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Page 4

by Kelex

  Therios was at his side soon after.

  “I’m dying,” Kai murmured, resting his head on the cold, stone floor.

  “No… you’re not.”

  “I’m in pain,” Kai said. “How do you know that I’m not dying?”

  The god turned Kai over and allowed his hand to hover over Kai’s body. The pain… and the sickness… soon abated.

  “You’re not dying. You’re pregnant.”

  Kai frowned. He wanted to say it was impossible, but he’d seen more than one pregnant male the night before at the feast. Shock prevented him from saying much. He hadn’t asked for this… yet he had sacrificed his body to the god.

  He’d expected death. Not to bring forth new life.

  “I want to know about the females that came before me,” Kai finally said.

  Therios looked away.

  “There have been hundreds… if not thousands over the years. And yet you kept trying, knowing what would happen?”

  “It was foretold long, long ago that someone from your tribe would be strong enough to bear my children,” Therios said. “And they haven’t truly died.”

  Kai sat up straighter as he considered the only other living things he’d seen thus far. “Those crystalline beings? You’ve made them your servants?”

  “No,” the god said, shaking his head. He lifted a brow. “Your world is not the end. There is rebirth into the next… and they all passed into that world, where they’re treated as the queens they are.”

  “The afterlife? You’re telling me what the shaman has told us is real?”

  “I doubt your shaman truly understands what comes next.” The god smiled. “One day, he will.”

  “What does come next?”

  “It’s not time for you to find out. Not yet.”

  Kai frowned, sensing he was once again being pacified. “I don’t believe there’s anything after this.”

  “Yet here you are… in a world not your own… pregnant with a god’s babe.”

  Kai glanced down at his stomach, still not fully believing it was true. “That remains to be seen.”

  “Sooner than you expect. Things work differently here than on your world. You’ll soon see I’m right.”

  “How soon?” Kai asked.

  “You will bear fruit in nine weeks.”

  Kai stared, confused. Humans took nine months to mature. “How? Because you’re a god?”

  “Some gods procreate faster than others. We don’t know why, it just is. The All Father made us all differently.”

  “And if I’m the one… able to give you a child?”

  Therios eyed him. “Then you survive.”

  “And after the child is born?”

  “You will remain here with me.”

  “If I give you what you want, shouldn’t I get what I want?” Kai asked.

  Therios sighed. “And what is it that you want?”

  “To go back… to my people… to my life.”

  Therios eyed him a moment. “Fine. If you give me what I want, I will give you what you want. You will be allowed to return to your world as winter turns to spring in the world outside your island.”

  Kai offered the god his hand.

  “What is this?” Therios asked.

  “A handshake. To seal our deal.”

  Therios smiled and took Kai’s hand. They shook—but before Kai could pull his hand away, the god dragged him closer.

  “Until then,” Therios murmured lustfully. “You will give me all of you. Complete surrender.”

  Kai felt the lust rising. He eyed the god before nodding. Speech was next to impossible as he felt the fire kindling within. Therios captured his lips, swallowing the moan that came from Kai.

  Suddenly, he was lifted off the stone floor. Therios carried him across the room, but not to the big bed. He was laid back on a scrap of leather that appeared hanging from four posts in the middle of the room. His wrists and ankles were each tethered to a post, his bottom and lower back cradled by the strap of leather.

  He was open and vulnerable to whatever the god wanted to do. Kai opened his lips to protest… but realized he’d agreed to this.

  Complete surrender.

  When he saw a paddle appear in the god’s hand, he winced. “Punishment?”

  “For daring to make demands of a god,” Therios murmured hoarsely before bringing down the implement on Kai’s exposed ass.

  He cried out, shocked and stunned by the strike. The hit had been hard, but not so hard that it had caused too much pain. More strikes came, just solid enough to take his breath away, but none to push across the line into true torture.

  When Therios paused and kissed the spots that had been tormented, Kai hissed in pain.

  He shivered under the god’s lips. Even in the coolness, his body was hot, coated with sweat… and writhing for more. Kai brought a shuddering breath into his lungs, his body feeling more alive than it had ever felt.

  His cock grew harder with each new swipe from the paddle. His body shook from the agony, an agony he quickly grew to enjoy. More heat spread along the punished skin, and it tingled, awaiting a gentle caress of Therios’ hand, or a lick from the god’s tongue.

  Once again, he was thrust between heaven and hell, loving both. The pain focused the pleasure, the darkness to the light.

  Kai quickly raced to the edge of reason, struggling to hold on to his grip on reality. “No more… please, I beg you.”

  Therios leaned over him, hovering so close, yet so far away. He tugged the back of Kai’s hair. Forced to stare up at the gorgeous god, Kai was breathless with need. He stared at those too full lips and craved more kisses. More of everything.

  “Beg me like you did last night,” Therios whispered. “Beg me to fuck you.”

  Kai moaned. “Please,” he whimpered.

  Therios’ eyes closed, his jaw tightening. Kai watched the need rolling across the male’s face, and was stunned to see the heights of it. He wasn’t the only one close to the edge.

  “Please… fuck me, Therios.”

  The god’s eyes opened. “Say it again.”

  “Please… fuck me,” Kai whispered.

  “My name.”

  “Therios… please… I need you.”

  The deity quickly spread wetness against Kai’s ass before angling the head of his cock. The god had apparently healed him from the day and night before… his body easily took the thick cock inch by glorious inch.

  There was still a hint of pain. Kai sucked in a breath as he waited for it to pass. It soon ebbed, allowing him to stretch around the thick impalement.

  And then they moved.

  Therios used the strap of leather Kai rested on to swing back and forth. Kai was slid almost completely off the god’s cock, only to sway back onto it.

  “You feel so good around my cock,” Therios whispered. “So tight… so fucking good.”

  For some reason, knowing he gave pleasure drove him even closer. The second Therios gripped the base of his cock, he knew it wouldn’t take long for him to erupt. Within a few measured strokes of his cock, he felt the rising tide. Coupled with the thick cock sliding in and out at a steady pace, he screamed in release.

  Seed shot from him and coated Therios’ hand and his own belly. He came more in several smaller spurts, emptying himself of his lusts.

  As he came back down from his high, he watched as Therios once again licked his hands, lapping up Kai’s cum.

  “So, so good,” Therios murmured as he continued to pump inside Kai.

  When he was done, the god drove deep into Kai. The pace accelerated, a sure sign Therios neared his own completion. Kai watched the erotic show before him, the play of muscles and sinew as the god entered his body.

  Therios was beautiful… male perfection.

  On the dais, only a few days before, Kai hadn’t been able to truly appreciate just how perfect the god was. There wasn’t a part of him made wrong.

  Only days before…

  It already felt as if h
e’d been there a lifetime.

  “Come for me, Therios,” Kai murmured.

  The god stiffened on the next thrust, and a roar came from his full lips. Unexpected heat filled Kai once more. It rippled through his entire body, warming him from the inside out.

  And he immediately craved more.

  When Therios was done, he laid a palm on Kai’s flat stomach. “We have little time to play so rough. Soon, you’ll be too full for this.”

  Kai frowned. He loved what they’d shared together already and didn’t want it to stop.

  Therios smiled, the look on his face making Kai wonder if the god could read minds.

  “No worries,” the god whispered. “We have a few weeks yet.”

  In the blink of an eye, Kai was in the big bed, snuggled against Therios’ muscled body. The bonds were gone.

  Only there was an invisible one growing between him and the god.

  He couldn’t see it yet, but it was there all the same.

  Chapter Five


  Kai awoke to the feeling of a cock sliding into him. It didn’t take him long to fully awaken and roll the both of them over. Straddling the god, he took as well as he got. For two weeks, they’d loved like this over and over again. They both seemed insatiable… never wanting to part for long.

  He writhed against Therios, straining for release. Kai gripped his cock and began to stroke a few times before the god captured his hand and took over. Therios had quickly learned exactly what Kai liked. The right pressure… the perfect tempo.

  And then it was all over, too soon.

  Kai screamed as he came, his seed spreading along Therios’ hand. Seconds later, the god came inside him, spreading that warmth that Kai craved.

  When it was over, Kai dropped onto Therios’ chest, gasping for air.

  He felt a gentle hand caressing his head and closed his eyes to the sensation. Therios’ touch was becoming too much for him. Kai wanted it more and more.

  Not just the fucking… but the softness that seemed to be growing after.

  I will leave here when this is over. I can’t grow attached to him.

  If I survive.

  Therios flipped them, pinning Kai to the bed. He trailed kisses down Kai’s chest, pausing at the slight bump that was Kai’s stomach.

  “I can see you growing,” Therios whispered, looking up. “I can’t wait to see you big and full with my babe.”

  Kai met the immortal’s stare. Heat swelled between them, a heat that had more to it than simple desire.

  He pulled his gaze away, unable to face what it might mean.

  Therios rose from the bed a few moments later. “I have some things to attend to. I’ll have the Ne’gunds bring you food and drink.”

  The Ne’gunds was the name of the crystalline beings that served the god. Kai had since learned they were beings of pure ice.

  “How long will you be?” Kai asked, realizing the question was telling. He wanted more of Therios… in more than just the physical.

  “I don’t know… I should return to you in a few hours.” A slight smile formed on Therios’ lips before he leaned in for a kiss. “Until then.”

  Kai watched him leave… and felt the bitter loneliness when the male was gone.

  I will leave here when this is over. I can’t grow attached to him.

  I can’t grow attached.

  * * * *


  Kai stood near a spot on the stone wall that was so polished he could see part of his reflection in it. He turned to the side and saw the outline of his growing stomach. It was even larger than when he looked down at himself.

  “What are you doing?”

  Kai felt a flush spread over his cheeks as he realized he’d been caught. “Seeing how big my stomach is.”

  Therios moved closer and stared at the shine in the wall. After a moment, he lifted his hand and moved it in a circle. A large space appeared… and Therios was on the other side, standing facing him with another man.

  He looked to the side, realizing Therios was still beside him. Turning, the other man turned with him.

  And he realized he was staring at his own image. “What kind of magic is this?”

  “No magic,” Therios murmured. “It’s called a mirror. It shows your image, reflected back at you. Like the surface of still water.”

  Kai understood. He had never seen his own reflection besides in the surface of the water around the island. He’d never truly known what he looked like until that moment. Lifting a hand to his face, he watched as the other hand moved with him.

  “Amazing,” Kai whispered. He turned to the side again and looked at how large he’d grown. He still wasn’t very swollen, but it was obvious he had a child growing within his body. His hand moved to the swell, caressing it.

  Life… when he’d expected death.

  Therios moved behind him and wrapped his strong arms about Kai’s body. Kai closed his eyes, the feeling too comforting. The god rubbed the burgeoning belly, his hand soft and gentle along the swell.

  “I cannot wait to see you large and full with my child.”

  Kai hungered to see that, as well. He didn’t understand why, but the images that came to mind, of his body filled with life and Therios loving him brought new waves of need. He lifted his stare and caught Therios’ in the reflection before them. They shared that stare in the mirror, and Kai felt the tightening of the desire and emotions that had been growing between them over the past three weeks.

  “And then I will go when he’s in your arms.” The words tumbled from his lips, even though he wasn’t as sure as he once was that leaving was what he wanted.

  Therios frowned.

  “As promised,” Kai added.

  Therios nodded, dropping his hands from Kai’s body. “As promised.”

  Kai already missed his god’s hands on him. He turned and spread his palms on Therios’ chest. “But until then… you still have my complete surrender.”

  The god stared down at him, but there was something lacking from the fire that raged in the deity’s eyes only hours before.

  Kai somehow missed whatever that had been…

  Was the male already growing bored with him? They’d fucked incessantly for three weeks, both starving for one another. Had the need in Therios waned?

  Kai still wanted the male as much as ever, perhaps more.

  “I have much to do,” Therios said, pulling away.

  “You don’t want me?”

  Therios turned back to him. “I did not say that.” The god leaned in for a brief kiss. “We have guests coming. I must ensure preparations are commencing.”


  “Azir… and his mate, Weaver. They will be coming for dinner tonight. I’ll come for you beforehand.”

  Kai nodded.

  “I thought you might like… a change of pace,” Therios added.

  Is that what Therios wants? Am I already not enough?

  Kai sighed, knowing he wasn’t feeling himself. Why did he care if he was enough? Soon he would be gone, one way or another, and Therios would move on at the next Offering. “It will be nice to have something new to look forward to.” Three weeks spent inside the stone fortress when he was accustomed to days in the outdoors was taking a toll on him.

  He craved the sun, the sea…


  Therios gives me all the heat I need.

  Kai didn’t want to grow too attached, he’d kept telling himself over and over again… and here he was upset because this thing between them might naturally be drifting apart.

  Because I’m not the one drifting away.

  “I’ll come to you before they arrive,” Therios repeated before pressing a kiss to Kai’s forehead and leaving the room.

  Hours later, after Kai had stewed even more about his predicament, the god finally returned.


  Kai looked down at his nakedness. “Am I to have any clothing?”

  He’d spent weeks nak
ed, including the feast they’d had. But now, he felt the need to cover himself.

  Therios whipped a hand, covering Kai in clothing suited for the island. The material was a soft weave, much like the cloth the women of the island made on their looms. The material covered his cock and ass, but left the rest of him bare.

  “Good enough?”

  Kai nodded before eyeing the naked god. “And you?”

  “I don’t wear clothing,” the Ice God answered.

  For some reason, knowing others would see Therios in the nude bothered him. He didn’t understand why—he’d never seen the god clothed yet.

  Therios eyed him before waving his hand. Something similar to what Kai was wearing then covered him.


  Kai smiled inwardly. “Yes.”

  Therios led Kai out of the bedroom and down the hall. Kai had wandered about the space over the last weeks and learned his way around some. The cavernous home was grand, larger than all the small homes on his island combined. And it was just the two of them there—along with the Ne’gunds.

  It made him understand why Therios might yearn to fill it with children.

  The god’s life had to be lonely there.

  Kai entered the hall and came to an abrupt halt. A beast stood in the center of the space, beside a huge banquet table set with four places.

  “He’s not as dangerous as he looks,” a voice said from beside Kai.

  Kai turned to see a man standing there. He walked closer to the beast and wrapped his arms around the creature. “There’s nothing to worry about.”

  “This is the God of the Harvest, Azir… and his mate, Weaver,” Therios said.

  Kai struggled to tear his stare away from the beast. He let out a shuddered breath before glancing at Therios and then Weaver. “It is a… pleasure to meet you both.”

  Weaver smiled at him. “As it is you.”

  Some of the Ne’gund strolled into the hall carrying trays laden with food. Kai cast a glance about and saw the blue fire raging in the huge fireplace. Snow appeared in the room, drifting down from the ceiling… only to disappear before it hit the floor.

  It was all… lovely.

  “Let’s be seated,” Therios said, taking Kai’s hand in his.


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