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Wreck You

Page 3

by Abby Mccarthy

  Our cottage is identical in layout to Corbin’s except where his is decorated in early nineties style furniture, ours is completely decked out. We have two oversized black leather chairs and a large plasma TV that is mounted above a gas fireplace. The floors throughout the cottage have all been redone. The kitchen has been updated with new cabinets and black granite countertops. I head over to the cupboard and reach up to grab a cup. My robe rises on my thigh exposing more of my backside than intended.

  Corbin is suddenly behind me again. That is twice now he has gotten behind me without me hearing him. I wonder to myself how he does that, but only for a second, because his hands are on me and I can no longer think. His hand slides up the back of my thigh. He bends down and in a quiet voice by my ear, says, “You are the sexiest fucking woman that I’ve ever seen, Maura.”

  God, I like it when he is a gentleman and sweet, but I think I like it even more when he talks to me like this. His hand moves higher on my skin and under my robe. His fingertips graze over my curvy bottom. Then, his massive hand palms an entire cheek. My heart is pounding and I know, in this second, that my body is his. My hands reach out in front of me, bracing myself against the counter. There is something very erotic about him hovering over me from behind. His other hand moves around my waist and slips into the front of my robe, palming my breast. The silk tie of my robe falls loose and leaves my robe hanging open. Corbin rolls my nipple with his thumb. My head falls back in bliss, exposing my neck.

  “I want you so bad, Maura, but I’m afraid once I’m buried deep inside of you that I’ll never want to let you go.” My breath hitches. I turn from the counter to face him. I arch my back and drop my arms so that my robe falls to the floor. For the first time in my life, I'm completely naked with a man. My body is on display, but my heart feels more exposed than ever.

  “Then don’t,” I say.

  It was as if Corbin was waiting for me to give him an affirmation that what he wanted matched my own desires. He swoops me up. This time, with my legs around his waist, I’m able to feel his erection through his running shorts. Our lips mash together, and our kiss becomes fervent.

  “Fucking perfect,” Corbin mumbles through kisses. "I've been thinking about your body since the moment I opened my eyes, and I promise you my imagination couldn’t do you justice." He sets me down on the countertop and his hand moves between my legs.

  I may be a virgin, but Jenny and I have been going to get waxed “just in case” since I turned eighteen. Today, I couldn’t be more grateful. It’s just one more thing boosting my confidence.

  He slips a finger inside of me, and his thumb circles over my clit. A moan, louder than I would like, escapes my lips.

  You’re so wet and tight.”

  “It’s only for you,” I respond.

  I hope that he gets my double meaning because in my aroused state the last thing I want to discuss is how I'm a twenty year old virgin. Yes, I'm a virgin, but I'm twenty years old and right now my libido is screaming, “Yo hoo-ha, get that itch scratched.” Corbin is sexy and funny. Everything about him shouts, “I’m taking you,” and I’m okay with that. In fact, I'm more than okay with that. He is so gentle with me I feel like he must understand that this is new to me.

  He guides his finger back and forth and then he slips in a second. His fingers stretch me with a tightness that I'm not used to. The pleasure far outweighs the tinge of pain. His lips trail kisses down my collar bone, continuing their downward path until they reach my breast. His tongue circles my nipple making it harder than I ever thought possible. I never knew I could get this turned on from my nipples. He moves his mouth to my other nipple, sucking in the pink flesh. His teeth gently tug while his tongue flicks back and forth. His fingers continue to work me, stroking me like I'm a musical instrument begging to be played. Corbin’s finger curls inside of me hitting that sweet spot. I feel the pressure building inside of me. I grip the edge of the counter. My head falls back as I arch my back and scream, “Oh fuck! Oh fuck!”

  I come undone around his hand, curling my ankles around his backside. I want him to take me in my room. I am so done with waiting.

  He stares into my eyes then moves his face close to mine so that his mouth is right up against my ear.

  “That the first time you’ve done that?”

  I nod my head yes and look down, slightly embarrassed. I'm suddenly very aware that my brazen behavior does not match my experience level.

  Corbin grabs my robe off of the floor and drapes it over me. He places a kiss below my ear and then pulls my robe around my shoulders.

  “I can’t believe I’m going to say this, but go get dressed. I won’t take you for the first time like this.”

  I want to stomp my foot like a petulant child. Damn it! I've waited long enough! Take me now, I want to scream, but I don’t.

  “Why don’t you get dressed and meet me at my cottage in a few? I’ll make that breakfast.” He releases a heavy breath, before dropping one more quick kiss on my forehead and heading out the door.

  What the hell! I’m throwing myself at him and nothing. Well, something. Enough to take the edge off, but still not enough. Carpe diem baby, I think, shrugging my shoulders. Here goes nothing. I rush to my room, throw on a black cotton tank dress, some flip-flops and head out the door to Corbin’s cottage, grabbing a zip up on my way out.

  I walk in and he is shirtless with his back to me. He is flipping eggs with a spatula at the stove. I have to pause before saying anything because the sight of him literally takes my breath away. I gulp, swallowing any nervous energy.

  “You gonna stare all day?” he laughs.

  “I... I brought coffee,” I offer raising both mugs. “Seeing as you didn’t get yours.”

  “I guess I wasn’t ready for mine yet.” The double entendre here is killing me. My normal confident self is finding herself on less stable ground. In fact, since I met Corbin, I think the whole world is cracking and turning on its axis under my feet.

  Corbin turns and starts to plate the food. A small feast of eggs, bacon and toast is placed on the counter. I take a seat at the counter, and continue just watching him as he exudes confidence in the kitchen. He sets the plates down and takes a seat next to me.

  I look down at my plate, almost afraid to make eye contact with him this close to me.

  “Umm… you’re going to have to put a shirt on, if you’re going to sit that close to me.” My face is flushed but Corbin, being the gentleman that he is, doesn’t say anything. He gets up walks into his room, grabs a shirt and slips it over his head.

  “Better?” he questions as he sits down next to me.

  “Much.” I taste some of his food and it is delicious but I expected it to be.

  “So, Maura. What’s fun to do around here?”

  “You ever wakeboard? I have a waverunner in the shed. We can hook up a wakeboard to it.”

  “That sounds like a shitload of fun, but I saw how cold you were yesterday.”

  “I have a wetsuit and a few of the guys have some in the shed too. I’m sure we can find one to fit you.”

  “The guys?” Corbin’s look is a tad jealous. I can't help it, I like the thought of him being a bit of possessive when it comes to me. I smile because the jealousy is cute.

  “Remember I told you about my dad’s friends? Well, we keep wetsuits in a bunch of sizes for his friends. They come down to the lake sometimes. We grill. It’s a big shindig. Wetsuits hardly get used. They all think they are too manly to put one on. As soon as they hit the water, they act like they’re freezing their balls off.” I say with a chuckle.

  We finish breakfast, walk out to the shed and I run inside my cottage to grab the key. It’s more like a small, deep garage. We can fit motorcycles in here if we need to, and the rest of our toys, but it’s not wide enough for a car.

  “Key.” Corbin reaches his hand out for the key before slipping it into the padlock. I reach up to pull the string for the overhead light bulb.

  “I usua
lly use the four wheeler to haul the wave runner down to the lake.”

  Corbin is looking around taking in all of our toys. He moves a blue tarp and sees two dirt bikes leaning up against the wall.

  “I haven’t ridden one of these since I was sixteen.” The excitement in his eyes reminds me of a kid, getting to play with a shiny new toy.

  “We can take those out instead, if you want? There are some amazing trails around,” I offer.

  “Really? You wouldn’t mind?”

  “No, not at all. You mind taking them out of the shed? I’ll run in and change.” I change into some old tennis shoes, jeans and a t-shirt.

  When I make my way back out, Corbin has the bikes pulled out of the shed. I notice that he grabbed the helmets. The bikes have a little mud from the last time Dawson and I took them out, which was a long time ago. If it wasn’t for me coming out to start them every once in a while, they probably wouldn’t start. Looking at the bikes, I wish I would’ve hosed them down first.

  I hop on my dirt bike with Corbin following close behind me. I signal for him to follow me as we head through the woods in the back of the property. I have several dirt hills made that are incredibly fun to jump. I've been jumping these for years, so it comes as second nature to me. Because of Corbin’s size, I’m curious to see how he will do. Sometimes, a large man can have a hard time with balance.

  I take off on the small bike and make the first jump, the bike steadies,and I head towards the second. I get good lift, and decide to show off a little, spinning the front of the dirt bike. I land the second jump flawlessly, and stop to watch Corbin. He makes the first jump, then lands the second one. I'm staring at him with the visor of my helmet up. He pulls up next to me.

  “That was fun! You got tricks too! Want to do it again?”

  “Hell yeah!” I slide my visor down and take off down the trail that circles back around to the jumps. Corbin is close behind me. I hit a wicked patch of mud and accidentally spray it all over both of us.

  We spend the next several hours playing around on the dirt bikes, jumping hills and speeding through mud. I take off after making the last jump and head around the trail again hitting the mud patch with speed. This time, my tire goes to the left, jams in the mud, and nearly throws me off of the bike. Corbin was in front of me on the last jump, and has already started his trip back around. I hop off my bike landing knee deep into the mud.

  “Shit!” I swear but the only one to appreciate my curse is the wind. This is not that big of a deal. I was trying to look badass out here on the dirtbike but being stuck in the mud isn’t exactly helping my vibe I have going on. I hear Corbin’s dirtbike as it approaches. He notices me right away and stops his bike. He takes his helmet off and laughs at me.

  “You going to laugh at me, or help me out?”

  Corbin walks carefully on the edge of the mud, and reaches his hand toward me to help me out. I've played in the mud more times than I can count. When he reaches my hand, I take his pretending to be secure. Then, with all of my strength, I pull him into the mud with me. I figured he would stumble a little. He does more than that. He leans into me and his arm is behind my back guiding me, as he lands on top of me in the mud. He is careful not to have me too deep in the mud, but I’m still covered.

  “Oh no, you didn’t!” I say smearing mud on the side of his face.

  “I did!” His voice is deep and anything but playful. It’s filled with heat and desire. I secretly revel in the fact that, even though I’m covered in mud, he finds me sexy. He is laying on top of me with his hard body pressed against mine.

  “Hi,” I say as I seductively bite my bottom lip, slowly dragging my teeth over the front.

  “Hi.” A smile and a softness in his eyes welcome me as his lips descend. A warmth spreads through my body, leaving a blush on my cheeks. The kiss deepens sending chills down my spine. I bring my hand up to the back of his head. Mud covers his hair. Thick gobs of it fall onto my face, as we kiss even harder. I attempt to lift my knees and part my legs, but the heavy mud makes it difficult. I press my body into him as much as I can, and moan into the kiss. The pleasure from just the kiss alone is enough to send me over the edge. He slows the kiss and pulls away.

  “Woman. The things you do to me.”

  “Me? You know how turned on you have me?”

  “I want nothing more than to take you. You got me so fucking worked up; watching you have fun all day like this and then here in the mud but I’m not taking you for the first time knee deep in the mud.” Okay, I guess I see his point there.

  “When I take you, and I will take you, it’s going to be in a bed where I can worship you.” He kisses my ear. “Taste you.” His hand caresses my breast. “And claim every inch of that sweet pussy.” Fuck. His words just made me clench. My whole body is on fire wanting everything that Corbin is promising.

  He has me upright before I can take this thing between us any further. He easily lifts the bike from the mud, and before I know it, we are riding back through the woods to the cottages. I’m so caked in mud that I don’t want to even walk into my cottage. I shimmy out of my jeans and tennis shoes, while Corbin grabs the hose. He starts to wash the bikes down and turns and smiles at me when he sees me pantless.

  “Why don’t you go get cleaned up, and I’ll take care of the dirtbikes?”

  “All right.”

  “Meet me back in my cottage when you are done.”

  I'm so relieved, because I don’t want our time to be over. I gather my muddy clothes and drop them into the washing machine on my way to the shower. I make a mental note to turn it on after I get out so I don’t mess up my hot water.

  The water feels amazing. I can’t believe how much mud I have caked into every strand of hair. I must have been in the shower near an hour. By the time I finish I feel like I'm completely back to normal. I love my long hair. But covered in mud? Not so much.

  I dress in comfy clothes and make my way over to Corbin’s cottage. I knock on the door, but he doesn’t answer. I walk around back and see that he is manning the grill.

  “Oh good, you found me. I thought you might be hungry after all that playing around.”

  “I’m actually starved. What are you making?”

  “Burgers. Hope that’s okay?”

  “Are you kidding? I'm a burgers and beer kinda gal. You need me to do anything?”

  “You could grab us a few beers from the fridge?” I grab the beers and watch Corbin as he loads plates of food for us again. I love that he is playful yet he keeps wanting to take care of me. The men in my life expect women to take care of them, not the other way around. Everything about Corbin goes against what I'm used to, and I'm basking in it. His simple gestures comfort me.

  After we eat, we sit on the old couch in his living room and throw on a movie.

  “Weekend at Bernies or Chevy Chase?” I ask holding up the old VHS tapes.

  “Weekend at Bernies, definitely,” he says and I snuggle up to his side. We end up making a game of the movie. Every time someone says “Bernie”, we take a drink of our beer. It’s silly, but I’m having fun, and laughing like crazy. This started off for me as lust induced, but spending this time with Corbin has opened my eyes to how much I need more than just lust.

  Chapter 3

  I wake up snuggled in Corbin’s arms. We are tangled together on the sofa and the early morning light is starting to filter through the window. My mouth is parched, and I need coffee. I kiss the side of Corbin’s face. His arm moves around me and I feel him harden, letting me know he is awake.

  “Morning. I’m going to go start some coffee and freshen up. Come over when you’re up?”

  “You sure you have to go?” His fingers find their way under the rim of my shirt and then they start to trace the edge of my panties.

  “Ugh! You’re killing me. My bladder is going to explode.” I wiggle beneath his hold and he surrenders, sitting us up.

  “Okay, I’ll meet you over there.”

g the day with me again?” I’m hopeful, but I don’t want to assume.

  “Maura, I’m spending every second I can with you. If you think I am wasting one minute...” He shakes his head at me, not finishing his thought. I give him a quick kiss and head back over to my cottage.

  I start the coffee and decide to take a quick shower to just wash my body. I tie my hair up so I don't have to wash it again. I throw on my robe and head out to grab my coffee. Corbin is sitting at the counter drinking from his cup. His eyes immediately get heated when he sees me in the robe that I was wearing yesterday.

  “You need to lock your front door when you’re alone. Anyone could have walked in here.” His stern voice tells me he means business.

  “I’m fine. Besides, someone did walk in here, and I’m okay with that,” I smile, trying to lighten the serious tone.

  “Maura!” The command in his voice make me feel slightly scolded and I walk past him, keeping my distance. I reach up to the cupboard and grab another coffee cup. I pour my coffee, and grab the creamer from the fridge; all the while feeling Corbin’s gaze on me. He sets his cup down. Walking up behind me, he leans in with his mouth close to my ear.

  “Lock your doors when you’re alone.” With his body this close to mine, my sex drive kicks in and all I can do is nod. I'm putty waiting for his strong hands to mold me when he is this near and all that separates us is a small bit of silk.

  “I’m serious. I want you safe.”

  “Okay,” I manage to squeak out and I can tell he can sense my change. My face looks flushed and I feel moisture start to pool between my legs as thoughts of yesterday come crashing back at me.

  “Fuck, I thought I could wait. I can’t wait anymore.”

  Corbin picks me up and sets me on the counter. I hoist my legs around his waist. Our bodies are close and I can feel his erection slightly prodding me. This is it! The moment I've been waiting for, and I couldn’t be more excited!

  My bedroom door is open so he knows which room is mine. He walks with me wrapped around him to my room. Corbin lays me down on top of the mattress and starts to take off his clothes. His shirt comes off quickly. He leans over me and kisses along my jaw. His lips find mine. Our kiss is filled with need and want. His fingertips brush over my clit feeling my wetness. His touch is soft and gentle, not matching the ferocity of our kisses. My robe falls off my shoulders, and I'm once again naked.


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