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Do the Gods Give Us Hope?

Page 19

by Jeff Henrikson

  Xander yelled out one divine word, waited for the invisibility spell to resolve, and then stepped out of the way as the four women rushed by. The women screeched an unholy sound as they realized Xander was hidden from them. They stopped flailing randomly and spread out, searching for him. Xander walked carefully to the corner of the room and took some satisfaction in the agitation of the vampires. With each passing moment their composure deteriorated as their prey continued to elude them. They hissed and clawed at the air around them. The only problem was that Xander didn’t know where the male vampire had gone. He didn’t know if he was just hidden from sight, waiting patiently, or if he had left the room.

  With a moment’s reprieve, Xander went over to Fortiac and bent down to examine him. His heart was still beating, and he still drew breath. Xander put his hand on the High Priest’s chest and was about to cast a healing spell when the four women gave up searching for Xander and moved back toward the only prey left in the room.

  All four women descended on Fortiac. Xander stepped away and brought his rapier up for a strike. He would not let Fortiac be sacrificed like this. He would die himself before he let that happen. The women stood around Fortiac, silently trying to decide who would get to taste his blood first. Before they came to a decision, Xander stepped behind one of them and took a mighty swing. The head of the woman came away from her body and toppled to the floor. Before the woman’s body had even hit the marble, Xander pivoted ninety degrees to his right and impaled a second woman directly through the heart. He withdrew his sword from the second woman’s chest and prepared to face the remaining two women vampires when he felt something hard smack against his skull. Then he remembered nothing as his body hit the floor and he went unconscious.


  Daniel looked down at Xander’s unconscious form with a glimmer of respect. It wasn’t just any mortal who could challenge his power. He obviously hadn’t stood a chance, that was a given, but the fact that he put up any sort of resistance was impressive. He looked at Xander longingly, wanting the taste of his blood on his lips. Drinking the blood of the powerful gave him the most satisfaction, but he knew there were other plans for Xander. It would be enough for him to drink the blood of the High Priest of Fortuna.

  Daniel turned to the two women left in his family and said, “Pick him up and take him out the window to the place I showed you earlier. Then go back to our sanctuary and wait for me there. You are not to drink Xander’s blood or harm him in any way. Is that clear?”

  The two women bowed their heads in respect and each of them said, “Yes, my master.” They moved over to Xander’s body and picked it up with relative ease. They then climbed out the window with the body and were gone.

  Daniel turned toward the High Priest. Tonight he would drink the blood of a High Priest and make a new apprentice who had been touched by the gods. Daniel smiled with satisfaction as he stepped forward. Suddenly there was a noise at the door. Someone was coming in from the hallway. With a conscious thought, Daniel willed himself to become invisible just as the door opened and three novice monks ran in. Daniel stepped away from the High Priest as the monks looked about the room.

  One of the monks asked, “Oh Fortuna, what has happened here?”

  Another asked, “Where did all of these dead bodies come from?”

  The first monk asked, “Did Fortiac kill them all?” The monks noticed Fortiac’s body lying on the ground and rushed over to help their High Priest. As they knelt around him, Daniel stepped forward and punched the monk directly across from him so hard that he flew back against the stone wall. Daniel grabbed the second monk with one hand so that he could not get away and grabbed the third monk by the hair. He yanked the third monk’s head to the side and drank deeply of his life force.

  When it was all over, Daniel had drained the life force of all three monks. Their screams had been music to his ears and he had relished their fear and pain. With his vampire ears, Daniel heard many more monks running down the hallway. He looked longingly down at the High Priest’s body knowing that he was out of time. If he wanted the elf for his new apprentice, he had to move on.


  Mestel didn’t realize how weak he was until his head fell limply backward and his arms fell loosely to the side. Ellen bit his neck one final time and then arched her head backward in ecstasy. Her entire face was covered in blood. Ellen opened her mouth and laughed with a wickedly loud laugh that filled the entire room.

  Then Mestel heard rather than saw a man over by the door. “You have done well, my wife. Tell me, what does elf’s blood taste like when it has been touched by the gods?”

  Ellen looked at Mestel and licked her lips, smearing his blood across her face. “Better than anything I could have imagined. I need it all.” She moved forward to bite his neck again.

  The man moved forward a few steps and grabbed Ellen by the shoulder, freezing her in place. “Now, now. Don’t be greedy.”

  In a shriller voice. “But I need it!”

  The man said, “Be quiet, woman. There are monks sleeping in the rooms all around us. We don’t want the shrillness of your voice to bring them here.” The man held onto her shoulder and said, “You have done well up until now. Do not disappoint me. You did your job and received your reward. Now get off so that I can claim my new apprentice.”

  Ellen slowly stood up. She looked at Mestel longingly and took several steps backward. As she moved away, her body changed into someone completely different. When the transformation was complete, she was still a human woman, but she was most definitely not Ellen. He had been tricked. The anger welled up inside of him and gave him renewed strength. He still had a dagger on his belt, but he didn’t know if it would be enough.

  Just then a door on the other side of the room opened and closed. The man, the woman creature, and Mestel all looked over at the door. Mestel was overwhelmed with joy to see Nero standing there with a questioning look on his face. Nero took a step forward and said, “What in the seven hells is going on here?”

  The woman creature stepped toward Nero with blood still on her face. “Infidel. How dare you interrupt my master? You will die for your ignorance.”

  Mestel knew this was his one chance. He silently pulled out the dagger and lunged toward the man. His legs nearly buckled under him and his head was swimming in black fog. Nevertheless, through sheer force of will, Mestel stepped forward and swung the dagger toward the middle of the man’s back. The man saw the attack at the last instant and swung around with a speed that made him blur as he moved. One of the man’s hands grabbed Mestel by the throat while the other hand grabbed his arm at the wrist. The man met his swing with a jarring strength that Mestel had never experienced in his life, even from his brother. Mestel squealed in agony as the man squeezed his wrist and his throat. Mestel involuntarily let go of the dagger as darkness once again closed in around him. The man released his throat and struck him hard across the face in one blurry motion. With this assault Mestel knew he was finished. The darkness crashed in around him and he lost consciousness.


  Nero heard the wicked laugh of a woman coming from a room down the hall. What is Daniel doing? The laugh was so loud, in fact, that there was no way it hadn’t drawn attention. Nero cursed under his breath; now he had no choice but to put himself in harm’s way to ensure everything went according to plan. He quickened his pace until he stood outside the door where the sound had originated. He opened the door, stepped inside, and shut it behind him. He turned to look at the room and was taken aback at what he saw. Daniel was standing in front of Mestel with one of his women standing behind him with blood all over her face. Nero’s eyes gravitated to Mestel, who was lying nearly passed out in a chair with blood all the way down his neck.

  At Nero’s entrance, all three of them looked over at him with questioning eyes. As Mestel realized who it was, he smiled hopefully at the prospect
of being rescued. The look Mestel gave him was so open and hopeful that Nero felt badly for what was about to happen to him. Nero bore Mestel no ill will. He was just another stepping stone for advancement in the Guild. If Daniel could be appeased, and Nero could get credit for everything that happened at the Basilica tonight, then he would have power beyond his wildest dreams.

  The woman vampire with Daniel walked boldly toward him saying, “Infidel. How dare you interrupt my master? You will die for your ignorance.”

  Nero drew his rapier in self-defense and prepared to strike down this undead creature if she came any closer. Miraculously, Mestel managed to jump out of his chair and lunge toward Daniel. Nero thought maybe Mestel’s dagger would hit home, but Daniel whirled around with a speed that Nero did not know was possible and grabbed Mestel by the throat and the wrist. A throaty squeak escaped Mestel’s lips as the dagger fell from his hand. An instant later, Daniel let go of his throat and punched him so hard across the face Nero thought Mestel’s head might come off. Mestel crumpled into unconsciousness and fell into Daniel’s arms.

  After the excitement was over, the vampire woman took a step closer to Nero. “More fresh elf blood. How nice.”

  Nero held his rapier in a ready stance and said, “Back off, bitch. I’m working with Daniel, but I would have no regrets killing you.”

  The woman became uncertain and looked to Daniel for clarification.

  Daniel said, “It’s true. Nero is of the Thirteen. Do not lay a finger on him, or he will likely kill you.” The woman took one step back and assumed a non-threatening stance. Daniel said, “Why are you here, Nero?” He looked longingly down at Mestel’s limp body and continued, “This is a sacred moment. I am about to add a member to my family.”

  “I’m not here to stop you. It’s just that your wife made so much noise that I feared others would come. I stepped in to make sure everything is on schedule.”

  “Everything is fine.”

  “I can see that, but it won’t be for long. You need to finish up and get out of here. The guards will be here soon.”

  Without another word, Daniel looked down at Mestel’s helpless body with a longing similar to that of a father to a son. Daniel closed his eyes and said some sacred words under his breath. He brought his arm up to his mouth and ripped his skin open with his sharp teeth. Blood began to flow out of the self-inflicted wound. Daniel lowered Mestel gently to the floor. He held his bloody arm directly above Mestel’s mouth. Daniel’s blood began to drip slowly into Mestel’s open mouth. Mestel was still unconscious.

  Nero didn’t understand what was happening, but he didn’t have long to contemplate it. The door behind him opened and in came Evisar, Valihorn, and a few monks. In that moment, Nero knew the game was over. He rushed forward with his rapier and decapitated the woman vampire. He watched her body crumple to the floor in order to give Daniel time to respond to his attack. Daniel looked at him incredulously and then stood up to defend himself.

  One of the monks behind Nero said, “It’s a vampire! Fortuna defend us!”


  Evisar took one look at his brother lying helplessly on the floor and drew Neverlost in the blink of an eye. He held the sword with two hands as he ran forward to take a mighty swing at the vampire. The vampire disappeared and Evisar nearly fell over with the momentum of his swing. The vampire had turned into a misty fog. The misty fog quickly moved over to the fireplace and disappeared up the chimney. Nero put his rapier away and ran to the fireplace to look up the flue. Evisar and Valihorn rushed over to Mestel. Evisar went down on his knees and took his brother in his arms. He seemed dead.

  One of the monks came over and got down on the marble floor with Evisar. The monk turned Mestel’s neck to the side to inspect his bite marks. Then the monk opened Mestel’s mouth and noticed the blood. The monk put his hand against Mestel’s neck to see if his heart was still working and was obviously shocked by what he observed.

  The monk said, “His blood has been drained by the vampire, but I believe he is still alive. Turn him over and get the blood out of his mouth.”

  Evisar did as he was instructed and said, “Why do we need to get the blood out of his mouth?”

  “Because I believe the vampire was trying to turn him into a creature like himself. I believe he was trying to turn your brother into a vampire. If your brother swallows more than a few drops of the blood, he will be doomed for all eternity.”

  Evisar shifted immediately into a panicked state. He turned his brother’s face to the floor and swabbed out his mouth with his fingers. Soon after, Mestel coughed violently and began to stir.

  Evisar took his hand out of his brother’s mouth and said, “Spit it out. Spit out the blood, Mestel.”

  Mestel immediately began spitting blood out of his mouth as he slowly came to. Evisar said, “Spit it all out brother, or you will become a vampire.”

  Mestel seemed to hear him and continued spitting and vomiting onto the floor with renewed vigor.

  Evisar turned to the monks gathered around and said, “Get him some water, please.” One of the monks went off to do as he asked. Evisar turned to Nero and Valihorn and said, “Can the two of you find Xander and Ellen?” Both companions nodded and left the room.

  One of the monks came back a short time later with a jug of water. Evisar turned Mestel over and said, “Wash your mouth out with this. Just spit it straight onto the floor.”

  Mestel took a drink, swished the water around in his mouth, and then spit it out onto the floor. He did the same thing a second time.

  Mestel finally seemed to relax as he looked at Evisar and said, “Where is Ellen?”

  “I sent Valihorn and Nero to get her. She will be here soon.”

  Mestel looked around in confusion. “No, No. She was right here in this room. Where did she go?”

  Evisar said, “I don’t know, brother.”

  The monk that was sitting next to Evisar said, “I believe I may know where she is.” Both brothers looked expectantly at the monk. “I don’t think she was ever here. I think the vampire woman that your other companion decapitated disguised herself as Ellen in order to get you to lower your defenses.”

  Mestel looked lost, but it made perfect sense to Evisar. The monk pointed to the vampire woman lying on the floor with her head close by. “A vampire’s magic is strong, and their suggestive powers are nearly impossible to resist. Do not blame yourself.”

  Mestel still looked lost as the monk said, “Now lie still while I cast a healing spell on you.”

  The monk turned Mestel’s head to the side so that he could lay his hand directly on the neck wound. The monk was about to begin his incantation when his eyes bulged wide open and he pulled his hands away.

  “Look at that. I’ve never seen anything like it. Your wounds are almost completely healed. In truth, you should be knocking on Seker’s door. What in the name of Fortuna is going on with you?”

  Evisar knew his brother was touched by the gods, but he didn’t want to say anything, and he hoped Mestel didn’t blurt it out either.

  Mestel sat up and said, “I have no idea.” Then he reached out for Evisar’s arm and pulled himself to his feet. He turned to the monk and asked, “Do you have any idea who that vampire was?”

  The monk shook his head and said, “We don’t have very much information. We know there is a vampire lair somewhere in Locus, but we have no idea where it is, or how many vampires there actually are. About once in a moon’s cycle some peasant is found dead in the street with a gaping neck wound.”

  Evisar said, “So why did the vampires attack the Basilica tonight? It seems more than random chance that we happened to be here on the night they chose to invade your holy temple. And why did they seek out my brother specifically?”

  The monk said, “I agree it’s odd and I don’t have the answers.”

  Mestel said, “I had a feeling something was wrong, so I got up and started roaming the halls. There weren’t any gu
ards in place, which worried me even more. Then I saw Ellen, or what I thought was Ellen, and she led me into this room.”

  The monk looked very worried all of a sudden. “You said you didn’t see any guards on patrol?”

  Mestel said, “No, not a one. I walked all the way down to the sanctuary and back again without seeing a single guard.”

  The monk turned to one of his fellow brothers and nodded his head curtly. The younger monk walked out into the hallway and disappeared without a word. After he was gone, Valihorn came through the door with Ellen and Faye. Ellen took one look at Mestel and rushed to his side.

  She said, “Valihorn told me you were attacked by a vampire.”

  “Yes, but I think I’m alright.” He looked from Evisar to the monk and said, “Somehow the vampires knew we were here. The vampire woman lying dead on the floor over there targeted me specifically. The male vampire came after me and tried to make me his apprentice. He sought me out. He planned this entire encounter.”

  An older voice boomed out from the doorway. “I think you are entirely right, my son. They knew where everyone was and they knew the layout of the temple.” Evisar looked over and saw a portly old man with a long beard standing in the doorway.

  Nero, who was standing right behind him, came forward saying, “I couldn’t find Xander. I searched everywhere until I came across the High Priest up in his chambers. There were six dead female vampires in his chambers along with three dead monks. The monks had been sucked dry, and I found the High Priest unconscious. Fortiac says Xander was in his chambers praying at the private altar when the vampires came in through the window.”

  Fortiac said, “Yes, they were impossibly fast, but he fought like a heroic knight of old. He moved as fast as they did and with such power!”

  Nero interrupted the High Priest by blurting out, “Now Xander is gone. No one has seen him.”

  Fortiac continued, “And every guard at every post in the temple is dead or presumed dead. Some have been found dragged into side rooms and murdered, while many others are just missing.” Fortiac turned to two other monks standing close by and said, “Wake the entire temple. Tell everyone we are under attack. Put everyone on alert. Arm yourselves. Conduct a search of the temple grounds. No one goes anywhere alone.”


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