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Do the Gods Give Us Hope?

Page 24

by Jeff Henrikson

  “I’m going back out there. The way of the Falcon is the way to self-sufficiency. I won’t be able to sleep until I know what happened to Xander.”

  Ellen grabbed for his arm and Evisar got up from his chair and headed him off at the door.

  Evisar said, “You can’t do any good out there right now.”

  “Yes, I can.”

  The two brothers faced each other in direct opposition once again. One duty bound to protect those under his charge – one inexorably bound to free those who were wrongly imprisoned. The conflict was getting old. There was no reason for them to travel together if they never saw eye to eye on anything.

  Evisar said, “You can’t. I can’t let you. Vampires took Xander and vampires are more powerful at night. You can’t go out into the darkness by yourself.”

  “Yes, I can. With the power of Martel, I can do anything.” Mestel darted around Evisar and opened the door. Evisar grabbed him by the arm and spun him forcefully around. Mestel used the momentum of the spin along with his dexterity to continue the turn and pull away from his brother. Before Evisar could stop him, Mestel rushed out into the hallway and made for the staircase.

  As he approached the staircase, he heard cheers and clapping coming from downstairs. A low-ranking monk rushed up the stairs and said, “He made it back. Xander made it back on his own.”

  Mestel followed the monk back to the conference room. The monk stopped at the door and spoke joyfully for all to hear. “Xander just made it back to the Basilica gate on his own.”

  High Priest Fortiac said, “Amazing. The man has the gift.”

  The lowly monk babbled on. “He’s coming directly here. He will be here soon.” The monk looked directly at his High Priest and said, “Fortiac, he also managed to free Fortica and bring her back to us as well.”

  Although Fortiac was an old man, he jumped to his feet with enthusiasm. “What? He has Fortica with him?”

  The monk nodded his head. “He does.”

  “Praise Fortuna,” Fortiac said.

  Nero piped up for the first time. “Who is Fortica?”

  Fortiac said, “She was our second most powerful priestess until she disappeared about a year ago. We always suspected the Talon Guild was holding her in order to get her out of the way, but we could never find any evidence.”

  Nero said, “I’m not easily impressed, but it sounds like we all underestimated Xander’s abilities.”

  Heads nodded around the room. There wasn’t much else to say as everyone stood or sat, waiting for the hero to arrive. After what seemed like a long wait, loud voices and cheering lofted up from the floors below. And then he was there. The living legend strolled into the meeting room amidst a hero’s welcome.

  Xander entered triumphantly into the room with Fortica at his side. Everyone rushed to Xander’s side to give him a hug and ask about his captivity. Valihorn, Nero, and even Ellen rushed forward with all of the monks and priests, while Mestel walked over and stood beside his brother on the other side of the room. Evisar rose to meet him, with a chill in the air.

  Mestel asked, “You don’t feel like celebrating?”

  “You know me. I’m not one for crowds. It is enough to know that he has come safely back to us.”

  Mestel nodded his head in complete agreement. The brothers stayed safely on the far side of the room watching for a long time as the party gained in numbers and volume. Everyone was eager to share in the celebration of the returned heroes. Fortica received just as much attention as Xander. Fortiac got up from his seat and embraced Fortica much as a father would embrace a long-lost daughter. Mestel looked on as the two laughed and cried happily together.

  Ellen eventually returned to Mestel’s side and gave him a loving hug of contentment. Shortly afterward, Xander made it across the room and stood before the brothers.

  Evisar was the first to speak. “Congratulations. We’re all very happy you managed to make it back.”


  “We were out all day turning the city upside-down looking for you. Where did the vampires take you?”

  “I’m not sure where the vampires took me. I just remember fighting them in Fortiac’s quarters when someone hit me over the head. The next thing I knew, I woke up in what was apparently the Talon Guild’s most secure prison with Fortica in the cell across from me. Together we managed to escape and work our way back here.”

  Evisar came forward and embraced Xander in a warrior’s hug. “Well done. It’s great to see you again, my friend.”

  Xander spoke into Evisar’s ear just loud enough for Mestel to overhear. “I lost the gem with the wizard in it.” Evisar continued the embrace, listening closely to what Xander had to say. “I woke up in a cell without any of my equipment. By the time I recovered my possessions, the gem was gone. I assume the Talon Guild has it.”

  Evisar nodded his head and the two separated. “That’s okay. It could have been much worse.”

  There was a loud clapping sound that resonated off the stone walls of the room. Mestel looked up to see the High Priest standing in authority with his hands together.

  Fortiac said, “My friends and brothers. We lost many of our comrades in service to Fortuna yesterday when vampires violated the sanctity of our church. These monsters of legend, that we thought belonged in stories meant to frighten children, remind us that we must remain ever vigilant. We mourn their loss and grieve for the violation committed against our great Basilica, but tonight we celebrate.” Everyone in the room and out in the hallway cheered at the High Priest’s words. “Tonight we celebrate Xander’s return.” More cheering. “Not only did he save my life from a horde of vampires, he also brought back one of our sisters who we feared was lost forever.” The cheering grew louder. “In celebration of our new hero, we will have a feast in his honor.” The monk’s jubilation could not be contained. “Break out the wine. Break out the food. Let us celebrate our victory over the forces of evil.”

  The cheers were deafening. Even Mestel couldn’t help but get caught up in the joy of the moment. The celebration went on long into the night; it reminded Mestel of the victory celebration held in Wessex not so long ago. The monks set up a feast that filled the main dining hall and spilled out into the hallway and rooms beyond. The companions sat at the table of honor with Fortiac on one side of Xander and Fortica on the other. Fortiac gave a toast to Xander and made the ex-rogue stand up and tell his heroic tale in front of the entire hall. The High Priest helped Xander describe the battle with the vampires, while Fortica helped him describe their time in the Talon Guild’s prison. Mestel couldn’t help but notice how at ease Xander was in the Basilica among those who shared his faith. The ex-rogue, who had always barbed him with criticism, had become a full-blown priest of the Lady of Luck.

  Mestel sat back and relaxed as the party continued. Music filled the hall as a few of the monks brought out their instruments and began to play. There was wine and a roast pig. As the monks became more intoxicated, some of them stood up to dance. Ellen urged Mestel to his feet and took him out to the dance floor. He danced poorly, but he did it for the woman he loved. To watch her move to the music was almost more than Mestel’s senses could bear. He had eyes only for her. As Mestel moved to the music, he watched out of the corner of his eye as Xander took Fortica’s hand and led her onto the dance floor. Xander moved with confidence around the floor, spinning Fortica around and holding her in his arms. The two laughed with each other long into the night.

  Mestel stayed up celebrating Xander’s return with Ellen by his side. After half the night had gone by, Xander politely excused himself and left the hall. Mestel couldn’t help but notice that Fortica excused herself shortly thereafter and left through the same exit Xander had taken. Once the guest of honor left, the party began to break up as the lack of sleep began to accumulate. Evisar and Valihorn got up to leave at the same time as Nero. Mestel took Ellen’s hand in his own and walked her out of the dining hall with his arm around her shoulders and her head lean
ing into his body. They walked contently back to their room, where Faye had long since fallen asleep in his own bed. Tomorrow they would leave for Jewlian in order to remove the cursed ring from Valihorn’s finger, but tonight he was going to sleep soundly in a warm bed with the woman he loved beside him.


  Nero walked back to his room after the celebration was over and was delighted to find it empty. He suspected Xander and Fortica were back in her room enjoying each other’s company, and Nero was ecstatic for the privacy. Not that Nero would have minded walking in on Xander and Fortica. She was very pleasing on the eyes, and she had a power about her that Nero yearned for ever since his one night with Arun. He had slept with many women over his long elven lifetime, but none of them had given him what Arun had that night.

  But that was in the past. Nero was paving a new future for himself in the present. His gamble with Xander had paid off better than expected and now it was time to collect the reward. He opened the door to his room and checked one more time to make sure the hallway and surrounding rooms were quiet. Then he closed the door and pulled out the magic coin the Philosopher from the Council of Wizards had given him several moons ago. As Nero sat down at the table, he thought about the series of events he was about to set into motion. The beginning of the end of the Philosophers.

  The Guildmaster had tried for more than a century to find someone in the Guild who could infiltrate the elven Philosophers; Nero had finally done the impossible and that had elevated him greatly in the Guildmaster’s eyes. His position in the Philosophers had paid off several times over the last two years, but this was the pinnacle of his deception.

  The Council of Wizards was the true power behind the Philosophers, and the Philosophers were the true power behind Armena. If the Council of Wizards was eliminated, Armena would be powerless to stop the Talon Guild from announcing the formation of its own kingdom and taking half of Armena’s land in the process. The problem had always been that the Wizards never showed themselves in large numbers.

  Nero put the magic coin between his thumbs on the table’s surface. In one quick flick he set the coin into motion and watched it spin across the wood. At first nothing happened and eventually gravity forced the coin into submissive silence. He picked up the coin and spun it again. This time the coin remained spinning much longer than it should have and a larger than life elven head appeared above the table. Nero immediately recognized the Council of Wizards member who had approached him at his home in Bethel.

  The Wizard looked at him and said, “Nero, why have you contacted me?”

  “You asked me to observe Xander and let you know if I thought he was worthy of being a Philosopher.”

  “And what have you found?”

  “Xander has proven himself several times over. I believe he will make an excellent addition to our organization.”

  “And what evidence do you have to support this conclusion?”

  Nero smiled and began his pre-scripted conversation. “Last night we spent the night at the Basilica of Fortuna in Locus. Xander was upstairs on the third level praying at the High Priest’s private altar when the two of them were attacked by a large number of vampires.”

  Nero thought the Wizard would baulk at the mention of vampires, but he simply said, “How many vampires were there?”

  “I don’t know for sure. Xander claims there were at least fifteen. We only know that Xander and the High Priest were able to kill ten of them.”

  “How do you know the High Priest didn’t kill all of the ones you found dead?”

  “Because the High Priest openly credits Xander with saving his life. The High Priest says he killed several of the vampires and then was hit over the head and lost consciousness. Xander fended off the remaining vampires by himself. Eventually, Xander was also rendered unconscious, but not before several monks barged into the room and forced the vampires to retreat.”

  “That does sound impressive, but surely you realize there is more to being a Philosopher than being a good fighter.”

  Nero put a hurt look on his face. “Of course. This is only the beginning of the story.”

  The Wizard smiled with approval and said, “Go on.”

  “The vampires took Xander with them when they retreated out of the Basilica.”

  “Why did they take Xander with them? Wouldn’t the High Priest have been a more valuable prisoner, or a more powerful vampire had they chosen to turn him?”

  On this front Nero had to be careful. He could not let on how much he knew about the gem. “I didn’t find out until later, but apparently Xander was carrying a gem of critical importance to the Talon Thieves Guild.”

  “Are you saying that the Talon Thieves Guild arranged for a group of vampires to capture Xander just so they could get this gem back?”

  “Yes, my lord. The vampires handed Xander over to the Talon Guild, where he woke up inside their maximum security prison.”

  “And then what happened?”

  “On his own initiative, Xander manipulated one of the guards and lifted the keys off him and unlock his cell door. Then he managed to get out of his cell, kill all the guards but one, and get his equipment back.”


  “It gets better. He tortured the one guard he purposely left alive into giving him the combination to the prison lock. Then he made it out onto the streets of Locus and back to the Basilica in the dark.”

  “More impressive.”

  Nero had grown up debating with his father and knew that in an argument you saved the best for last. “Oh, and did I mention that Xander managed to do all of these things while also freeing the second most powerful priestess of Fortuna, who was also being held in the prison?”

  The Wizard frowned. “The second most powerful priestess of Fortuna must have an impressive array of divine spells at her command. Perhaps Xander relied on her to do all of the heavy lifting?”

  “No, that is not the case.”

  “How do you know?”

  “Because when they got back, Xander and the priestess both said that the entire prison was encased in an anti-magic bubble. They had to rely on their wits and skill with the sword.”

  The Wizard remained silent as he considered everything Nero had said. As more and more time passed, Nero began to wonder if maybe he had not been as convincing as he thought. He looked below the larger than life head hovering above the table and saw that the copper coin was still spinning on the tabletop.

  The Wizard smiled and said, “Very good, Nero. You performed your mission flawlessly. I agree with you that Xander seems like an ideal Philosopher candidate.”

  “I’m glad to hear it. What are your orders?”

  “Tell Xander privately who and what we are. Then use the coin to contact me and I will give you more details.”

  “Very good. Thank you, sir.”

  “No, thank you, Nero. The Philosophers cannot survive without new recruits, and you have found a prime candidate.”

  With that, the image of the Wizard vanished, and the coin came to rest on the tabletop. Nero waited a moment before joyfully reaching out his hand and grabbing the coin. He put the small copper disk in a pouch around his waist and sat in the chair. A large smile slowly covered his face. He jumped out of his chair and danced around the room like a mad fool. Soon he would be the Guildmaster’s right hand with power beyond belief. Then he could destroy the Krone. Let them serve Evona in the afterlife, so long as they were extinct from Tellus. Then he would have his rightful place in Venal’s kingdom.

  Chapter 98: The Road to Jewlian

  The companions woke up the morning after Xander’s triumphant return with renewed purpose. They gathered their gear and proceeded to say goodbye to their new friends at the Basilica gate. Fortiac offered to care for Ellen and Faye while Mestel was away, and although Mestel admired the High Priest of Fortuna, there was no way he was leaving Ellen and Faye in a church that had just been raided by vampires. He instead electe
d to take them to Jewlian with the rest of the companions. He didn’t think they would necessarily be safer by his side, but if what he heard about the Sorcerers of Kentar was true, he thought they might take an interest in Faye.

  As long as it took to dissuade Fortiac of the notion that Ellen and Faye should stay at the Basilica, Mestel was shocked to find that it took Xander even longer. Xander seemed to have the admiration of every priest and monk at the Basilica. The newfound hero was surrounded by handshakes, hugs, and well-wishers. Fortiac thanked him again for saving his life. Fortica cursed the seven hells multiple times, saying it was too dangerous for him to leave the Basilica. It was obvious to Mestel that she was lashing out – too proud to admit that what she was really going to miss was Xander. She eventually hugged Xander fiercely and stood off to the side in a huff.

  By mid-morning, Evisar, Valihorn, Xander, Nero, Ellen, Faye, and Mestel started for the southern gate and began to put some distance between themselves and the fortress of Fortuna. They were on their way to the Sorcerers in the Kentarian capital of Jewlian, in the hope that they would be able to strike the cursed ring from Valihorn’s hand.

  Riding down the narrow cobblestone road, Mestel looked around at his companions and it suddenly hit him that he hardly thought of them as elves anymore. He hadn’t forgotten – it’s just that they had all been human for so long that Mestel had grown accustomed to it.

  As they came to the fortified gate, they were stopped by a sergeant and a common soldier. They both seemed a little jumpy.

  The sergeant said, “Where you fellas think you’re off to?”

  Evisar said, “We’re on our way to Jewlian.”

  “I don’t think so. Not today.”

  Evisar immediately got defensive. “What do you mean? Are you holding us here?”

  “I’m afraid them is the C’ptains orders. Seems there is a large skeleton army approaching Locus from the northeast.”

  “Well, this is the southern gate, and I don’t see any skeletons. So be a good man, and let us pass, will you?”


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