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End of Days

Page 44

by James L. Swanson

  and JFK’s burial at Arlington Cemetery, 250–51

  JFK’s views about, 65–66

  and LBJ’s return to Washington, 162, 174–80, 281–82

  and LBJ’s swearing in as president, 175–80

  and return of JFK body to Washington, 169, 174–80, 192–93, 194–95, 248

  in San Antonio, 70, 72

  as symbol of presidency, 65

  Air Force Two, 174

  airplane hijacking: Oswald’s fantasy about, 53

  Allman, Pierce, 137–38, 156

  Altgens, James, 133

  American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), 224, 233

  American exceptionalism: JFK speech about, 103–4

  American University: JFK speech about Soviet-U.S. relations at, 58–59

  Amherst College: JFK speech about Frost at, 62

  Anderson, Marian, 273

  Arlington National Cemetery

  and eternal flame at JFK grave site, 251–52, 257, 259, 263, 287, 295

  Jackie’s grave in, 287

  Jackie’s visits to JFK grave at, 254, 256–57

  JFK burial at, 205–6, 250–52

  Oswald proposed burial in, 240

  picture of, 254

  Army, U.S., 30


  of Oswald for JFK assassination, 200

  of Oswald for Tippet murder, 196–97


  Jackie’s interest in, 62, 262

  JFK’s interest in, 61, 62

  Arvad, Inga, 166

  assassination, JFK

  anniversaries of, 284–85, 287, 290

  and attempted assassination of JFK in 1960, 86

  blame for, 240–42

  conspiracy theories about, 162, 170, 223, 283, 290, 295–97

  and death of JFK, 151–52, 153–54, 155, 158, 161, 162–63

  first shot in, 123–28, 136, 150

  fourth shot in, 140

  as great American tragedy, 298

  “ifs” concerning, 149–50, 298

  impact on American history of, 298

  initial reactions to, 133–43

  JFK’s views about possibility of, 85

  and manhunt for Oswald, 174

  Oswald as suspect in, 183

  Oswald’s arraignment for, 200

  Oswald’s choice of weapon for, 69, 75–79

  and Oswald’s decision about when to shoot JFK, 121–24

  and Oswald’s decision to assassinate JFK, 67, 68–69, 70, 72, 76

  and Oswald’s denial about shooting JFK, 191, 193, 197, 199, 206–7, 210, 215, 216, 222

  Oswald’s escape after, 72, 73–74, 129, 140, 141, 144–45, 146, 147, 156–58, 173–74, 225, 289

  Oswald’s feelings about, 172, 211–12

  Oswald’s motivations for, 221, 297–98

  Oswald’s plans for, 66–67, 72–79, 226

  and Oswald’s wait for the motorcade, 97, 105–6, 110–20, 121–28

  and public announcement of death of JFK, 162

  public reactions to, 164–66, 262–65

  second shot in, 129–33, 135, 136, 292

  as shared event, 291

  souvenirs/relics of, 261, 262, 263, 291–94

  Texas reaction to, 241

  third shot in, 134, 135–37, 138, 139, 141, 150

  and visitors to Dallas, 289–90

  witnesses to, 113–17, 118–20, 123–28, 129–30, 132, 135–37, 147–48, 156

  See also Dallas police; Dallas, Texas—JFK’s trip to; Parkland Hospital; Secret Service; Warren Commission; specific person


  historical curiosity about presidential, 86

  Oswald’s choice of weapons for, 4

  Oswald’s feelings about, 172

  and Oswald’s use of rifle for presidential assassination, 141

  pistols as weapons for, 69

  See also specific person

  Associated Press, 125, 146, 253

  Auchincloss, Janet, 196, 202–3, 204, 292

  Austin, Texas: JFK campaign trip to, 60, 83, 104–5


  of JFK, 169–70, 196, 198, 293

  of Oswald, 253

  Baker, Officer (Dallas policeman), 145

  banners, JFK memorial, 256, 257

  Bartlett, Charlie, 23, 203–4, 264–65, 285

  Bartlett, Martha, 23

  Batchelor, Charles, 230

  Bay of Pigs invasion, 30–31, 32, 43–44, 49, 53

  Beers, Jack, 234

  Bell, Jack, 125, 146

  Berlin, Germany: JFK trip to, 34–37, 91

  Bethesda Naval Hospital

  and conspiracy theories about JFK assassination, 296

  JFK autopsy at, 196, 198, 201

  Bird, Sam, 201

  Booth, John Wilkes, 157, 213, 288, 291–92, 298

  Boyd, Elmer, 183

  Bradlee, Ben, 269–70

  brain, JFK

  and Bethesda autopsy of JFK, 198

  as missing from National Archives, 293

  at Parkland Hospital, 238

  in presidential limousine and on Jackie, 138, 139, 152, 160, 161, 162, 172

  and shot to brain as cause of JFK death, 163

  Brennan, Howard Leslie, 116–17, 125–26, 132, 135, 136, 137, 140, 147–48, 171

  Brewer, Calvin, 180–81

  Bringuier, Carlos, 44, 45, 46, 49

  Brooks Medical Center (San Antonio): JFK speech at, 71–72

  Brown v. Board of Education, 33

  Burkley, George, 170, 175–76

  Butler, Ed, 45, 47, 48, 50


  “death” of, 287

  enduring myth of, 294–95

  and LBJ’s first year as president, 282

  and White-Jackie interview, 268, 269, 284

  Campbell, Mr. (Texas School Book Depository employee), 138

  Capitol, U.S.

  funeral procession to White House from, 247–48

  Jackie’s viewing of JFK coffin in Rotunda of, 246–47

  memorial service for JFK at, 239, 241–45

  public viewing of JFK coffin at, 245–47

  Caroline (JFK airplane), 66

  Casals, Pablo, 62, 273

  Castro, Fidel

  and Batista overthrow, 49–50

  CIA attempted assassination of, 31

  and conspiracy theories about JFK assassination, 296

  FPCC and, 39, 45

  and JFK as “ruffian and thief,” 49

  JFK’s interest in, 30

  and Oswald’s motivations for assassinating JFK, 297

  and Oswald’s pro-Cuban activities, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 49, 51, 52

  Soviet relations with, 30, 45

  Walker (Edwin) views about, 12

  See also Cuba


  of JFK, 26, 110, 204–5

  and mass for JFK, 204–5

  CBS News, 150, 152, 270–71, 291

  Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 30–31, 44, 49, 50, 296

  Cermak, Anton, 69

  Chicago American, 164

  Christmas (1963): Jackie’s gifts to friends for, 276–77

  Churchill, Winston, 11, 26

  “cinched” interview, Fritz’s, 213–14, 242

  citizenship: Oswald’s attempted renunciation of American, 45, 47, 48, 193, 226

  civil rights

  as concern in early years of JFK presidency, 33–34

  elections of 1960 and, 28

  and “ifs” of JFK assassination, 298

  JFK’s views about, 33–34, 35

  LBJ’s views about, 34, 35

  and warnings about JFK’s trip to Texas, 63

  Civil War, 217, 251

  Clark, Bob, 137, 155

  Clark, Ramsey, 293

  Cochran, Mike, 253

  Cold War, 26

  Combest, Billy H., 234, 236


  and conspiracy theories about JFK assassination, 296, 297

  and Dallas ad attacking JFK, 84–85

  and early years
of JFK presidency, 29–30

  elections of 1960 and, 24, 25, 27–28

  Jackie’s comment about, 196, 241

  JFK’s views about, 24, 27–28, 31

  Marxism distinguished from, 47

  Nixon’s views about, 24, 27–28

  and Oswald’s arrest in New Orleans, 40

  and Oswald’s assassination of JFK, 196

  Oswald’s interest in, 37, 38, 42–43, 44–48, 49, 174

  and Oswald’s plans to assassinate Walker, 11–12

  questioning of Oswald about, 225

  in Russia, 25–26

  in Southeast Asia, 31

  Walker (Edwin A.) and, 11–12

  and warnings about JFK’s trip to Texas, 63

  Congress, U.S.

  LBJ address to joint session of, 263–64

  learns of JFK assassination, 167–68

  and memorial service for JFK, 239, 241–45

  military budget and, 31

  Connally, John

  “day to be remembered” comment of, 105

  initial reactions to shooting by, 133

  Jackie’s views about, 80–81

  and JFK’s Dallas motorcade, 100, 102, 121

  and JFK’s Houston campaign trip, 80–81

  JFK’s views about, 80–81

  Oswald’s denial of shooting, 210

  and Oswald’s dishonorable discharge from the Marines, 40, 226

  and Oswald’s feelings about shootings, 172

  and Oswald’s first shot, 125

  and Oswald’s marksmanship, 121

  Parkland Hospital and, 152, 153, 238, 294

  picture of, 89, 100, 101

  questioning of Oswald about shooting of, 210

  secrecy about injuries to, 163

  shooting of, 131, 134, 135

  as witness in Oswald trial, 212

  Connally, Nellie, 100, 101, 102, 112, 135, 152, 153, 294

  Connor, Eugene “Bull”, 34

  Conversation Carte Blanche (WDSU radio show): Oswald as guest on, 44–50

  Couch, Malcolm, 137

  Cronkite, Walter, 150, 151, 152, 162–64, 271


  and Batista overthrow, 49–50

  CIA secret plans concerning, 30–31

  and conspiracy theories about JFK assassination, 296

  and Dallas ad attacking JFK, 84

  elections of 1960 and, 28

  and “ifs” concerning JFK assassination, 149

  JFK interest in, 30, 31, 41

  Oswald’s attempt to visit, 58

  Oswald’s interest in, 40–51, 53, 54, 174, 224–25, 295

  and Oswald’s motivations for assassinating JFK, 297

  and Oswald’s plans for Walker assassination, 12

  questioning of Oswald about, 224–25

  Soviet relations with, 30, 42

  Walker (Edwin) views about, 12

  See also Bay of Pigs invasion; Castro, Fidel; Cuban Missile Crisis

  Cuban Missile Crisis, 31–32, 49, 53

  Curry, Jesse, 102, 121, 218–19, 220, 221, 223–24, 229, 230, 231, 232, 238–39, 241

  Cushing, Richard Cardinal, 249

  Dallas Citizens Council: JFK speech for, 103–4

  Dallas Morning News, 17, 67, 84–85, 96–97, 132

  Dallas Police

  and blame for Ruby shooting of Oswald, 242

  and death threats against Oswald, 219–21, 223, 242

  and initial reactions to shots at JFK, 143, 147, 156

  and JFK arrival at Love Field, 99

  JFK motorcade and, 95

  and JFK ride to Parkland Hospital, 152

  and manhunt for Oswald, 173–74

  media relations with, 217, 221

  Oswald in custody of, 182–94, 197, 198–200, 206–12, 213–14, 215–17, 218–29, 230–35, 242

  Oswald’s arrest by, 181–82

  and Oswald’s decision about when to shoot JFK, 122

  and Oswald’s escape after JFK assassination, 144–45, 228

  and Oswald’s motives for assassinating JFK, 297

  at Paine home, 187

  at Parkland Hospital, 155, 170

  questioning of Oswald by, 182–84, 185–86, 188–92, 193, 196–97, 206–10, 213–14, 221–29, 297, 2362

  reputation of, 216–17, 239, 288

  and Ruby’s shooting of Oswald, 234–37, 239, 288

  search of Oswald by, 193–94

  and transfer of Oswald from City Hall jail to County jail, 218–19, 220–21, 223–24, 229, 230–35, 242

  See also specific policeman

  Dallas, Texas

  LBJ takes oath of office in, 174–80

  and Oswald escape after JFK assassination, 144

  Oswald’s move to, 59

  Oswald’s rooming house in, 75, 78, 157, 171, 184, 189, 190, 192, 208, 226–27, 232, 289

  reputation of, 216–17, 240–42, 288

  Stevenson visit to, 63, 115, 116, 240

  as victim of Oswald’s actions, 240–42

  Dallas, Texas—JFK’s trip to

  and ad attacking JFK, 84–85

  anticipation of, 82–83

  and flight from Fort Worth to Dallas, 93–95

  JFK motorcade in, 67–69, 70, 79, 94, 95, 97–98, 99, 102–3, 106–20, 121–22

  and JFK security at Love Field, 95

  JFK’s arrival in, 94–102, 109

  JFK’s reactions to, 96, 108, 241

  plans for, 60

  warnings about JFK’s trip to, 63–64, 85

  See also assassination, JFK; Texas School Book Depository

  Dallas Times Herald, 70

  Daniel, Damon, 165

  Dealey Plaza (Dallas)

  and anniversaries of JFK assassination, 290

  desk set, 258, 263

  initial reactions to assassination shots in, 146, 149

  JFK motorcade and, 68, 79, 95, 97, 105–6, 107, 111–20, 121–32

  map of, 111

  and Oswald’s shots at JFK, 123–43

  photographs of, 289

  post-assassination reactions in, 156

  visitors to, 289–90

  death threats against Oswald, 219–21, 223, 242

  Decker, Bill, 219, 220, 237

  democracy: Oswald’s definition of, 43

  Dillard, Tom, 132, 136, 137

  dying declaration by Oswald, 236

  Eisenhower, Dwight D., 12, 24, 30

  elections of 1960, 1, 24, 26–27, 60, 188, 259

  elections of 1964

  campaign for, 281–82, 283–84

  and “ifs” of JFK assassination, 298

  Jackie-LBJ relationship and, 281–82

  JFK plans for, 60, 62, 83, 98

  Kennedy (Bobby) and, 281–82, 283, 284, 285

  LBJ and, 281–82, 284–85

  Warren Commission and, 264

  elections of 1968, 285

  Erhard, Ludwig, 61, 249–50

  eternal flame: at JFK grave site, 251–52, 257, 259, 263, 287, 295

  Euins, Amos Lee, 123–24, 127, 135–37

  eulogies: for JFK, 203–4, 244–45, 285

  evidence, JFK assassination

  against Oswald, 221

  and conspiracies theories about JFK assassination, 296

  experience issue: elections of 1960 and, 26–27

  Fair Play for Cuba Committee (FPCC), 39, 40, 41–44, 45, 46–47, 49, 50, 51, 53, 58, 224–25

  Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

  and conspiracy theories about JFK assassination, 296

  and death threats against Oswald, 219, 220

  early interest in Oswald by, 10, 59–60

  and manhunt for Oswald, 174

  Oswald’s letter about Hosty to, 185

  and Oswald’s motives for assassinating JFK, 297

  Oswald’s polygraph examination for, 209

  and Oswald’s purchase of rifle, 206

  Oswald’s views about, 184–85

  and questioning of Oswald, 183, 184–85, 186, 191, 206, 208, 209, 297

; visit to Oswald (Marina) by, 59–60, 184–85, 209

  See also specific agent

  film: of Jackie thanking public for condolence letters, 277–78

  “For President Kennedy: An Epilogue” (White’s Life article), 266–69

  Ford Motor Company, 71

  Ford’s Theatre (Washington, D.C.), 288, 290, 291–92

  foreign affairs

  as dominant in early years of JFK presidency, 29–30

  See also specific person, nation, or event

  Fort Worth, Texas

  JFK campaign trip to, 60, 81, 82–83, 84–86, 90–94

  and JFK comment about an assassination attempt, 85

  Oswald return from Soviet Union to, 39

  Foster, Bob, 66

  The Four Dark Days: From Dallas to Arlington (CBS documentary), 270

  Fox, Charles: JFK painting by, 274–75

  Frankfurter, Felix, 273

  Frazier, Wesley Buell

  law enforcement suspicions about, 133

  Oswald first meets, 59

  and Oswald’s retrieval of rifle from Paine home, 76, 77, 87–90, 146, 227

  and Oswald’s shots at JFK, 127, 132–33

  questioning of Oswald about, 207, 227

  as Texas School Book Depository employee, 59

  and wait for JFK motorcade, 105, 122

  as witness against Oswald, 174, 227

  Frazier, William B., 220

  Fritz, Will

  “cinched” interview of, 213–14, 242

  and death threats against Oswald, 220

  and guilt of Oswald, 221

  questioning of Oswald by, 182–84, 185–86, 188–92, 193, 196–97, 207–10, 213–14, 221–29, 236

  and Ruby’s shooting of Oswald, 239

  and transfer of Oswald from city jail to county jail, 218–19, 229, 230–32, 233, 234

  Frost, Robert: JFK tribute to, 62

  Fulbright, J. William, 63

  funeral/memorials, JFK

  and burial at Arlington National Cemetery, 205–6, 250–52

  and Capitol viewing of JFK coffin, 245–47

  and casket for JFK, 166, 170, 175, 176, 180, 201, 202

  and congressional/Capitol memorial service, 239, 241–45

  and death of Oswald, 239

  and eulogies for JFK, 203–4, 244–45, 285

  foreign dignitaries at, 248

  and Jackie’s last visit with JFK body, 242–43

  and JFK coffin at White House, 201–2, 242–43

  and LBJ proclamation for national day of mourning, 218

  and mass for JFK, 204–5

  media coverage of, 240

  and motorcade from Bethesna Naval Hospital to White House, 201–2

  and motorcade to Arlington National Cemetery, 206

  plans for, 188, 202, 205–6

  and procession from Capitol to White House, 247–48

  and procession from White House to Capitol, 243–44

  and procession from White House to St. Matthew’s, 247, 248–49, 258

  at St. Matthews, 249

  Garfield, James, 69


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