Lex (Unconventional Hearts)

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Lex (Unconventional Hearts) Page 28

by S. K. Logsdon

  A faint knock sounds at my doorframe, and Daniel and I both look to see who’s here. I don’t have time for idle chitchat. I’m on a roll today.

  “I’m here with a delivery.” A man in a pair of jeans and a white t-shirt stammers.

  “Yes, yes, come in.” I wave him in, and get back to flipping through folders. “Daniel handle that will you?” I order, dismissively waving my hand, zoning in on another damn request that must have been faxed over this morning.

  “They want menthol in the lip balm for men? Are you kidding me?! Do they want the woman who are kissing these men, to think they taste like grandpa? No way. Why don’t they just let me do my damn job and pick something women find pleasing, like honey?” I grumble, talking to myself. Shaking my head and rolling my eyes in agitation, as I tap my barefoot on the floor.

  “Hey boss?” Daniel jerks me from my infuriated fixation as I reread the paperwork, again.

  “Yeah?” I glance up and Daniel places a lavender candle on my desk and lights it. Then he opens up a fancy red, large square box that he sat on one of my chairs. That’s what the man must have dropped off. Out of it he carries a plate of lasagna, salad, bread sticks and some sort of drink in a white Styrofoam cup. Taking the folders from in front of me he lays down my food, a napkin and a fork.

  “There’s a note.” He explains lifting it from inside the box.

  “It says. To my Angel, sorry we haven’t seen each other this week. Know that I miss you terribly and hope you will accept this as a token of my love and agree to go to dinner with me Saturday night, for our first official date. ‘Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.’ All that is me, hugs and kisses, Suit Master.”

  I thoughtfully smile, and Daniel hands me the card. Opening up my top drawer, I add it to the growing pile of sentimental keepsakes that I’ve already acquired from my Suit Master. I can’t bear to part with them.

  “That’s one poetic man.” He admits, discarding the empty box.

  “That he is.” I reply and dig into my lunch. I’m starving. All I had was my morning tea and biscotti after yoga. Roni joined me for a few moments before being whisked away by Bob for an early morning romp. I’ve been too busy to think about sex or orgasms myself. I’ve masturbated every night thinking of Gage, but my lady boners have stayed down completely during the day. I wake up with them sometimes. It’s been such a busy week and after what happened with Emma, I’ve been less turned-on. Which, to be honest, is good. I need the hormone surge break anyhow. Or I can’t think straight long enough to get what I need to accomplished at work done.

  Finishing my delicious meal, I toss my plate in the trash and finish off my peach sweet tea. I’m not a huge fan of it, but Gage was kind enough to provide me with lunch; the least I could do is thoroughly enjoy it.

  Flipping through my folders once more, I pull out my phone from my desk drawer and read the text I know I missed.

  Gage: Hey sweetheart, hope lunch was good.

  I text him back.

  Me: Some very sexy birdy had that delivered to me. Some guy by the name of Suit Master. Hum… I wonder who he might be. I think I sort of have a thing for him.

  Gage: Really? Tell me about this Suit Master. Do I need to kick his ass?

  I laugh at his playful banter, and recline back in my chair, with a giant smile plastered happily on my face.

  Me: Well, what can I say? He’s tall, so sexy it should be a crime and is unbelievably romantic. You should really be jealous. Every man should be just like him. Plus, he has the biggest, sexiest and most delicious dick.

  God, I’m awful. This is so much fun to tease him.

  Him: Really? Big you say? What else can you tell me? My jealousy is through the roof.

  Me: Hum… Well he has this tongue that is magical, it does so many naughty things to me. It makes my toes curl and I can never get enough of him. Plus his ass, you could bounce quarters off it. Trust me, you should be jealous because he’s also sweet and kind and makes me swoon.

  Him: Quarters? No way! Now I’m very jealous. I really should kick his ass. Or get some tips from him if his tongue is that magical. He sounds like a real keeper.

  I’m laughing so hard, my stomach now hurts. I can’t believe he makes me smile this much.

  Me: Oh he’s a keeper alright. And yes quarters, dimes, pennies, I’m sure most things. But don’t be too jealous. Because I think he has a girlfriend.

  Him: He does? Tell me about this girlfriend of his. Does she have long black hair, the bluest most amazing eyes and the best body on the planet? And makes his mouth water every time he thinks of making her come? I bet if he’s as great as you say he is. His girlfriend has to be out of this world.

  Me: I don’t know. I think his girlfriend is the lucky one.

  Him: I love you, Angel. And you’re not my girlfriend. You’re more than that. I miss you.

  Me: Awe… I miss you too my Suit Master. I’m looking forward to Saturday. How’s my girl?

  Him: Our girl is doing well. She’s healing up, been playing with those toys you had delivered yesterday. Wherever you got that pink shimmering winged pony, you did a great job. She slept with that thing yesterday and refused to eat breakfast if LEX, her new pony couldn’t eat with her.

  Me: She named her pony Lex? And I’m glad she’s healing up. I miss her.

  Him: She misses you too and yes, Lex is her pony’s name. Although it’s Alexa but she calls it Lex for short. I think she thinks your name is short for something. Which I didn’t have the heart to tell her it’s not.

  I chuckle; smiling so big my face nearly hurts.

  That’s true. I have a strange name. My father is the one who named me Lex. Most people think its short for Lexi, Alexis, Alexa, or Alexandrea. It’s not. It’s just Lex, named after Alexander Luther aka Lex Luther from Superman. My dad was a fan of super villains, no shocker there. So, my mother conceded and let him name me Lex. According to her, she wanted to name me Douglas, which is ten times worse. That would have been extra hard to pass as a female name. At least Lex is unisex. Guess I lucked out on that one.

  Me: Give her my love, and I send a big juicy kiss to you. I’ve got to get back to work and I’m sure you do too. See you this weekend. Text you tonight while I’m in bed, naked, thinking of you. Have a great day honey.

  Him: Yes, work is busy as always, although I am kind of digging this working from home thing. You should try it. It’s pretty great. You better text me tonight and I’ll be picturing my hot woman in bed, naked and thinking of me. I’m hard already thinking about it. See what you do to me? I don’t think I’ll be able to get any work done. Love you, TTYL.

  Dropping my phone back into my top drawer in my desk with a grin and a warm heart, I turn my focus back to the next six hours of work I have ahead of me. As I allow pictures of Gage to dance in my head.

  Chapter Twenty-Six



  “Are you about ready to go?” Roni yells up the stairs.

  “Yes, five minutes and I’ll be down.” I yell back, loud enough so she can hear me over Patsy, who’s serenading me while I put the finishing touches on my make-up.

  I’m standing in my bathroom, hovering over my sink, my right leg bent resting on the top. I lean forward to apply the last bit of my eyeliner and mascara perfectly. Tonight Roni and I are having an impromptu quasi girl’s night out. Typically, I know days ahead of time. Tonight is different. Roni dropped by my office today around two and asked me to have drinks with her so we could catch up. I’ve barely spent more than an hour with her this week combined. Too much of her time has been caught up in Bob and I’ve been working late. No time to run into one another.

  Popping my freshly lacquered red lips in the mirror, I rub my fingers under my eyes to catch any stray eye shadow that might have fallen. Perfect, now I’m finished. Tonight I am going va-va-va-voom sexy in my black, designer strapless cocktail dress that clings to my body like a glove. I don’t wear
it often because it’s a little on the expensive side. Tonight though, I don’t care. I’ve spent all week away from my… well I guess I should call him what he is, my boyfriend. And I miss Roni. It’s time to relax; I think I’ve earned it.

  Twirling in the mirror, I stop, run my fingers through my slightly curled hair and voila, I’m finished. Grabbing my purse from my bed and slipping my black glossy heels on. I ‘click’ my way out of my bedroom door and down the stairs. Some women need to be careful when they walk in heels. I need to be careful when I don’t. I feel weird without them on. Even the flip-flops I wear in the summer are leather with heels on them. I have a serious addiction. As I’m sure you’ve realized.

  “Woo wee, look at you hottie-patatie.” Sassy Britches kids, fanning herself with gusto.

  I laugh, shaking my head at her silliness. “Whatever. Look who’s talking, Miss I’m-wearing-makeup-and-a-tight-shirt.” I joke back, flashing her an over the top grin.

  Ignoring my compliment, we follow each other out back. I lock up the house and we take her truck to the Devil’s Den, the only suitable joint in town other than restaurants who serve alcohol. It’s past dinner time, and we already ate delivery pizza at home for supper, my half with mushrooms and banana peppers, her half meat lovers. So, drinks at the Devil’s Den, it is.

  Walking into the Devil’s Den an older gentleman graciously opens the door for us, and we go inside. The place never changes. Still the plain watering hole it’s always been. Tonight a DJ is running the show and there’s a rap song on singing ‘slide to the left, slide to the right’. It appears to be a line dance because the dance floor is heavily saturated in bar goers.

  We take up two stools at the bar and I drop my purse on the top and pull out my phone. I told Gage I was going out tonight. He said ‘have fun,’ but I have a feeling it wasn’t very sincere.

  “What can I get cha?” The silver fox bartender asks, flashing us a genuine smile. He’s pretty yummy for an older gentleman. I think he’s the owner because I swear I’ve seen him behind the bar each time I’ve been in here. He’s hard not to notice with his soulful blue gray eyes, and an amazing heart stopping smile. It’s sexy on him. I bet he’s in his early fifties and in better shape than most men I know. For whatever reason, he always seems to wear a gray t-shirt that clings to his well-built physique.

  “Get whatever the hell she wants, Deuce. I’m buyin’.” A rough familiar voice orders.

  Both Roni and I turn our heads to see Tank approaching us. With his big tank sized body clad in a pair of dirty work jeans and a black t-shirt, his long brown hair pulled back into a ponytail. I turn back to Roni and shoot her a raised brow, and whisper. “Gage is going to be mad if we hang with him. After what happened last weekend, this isn’t a good idea.”

  “I know, but they’re all friends. I won’t let him cross a line.”

  Touching her hand that’s on the bar, I reply. “Okay, promise? Gage will kill him if he does.”

  “I know, and I promise.”

  Tank drops into the open stool next to mine and bumps his shoulder into me, a little too hard. “Hey there sexy, Lex.”

  “Hey, Tank.” I feign a smile, trying to be polite. “Where’s the boys?”

  Please say the men are here. Maybe they can keep him at bay. He reeks of beer and I didn’t come here to play babysitter. I’ve worked hard this week; I just wanted a night out with my friend to let off some steam.

  “Naw, Bob is working late with Auto at the shop. Gage is I dunno. By the looks of it, he should be here.” He stares none too discreetly at my cleavage.

  “He’s with Emma tonight. We have a date tomorrow. I miss him.” Please let this convince him to stop ogling me. I realize drinking is like feeding someone a truth serum. Doesn’t mean I have to like it.

  Roni slides me over a glass of red wine. I forgot to order, guess she took the liberty to do it for me. Thank God for Roni, my attention is a little too preoccupied at the moment.

  “Thanks.” I wink at her and she returns the gesture.

  Fumbling with the wine, I sip it and run my finger around the edge, trying not to pay attention to the man eye banging me.

  Roni’s the first to break the foggy silence. “So Bob and I have some news.”

  “Really? What?”

  “Well…. I found out on Monday that well…. I’m…”

  “You’re pregnant!!!” I scream, finishing her sentence for her.

  Turning bright red, she takes a sip of her drink. Which I hadn’t noticed is just pop.

  “You are!?” I grab her thigh to make her look at me.

  She slowly bobs her head, “Yes, I don’t know how. We used protection and I’m on the pill. But those little buggers of his are so potent. I don’t know what to do. He seems okay with it. I’m not. I don’t know the first thing about being a mom. I wanted to tell you sooner. But with the Emma thing and then work, I couldn’t find the right time.”

  Wrapping my arm around her shoulder, I pull her into an uncomfortable hug. “I’m very happy for you both. Just pray you have a boy.” I tease and she punches me in the side.

  “Don’t remind me. I’m scared enough as it is and if I have a girl, I will be screwed. If I have a girl, will you keep her? You’re so good with Emma. I wouldn’t know the first thing to do with a girl.”

  “You will, I promise. I’ll help if you have a girl. I’m the best girl I know.” I tease and she barks an awkward laugh.

  “You got the right.”

  “And the hottest.” Tank chimes in.

  I momentarily forgot he was sitting with us. That moment was a great one.

  Ignoring his comment, I unlock my hold on Roni and politely ask. “Can I tell Gage? Do you mind?”

  “No. I don’t hide anything from Bob; I wouldn’t expect you do hide anything from your boyfriend.”

  I look at her and she smiles. “He’s your boyfriend isn’t he?”

  “Yes, nosy Veronica Phoenix he is my boy-friend.” I enunciate and give her the squished up icky face like I’m back in elementary as if my boyfriend has cooties. Which makes her laugh.

  Taking my phone with me, I excuse myself and head outside where it’s quieter and I call Gage to tell him the exciting news. I can’t wait to tell him I’m going to be an aunt!

  “Hello?” A female voice answers and my stomach drops fifty stories.

  “Um… Is this Gage’s phone?” Hesitantly I ask, praying that I have the wrong number.

  “Yes, he can’t come to the phone right now, may I ask who’s calling?”

  Why is a female I’ve never heard before, answering his personal cell phone? Especially since he’s supposed to be at home with Emma. This has bad news flashing on a bright neon sign. What is Gage doing behind my back!?

  “Hello… who’s calling?” The overly feminine voice pleasantly asks again.

  “Oh sorry, it’s Lex. Lex Keagan. Can you please have him return my call?”

  “Mex? Yes I shall.”

  “No it’s…” The phone goes dead.

  This isn’t good. I just texted with him like two hours ago. Now it’s ten at night and a female with a rather sexy voice answers his phone. I think I just died a little.

  Slumping my way back into the bar, I depressively drop into my stool and lay my head on the bar, trying desperately not to cry.

  “What’s wrong?” Roni, comes back from god knows where, and sits back down beside me.

  I shake my head not wanting to talk about it.

  A large heavy hand lands on my shoulder. “Talk to us sexy.”

  I turn my head and glower at Tank, and he removes his unwelcomed hand. “Don’t call me that.”

  “Okay, sorry. I thought women liked honest men.” He shrugs, looking like I just hit him in the face with a baseball bat making me feel ten times worse than I already do.

  How could Gage have another woman answer his phone?

  “I’m sorry, Tank. You’re right, we do. I’m upset because it wasn’t Gage who answered his phone whe
n I called, it was a woman.”

  Roni gasps, and Tank pounds his fist on the counter, making me jump. “That fucker! I knew it!”

  “Knew what?!” I shoot up, my heart pounding in my chest. Knowing damn well the next words to leave Tank’s lips are going to crush me.

  “I bet it was Megan who answered.”

  “It’s ten on a Friday night, Tank. Why would his secretary be picking up his phone?”

  “She wasn’t always his secretary.”

  Yep, its official, I died. How would he do this to me?!

  Immediately Roni has her arms wrapped around me from behind, holding me, and knowing well enough, that I am cracking apart on the inside. The feelings and love I felt are gone, blasted to smithereens. Shrapnel of heavily weighted pain engulfs my chest.

  “What are they?” Roni asks Tank.

  “Fuck buddies; have been for like ten months or so. Every Friday night after Emma crashes out, she goes to his place where he fucks her until she can’t walk the next day. It might happen at work too. I can’t be sure. I just know Friday nights are no go’s for Gage because he’s busy fuckin’ her. That’s why our motorcycle rides happen on Saturday mornings, and that’s why he’s always in such a cheery mood then. He got some ass, literally. He doesn’t like pussy, only anal. If he goes out on a rare occasion on Friday nights, he goes to her place afterward. I’m sure the night with Corey he did the same thing. I’ve never known Gage to go without sex for even a week. I’ve been buds with him since we were fuckin’ ten. We used to bang the hell outa some bitches when we were fifteen and they were nineteen, some sweet fuckin cunts. Then about ah… I dunno…four maybe five years ago he stopped pussy altogether. Saying his taste only lies in the ass. His words not mine, not that I can blame him. I personally fuck both women and men, ain’t no damn secret. This Tank is one crazy kinky fucker just like my pops. Kinda figured since he started with you.” He lazily points to me. “Like he’s been seriously head over heels to do for years. I kinda thought he’d stop the Megan fuckin’. You two banged yet?” he asks me, with the raise of his chin.


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