A Baby for the Firefighter
Page 14
“Sure.” I got up to pour him some. “You didn’t fight, did you?” I asked because I couldn’t contain the questions any longer. I’d given him a few minutes of privacy; that was all he could ask.
“No.” He shook his head. “No fighting. She really just wanted to chat.” Accepting a mug of coffee from me, he sat at the counter. “It seems she genuinely wants to make up.”
“That’s good, though, right?”
“I guess. Maybe. I got the feeling she wants to see the kids.” He stirred some sugar into his coffee. Not as much as I took with mine, but still a good amount.
“Does that surprise you?”
“Not really. Just don’t know how to feel about it.” He raised the mug to his lips. “Guess I’ll have to figure it out.”
“Guess so, yeah.”
He gave me a small smile. “Let’s just move on to the fun part of the evening, okay? Let’s get you ready for your date.”
“Okay,” I said, pretending like that thought didn’t freak me out a little.
Dean rang my door bell at 7pm sharp carrying a bottle of wine, and I opened the door in an old-fashioned pink apron, immediately getting a laugh out of him. So far so good.
“What’s that?” he asked, pointing at it after giving me a quick kiss.
“You don’t like it?” I feigned disappointment. “I thought I’d dress like a good house-husband for you.”
He shook his head. “I’m sorry, but it doesn’t suit you.”
I sighed and took it off. “Okay then. No apron. No good docile omega. Your loss.”
“My gain,” he disagreed. “You look stunning under that thing.”
I grinned to myself, because yeah, Eli and I had spent some time picking out my outfit. I’d put on all my best clothes to get Dean out of his. “Do I?” I walked in the direction of the kitchen, turning my back to him and making sure to wiggle it just a little in my tight pants.
“You’re devious.”
I laughed, but my hands still shook a bit as I grabbed the pot on the stove. I couldn’t completely calm my nerves. Dean looked great tonight too. More edible than what I’d cooked up, really. I couldn’t wait to move on to the after-dinner activities of this evening, but at the same time, I was also terrified of it. Dean had told me not to worry, but what if I froze up again? I couldn’t keep disappointing him.
“Where’s your mom tonight?” Dean asked.
“At the bed & breakfast,” I told him.
“So she’ll be gone all night?”
I had to give Dean credit for trying to sound casual while asking, even if he didn’t quite manage.
“Yeah,” I said. “We have the house to ourselves. All night.” My lips quirked up, and so did his.
“All night, huh?”
“Yup.” I took his hand. “Now please come have dinner with me. I’ve prepared a table for two in the most exclusive place in town. Only you and me here.”
“I like that guest list.”
“I put it together myself,” I said with a grin as I led him to the table, which I’d decorated with a nice red tablecloth and a single long candle in the middle. It was perfect, or at least I hoped so.
“Looks good,” Dean said, and to my relief, he was still smiling when I brought the food in. He ate it too, without cringing. At some points, he even managed to look like he enjoyed it. That was more than I could say for myself, really. I would have preferred to eat anything I hadn’t created. The roast wasn’t super bad, but it sure as hell wasn’t praise-worthy either.
Dean tried anyway. “You did a really good job,” he said, while I refilled my wine.
“You don’t even want to know how much time it took me to create something you wouldn’t spit out in disgust.”
He chuckled. “I would never do that.”
“Then you’re a braver man than I.” I sipped my wine, starting to feel a pleasant buzz. I wasn’t going to drink much more, but for now, the liquor was helping me keep my nerves at bay.
“It can’t have been that bad,” he insisted.
“Oh, you have no idea. One day I’ll make you eat something I made as a test of courage. I swear, I fail so hard at being an omega it’s not even funny.” I said it jokingly, but Dean still felt the need to reach across the table and touch my cheek.
“You don’t fail at anything. You’re kind and sweet and funny, and I can’t think of a single omega I’d rather be with tonight. Or any night.”
Heat crept across my cheek, and I couldn’t tell whether it was caused by his touch or his words. Maybe a combination of the two; it didn’t matter. What mattered was that a fire started burning inside of me, slowly but insistently. I had to get up from this table and take Dean into the bedroom with me.
I glanced at his plate. He was nearly done anyway. I grabbed the hand that was touching my cheek and took it in my own. “Want to go upstairs?”
Dean licked his lips in a way that let me know just how much he wanted that. But still, he hesitated. “You know I’d love to, but are you sure you want to do that?”
I took a deep breath, almost wishing he wouldn’t give me time to think about this and let the doubt creep in. I needed to keep this fire burning, stoke the flames. “Yeah,” I said. “I’m sure. I just need to work through this, and you have to promise me that you won’t stop unless I tell you to. I mean, I might tense up or something, but I don’t want you to abort mission because of that again. I’m gonna be nervous, I can’t help that, but I trust you. I want this to happen, okay? Can we just get through with it?” And I was babbling again, of course.
“I don’t want you to just get through it. If we do this, I want you to enjoy it.”
I gave him my best smile and stood from the table. “I’m sure I will.”
“Okay, then.” Dean stood as well. His hand was still in mine, and I kept holding on to it all the way up the stairs and into my bedroom, my heart thundering in my chest.
We were really going to do this.
Breathe, Griff, it’s going to be fine.
As it turned out, breathing was exactly the right thing to do—more specifically, leaning into Dean once we were in my room and breathing in his scent. It was so strong now, because he was aroused, and that did a number on my brain. It was as if I could actually scent Dean’s desire for me in the air and that was incredibly intoxicating—and it wasn’t the only way I could feel his desire. It was in the way he kissed me too, his fingers in my hair and his tongue exploring every corner of my mouth, our bodies pressed close together, until I felt another piece of evidence of his arousal against my thigh.
One of his large hands roamed down my body to my ass, and the heat of his touch seemed to flow into my veins. I was both nervous and excited, but for the moment, more excited than nervous. The fine stubble of Dean’s beard scratched my cheek as his lips moved on mine, and the sensation shot straight to my groin. It didn’t even bother me that the taste of our meal lingered on his tongue. Suddenly it tasted much better than it had before.
I put my arms around his back to pull him closer and his thigh rubbed my groin, just like that one time we’d been in bed together—only this time the spark of need that went through me at the touch didn’t make me freeze up. If anything, it made me feel even hotter. I wanted more of that. Wanted him.
And as if to state my intentions, I dug my fingers into his ass. That got me a low rumble from him, and slowly, he raised his hand to slide underneath my shirt, making goose bumps break out on my skin while his lips left mine to speak into my ear. “God, I love you so much.”
“You can call me Griff,” I quipped, even while my voice came out breathless.
He chuckled, still so close to me that I felt his chest vibrate. “I love you, Griff.”
And how lucky did that make me? “I love you too,” I responded, before I could chicken out, because it was the truth. I loved this alpha, and I wanted him. No, that wasn’t it. I didn’t simply want him. This went deeper. I needed him.
And as soon as I accep
ted that, I felt a rush so intense I couldn’t even put it into words. It was what I felt every time I breathed in Dean’s scent—multiplied by a hundred, and without the added fear factor that usually kept me from acting. No, that was gone, and all that was left was fire burning through my veins, and an overwhelming desire to get this alpha inside of me. It was all that I could think about, all that mattered. “Lose your clothes,” I muttered, my hands already fiddling with Dean’s belt.
“Whoa, slow down.”
“Not gonna happen,” I muttered as I opened his belt and fly in record time to stick my hand down his pants. I nearly hissed as my fingers brushed his hot flesh. Oooh, yes, he was hard.
“Shit, Griff,” He groaned, and then he pulled his shirt off over his head as if finally believing that I was serious. About time! I wrapped my hand around his cock to spur him on, loving the weight of it. He was an alpha—and definitely hung like one. God, I couldn’t wait to feel that cock inside of me. Every part of my body ached for it, and involuntarily, I shuddered. I’d always had dirty thoughts, but I’d never come so close to living them.
After a moment, I let go of Dean’s cock, but only to pull his pants and boxers all the way down, revealing his strong thighs and calves. I was proud of myself for not salivating at the sight even as the fire inside of me seemed to burn even hotter. He was so freaking gorgeous. Lightly tanned skin, beautifully defined muscles, and my favorite part—that sexy smile on his lips as he looked at me with a hunger in his eyes that mirrored my own.
I realized he wanted me to undress as well, but I didn’t want to take my clothes off. No, I wanted him to do that for me. “You can take my clothes off if you want to,” I said, beckoning him closer. Come take me.
To his credit, he took me up on the invitation without a moment’s hesitation, peeling me out of the clothes I’d picked out so carefully earlier that day as if unwrapping a present. I’d never felt so fucking hot as I did the moment he kissed my neck and pulled my pants down.
Even though it was summer, the air in the room made me shiver as it hit my skin. Not because I was cold, though, but just because it reminded me how exposed I was. It wasn’t a bad feeling. It was just intense. Dean undressed me piece by piece, and heat blazed through me when he finally took my underwear off with a low, possessive growl.
“Like what you see?” I asked.
He smashed our lips together in response, effectively silencing all the questions in my head. What remained was my burning need for him, and so I took him by the arm and dragged him to the bed with me, where I tumbled onto the sheets with him on top of me.
I exhaled, lying beneath him and feeling his weight on top of me. No other place on earth had ever felt so right for me to be. I was painfully hard now, all thoughts of fearing this feeling forgotten. My nerves were nothing more than a distant memory at the edge of my mind. This moment, all I knew was that I was going to go up in flames if I didn’t get him inside me soon.
Oblivious to my thoughts, Dean didn’t proceed to that part of the action, though. He kissed me instead. First my lips, then my chin, then my jaw, moving down my body at a torturously slow pace, grinding our hips together in a way that made both of us gasp and strain for more.
Some other night I might have enjoyed that, but right then, I had zero patience. What he was doing felt really fucking good, but it wasn’t what I wanted—what I needed.
“Fuck me,” I said on a sharp exhale.
Dean stopped moving, both of his eyebrows raised. “Really?” Dean asked. He sounded eager enough, if apprehensive.
“Please.” I bucked my hips to nudge him along. Please. How could he not see how desperate I was?
He still hesitated, so I rolled us over until I was on top. That didn’t feel quite as nice, but at least I could now grab the lube out of my dresser drawer to get this party started. Omegas had an easy time with penetration, but even through the haze in my mind, I realized that this was my first time taking a cock up my ass, so getting Dean slicked up wouldn’t hurt. Or at least I hoped so.
Dean stared at me as I squirted some lubricant on my hand, and then the look on his face changed to one of bliss as I wrapped that hand around his hard cock. He was so damn hot like that, the sight mesmerized me for a moment. I gave him a stroke, just to see what would happen, and enjoyed the low rumbling sound he made in the back of his throat.
I focused my attention back on the cock in my hand, my whole body burning for it. I knew there was something I was forgetting, something that nagged me like a buzzing fly in the back of mind, but I shoved the feeling aside as I guided that beautiful cock into myself. I went slow, because the stretch was unlike anything I’d ever experienced, but it was, so, so good.
God, why had I waited so long to experience this?
“Griff…” Dean groaned, his voice strained. He sounded a little like he had something else to say, but he didn’t, not when I kept lowering myself on him. I grinned, brain doused in endorphins. Being on top wasn’t so bad. Not exactly what I wanted, but not bad. But nothing could really feel bad while I was fucking Dean.
I couldn’t believe I was really fucking Dean, but I was totally doing it. He was fully sheathed in me now, and goose bumps had spread all over my skin, my insides burning and tingling in the best way. I leaned forward to kiss Dean, and by the way he responded to the touch, I knew I wasn’t the only one consumed by fire. This was just as intense for him as it was for me, and just knowing that made the whole experience even better, if that was even possible.
I was so glad my first time was with Dean. I couldn’t think of any other alpha I could have trusted with this, but Dean made it perfect.
Especially when he rolled us around again so he was back on top.
“God,” he rumbled. “I can’t even tell you how much I’ve wanted this.”
He kissed me again before I could respond, but that was okay because I was out of words anyway. He’d started to move his hips and that slow in-out motion eradicated all coherent thought from my mind. It was all colors and explosions behind my eyelids. My whole world centered around the need in my groin, the fire burning in my veins, the feeling of him inside of me and the sparks of desire running up and down my spine.
If you’d asked me, I couldn’t have told you my name.
Not that my name was particularly important. Dean sure wasn’t asking any questions now. Neither of us was quiet, though. Thank God I’d sent my mother away. We were loud. Groaning, moaning, gasping out incoherent words. Especially when Dean upped the pace. Jesus fucking Christ.
I’d always been a bit awkward about all of this, but in the heat of the moment, I knew no shame. I was a changed omega.
And I was loving it.
Maybe a bit too much. Because once Dean got a hand on me, I tumbled over the edge at breakneck speed. There was no slow build-up. My orgasm came over me like an explosion with no regard for casualties, leaving me panting for breath and struggling not to black-out.
Dean didn’t hold on much longer than me. He came gasping, fingers digging into my hips.
He was beautiful. It was all I could think. Covered in sweat, face contorting in absolute bliss. He was beautiful like that, and it was me who’d made him look that way.
Maybe I wasn’t a total failure of an omega.
That was the last thought on my mind before I dozed off.
Smoke entered my lungs through my nose, and I felt it scratch and sting in my throat. When I looked around myself, it was everywhere, hanging thickly in the air, threatening to black out the whole building. I needed to get out of here, but I didn’t even know which way I’d come in, and there was that woman, lying right in front of me. I had to get to her and get her out. But as soon as I took just a step forward, the floor gave way underneath my feet. With a crash, I went down.
And with a start, I woke up.
My heart raced. My eyes searched the room. Griff’s room. I was still at Griff’s.
Deep breaths,
Dean. It was just another dream.
These had been happening far too often lately. I suspected that my decision to join the local fire department had something to do with their increased frequency, but I hadn’t had one restful night of sleep this week.
At least I didn’t wake up screaming.
Griff was snoring softly beside me, still asleep. He hadn’t noticed a thing. Good, because I had no idea what I would tell him. I didn’t want to worry him, and I sure as hell didn’t want him to see me as weak. A grown alpha struggling with nightmares. Really? The idea was ridiculous.
I swung my legs out of bed and got up. Part of me wanted to cuddle up to the warmth that Griff generated, but I knew I had to get moving to burn off the adrenaline still coursing through my veins, so I threw on the clothes I’d discarded the night before and went down to the kitchen. Once there, I got the coffee machine going and searched through Griff’s fridge for something I could turn into breakfast for the two of us. He had pancake batter, so I decided on a sweet breakfast for my sugar addict.
As I moved about the kitchen, taking in the morning sun shining through the window, the nightmare I’d had slowly faded from my mind to be replaced with memories of the night before.
Griff had been amazing. I had no idea what had gotten into him, but could it please happen again? Even just the memory sent a pleasant tingle down my spine. I loved Griff, with or without sex, but I definitely wouldn’t say no to a repeat of last night. I might, in fact, have started humming while pouring the pancake batter in the skillet. Yeah, I was in a good mood. The nightmares would go away over time, and when they left, I would still have Griff. I was sure of that, because now that I had him back in my life, I was never going to let go of him again.
When I was done cooking, I divided the pancakes on two plates, grabbed a bottle of syrup, some cutlery, put it all on a tray along with two cups of coffee—one prepared with copious amounts of sugar—and carried it up to Griff’s room.
My love was still asleep, clutching a pillow to himself and managing to look absolutely adorable even while dead to the world. I set the tray down on the bedside table and climbed onto the mattress beside him. Gently, I kissed the top of his head, his forehead, his eyelids, the bridge of his nose and then his lips, until he started to stir and come to.