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Do the Gods Give Us Hope?

Page 14

by Jeff Henrikson


  Evisar watched his brother jump back on his horse and lunge forward with Ellen at his side. Evisar motioned with his arm for everyone else to follow. As Evisar’s horse began to trot, he looked down at the dirt near the gate to the city. How in the name of Invictus had his brother found the right impressions in the dirt? All Evisar could see was dry dirt that had been trampled on an infinite number of times over the years. Locus was probably several hundred years old, with millions of horses, wagons, and people traveling through this very gate. If anything, the dirt was nearly as hard as a cobblestone street, having been trampled on for so many years.

  Evisar decided to trust his brother’s newfound abilities. There had been a time, not so long ago, when Jefon’s ranger skills had been inadequate. Times were quickly changing – too quickly for Evisar’s taste. Mestel’s increasing skill and wisdom came with a price. He was becoming more erratic as his devotion to his god grew stronger. He only hoped it wouldn’t get any worse.

  Evisar trotted down the street, somewhat uncertain of their current mission. They needed to get to Jewlian as quickly as possible, not look for a lost child. So far, the inconvenience had been small, since they needed to travel through Locus in order to reach Jewlian, but that could quickly change if they didn’t find the kidnapper right away. Scouring the city for a lone Krone who knew how to hide was not a winning strategy. There was also the strong possibility that this Krone, whoever he was, would gain the protection of the Talon Thieves Guild. If that happened, then the girl was lost. There was no way they could fight through an entire army.

  Evisar’s thoughts shifted to the city around him. What an odd sight. Everything was foreign to his senses. Elf cities blended in with their surroundings, enhancing the landscape rather than destroying it. Elves built around large trees and used only fallen wood to make their beautiful homes. Locus was something entirely different. It was a crowded human city, with barely a tree in view. The buildings looked oppressive and ugly as they loomed menacingly over the streets. The angles were sharp and wrong. No matter where he turned, there were people in every direction. Evisar could almost feel the pressure, the suffocation. What a dreadful place.


  Mestel hurried down the street on horseback with Ellen at his side. Am I going too fast, he wondered. Am I even following the right trail? They had to catch the Krone before he made it to wherever he was going, but if he lost the trail then he would never find him. But if he didn’t hurry, he would never find him either. Mestel trotted along on his horse, scanning the ground for the hoof prints of Faye’s captor. He weaved in and out between the people on the streets and even had to go around a few wagons full of goods.

  Mestel said, “Ellen, look up ahead and tell me if you see anything. I have to focus on following the trail, so you have to let me know if we are getting close.”

  “I understand,” was all Ellen said. She had to be almost out of her mind with worry. She was about to lose her daughter forever if they did not find the Krone very soon.

  They trotted along the main street, heading for the center of town, not even knowing if the rest of the companions were behind them or not. Ellen finally said, “I think I see them up ahead. They are about to go into a large courtyard.”

  Mestel new that if he looked up he would probably lose the trail he was following and never find it again, but his relationship with Ellen went far beyond love. There was a trust that existed between them that was not easily found or broken. Mestel looked up from the ground and scanned for a hooded figure on horseback. He did not see anything at first, but then more than a block up the road he saw what looked like a hooded figure on horseback walking leisurely along. There were wagons and other horses passing by the hooded figure, and the distance was so great that Mestel was left wondering how in the name of Martel Ellen had ever spotted him.

  Mestel said, “I think you’re right. Follow me.”

  Mestel kicked his horse in the ribs and brought the animal up to a canter. They dodged between the people on the narrow street with reckless abandon, trying desperately to catch the hooded figure. As they closed to within a few houses of the Krone, he finally turned around and looked in their direction. If the Krone saw them, he did not show any concern. The Krone faced forward once again and turned his horse to the right as he entered the huge forum that was the center of the city. Mestel and Ellen were two houses behind when the Krone passed out of sight. Mestel closed the distance quickly and slowed his horse to a walk as he came upon the entrance to the forum.

  Mestel looked to the right. Time seemed to slow down as his eyes fell upon the hooded figure who was looking straight at him with an arrow pulled back to his ear. Mestel was caught completely off guard as the arrow took flight. Led by his instincts, Mestel dove off his horse to the left. The arrow went through the space he had just occupied a fraction of a moment later and embedded itself in a nearby house. Mestel landed hard on the slate floor of the forum, losing his breath. He managed to get to his knees and saw that the Krone had nocked another arrow and was bringing the bow up to his ear. In the stillness of that moment, Mestel saw Faye sitting on the saddle in front of the Krone, looking terrified.

  Just then the rest of the companions, led by Evisar, came flying around the corner at full speed. The Krone looked shocked, almost as if he had not expected anyone else. The Krone nervously changed his aim toward Evisar and fired. The arrow was woefully off the mark, missing Evisar altogether and hitting an unlucky peasant woman walking through the forum. The Krone realized what kind of trouble he was in and took off running on his horse with the rest of the companions in pursuit.


  Evisar drew Neverlost and rounded the corner to the forum at full speed. Evisar may not have been thrilled with the mission of rescuing Ellen’s daughter, but no one shot at his brother and lived to tell about it, especially not a Krone. As he rounded the corner, Evisar saw the Krone up ahead. His eyes widened as the Krone turned a bow on him and fired. Luck was with him as the arrow missed wide. He saw fear in the Krone’s eyes as he realized how many humans were chasing him. The Krone kicked his horse into a run, and the chase was on.

  The forum was huge, with a temple of some sort on the far end, a bazaar where goods were sold, a platform where announcements were made, complete with gallows for public hangings, and much more. There was plenty of room to run down the Krone, and there was no place he could hide. Since the Krone carried two people on his horse, there was no way he could outrun them. It was only a matter of time.

  The companions instinctively fanned out into a reverse wedge. Evisar and Nero were on the right and left flanks, with Valihorn, Xander, and Ellen taking up the middle. Evisar and Nero pulled out in front and began to close on the Krone from either side. The Krone swerved to the right, trying to maneuver out of the trap and escape the forum. The dark hood that was hiding his face fell down to his shoulders as the wind caught hold of it. With his hood down, the Krone stood out even more with his snow-white hair and dark gray skin.

  The rhythmic sound of horse hooves on cobblestone filled the air. The people in the forum scattered as they turned to see what all the commotion was about, only to see a thousand pounds of horseflesh bearing down on them. As the edge of the forum approached, Evisar and Nero cut in front of the Krone from the left and right with their weapons drawn. Valihorn, Xander, and Ellen closed in from behind, forming a half circle around the Krone and cutting off any avenue of escape. The Krone turned to the right and then the left, trying desperately to get out of the circle that was continually closing in around him. Eventually, he realized it was no use and yanked on the reins to his horse, bringing the animal to an abrupt stop.

  The companions closed in with every weapon trained on the dark elf.

  Evisar spoke forcefully. “Give us the girl.”

  The Krone snarled at him. “You really think you have the power to c
ome and take her?”

  Evisar turned his horse directly toward the Krone and pointed Neverlost right at him. “I know I do.” If anything, the Krone gave a little smile of respect. “Give me the girl and I promise you can leave unharmed.”

  “Nice try. Like I would ever trust the word of a human.” Then he pulled out a dagger and held it up to Faye’s throat.

  Evisar thought for a moment about telling him they were surface elves, but he thought better of it as he noticed how many humans were gathering around them. He had the distinct feeling that his disguise was his life.

  “I give you my word that you will not be harmed. The girl is this woman’s rightful daughter.”

  The Krone actually stole a moment to turn and look at Ellen. Ellen, for her part, had her sword trained on the Krone as though she had actually held one before.

  The Krone said, “She looks determined enough to be the girl’s mother, but none of this matters. If I don’t deliver the girl as ordered, then I am dead anyway. Now that is enough talk. Let me pass.”

  Evisar spoke plainly. “That’s not going to happen.”

  The Krone put the point of the dagger right up to Faye’s throat and made a quick cutting motion. Ellen gasped in fear as a small line of blood appeared on her daughter’s neck. Evisar knew the Krone was only putting on an act, to make them think how horrible it would really be if he cut her throat. The Krone looked back at Ellen with an all-knowing smile and placed the dagger under Faye’s neck so forcefully that she winced in pain.

  The Krone said, “If I have to ask one more time, then I will kill the child. I give you my word. Now, let me pass.”

  Evisar stood silent for a long time, trying to think of a way out of the situation. If he rushed the Krone then Faye would surely die. If Xander rushed him from behind, he might have a chance, but Faye would probably still die. Plus, Xander had no way of knowing what he wanted him to do. There was no way to solve the paradox.

  “Evisar, let him go,” Ellen said in the sad voice of defeat.

  Evisar looked at Ellen and understood all the implications of what she just said. Evisar nodded his head curtly and did not say a thing. He backed his horse away several feet and Nero did the same, creating a hole in the circle large enough for the Krone to fit through. Evisar noticed the crowd around them continued to grow in size. The humans now formed a complete circle around the companions at least two- or three-deep. It certainly couldn’t be every day in this forum where seven horses came pounding through the center of the city chasing a dark-skinned elf belonging to a race they had not seen in more than three hundred years. To tell the truth, Evisar couldn’t believe they weren’t attracting even more attention.

  The Krone nudged his horse forward. Evisar knew if the Krone got away, then they would never see the girl again; he was not about to let that happen. Like it or not, Evisar was involved. She was better off dead than in the hands of the Krone or subjected to whatever the Talon Guild had planned for her. Evisar prepared to strike as the Krone moved forward. Neverlost was sharp enough that if he could decapitate the Krone in a single blow, Faye might yet live. Evisar nudged his horse forward a single step so that he was in range. The only question was whether he was fast enough. The Krone would be a fool not to expect some sort of attack.

  Just before Evisar could act, a whistling sound zipped through the air, followed by a sickening smack. The Krone was catapulted off his horse and crashed onto the ground. The dagger that held Faye captive skipped across the slate. The Krone was momentarily dazed by either the hard ground or the arrow embedded in his left shoulder blade. Evisar watched with satisfaction as Faye came out from underneath the Krone’s cloak and scooted away. Quick as a cat, she sprang to her feet and ran into the crowd.

  Evisar did not have to look behind him to know that his brother had shot the Krone in the back. Having recovered from his own fall, he must have waited for the companions to stop the Krone so that he could have the best possible shot. He waited until his back was turned so the chance of hitting Faye would be minimal. If he had somehow missed, a possibility that grew smaller with each passing day, the arrow would simply have flown up into the sky.

  As Faye pulled away from the Krone and bolted into the crowd, Ellen all but threw herself off her horse in a desperate attempt to catch her and fell hard to the ground. She sprang right back up and ran after her daughter. Evisar focused intently on the dark-skinned elf in front of him, but vaguely heard Ellen screaming her daughter’s name as she ran headlong into the crowd.

  The Krone seemed groggy at first, but he regained his composure moments after Faye slipped away. He climbed quickly to his feet, and only then seemed to understand the desperate situation he faced. The Krone was an unwelcome foreigner in a foreign land. Not only that – he was the enemy. The mythical elves had come back to life, and here was one of them in the center of one of their most guarded cities. Evisar had to give credit to the Krone, trapped though he was. He did not surrender. He did not beg for mercy. He did not try to explain his circumstances. He stood up with dignity – a proud warrior to the end. He had done his best. He had done his duty. There was no shame in his eyes. He even fooled Evisar for a moment, until Evisar remembered that he had kidnapped an innocent child and been prepared to turn him over to gods knew who.

  The companions surrounded the Krone on their horses with their weapons drawn. Evisar was just beginning to wonder what he should do with this dark-skinned demon from the Underworld, when he looked back and saw his brother walking confidently forward, bow in hand. It occurred to Evisar that his brother might simply shoot the Krone dead with an arrow, just as he had executed Lord Shetley in cold blood.

  His brother nocked another arrow onto his bowstring, forcing Evisar to act. Evisar climbed off his horse and all but ran toward his brother, placing himself between Mestel and the Krone, while Nero, Xander, and Valihorn kept the dark elf from escaping. Mestel had a haunted look on his face as he moved to the side to go around Evisar as if he was only an obstacle in his way. Evisar grabbed Mestel by the shoulder and spun him around. Mestel pulled away from him as if under attack and brought his bow up to a guard position.

  Evisar flinched away and asked, “What’s the matter with you?”

  “Get out of my way. This Krone deserves to die.”

  “No, he doesn’t. Not like this.”

  “He kidnapped Faye. He was going to turn her over to gods knows who for them to do gods knows what.”

  “Yes! Yes. He deserves to die. Don’t you think I want him dead? But we are not executioners. Who are we to pass judgment on him?”

  “I am Mestel! Servant of Martel! I am his judge and his executioner on Tellus. Now get out of my way.”

  Mestel threw off Evisar’s arm and tried to move away. Evisar had always been stronger than his brother, and he needed his strength now. He lunged toward his brother with both hands and grabbed his arm. Evisar pulled backward with all of his strength and threw his brother to the ground. Mestel landed in a heap. Evisar moved himself between Mestel and the Krone and crossed his arms over his chest.

  “You are not going to kill this Krone in cold blood.”

  Mestel looked at his brother as if he had just cut him with a sword. He just sat there in stunned silence. Off in the crowd somewhere, Evisar heard a man yell out, “What is going on here?”

  Mestel climbed to his feet and stood toe to toe against his brother. The brothers stared into each other’s eyes with an ice that had never existed between them before. Mestel snapped out of it and looked in the direction of the human who had just spoken.

  “I’ll tell you exactly what’s going on.” Mestel looked past Evisar and pointed his finger directly at the Krone. “He is an elf spy!”

  Everyone in the audience said, “What?”

  “Look at him. Look at his hair and skin. Look at the pointy ears. He is not one of us. He’s an elf.”

  Somewhere in the crowd, a man said, “Elves are just a legend.”

  “No, they aren’t
. You’ve all heard what happened to our town on the edge of Glenmyr Forest. The elves wiped them out. We are at war with the elves. Just this morning a brave Kentarian army left Locus for the eastern frontier to defend our honor. Why would they do that if we were not at war?”

  Mestel stopped for a moment to let his words sink in. Evisar lunged forward and pushed Mestel hard in the chest, trying desperately to shut him up. Mestel dodged quickly to the right and took Evisar’s shove as a glancing blow on the arm.

  “We are at war with the elves. But we caught this one. My friends and I caught him spying on us and ran him down. Don’t let him get away. We need justice for what they have done.”

  Evisar watched helplessly as the humans rushed forward and enveloped the Krone. As the humans surged forward, the Krone nodded his head curtly and a globe of darkness appeared beneath his feet. The globe of darkness stunned the crowd momentarily. Everyone stopped and stared at the magical display. In the confusion, Evisar saw the Krone run out of the darkness into the crowd. He had his sword out in front of him like a spear as he charged headlong into the angry mob. The Krone ran the first human through the chest. Everyone else gave way as he ran through the crowd at full speed. Evisar thought maybe he would make it out into the open when a man clotheslined the Krone with a piece of firewood. The Krone fell backward onto the stone slate and then it was all over. The humans surrounded him and took turns kicking and beating him.

  Evisar saw a nobleman come running into the crowd waving his hands wildly in the air screaming, “Wait. Wait! Hold on!” For some reason the crowd actually listened to the new arrival. They stopped beating the Krone and pulled him to his feet. Silence reigned until the man yelled out for all to hear. “Hang him from the gallows. Hang him for all to see.”

  The crowd went wild with a frenzied blood lust. They loved the idea. The crowd dragged the bleeding Krone over to the raised platform portion of the forum where public announcements and speeches were made.


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