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Wreck You

Page 7

by Abby Mccarthy

  “Maura, you’re in shock. I’m going to pick you up ok?” I know he is talking to me. I feel him pick me up and I wrap my arms around his neck, but this must happen on instinct because I don’t feel in control of my body. I think my screaming has stopped, but I'm not really sure because everything feels a bit surreal.

  Corbin carries me away from the ugliness in my home; away from the blood and bodies, and into his cottage. He brings me to the bathroom, careful not to lose contact with me, and turns on the shower. We stand for a second, me in his arms, as he waits for the water to heat up. Still holding me tight, he steps into the stream of water.

  “I’m going to set you down, so I can get your clothes off. Can you stand?” Corbin doesn't wait for me to answer, but stands me up next to him. This was a kill or be killed situation. Logically, I know this. But I can’t help but feel completely overwhelmed with feeling. I’m scared, shocked and pretty grossed out.

  Surprisingly, my legs work and hold up the weight of my body. Corbin lifts the shirt over my head, but I barely notice. All I see is a swirl of red going down the drain. I hear the familiar rumble. I'm calmed by the sound. From the level of noise, I can tell there are a lot of bikes. My body relaxes a little more.

  “You called the cavalry?” Corbin asks me. This time I respond with a nod. I still haven’t found my voice yet, but I can tell I'm starting to come out of the initial shock.

  “Maura!!!” I hear screaming as the front door bursts open.

  “In here!” Corbin yells. My dad bursts into the bathroom to see me standing in a bra and jeans with Corbin washing me down in the shower. Daws is right on his heels, but the bathroom is small, so he doesn't quite enter all of the way.

  “What the bloody hell!” My dad yells. Corbin remains calm. He is still holding me up, and we are both under the spray from the shower.

  “She’s okay. It’s not her blood. Let me get her cleaned up and we’ll be out.”

  “Hurry! I need answers right the feck now.” Dad responds in his angry Irish accent. Through the sound of the running water, I can hear Dawson screaming at Dad and a loud bang. The noise makes me jump again. Corbin feels my body flinch.

  “Beautiful, it’s okay. That was just Daws. He put his fist through the wall. Nothing is going to hurt you. I got you.” I try to calm down a little. I focus on my breathing the way Dad taught me.

  Mickeyism #9

  In times of stress, take deep breaths.

  “That’s right, breathe. Look at me.” He grabs my chin, lifting my face upwards to him, bringing our eyes level.

  “You were so brave. Plenty of men would be shaken up from what just happened, but I promise you it’s going to be okay. Let me take care of you.” I nod my head, conveying that I believe that he will take care of me. I may have just witnessed one of the most horrific events in my life, but having Corbin reassure me that I am going to be okay helps convince me that I am. He is the type of man that can wash away pain and make you feel safe. Corbin continues to rinse me off. He takes my jeans off, which isn’t an easy task, because wet jeans suck. The water starts to run a lighter pink and I begin to help him wash my body. He grabs his manly-smelling shampoo and and begins washing my hair.

  “Sorry. I wished I had something else for your hair besides my guy stuff.”

  Once the water is clear, Corbin reaches out and grabs a towel off of the rack. He wraps the large white fluffy towel around my shoulders. It’s at this point that I realize he is soaking wet and his clothes are drenched. He sits me down on the lid of the toilet and strips out of his wet clothes, tossing them over the side of the tub. Corbin picks me up again and carries me into his room. I watch him as he gets dressed with a speed that a woman couldn’t even imagine. He throws on a black t-shirt and black cargo pants and laces up his black boots.

  “I’m going to have to get you some clothes, but first we’ll need to go talk to Mickey and the guys.” He grabs a large black t-shirt that reads Marines over the front of it in red lettering, and pulls it over my head. It hangs to my knees, and if I wasn’t so freaked out right now, I would be reveling in the fact that I'm wearing his shirt like a dress.

  “Wear this for now, okay?”

  “Okay.” I manage to say in a soft whisper. Corbin gives me a reassuring smile and pulls me close to him again. We stand this way for a few quiet minutes. I feel like he is giving me time to compose myself before facing my family.

  We walk outside. Dad, Dawson, Jules, Patrick and four other guys are standing around their bikes, which are parked nearly right at the front door. The smell of cigarette smoke wafts through the air. At least half of the guys have one lit.

  “For feck’s sake! Ye were told to stay at the clubhouse, Maura. What the bloody hell happened?” Dad is mad, not only is his Irish accent coming off thicker than honey, he is in my face a little, which ticks me off.

  I square my shoulders, “I’m fine, Dad, and thanks for asking.” I spit out with a little venom in my tone. “And if you want to know why I left, why don’t you ask Daws over there?” I nod my head in his direction. “As for what happened, Corbin saved my ass... again, for the second time today. So instead of being all pissed, how ‘bout you tell me why my ass needed saving twice in one day, huh Mick?”

  Dawson clears his throat. My dad’s eyes narrow on him as Dawson opens his mouth to speak.

  “Oh yeah? This guy’s protecting you, huh Maura? Then, why the fuck were you just covered in blood?”

  Before I can answer Daws, Dad looks to Corbin and says, “They still in there?” Nodding his head in the direction of our cottage. Corbin looks to me cautiously.

  “I’m going to go talk to Mickey. Will you be okay if I leave you for a few minutes?” His voice is calm and gentle like he is afraid I will break but I feel my strength coming back. I’m not made out of glass. I nod my head signalling to him that it is fine. He looks to Dawson.

  “Be nice,” he says in a demanding tone.

  “Who the fuck do you think you’re talking to, pretty boy?” Dawson says, starting to get up into Corbin’s face. I see Corbin’s body language change, and I can tell he is ready for whatever is coming. I grab Dawson’s arm and pull him back.

  “Go on, Corbin. Go talk to Mickey. Daws will be fine, right Daws?” I say narrowing my eyes on Dawson. Corbin kisses me on the head, telling me he will be back soon and I watch him walk away with my dad towards our cottage. Dawson is watching me as they go, but I don’t say anything.

  A few minutes later, my dad and Corbin walk back over to us. Dad looks to Jules, “Call Skaggs and Turk. Tell them we need a clean up.”

  “I’m on it,” Jules responds, walking off and flipping open his phone.

  Dawson speaks up, “Maura, I think we should go to the clubhouse.”

  Corbin’s voice is laced with aggravation at Dawson’s suggestion concerning me, “Sir, I think while you guys are taking care of this situation that I should take Maura out of here.” He turns to me, “Let me take you out of here?”

  Dawson chimes in, “Mickey, you know she is safest with us. Don’t let her go anywhere with him.”

  “I’ll go with him,” I say.

  “Maura, that’s crapshit,” Dawson spits out.

  Mickey looks at me, “If you want to go with Corbin, I think it’s a good idea. I seen what he can do. You’ll be safe.”

  “Yeah Dad. I do.” Dawson is shooting daggers in my direction but, hello I was just attacked twice in one day.

  Dad walks over to me and kisses me on the forehead.

  “You be safe, Baby Girl, and remember what I taught ye. I’ll call when it’s safe.”

  He turns to Corbin. “You take care of her cause if anything happens it’s on you You got me?” The two men shake hands and Dad nods his head to the rest of the guys to signal that it’s time to go. I grab Corbin’s hand and give it a squeeze as the men get on their bikes and drive away.

  Corbin and I go back into his cottage. It’s eerily quiet as he moves throughout the room getting things
together in a bag.

  “I’m going to go to your place and pack you a bag. Are you going to be okay for a few minutes by yourself?”

  “Yeah, I’ll be okay.” Although a part of me is still uneasy about being by myself, I hold on to the fact that he is right next door. I should feel strange about him rifling through my clothes, but oddly enough, the thought of him picking out my underwear does not embarrass me. In close to fifteen minutes, we are packed and ready to go. He asks me if I want to take my bike but said he preferred if I rode with him. I agree, wanting to be as near to him as I can. The saddle bags on the bike are full and I’m wearing a backpack. As we head into the darkness of night, I can’t help but feel like we are driving away from my past and heading into complete uncertainty.

  Chapter 7

  We ride for several hours until the sun starts to come up. We approach a small bed and breakfast. I'm exhausted after the day’s events. I think that Corbin can sense this, because my body is not clinging to him with the same ferocity that it was in the beginning of the ride.

  The bed and breakfast is an old Victorian style home. It is white with large blue shutters. The landscaping around it is meticulous. Even in the early light, I can tell that the grounds are well maintained. We step up to the porch. I question Corbin on arriving so early but he tells me to relax and assures me that it is fine. Corbin doesn’t knock as we walk up to the large double doors. He enters with me following closely behind.

  As soon as we walk through the front doors, the scent of fresh bread assaults my nose. Corbin leads me into the kitchen where we are greeted by a short, robust Italian woman. She has salt and pepper hair pulled back into a knot and dark, olive skin. She looks to be in her late sixties or early seventies. She has an apron on that is covered in flour marks.

  “Oh mia mia, you almost gave my heart a start.”

  “My apologies, ma’am.” Corbin reaches down and grabs the woman’s hand placing a kiss on it. “Sorry if I startled you, Rosalina. I want you to meet someone. Rosalina meet Maura.”

  “Hi,” I respond and do a little wave of my hand. Rosalina comes over to me and draws me into a hug, then she pulls back and gives me a once over.

  “She is a beauty, but she may be on the thin side. When is the last time you fed her? You need to feed a beauty like this.”

  I laugh, “I'm definitely not a rail, but you are right. It smells delicious in here, and maybe I am a little hungry.”

  Rosalina waves her hands animatedly in the air, “See! What I tell you? Sit sit.” She ushers us around a table in the kitchen. She frets over us, something that I'm not used to. Rosalina has a nurturing nature that puts me at such ease.

  Corbin tells me that he found the bed and breakfast a few years ago and that Rosalina has deemed herself family. She takes joy in feeding people, and so she does.

  She offers us sausage and pancakes, bacon, fresh fruit, and fresh bread. I tried to tell her that it was too much, and for her to not go through the trouble.

  “Nonsense,” she says, “I have to make breakfast for everyone who stays here. We are a bed and breakfast.” She winks at me and continues, “Will you be staying, Corbin?”

  “Yeah, just for a day or so, as long as you have a room.”

  “We have the Nautical Room available and also the Music Room, will you be needing separate rooms?” She says with raised eyebrows. I can tell that this is her way of inquiring if we are sleeping together.

  “No, the Music Room will be just fine for us.” Corbin reaches under the table and squeezes my hand.

  We have a little more small talk. I learn that my earlier assumptions about Rosalina are correct and she is, in fact, of Italian descent. She was raised in Italy until she and her late husband, Federico, moved to the States, and opened their bed and breakfast. It was their dream. By the time we are done with our meal, I'm both full and exhausted. Knowing that Rosalina has a lot of work left to do to prepare for the early risers, Corbin says that he will show us to the room and that we will see her later. She informs us that if we are up for dinner, it’s at six sharp.

  Corbin shows me to the Music Room. When he opens the door, there is a king-sized bed in the middle of the room with a black leather headboard. The walls are painted a neutral gray tone and are decorated with photos of sheet music. I'm immediately at ease. On one side of the room, there are floor to ceiling windows. I walk over to the window and enjoy the view of a garden and small pond. Leaning against the window is a guitar propped in a stand. On the other wall is a large wardrobe, and there is a small bathroom across from that. It is simple, but perfect.

  “The room is beautiful. I think you chose the right one for me.”

  Corbin sits on the bed and takes off of his boots.

  “Come here,” he commands. I do as he says. I mirror his actions and take my boots off and shimmy out of my jeans. I lean up against his chest as we lay back and then kiss him.

  “Today was a long day. How are you holding up?” His concern for me is sweet.

  “Well, let’s see. In the last 48 hours, I met an incredibly sexy Marine,” he smirks at me and I continue, “had a gun held against me twice, saw my hot Marine kill bad guys, got in a fight with Daws, and finished the night with no sleep riding on a motorcycle for hours. All after losing my virginity to a very well endowed Marine.”

  “Oh Maura, I didn’t even think about that. Are you sore? Are you okay?”

  I chuckle, “Yeah. I'm a bit sore, but actually really tired.”

  “Let’s sleep then. I've been dying to sleep with you again. Falling asleep with you on the couch was one of the best night’s sleep I've gotten in a long time. I can’t even imagine what sleeping with you in a bed will be like,” he says with a tired smile. I curl up into his body, where the comfort of his arms helps sleep come quickly.


  I wake up with the sun beaming down through the curtains into the room. The bed is empty and I’m alone in the room. I hear the shower turn off, and Corbin comes walking out with a huge grin. He has a towel wrapped around his waist and beads of water are dripping off of him.

  My body feels like every inch of it is electrified as my eyes travel over Corbin. I’m not shy or self conscious with Corbin. I probably should be due to my lack of experience, but I’m not. I whip my shirt off and fling it across the room. I'm wearing a black lacy bra and matching boy shorts that Corbin packed for me.

  I didn’t feel sexy when I fell asleep, but with the way Corbin’s eyes are matching my hunger, my inner goddess is coming alive.

  “Hey Marine. I think you owe me something that was left hanging earlier.”

  “Is that so?” He says with a gleam in his eyes.

  “That’s so.”

  “Are you feeling okay?”

  “Perfect.” I may be fibbing. I’m still a little tender, however I don’t want him to go easy on me. I’ve waited long enough and want the full treatment.

  I get up on my knees so that I'm closer to his eye level, letting the blanket fall completely from my body. Corbin drops his towel and stands before me completely naked. I take a minute to appraise his beauty. My Marine is raised at attention and I've never wanted to feel a man inside of me the way I do right now.

  “Enjoying the view,” he says, while still standing at enough of a distance that I can't quite touch him.

  “I need you,” I belt out. He closes the distance between us. Pulling the lace of my bra down, he takes my breast into his mouth, sucking one nipple while his other hand rolls my other nipple. My hands start roaming, starting at his shoulders they quickly move over each muscle. I brush my fingers over his nipples, and I can see that my touch is effecting him. His cock nudges into my stomach saying hello, begging to meet my acquaintance. My hand reaches downward to greet my new friend. I stroke my hand up and down his shaft, and Corbin’s body reacts to me. The hand that was on my breast moves between my legs. His fingers begin circling over my clit, but the external pressure isn’t fulfilling my need. My body needs to ha
ve him inside of me.

  “I need you,” I say again, and this time he doesn’t waste anytime. While still standing, he reaches around me, grabs both of my cheeks and picks me up. My legs move around his waist and he slams into me. My body stings with the stretch, but at the same time feels full and filled with ecstasy. Although he is large in size, my body adjusts to him. It is like my body is made to fit his. We fit together like a perfect puzzle. I'm still sore, but I welcome it. I welcome him. He slams into me over and over again until I feel our wetness starting to cover us. My hands grip around the back of his neck, clinging to him. My lips part and I lick the beads of water that were left from the shower off of him. I take his ear lobe into my mouth and suck it. He rocks into me harder.

  “Your pussy feels so tight and perfect against my cock. You are so sexy.”

  “Mhhmmm.” All I can do is whimper in response. He pulls me off of him and turns me over.

  “Get on your knees,” he growls. I do as he says and perch my ass in the air. His tip slides in slightly, teasing me. I can’t help but want more, so I push my ass back into him. He grabs me by the hips and pushes me forward a little letting me know that he is in charge. He guides my hips slow and gentle followed by a much harder thrust. I scream out. He does this again and again. He lets go of one hip and grabs a handful of my hair. There is a small pull but just enough that the pain feels good. I moan loudly and with that sound he begins pounding into me. I feel my walls begin to tighten and my insides shudder and his response to my orgasm is hard and fast. Three more pumps and we are panting and coming together hard. When our bodies start to recover, he slowly pulls out of me. I feel very fucked and fantastic. I feel fucking fantastic.

  We lay in bed the rest of the afternoon wrapped in sheets with our bodies tangled together. I trace my fingers over his tattoos that cover his upper arm. There is a Marine emblem and the words Semper Fi. Around that is a Japanese dragon, circling to the inside of the arm, flowing around it are the most beautiful japanese flowers. It’s an intricate design with the majority of the Marine insignia on his outer bicep, and the Japanese art work on the inside. I ask him what Semper Fi means, to which he replies, “always faithful.”


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