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Page 29

by S. E. Akers

  Chapter 12 — Adamas

  “BEEP…BEEP…BEEP…BEEP…” In my groggy state, I rolled over to grab my nagging alarm clock and then purposely tossed it off my nightstand. After stretching for a moment, I yanked my soft flannel covers up to my neck and curled into a ball. Before I knew it, the reality of what day it was made me snap to attention. It was Sunday — my birthday.

  My eyes popped open as I pushed my body up in the bed and propped myself against the headboard. My actions must have been too swift, because my head started to pound. I placed both of my hands on my forehead and pressed firmly, in an attempt to force the relentless throbbing to stop.

  Why does my head feel like this? In fact, I was aching clear down to my toes. Confused, I threw back the covers and eyed the rest of my body. I looked ok, but I thought, Why do I feel like I’ve been hit by a daggone truck?

  I shook my head and glanced down beside my bed. My alarm clock was lying sideways on the floor.

  It’s 6:05 AM…Where’s Daddy? He’s usually in here before the alarm goes off. Maybe he’s running late? I’ll give him a few more minutes. The way my muscles felt, I wasn’t in any hurry to run downstairs to go look for him. I could wait patiently on my traditional “birthday cake-in-bed”.

  As I lay there massaging my temples, I couldn’t shake the notion that last night seemed to be a complete blur. I looked around my room and spotted the Lavish garment bag hanging on my closet door. I also spied something black, peeking out of my hamper. I focused intensely.

  That’s right…Daddy surprised me with that dress, and I went to the dance. I still found it odd that my memory needed to be “jogged”.

  My mind raced, trying to recall the details of last night. I remembered Katie coming over and helping me get ready, and that I’d left for the dance with Mike. I tried to think what happened next, but my mind was blank. Inadvertently, I reached for my necklace out of habit so I could concentrate.

  It’s not here, I realized as my hands patted my neck and chest. I looked around in the bed for it. Shortly, the memory of my confrontation with Charlotte surfaced. A wave of anger flew over me, just as if it was happening for the first time.

  That witch had all of my college applications hidden in her closet! I recalled the exact words she had spoken when I’d confronted her, as well as her cruel sentiments. I’ll never understand what I could’ve ever done to deserve her cruelty. We’ll have words later. She’s not getting off the hook that easy!

  I was mindful of the fact that I’d ripped off my locket in an emotional rage, but I also recalled how physically painful it was. I rubbed my neck as I thought about the intense, fiery pain. That too, was odd.

  Maybe the cologne had some sort of reaction with the gold chain or something? All I remembered was that once I’d yanked off the necklace, I felt instant relief.

  As I placed my alarm clock back on the nightstand, my eyes spotted the black-beaded clutch lying beside the lamp. I vaguely remembered Katie handing it to me before I’d left for the dance. I reached for it and found my dead cell phone tucked inside. I suddenly remembered that I’d hidden its charger in my bedside drawer earlier in the week. Chloe had misplaced hers, and I didn’t want her stealing mine, so I’d shoved it to the back of my drawer. I grabbed the charger and reached around to plug it into an outlet behind the table.

  As I fastened the cord to the dead phone, I spotted the golden topaz ring in a small jar of water, sitting on the edge of the table. Instantly, I remembered the gift Ms. Sutherland had given me.

  Funny, I don’t recall taking it off last night, I thought, looking down at my hand. I remembered ditching my class ring, at Katie’s insistence. I checked the beside table to find that it wasn’t there.

  I could’ve sworn I laid it down there after I took it off. Maybe it fell off when I knocked my alarm clock on the floor?

  Carefully, I scanned the hardwood floor around the perimeter of my bed and even leaned over to look underneath it (on both sides). It was nowhere to be found.

  Weird. I’ll hunt for it later…It’s here somewhere. I removed the little golden topaz ring from the jar, gave it a quick flick, and slipped it back on the ring finger of my left hand. I can’t wait to show this to Daddy.

  My patience had run out, so I got up (Mother Nature was calling anyway). I figured I would just run to the bathroom and climb back into bed to wait for my “surprise” cake. As I headed for the hall, I glanced down at the wadded-up dress sticking out of the hamper.

  I can’t believe I just threw it in there like that and didn’t take the time, nor care to hang it up.

  A strange feeling came over me that seemed relevant to the dress in some way, but in the midst of “nature-calling”, I shook it off and stepped into the hall. To my complete shock, Chloe was coming out of her bedroom, already showered and dressed.

  She’s never ready this early on a Sunday, or even a school day for that matter. What gives?

  My sister had an unusual air about her that seemed very solemn. Even her eyes looked red and extremely puffy. I racked my brain to figure out if something had happened between her and Mike last night, but nothing came to mind. I started to question her.

  “What’s wrong with—”

  “You need to get dressed and come down to the living room,” Chloe ordered gruffly. She never broke her stride or even glanced back as she marched towards the stairs.

  “What’s your problem?” I called back, irritated by her attitude as I entered the bathroom.

  She didn’t respond, which was unusual. Chloe was always one to snap back over anything.

  After conducting my “business”, I grabbed my brush and stroked my hair several times. As soon as my ponytail was securely fastened in place, I figured, Maybe I’d better go downstairs to see what’s going on? Daddy may have something else planned for my birthday.

  While I gazed at my reflection, that same strange feeling resurfaced about my dress. Suddenly a vision of me, running through the woods in a panic emerged. There was snow all over the ground, and I could see sharp branches scraping my skin. The sound of fabric ripping echoed in my head. It rattled my entire body, like nails to a chalkboard. Unnerved by what my mind had conjured, I bolted out of the bathroom.

  I threw open my bedroom door and snatched the dress out of the hamper. My eyes flared as I held it up. My new, beautiful black dress was nothing more than a tattered rag and stained with crusty matte splotches. I was dumbstruck. The stains wouldn’t rub out. I pulled the shredded dress up to my nose. They smelled like blood. Then a vision surfaced of what appeared to be me, lying on the ground and covered in cuts, bleeding profusely all over my new dress. I dropped it back into the hamper.

  How could this have happened? Why was I running through the woods? It couldn’t be my blood. I don’t have a scratch on me. What the heck is going on?

  I whipped off my pajamas (that I didn’t even remember putting on last night) and threw on a pair of jeans, along with a white long-sleeve t-shirt. As I fumbled with my socks and sneakers, I looked out my bedroom window. I was astounded to see a thick blanket of glistening white snow outside, but I was even more surprised when I noticed we had company — a lot of it. Samuel’s Jeep was out there, as well as a couple of the City of Welch’s police cruisers, and what looked like Dr. Albert Whitley’s silver Mercedes-Benz.

  Why in the world are “they” here? This early? I wondered as I scrambled to get downstairs.

  I landed in the foyer to see Officer Pete Ryan standing in the doorway of the living room.

  Of all people, I thought. I couldn’t stand him. He was your typical A-hole cop who acted like he was God’s gift to women with his steroid-induced physique and cocky attitude. I’d thought so many times about spitting on his food when he came by the Drive-In. Though my own conscience wouldn’t allow it, I was pretty sure Charlie’s had been a little more lax in the past, since Officer Ryan always demanded his meals be “free-of-charge”.

  He heard my footsteps approaching and turned to giv
e me what appeared to be a look of solace. My instincts kicked in, and I immediately prepared for something bad, but how bad — I had no idea.

  Officer Ryan mumbled something to me as I walked past him, but I was too focused on what was transpiring in the living room to comprehend what he was saying. There sat Charlotte on the sofa, Chloe on one side and Dr. Whitley on the other. Charlotte’s face was puffy too, and her red swollen eyes looked worse than Chloe’s. Her head was resting on Dr. Whitley’s shoulder as he held her in his arms. Chloe was gently stroking one of her hands. Instantly, my heavy heart sank like an anchor.

  Nothing good can come from this scene, I thought in silence. All I wanted to know was, Where’s Daddy?

  Samuel was talking to the Chief of Police, Marc Roberts, when he finally noticed my entry. He rushed over and hugged me in a way he’d never done before.

  What horrible thing could’ve happened to warrant an embrace like this? I couldn’t take not knowing any longer.

  “Samuel, where’s Daddy?” I asked cautiously. Samuel never replied. His only response was to squeeze me tighter, which only alarmed me further. “Sam—Samuel…Wh—Where’s Daddy?” I asked again through a cracking voice, determined to get an answer.

  Charlotte let out a few whimpers and then started to wail. I pulled free from Samuel’s grip and stared into his deep brown eyes — his undeniably sad eyes. He didn’t have to say a thing. My body went numb as a horrible, dull ache surfaced in the pit of my stomach. The next thing I knew, my floodgates had opened. Chief Roberts walked over and patted me on the back.

  “I’m very sorry, Shiloh. I thought the world of him,” Chief Roberts stated somberly.

  Charlotte was still sitting on the sofa, being comforted by Chloe. Neither of them looked my way. I was devastated, but they weren’t interested in my feelings at the present time. It just confirmed to me that with the loss of the only person in this family who loved me — I was now “officially” alone.

  Samuel grabbed my hand and gave it a tight squeeze. I watched Dr. Whitley struggling to free himself from Charlotte’s clutches.

  “Excuse me, Charlotte. I need to check on Shiloh,” Dr. Whitley remarked.

  Charlotte wailed, “But what about ME? I was his wife!” She continued to sob some more. “Now, I’m no—nobody’s wife!” Charlotte cried out and then dramatically hurled herself against the back of the sofa.

  Chloe sprang into action and threw her arms around our mother, pulling her into a close embrace. “I’m here for you, Mommy! Don’t worry about anything.” Chloe threw an icy-cold stare my way and added, “We’ll get through this…together.”

  I knew it. Definitely “on my own”.

  Chief Roberts approached Dr. Whitley. “Maybe you should give Charlotte a sedative, Doc?”

  Dr. Whitley smiled assuredly. “I already did,” he replied and gave his large black satchel a couple of taps. “She should’ve already started feeling its effects.” Dr. Whitley greeted me with a sympathetic smile and a few pats on my back.

  “How are you holding up, Shiloh?” the compassionate doctor asked.

  His words fell upon deaf ears. I took a deep breath and asked, “How did he…die?” Tears poured down my cheeks as soon as I spoke that haunting, three-letter word. Samuel placed his arm around me. Dr. Whitley cleared his throat and composed himself in a more professional manner.

  “It appears Caiden must’ve had a heart attack or possibly a stroke last night,” Dr. Whitley replied. “There weren’t any signs of trauma on him, so the police have ruled out any foul play. I’m sure he went quick and didn’t suffer.”

  I walked over to the fireplace and stared at the burning flames. As I watched them dance and flicker along the logs, I recalled seeing something burning last night, but I couldn’t tell what it was. Dr. Whitley and Samuel were calling my name, but I was too busy piecing together last night’s events to acknowledge them.

  “Who found him?” I asked listlessly.

  “I did,” Officer Pete Ryan spoke up. “He looked to have been…well, that way…for a couple of hours. I found him around 4:30 AM this morning, when I was on patrol. I saw his truck from the road and went to check on him, what with that freak snowstorm we had last night. He must’ve been putting something up in the bed of his truck when it happened.”

  My eyes widened as I looked at the glowing flames. I caught a glimpse of my father lying in the bed of his truck, convulsing as his veins pulsated against the surface of his skin. They were a strange blue color. Daddy was grimacing, and I noticed the blue handprints fading on each side of his neck. I remembered it perfectly, as if it had just happened a few seconds ago.

  I spun around to Officer Ryan. “What about the handprints around his neck? How can you be so sure there wasn’t any foul play? How else would they have gotten there?” I countered.

  Abruptly, the room became still. No one said a word. Even Charlotte stopped sniveling and formally acknowledged my presence with a strange expression. Both officers looked at each other oddly, and then back over to me with a fixed stare of confusion. In fact, as my eyes swept around the room, I noticed that everyone had the same look on their face. It was evident. They all thought I was insane.

  “Um, Shiloh…there weren’t any marks, of any kind around his neck. I’m a little confused as to why you think there were?” Officer Ryan rebutted as his eyes narrowed, casting a clear look of doubt my way.

  My mouth flew open.

  Chief Roberts was next to chime in. “I was close by and got there within a minute. We didn’t see anything on Caiden’s neck, or anywhere else on his body for that matter,” the Chief added, trying to reassure me. He was quick to come to the aid of his fellow officer and put any doubts I had to rest.

  “But I SAW the blue handprints!” I lashed out at both of them. “They were around his neck! The horrid look in his eyes…Even the amount of pain he was in! His veins were popping out of his skin! It wasn’t natural! Someone did…SOMETHING TO HIM!” Their lack of competence as investigators had grated my last nerve. I wanted answers, and I was determined to get them.

  Samuel and Dr. Whitley looked puzzled.

  “Shiloh, you were there? Weren’t you at the dance?” Samuel asked.

  “Yes, I was there! I was in the bed of the truck…holding his hand. He was dying, right there in front of me!” My body trembled as I relived the agonizing moment all over again. I suddenly remembered the tracks I’d seen coming out of the mine. “What about the tracks that were left at the scene?” I snapped at Officer Ryan. Surely their keen detective skills would’ve picked up on that observation.

  “There weren’t any tracks!” Officer Ryan barked. “The entrance and parking lot were untouched. No one had been in or out of there. The only tracks were the one’s I made when I got there, and then the Chief’s a few minutes later!” Officer Ryan was clearly growing tired of my questions regarding his sleuthing abilities.

  The Chief rushed over to Officer Ryan. “Now Pete, don’t get so worked up,” he scolded. “It’s obvious she’s in shock or possibly had a bad dream last night.”

  “A bad dream?” I raged. “Your police work is the only BAD DREAM I wish I could wake up from! I know what I saw! I was there…Dammit!”

  “Listen here, Shiloh!” Charlotte growled as she jumped to her feet. “I’ll not have you cursing like that in MY HOUSE!” She sashayed over to Chief Roberts and placed her hands on his chest. Charlotte halted her crocodile tears long enough to scold me some more. “These officers have been so courteous to us this morning and have done their job above and beyond their duties.” Charlotte ran her fingers through her over-processed hair and threw both lawmen one of her award-winning smiles from her pageant days.

  I pushed my way through the room and leaned into her face. I was livid.

  “You can save those fake tears for my father. He wouldn’t want you to cry for him. Oh, and by the looks of it, you sure don’t need the added wrinkles around your eyes from them!”

  Without delay, Charlo
tte’s hand flew up, and she gave me a swift “smack” across my face. Funny thing though, I saw her do it, but my head stayed in place, and it only felt like a light breeze had simply caressed it. However, Charlotte was now hunched over, screaming and clutching her hand.

  I wasn’t as interested in her theatrical display as much as I was with the image that had popped in my mind as her hand struck my cheek. I saw myself lying in my father’s truck. I’d just gotten backhanded — but it wasn’t by Charlotte. I couldn’t quite tell who it was. I started rubbing the side of my face, remembering how painful it was when it had happened last night. I awoke from my daze to hear Dr. Whitley announcing that Charlotte’s hand was likely broken.

  “ARE YOU HAPPY NOW?” my mother screamed at me. “IT’S BROKEN! Why did you do that to me?”

  Her hand was already turning blue. Unconsciously, I rubbed my hand across my cheek. Dr. Whitley hurried over to examine me.

  “Shiloh, you don’t seem to have a mark on you. Not one mark at all.” Dr. Whitley looked befuddled. He started to examine my cheek further when I halted his hand.

  “I’m fine,” I assured him. Charlotte continued to rant, milking all the extra attention for everything it was worth (though the words she shot out would’ve made the foulest-mouthed trucker blush).

  “Shiloh, why’d you go and do a thing like that to your mother? On all possible days?” Officer Ryan scolded. “She’s been through a lot this morning!”

  “ME? Why did ‘I’ do that to ‘HER’? Especially…‘TODAY’?” Disgusted by his remarks, I found myself pacing around the room, grunting uncontrollably and arms flailing about mechanically. I scowled at Officer Ryan. “You’ve got to be kidding, right?” I snapped at him. The smartass in me took over and before I knew it, out came, “Well, it is my birthday…I thought I’d give myself a present!”


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