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The Mystery of the Hanging Garden of Babylon: An Elusive World Wonder Traced

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by Stephanie Dalley

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  Page numbers for illustrations, maps, drawings and photographs are given in italics.

  Abu Dhabi, 86

  Achaemenid period, 85, 87, 103, 191–2, 195, 202

  Adad-nirari III, king, 121

  Adiabene (kingdom), 200

  aflaj (water channels), 86

  Agarum, 86

  Ahasuerus, 170

  Akhenaten, king, 119

  akītu-house / festival, 23, 116–117

  Al-Ain-Buraimi (oasis), 86–7

  alabaster, 127, 139, 198, 199

  alamittu (male date-palm), 65–7, 69, 79

  Alcinous’ palace, 175–6

  Alexander the Great, 5, 22, 26–7, 30, 37–9, 97, 123, 167, 202, 205

  Alexander Romance, 26

  Alexandria (city), 4–5, 191

  Amanus mountains, 44, 129, 140, 147

  Amarna (city), 119

  ambassu (game park), 79, 244 n.5

  Ammianus Marcellinus, 186–7, 193, 200

  Amun (god, temple of at Karnak), 167

  An-shar (god, sky-sphere), 114–16

  Anabasis (Xenophon), 183, 190, 192–3

  Antigone, 20

  Antikythera mechanism, 77

  Antiochus I, king, 27, 37, 124, 125, 126

  Antiochus III, king, 38

  Antiochus IV, king, 196

  Antipater of Sidon, 218 n.13

  Antipater of Thessalonica, 6, 34, 177, 196–7

  Anu (sky-god), 157

  Anunnaki gods of the Underworld, 157

  Aphrodisias-Nineveh-on-Meander, Turkey, 3, 125, 126

  Aphrodite of Cnidos (goddess), 140

  apiculture, 5, 59

  Apollo (god), 169, 195

  Apollonius (son of Demetrius), 195–6

  Apollophanes (son of Asklepiades), 195

  Apsu, 154, 229 n.44

  aqueducts, 88, 95–6, 96, 99–101, 220 n.45, 228 n.32, see also bridge

  Arbaces the Mede, 185

  Arbela (city-site in Iraq), 87–8, 200, 202, 241 n.68

  archetypes, 120, 124

  Archimedean screw, 33–4, 34, 54, 56–7, 59, 87, 205–7, 224 n.29

  Archimedes, 33–4, 54–7, 59, 87

  archon, 195–6

  Ardericca (village), 99

  Arpad (city-site in Syria), 121

  Arshama, satrap of Egypt, 103, 193, 194, 195

  Artaxerxes I, king, 23

  Artemis see Diana Artemisium of Ephesus, 5

  Asalluhi (god), 118

  Ashur (god), 9, 114–16, 202

  Ashur (temple of), 9, 202

  Ashur (city), 9, 71, 75, 115–17, 121, 156, 168

  Ashur-nadin-shumi, king, 145

  Ashurbanipal, king, see also palaces

  and Babylon, 7–8

  demolition/depopulation of Susa, 185

  and Ishtar of Nineveh, 116

  and Naqia, 123

  and queen, 171

  sculptured panels, 43, 49, 51, 52, 149–50, 159–62, 166, 171, 173, 174, 188, 197, 200, 204, 208

  and Sennacherib, 131

  tribute from Izki in Oman, 86–7

  Ashurnasirpal II, king, 47–9, 87–8, 100, 103, 166, 172, 188

  ašlu (long string), 88


  Assyriology a recent discipline, 207

  and Babylon, 7–8, 109

  banquets, 170–1

  botanical knowledge in, 163, 165–7

  ceramic and burial customs of, 190

  confusion of Tigris and Euphrates, 120

  end of empire, 179, 182, 185–9, 192–3, 195, 202

  exceptional constructions proclaimed as wonders, 10

  ‘gate of gods’, 119

  Greek/Roman admiration of building work, 98

  imposition of law and order, 136

  intellectual environment, 55

  kings of, 22, 103, 122

  New Year festival, 116

  palaces, 80, 141, 150, 162

  queens of, see Atalya, Sammu-ramat, Tashmetu-sharrat

  royal cities of, 3

  sculptures in, 69, 78, 93, 93

  types of garden, 43, 45

  Atalya (queen), 116

  Atargatis temple, Hierapolis, 126

  Athena (goddess), 58

  Attalus II, king, 176

  authorship, 57–8

  Ayni (site in Turkey), 75, 76

  Azarqiel (astronomer), 119

  Babylon, see also palaces

  Achaemenid period, 26–7

  citadel of, 112

  and Cyrus the Great, 190

  and the Euphrates river, 45

  excavations in (1898–1917), 13–14

  festival of the New Year, 23

  ‘gate of gods’, 119

  gods of, 118–19

  and the Hanging Garden, 13–14, 16, 18–20, 107–8, 203, 207

  and Herodotus, 98

  high standard of cultural/civic life maintained, 191

  location problems, 119–20

  and Nineveh, 109, 111–13, 117, 126

  Processional Way, 45

  sack by Sennacherib, 116, 174

  and the Sel
eucids, 37

  sinking into the waters of chaos, 114

  and Stratonice, 124

  sketch-plan of citadel, 112

  two World Wonders, 33

  uninterrupted tradition of education/scholarship, 27

  walls of, 5–11, 30

  Western Outwork, 14, 15, 16, 45


  battle of Cunaxa in, 192

  canal-entwined landscape of, 103

  confusion of Tigris and Euphrates, 120

  exceptional constructions proclaimed as wonders, 10

  and the god Ea, 57, 156

  and Herodotus, 98

  interest in the glorious past, 27

  introduction, 1, 3

  and King Tiglath-pileser I, 84

  language of, 115

  museum, 217 n.21

  and Semiramis, 109

  types of gardens, 43, 45

  Babyloniaca (Berossus), 38

  Babylonian Akītu-Chronicle, 116

  Bahram II, king, 200

  Balaṭa (site in N.Iraq), 241 n.68

  Ball, Terry (illustrator), 148

  Bandwai canal, 92

  Banks, Joseph (naturalist), 165

  basalt, synthetic, 228 n.39

  Bastam (site in Iran), 222 n.30

  Bastion of Warad-Sin at Ur (in S.Iraq), 67

  Bavian-Khinnis, 91, 92–3, 94, 95, 97, 100, 101, 103, 104, 112, 144, 151, 174, 202–3, 207, 228 n.28, 234 n.37, Colour Plates 9–11, 13, see also inscriptions

  bee-keeping, 5, 59

  Bel-Marduk temple tower, 18

  Berossus (priest of Marduk), 23, 35–8, 100, 219 n.31

  bīt hilāni (palace), 14, 52, 141, 144, 150, 233 n.26

  Bodrum (town in Turkey), 5

  Bonacossi, Daniele Morandi (archaeologist), 105

  Borsippa (city-site in S.Iraq), 27, 117, 119

  main temple, 9, 123

  bridge, 88, see also aqueduct Brodersen, Kai (scholar), 40

  bronze, 72, 127, 134, 225 n.42, 232 n.2

  Browne, Sir Thomas, 19

  būrtu (well, cistern), 65

  Butterfly that Stamped, The (Kipling), 170

  Caicus river (in Turkey), 176

  Calah see Nimrud

  Calceolaria darwinii (plant), 165

  Callimachus of Cyrene, 4, 35

  Callisthenes, 30

  Calpurnius Piso L., 34

  camera lucida, 49

  Campbell Thompson, Reginald, 188

  Carchemish (city-site in Turkey / Syria), 145

  Cassius (mountain), 232 n.3

  Cedar Mountain, 157

  cerd (water-raising system), 78

  Chaereas and Callirhoe (Chariton), 36

  chahar bagh (Persian-style garden), 172

  Chamaerops humilis, 66–7, Colour Plate 4, see also alamittu

  Chariton, 36

  Chicago Assyrian Dictionary, 67

  Childe, Gordon, 55


  Shang period, 73

  Western Zhou period, 73–4

  bronze casting, 73–4

  Christie, Agatha, 92

  Chronicle concerning the Fall of Nineveh, 184

  Cilicia (region in Turkey), 33, 44, 197

  Clayton, Peter, 26

  Cleitarchus, 30

  cogs, 77–8, 223 n.5

  coinage, 2, 74, 238 n.11

  Collection of Sights in Lands throughout the World, A (Callimachus), 4

  Colosseum (in Rome), 4, 177

  Colossus of Rhodes, 5–6, 34–5, 40

  columns, pillars, 38, 40, 41, 54, 67, 68, 69, 70, 141, 173, 176–7

  concrete, 98

  Contra Apionem I.19 (Josephus), 35

  Cook, Captain, 165

  Cooper, F. C. (illustrator), 49

  Copais Lake, 88

  copper, 222 n.1, 223 n.9, 232 n.2

  Corinthian columns, 69

  cotton, 102, 163, 229 n.49

  Crassus (Roman general), 33

  crossbar, 67, 223 n.17

  Ctesias (Greek writer), 30, 109, 121, 182, 186, 193–4, 200, 218 n.2

  culture heroes, 55–9

  Cunaxa, battle of, 192

  cuneiform script

  deciphering of, 3–4

  introduction, 1

  tablet of Merodach Baladan, 46, 46

  cylinder seals, 71, 190

  Cyropaedia (Xenophon), 193

  Cyrus the Great, king, 8, 14, 23, 190–1, 216 n.4

  Cyrus the Pretender, 192

  Dahshur, 169

  Dalbergia sissoo (plant), 163

  Daniel, 23, 35

  Daniel, Book of, 26

  Darius’ canal (Iran), 87

  Darius I, king, 14, 108, 191

  Darius II, king, 194

  Darius III, king, 97

  Darwin, Charles, 165

  date-palm, palm-tree, 40, 66–70, 163, 165

  Deiogenes, 197, 197

  Deir el-Bahri (temple in Egypt), 166–7

  ‘demiourgos’, 56

  demonic gods, 139

  Descent of Ishtar to the Underworld (Babylonian myth), 38, 156

  Deuteronomy, 76

  Diana (goddess), 5, 34, 69

  Dilmun (Bahrein), 157–8

  Diodorus Siculus

  and Archimedes, 56

  Euphrates/Tigris confusion, 120

  and the Hanging Garden, 20, 23, 30–3, 38, 43, 145, 159, 160, 173, 177

  and Nineveh, 182, 193

  obelisk of Semiramis, 4

  and Naqia, 124

  and Semiramis, 109, 120, 123

  and water machines, 72–3

  discovery of sculpture panels 41, 43, 44, 49–54, 50, 52, 54

  Domus Aurea (palace in Rome), 36, 177, 208

  Doric columns, 69

  drains, drainage, 81, 102

  Dransfield, John, 67

  Dur-Katlimmu (city-site in Syria), 189, 239 n.41

  Dur-Sharrukin see Khorsabad Dura Europus (city-site in Syria), 198

  Duranki see Nippur

  E-duranki (temple in Nippur), 114

  Ea-Nishiku (god), 57, 89–90, 154, 156

  East India House Inscription, 10, 23, 37

  ecphrasis, 29–30, + …

  Edison, Thomas, 166

  Egypt, 5, 56–7, 76, 98, 119, 170, 174, 176, 195

  Egyptian screw 56–7, see also Archimedean screw

  Ekur (temple in Nippur, S.Iraq), 114

  Elam, Elamites (of Susa), 87, 185, 190, 190, 240 n.48

  El-Lahun (site in Egypt), 222 n.30

  Enki (god), 114, 157–8, see also Ea

  Enki and Ninhursag (Sumerian myth), 157–8

  Enkidu (hero), 22

  Enlil (god), 114–15

  enlilūtu (power of god Enlil), 115–16

  Enoch, 58

  Ephesus (city-site in Turkey), 34

  Epic of Creation, 116, 118–9, 153–4, 209

  Epic of Gilgamesh, 8, 57–8, 157

  Epicurus, 172

  epistatēs, 242 n.76

  Eratosthenes, 33

  Eridu (city-site in S.Iraq), 117–19

  Esagil (temple in Babylon), 122

  Esarhaddon, king, 7, 9, 123–4, 144–5

  Esther, Book of, 139, 170

  Eumenes II, king, 176

  Euphrates river

  and Babylon, 26, 98

  change in the course of, 14

  and the Hanging garden, 107

  introduction, 1, 3

  location confusion, 120, 126

  and Mari (city), 85

  tributaries, 45

  Eupolinos (engineer), 87

  Eutyche (goddess), 198, 199

  Evelyn, John, 156

  Ezekiel, 158, 207

  Ezida (temple in Borsippa), 124

  Faideh (village), 92, 105

  falaj (water channel), 86, see also qanat

  financial credit, 55

  Finkel, Irving, 26

  Finley, Moses, 55

  fir-cones, 166

  Fitzroy, Captain, 165

  Flood, the, 57–8, 112, 230 n.10
r />   Fort Shalmaneser (Review Palace, Nimrud), 199

  foundation of Nineveh, 209

  Frederick the Great of Prussia, 208

  Gallienus, Emperor, 197

  Garden of Alcinous (Odyssey), 175

  Garden of Eden, 158–9, 207

  garden traditions, 45, 172

  ‘gate of gods’, 119

  Gaugamela, battle of, 97, 202, 205

  gears, 223 n.5

  Genesis, Book of, 158–9

  Geography (Strabo), 33

  Gilgamesh, 8, 22, 24–5, 157

  Gilgamesh Epic, 27

  Gilgamesh, hero-king, 118

  ginindanakku (measuring rod), 88

  gišimmaru (date-palm), 69

  gišmahhu (cylinder, tree-trunk), 65–6

  Gomel river, 93, 97

  Gordis (hero), 125

  Gossypium arboreum (cotton), 164, Colour Plate 16

  Gossypium herbaceum (cotton), 164

  grafting, 220 n.44

  Greece, 58, 88, 98, 157, 169, 195, 207

  Greek polis, 195–6

  Gregory of Nazianz, 175, 205

  Gudea of Lagash, 82

  Habur river, 85

  Hadrian, Emperor, 22, 197

  Hajar mountains (Abu Dhabi /Oman), 86

  Halahhu (district), 241 n.69

  Halicarnassus see Bodrum Halzi (gate, district), 185, 241 n.69

  Hammurabi, king, 6, 117

  Handbook to the Seven Wonders of the World, A (Philo of Byzantium), 39

  Hanging Garden

  and Antipater of Thessalonica, 196–7

  and Babylon, 13–14, 16, 18–20, 107–8, 203, 207

  building of, 107

  construction of, 170


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