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Page 47

by S. E. Akers

  “What kind of gift do you think he wants from the Onyx?” I whispered back, anxiously.

  Tanner shook his head. “You should be more concerned about what the Onyx wants from him in return.”

  There went that sinking feeling again. That wouldn’t be too hard to guess, considering how many times that bastard has already tried to kill me.

  While we remained hidden behind the crates, Mr. Estell’s screams grew louder, right along with the strange sounds rattling around us. They were emanating from everywhere, like some sort of supernatural surround-sound. Mr. Estell’s wails heightened into one climactic scream and then stopped. Even the rattling sounds suddenly came to an abrupt halt. Not a second later, we heard something shatter. It had to be the mirror.

  Tanner slowly rose from behind the crates to take a peek. He gestured that it was safe, so I stood up beside him. We looked at each other and then back to the center of the room. Oddly enough, Mr. Estell was gone. All that remained were fragments of the shattered black obsidian mirror and the dark cloak lying in a clump on the floor. We both crept slowly towards the wadded up garment. Tanner ran his foot along the edge of the black fabric. His eyes scanned over to the altar. Shards of obsidian covered in blood littered its surface. As we stepped closer, I spotted the strange box from where Mr. Estell had retrieved the mystery item that he’d shoved into his mouth. I picked up the aged metal box to get an idea as to what could have been inside it.

  Tanner snatched the box out of my hands. “Give me that! You don’t know what was in here.” He cautiously opened the lid and looked inside.

  I leaned over to see for myself. Nothing. It was empty. A strange look appeared on Tanner’s face as he swiped his fingers inside the box and raised them for a closer inspection. He was rubbing his fingers together when suddenly his eyes flared. He shoved my hand down inside the box. When I pulled it back out, I noticed a subtle, glittery dust on my index finger. The tiny specks felt rough and oddly seemed to have scratched the tip of it in a couple of places.

  “Diamonds,” Tanner announced. “There were diamonds in here. I think we’d better go…Now!”

  Alarmed by Tanner’s declaration, I started unconsciously walking towards the doorway backward. I turned to run, but caught myself as I was about to trip on something. I looked down and gasped. A rattlesnake! My instincts took hold. Automatically, I kicked my foot, sending the scaly creature hurling across the room and turned to head for the doorway.

  Like watching a clown springing out of an old tin Jack-in-the-Box, my eyes flew open and I jumped back in fright. Tanner was still standing at the altar with his back to me, so I yelled for him to “turn around”. Unbeknownst to us, the room had been filling up with snakes and was now crawling with tons of the vile, venomous creatures. Plenty more were still steadily slithering into the chamber all around us through the holes bore into its walls.

  “Shiloh, just go! Quickly! You won’t get bit. Their fangs can’t penetrate your flesh.”

  I hesitated. “What about you? Can you heal yourself from their poison?” The look on Tanner’s dispirited face gave me my answer.

  “Not snake venom…I can only stave off its effects for short time. Go! I’ll be right behind you.”

  I sighed nervously as I headed for the doorway. I dodged several of the smaller rattlers and a few copperheads that were trying their best to bite my legs. Before I could reach the exit, two large rattlers tripped me by quickly winding their bodies around my legs. As soon as I landed on the ground, an 8-foot copperhead slithered beside my head and wrapped itself around my neck. It tightened its hold and began dragging me towards the hematite-laden walls.

  While I tried to use my free hands to pull the snakes off me, I noticed Tanner’s predicament was much worse. Several snakes had coiled themselves around him and kept sinking their fangs into his flesh as he tried to free himself. Tanner attempted to transform several times, but the poisonous venom had already started to drain his strength. I had to break free to help him — soon. I wasn’t sure how much more of it he could withstand.

  The copperhead jerked me up by my neck, and I now found myself adversely pinned against the wall. Another rattler managed to wrap itself around one of my wrists. It yanked my bare hand back towards the iron-rich wall, securing my skin’s contact with the energy-draining hematite. I felt its sluggish effects immediately.

  As the copperhead continued to tighten its grasp, it suddenly dawned on me what to do. Since I wasn’t as physically strong enough now to remove them, I scraped my diamond-hard fingernails along the snake’s body. I felt the wet rush of blood and soft tissue squishing against my fingers the deeper I dug into its scaly flesh. The copperhead hissed violently as it eased up on its grip. With one quick tug, I pulled the scaly creature off my neck. Then I removed the three other snakes that were keeping me immobile by ripping them open in the same fashion. Yuck! I was covered in bloody snake guts.

  Just as I freed myself and started to run over to Tanner, an ominous rattle rocked the entire room, followed by a long, chilling “hiss-s-s-s-s-s”.

  I froze. The noise sounded like it was coming from below. I looked down at the wadded up clump of black fabric on the floor beside Tanner. It was moving. “Something” was underneath it. Suddenly the cloak went airborne and from underneath the deceptive black veil, a gigantic and undeniably supernatural serpent rose from the ground.

  Oh shit! I know what happened to Mr. Estell…

  It had to be at least twenty-five feet long. The freakish serpent quickly coiled around the altar and soon spied a very weakened Tanner Grey, struggling to escape from his slithery restraints.

  Tanner’s eyes widened at an alarming rate when he spotted the monstrous serpent rearing back to strike him. He was defenseless. There was absolutely nothing he could do what with three, huge snakes wrapped around him, binding his arms to his chest. I had to think fast. My strength had returned, so as the serpent lunged at Tanner, I quickly grabbed one of the heavy crates and hurled it at its head.

  “HEY!” I screamed. My maneuver had successfully blocked the blood-thirsty creature’s attack on Tanner and drew its attention away from him.

  The supernatural serpent hissed uncontrollably and turned towards me. It appeared to be grinning. The snake’s mouth stretched opened to reveal its fangs…every sparkly, shiny diamond one of them.

  Tanner spotted the imposed diamond fangs and yelled, “Get the Hell out of HERE!”

  With that said, the serpent reared back to attempt one high-speed lunge my way. I bolted out the door and down the narrow, earthy tunnel as fast as I could. The ground below me vibrated as the serpent pushed closer and the sound of its hisses grew louder by the second. Once I’d exited the passageway, I made a mad dash for the rickety old stairs. I raced up the steps without even taking a breath.

  I have to get out of here, but what about Tanner? I have to help him! I can’t let him die back there.

  I reached the top of the trap door and hopped out just as the head of the snake emerged. Straightaway, I grabbed the hinged wood cover and threw my body on top of it, forcing the fiendish serpent back down into the basement.

  The snake kept banging on the trap door, trying to break through it. I looked down. There’s no lock! My body flew up and down violently as I tried to keep the serpent from bursting through the wooden door. I turned my head towards the front door of the shack. It was wide open.

  Maybe if I can get outside I would stand a better chance of killing it, rather than being cooped up in here with no room to move? I quickly weighed all of my options. There really wasn’t any, just “fight-it-inside” or “fight-it-outside”. Maybe there’s a garden hoe out there…with a really big, freaking blade!

  Without warning, the pounding stopped. I figured this would be my best chance to make a break for it. Just as I made a swift leap towards the open doorway, the serpent’s head burst through the wood trap door. I attempted to run outside, but the serpent coiled around my waist quickly, wrapping itself around m
y body like a mummy, and then jerked me back inside the shack. I tried to push against its grasp, but I was pinned. I couldn’t even move my hands enough to slice my nails into its flesh. It continued to coil around me, tightening its grip. The serpent’s head drew closer and hovered over me while the rest of its freakish body was still trailing down into the basement. The snake let out a chilling “hiss-s-s-s” as its gruesome-looking, forked-tongue tapped against my cheek. I grimaced and twisted about, but I couldn’t free myself. The serpent flashed its diamond fangs at me once more. It was rearing back for one final and fatal strike. The diamond fangs could puncture my skin and assuredly flood my body with its deadly venom. I braced myself for its inevitable attack, knowing I would soon be just a memory.

  As the serpent’s head came thrusting at me, I caught the glimpse of something shining brilliantly. In one swift move, Tanner Grey had emerged from the basement behind the serpent and severed its head slick from its body with a crosscut inflicted by two glowing amethyst swords that he held in his hands. No sooner than the serpent’s diamond-shaped head had rolled off to the side, its muscles began to relax enough for me to wiggle free. I watched him retract the amethyst blades back into the metal handle-grips from his motorcycle, which I now knew were cleverly disguised hilts, and then a badly poisoned Tanner Grey began to collapse. I sprang to my feet and grabbed the injured Talisman to drag him outside.

  Tanner eyes were closing. “Tanner!” I yelled hysterically. “Can you hear me? Can you get rid of the poison?”

  Tanner rolled over. “No,” he mumbled, struggling to speak. “The venom is very potent…some of the snakes that bit me weren’t entirely earthly creatures…more supernatural.” His frail voice called out, “Go look for his…sardonyx. It’s black with white markings on it…It’ll tell me what kind of magic I’m up against. Just…HURRY!”

  I raced back inside the shack. I stopped dead in my tracks at the sight of the serpent that had now transformed back into Mr. Estell. His severed head was lying cock-eyed against the metal washtub. I reluctantly inspected it for a stone necklace, but there was nothing. Hell — What’s there to keep it on him anymore? I went to the trap door and looked down into the basement. The other portion of his body was lying at the bottom of the steps. Ugh! I rolled my eyes and ran down the stairs. I cringed as I felt around the headless, naked body for the stone. Nothing! I checked his hands, and just as Tanner had described, a ring that held a black stone with faint hatches of white was resting on one of his fingers. I tugged on it several times, but it wouldn’t budge. Since I was in a hurry (and I knew Mr. Estell couldn’t object), I just broke his finger and the stone ring slid right off. I hurried up the stairs and back outside to Tanner. He wasn’t very lucid and seemed to be slipping into an unconscious state. I grabbed his shoulders and gave him several shakes.

  “I’ve got it,” I announced.

  “How many white marks are on the stone? The fewer, the better.” I looked at the stone and counted. Tanner continued, “One…Two?” he asked groggily.

  I hesitated. “Um…There’s five.” I could tell by Tanner’s preceding grunt that I hadn’t delivered the best of news.

  He grabbed my hand and placed it on his chest, directly over one of his wounds. “What the Hell…We’re going to try this anyway.” Tanner took a deep breath and instructed, “You have to help me increase my powers…so I can keep the poison at bay…just long enough to get to Bea’s house. You need to concentrate and lend me some of…yours.” His words were sounding more distorted with every passing second. He continued to mutter, “I know you don’t possess all the diamond’s strength yet…but this is our only option. Just concentrate…The diamond’s power will know what to do.”

  Though I was overwrought with fear, I took a deep breath to ease my worry, so I could attempt to concentrate. After all, this was the second man — this week — to lie dying in my arms. With both of my hands placed over the wounds on his chest, I closed my eyes and focused on the diamond’s power, as well as Tanner’s injuries. A bright, white light appeared to be forming under my hands that felt warm and soothing. I looked over at Tanner’s face. He was still in a grave amount of pain and barely responsive.

  The Amethyst Talisman was growing too weak to even raise his head. “Are you…concentrating?” he muttered.

  “Yes!” I insisted in a panic. “Is it doing ANYTHING?”

  Tanner moaned. “No. I think there’s too much poison…” His voice trailed off as his head rolled over to the side. I shook him violently.

  “Tanner! Tell me what to do! WAKE UP!” I could feel tears beginning to well as I kept trying to revive him. I concentrated harder and tried lending him my energy again. I looked over at his pale, handsome face. Nothing! I had no idea what to do. He just couldn’t die! Not here! Not now! I was clueless as to how I could help him and found myself desperately racking my brain for some kind of supernatural CPR.

  As the first tear streamed down my cheek, something grabbed my hand. Startled, I whipped around to see Gallia, the little girl with pigtails from the church. She took one of my hands and placed it back on Tanner’s chest, directly over his wounds, and held my other one in hers. Then she laid her left hand on his chest, right beside mine. As I looked at our hands lying there together, I was drawn to her bracelet. I recognized the color and pattern of some of the stones dangling from it. They looked like Beatrix’s greenish-gray ring — her serpentine ring. Gallia’s eyes turned green and began to sparkle as she focused on Tanner. She gave my hand a tight squeeze. Apparently she wanted me to try again. I kept my eyes open this time and focused solely on the diamond’s power. The light that was now radiating under our hands was nothing like before. The green and white rays streaming off his chest started to blend together magically. The light shined as bright as the summer sun and felt just as hot.

  Slowly but surely, Tanner’s weakened body started to shift around. Whatever Gallia was doing, it appeared to be working. I felt an instant rush of relief as he started to rouse. My heart pounded even harder when his eyes opened and locked onto mine. Tanner lifted his hand to my cheek and rubbed the curve of my jaw, tenderly. He soon realized we weren’t alone and shifted his gaze to the little girl sitting beside me, who happened to be grinning from ear to ear.

  “How are you feeling now…Tanner Grey?” Gallia asked.

  I was stunned, but as I stared at Tanner, I noticed him smiling back at her like he’d run into a long-lost friend. His head collapsed back onto the ground as he let out a laugh.

  “I’ll be damned,” the Amethyst Talisman grunted.

  Gallia giggled, “Well, not yet…Thanks to me and your friend, Shiloh.”

  Tanner propped himself up to glance back and forth between the two of us. “Imagine that…Me, on the cusp of death and then brought back to life by none other than…two little girls,” he cracked and started to laugh uncontrollably.

  I wasn’t sure if he was happy to be alive or if it was his wisecrack that he’d found so amusing, but he couldn’t stop laughing. Not for a second.

  I turned to Gallia. “Is he going to be okay?” I asked, needing some reassurance. “Is all the poison gone?”

  “Oh, yes,” Gallia confirmed. “Of course he’ll be weak…and a little intoxicated until he regains all of his strength.”

  “So, basically…he’s just drunk?” I inquired.

  Gallia smiled and nodded.

  “Good,” I replied, absolutely relieved.

  Though I was thankful for her help and overjoyed knowing Tanner was going to be okay, I just couldn’t pass up this perfect opportunity. My brow arched as I thought of the countless number of times he had played a little “too rough & dirty”, as well as the scare he’d just given me. Swiftly, I swung my right fist around and punched him in face. Needless to say, his medley of chuckles halted immediately.

  Gallia looked at me and winked. “Nice one,” she confirmed.

  “Thanks,” I replied with a mischievous grin.

  Chapter 19 — Thank Hea
ven for Little Girls

  While Tanner lay on the ground recovering from the snake venom (and my right hook), Gallia, the now confirmed Serpentine Talisman, filled me in on their history.

  “I’ve known Tanner for centuries,” she revealed.

  My eyes widened at her announcement. She looked so young, and Tanner didn’t look old at all, more like slightly aged from his environment. Still stunned, my mind drifted for a moment. I pondered quietly, One thing’s for sure…I’ll save a fortune on anti-wrinkle creams. I refocused my attention back to the pint-sized Talisman.

  “Usually, snake venom wouldn’t be that hard for Tanner to stave off its effects, but I think your presence increased the venom’s potency,” Gallia explained.

  A rush of guilt rolled over me like a thundercloud. Gallia sensed it too.

  “However, that being said…it was your presence that also intensified my powers, so my serpentine could neutralize the poison. Rattlesnake venom is extremely potent and impossible for any Talisman to heal themselves from completely without a little intervention, whether it comes from an earthly or supernatural creature. Good thing I spotted him at the church…and sensed who you were.”

  I had mixed emotions. Even though I was thrilled my powers were strengthening, it just made me more self-conscious. Am I becoming a walking advertisement for the wand? After all, I didn’t have a tiger’s-eye to fool my adversaries.


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