his question.

  "And as usual, you're the prettiest girl here," he said, bending down to kiss the hollow of her throat.

  "Jason!" Erin was scandalized. "What are people going to think?"

  He threw back his head and laughed. "These people? If they happened to notice, it would be just like a handshake to them, you little innocent."

  The idea depressed Erin and reminded her of the big difference in
their backgrounds. "I guess I must seem very unsophisticated to you," she said uncertainly.

  He held her so close she could hear the steady beat of his heart. "Not unsophisticated, my darling. Just young and very vulnerable."

  Erin had never considered the difference in their ages. Was that another obstacle? "I'm not that young," she protested. "I'll be twenty any day now."

  He inspected her flawless skin minutely, touching the corner of her eye with a gentle forefinger. "Yes, I do believe I see the start of a wrinkle."

  "Jason, be serious. You're treating me like a child and I'm not."

  "How would you like me to treat you?" he asked.

  She knew he was only teasing her, but the low caressing tone of his voice was upsetting, causing a thrill to pass through her whole body. A delicate pink flushed her cheeks and her soft mouth parted slightly as she looked up at him through shaded lashes, not knowing quite how to reply.

  "My dear Erin, if you're trying to convince me that you're a woman, you've just succeeded," he said dryly. "But I wouldn't suggest you practice that seductive look on any of the other men here tonight. They may not have my willpower."

  "I wasn't doing anything," she protested.

  "Then you're in more danger than I thought, my naive little beauty. Some of these pirates would carry you off in a minute. I can see where I'll have to stay by your side all evening."

  Nothing could have made Erin happier, and she wriggled blissfully in his arms. Unfortunately, her euphoria lasted only until they returned to the table.

  They had been joined by the group from Dwayne and Karen's yacht, and among the newcomers was Brad Honeywell. He jumped up and gave them a big greeting, shaking Jason's hand and giving Erin a light kiss on the cheek. She recoiled in disgust. How could he act as though nothing had happened between them? Surely he knew how she felt about him! But already the damage was done. Jason's face wore that closed, secret look she had come to dread. He was the soul of courtesy, though, asking Brad about his trip.

  "The fishing was great, Jase," Brad answered. "You would have loved it. And we stopped off and spent some time with the Courtneys in St. Croix."

  "Where to now?" Jason asked.

  "Well, that's the thing." Brad seemed slightly embarrassed. "I was wondering if I could have my old room back?"

  "Did you wear out your welcome with Dwayne or with Karen?" On the surface, Jason's words were just the cheerful banter between friends, but his mouth was grim.

  "Nothing like that." Brad was aggrieved. "It's just that Karen has some relatives flying in and there isn't room. So, how about it?"

  Jason shrugged. "Sure, why not? We're leaving tomorrow, anyway." Erin drew in her breath sharply and he turned to her. "I was going to tell you later. I got a long distance call when we returned this afternoon and it's something that just won't wait. I'm sorry."

  Erin looked up at this tall, autocratic man who had become the center of her universe in such a short time and willed herself not to cry. It had to end some time, she had always known that. It was just that it was so unexpected. And it came at the wrong time. Just when she had begun to hope that maybe…

  Jason was watching her with grave eyes, waiting for her reaction. Mustering all of her composure, Erin said coolly, "Of course, I understand."

  He quirked a sardonic eyebrow at her. "And I can tell you're devastated by the news."

  That wasn't fair! What did he expect her to do, beg him to stay? And why would he want to? Until today, the trip had been a disaster. He had acted as though he couldn't stand the sight of her. Then this afternoon, by some miracle—maybe because she had fallen off the horse and he felt somehow responsible—he had been charming to her. Which made everything even worse. She wished today had never happened. After they left the island, it was unlikely that she would ever see him again. It would have been easier never knowing his tenderness, never feeling the wild beat of his heart against hers or the frantic clutch of his arms holding her as if he would never let go.

  He was standing over her, waiting for some comment on his cynical remark. Striving for an indifferent tone, Erin said, "This trip was your idea. I have nothing to say about it."

  His eyes narrowed to gray chips of ice and the skin tightened over his high cheekbones as he said, "I'm sorry it's been such an ordeal, but I remember at least once when you were enjoying yourself very much."

  She knew he was referring to that horrible night on the beach with Brad, and she was too hurt and miserable to deny it further. Stung into impulsive speech, she said, "I know how that must have distressed you. The idea was for you to enjoy yourself not me, wasn't it?"

  His lip curled with distaste and he looked at her contemptuously. "So you haven't forgotten why you're here? I was beginning to wonder." He looked her up and down as if she were a piece of marked-down merchandise. "But now I'm not really sure I want you."

  Erin's face paled and an actual pain stabbed through her breast. Why had she said such a foolish, crazy thing? Now he would never believe in her innocence. Oh, what difference did it make? It was all so hopeless, anyway!

  They were standing very close together, a small oasis in the swirling gaiety around them. Brad had moved away quickly after he had got Jason's permission to return, probably afraid his host might change his mind. And nobody noticed the tense couple amid all the noise and laughter because, in spite of the tension crackling between them, they had instinctively kept their voices low.

  Her eyes fell before the cruel appraisal in his, and, grabbing her purse, she said, "If you'll excuse me, I'm going to the powder room."

  Fortunately, there was no one she knew there. Erin gripped the edge of the dressing table, taking deep breaths to steady herself. She looked in the mirror, not really seeing the pale, distraught woman who stared back. When a measure of calm returned and she realized it was her own image, Erin was aghast. She rummaged about for a lipstick, but even as her shaking fingers closed over it, she knew that no amount of makeup could cover the scars Jason's words had inflicted.

  How could she go back out there and face his cold contempt? For a wild moment, Erin considered running away. Even as the idea surfaced, she knew it was impossible. Run where? There was no escape, and he would hate her even more for being a coward. No, she would have to go back and take her punishment. It was just one more thing that had to be endured.

  Squaring her shoulders gallantly, she pushed open the door. But before she had gone more than a few steps, she bumped into Brad.

  "I've been waiting for you, Erin. I want to talk to you."

  She looked at him with deep distaste. "We have nothing to say to each other."

  He tried to take her hands and she snatched them away angrily. "I want to apologize," he pleaded.

  "There isn't anything you can say that would make me forgive you! The only decent thing you did was go away, and you had to spoil even that by coming back. Why couldn't you have waited until tomorrow?"

  His face was set in lines of deep contrition. "I know how you feel. If it's any consolation to you, I hate myself as much as you do. My only excuse is that you were so irresistible in the moonlight." His eyes drank in her full mouth, compressed now in anger, and the fringed deep blue eyes, alive in the delicate oval of her face. For a moment, a predatory male look came over him, but he quickly extinguished it. "And I was blind drunk," he added penitently.

  "And you think that's an excuse?" she asked scornfully.

  "Not an excuse; just an abject plea for forgiveness." His handsome weak face was looking at her pleadingly. She couldn't imagine why, but for a fleeting moment he reminded her of Bob.

  "What difference does it make if I forgive you or not?" she asked wearily. Everything was spoiled now, anyway.

  "It makes a lot of difference to me." They were approaching the table and he stopped her. "I care about your opinion. I swear to you I've never before done anything like that in my life. Won't you believe me?"

  Erin sighed. His explanation sounded convincing enough, and
she couldn't really go on hating Brad. She didn't care that much about him. "All right, I believe you."

  Grasping her shoulders lightly, he said, "And you forgive me?"

  She smiled wanly into his anxious face. "Yes, I forgive you."

  Turning toward the table, she saw Jason's hard stare and her heart sank. He would probably choose to misinterpret this the way he did all of her encounters with Brad. As though to prove it, he turned deliberately to the woman on his right, leaving Brad to help Erin into her chair.

  The music started and Brad asked her to dance, but she refused so firmly that he very wisely knew not to press her. After he left, she stared down at the tablecloth, drawing intricate designs with her fingernail. Jason was so close she could feel the warmth of his body. His muscular forearm was only inches away from her hand, but he might as well have been on the moon. He ignored her completely, and Erin felt small and lost and lonely.

  "Would one of the two prettiest women here care to dance?" a voice asked in her ear.

  She looked up and found Tommy smiling at her. Rising gratefully, she accepted his invitation. It was a relief to get away from the table, and Tommy was the only man here with whom she felt comfortable.

  "You look a little done in," he said, surveying her critically. "Is that bump on the head acting up?"

  "No, I'm fine," she told him, managing a fleeting smile. "I guess I'm just a little bit tired. It's been an eventful day."

  "Why don't you have Jason take you home?" His pleasant face showed concern.

  "Oh, no! I don't want to spoil the party. He's having such a good time." A little white lie could be forgiven and perhaps it wasn't a lie. Glancing over at the table, she saw him listening attentively to the woman at his side. It was as though Erin didn't exist and the ugly words between them had never been spoken. How did he turn off his emotions so easily? But the answer to that was simple. He just didn't care. His only feeling toward her was revulsion.


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