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Identity Crisis (Blood Brothers #4)

Page 38

by Manda Mellett

  That seems to have cheered her up, one side of her mouth turns up, and then the other, then I see a full smile.

  “They’ll forgive me?”

  “Already have. Now turn over for me, let me see the damage.”

  She turns over, and I wince slightly, to be honest, my colleagues went easy on her, but there are a couple of welts which appear to be red and might bruise. Since her entire butt is glowing red, it’s hard to tell. I find myself longing to give her a sensual flogging to see her colour up under my own hand but now is not the time. As I smooth my palms across her tender skin, she starts to moan. And when I reach my hand between her legs she’s wet. Good, she’s not reacting badly to what she’s just been through and is now responding to me.

  “Stay here a moment.” Leaving her, I go to the adjacent bathroom, gather up the supplies I’d left earlier and return almost before she’s processed that I’d gone. I apply a cooling lotion to her burning butt. “You’re a wonderful pink,” I tell her, “You might have a bruise or two tomorrow, but it shouldn’t be much.” And if she does, I hope Ben will be able to hide his grin when she sits down.

  As my hands circle, she murmurs something incomprehensible as I continue to caress her. The sight and feel of her lovely skin and the little sounds of pleasure she’s making make my cock as hard as steel. I turn her, seeing her wince slightly as she rolls on her tender skin. She’s staring up at me, biting her lip and looking completely and utterly adorable.

  Smirking, I slip off my vest, and her eyes become glued to my hands as she watches me undo my leathers and then slip them off. Taking out my cock I prime it, tugging it with one hand. Whether she does it consciously or not, her legs fall open, inviting me in.

  “Touch yourself,” I instruct, fair’s fair as she’s watching me.

  Her hand slips between her legs, her face flushes all over again and her eyes open wide as though surprised to find herself so wet. Then they close.

  “Look at me.” I continue to stroke myself from root to tip. As she obeys, her tongue comes out, and she licks her lips. Fuck, what this woman does to me.

  “I…” She lifts her fingers away.

  “Don’t be embarrassed Nessa, never be embarrassed with me. Do what you do when you’re alone.”

  Her hand moves back, her fingers move and start rubbing, a little sigh comes as she finds out how sensitive she already is. Faster movements now and her muscles start to twitch. She’s getting close, I can tell, as her face scrunches up in concentration.

  “That’s it, circle those fingers around, now pinch your clit.” She’s still wearing her thong, but it might as well not be there at all, I can see everything she’s got.

  “Feel your tits, squeeze them, tweak your nipples.”

  Her breaths are coming in little pants now.

  “Sean, I…”

  “Stop!” I growl. Again, she complies, but the frustration on her face almost makes me laugh. Throwing myself down on top of her, my arms keeping my weight from crushing her I gaze straight into her eyes, “First rule of a Dom. Your orgasms belong to me. And don’t forget who I am in the club.”

  “You’re not going to let me come?”

  “Not until I’m inside you.”

  “Make it soon,” her tongue licks her lips again, “Master.”

  Oh fuck, she pleases me so much. How can I resist? Even though she’s technically topping from the bottom at this precise moment. I start to reach for the condom I’d left within reach. Her hand comes to rest on mine, staying it.

  “Take me bare, Sean.”

  It’s against the rules of the club, but fuck it. No one will know. Smoothing my hand across her brow, I gaze at her intently.

  “I want this, but you need to be sure.”

  Her teeth worry her lip, but she’s nodding. “I’d love to have your baby, Sean. A brother or sister for Mollie.”

  She doesn’t need to offer twice. Like a homing missile my cock goes straight to her entrance, and I thrust my way home. Home. That’s what this woman is to me. That’s what she’ll be for the rest of my life.

  Having seated myself fully, I pull out, only to slide back in, a movement I repeat over and over again making sure to hit that special spot inside her with every pass. The pace of this joining so slow, so controlled. Keeping both of us in a heightened sense of arousal, extending both our pleasure as long as we can stand it.

  She’s close again, her muscles starting to twitch, her pussy tightening around me.

  Leaning down I fasten my lips to hers, my tongue mimicking the movements of my cock. Her mouth sucks me in, unconsciously replicating what her cunt is doing to my prick. My balls feel heavy; I start swelling inside her, an unstoppable burst of cum preparing to launch inside her.

  Inside her.

  “Come with me,” I rasp.

  Her muscles clench around me sending any remaining control I might have out of the window. As I groan through my release, she screams as she takes all I have to give her.

  Rolling over I hold her tight, knowing, accepting and hoping this could be the start of a new life. And very definitely the start of our new life, together.

  A flash of white gold reminds me she’s wearing my collar. And soon, very soon, she’ll be wearing my ring.

  Chapter 42


  Waking the next morning in Sean’s large bed with his warm body spooned behind me is pure luxury. Lazily I stretch to ease the soreness in my overused muscles having had a second and third time with Sean when we’d returned from the club. Having to answer an urgent call of nature I leave him still sleeping, gentle but far from annoying snores coming from his amazing mouth—well, amazing as he’d proved over and over again just how talented he is with it. Sliding out from under the covers as quietly as I can so I don’t disturb him, I go to the bathroom.

  Noticing the mirror, I contort myself to see whether there were any lasting reminders of the night before on my poor backside, pleased that there was nothing I can see. Rubbing my hand over my bum I feel a slight tenderness left behind, but nothing that’s too uncomfortable. Turning round to face my reflexion I rest my hands on the sink and lean forward, taking the opportunity to examine my collar in the bright light. It shimmers and shines, and I place my finger to the metal, feeling a burst of pride at the mark of ownership Sean placed around my neck, knowing I belong to him like no woman ever has before. And being aware that he is mine, as much as I am his.

  The events of the evening before should have made me embarrassed this morning, fearful of returning to Grade A and meeting my colleagues who’d seen me so exposed. But somehow, instead, I felt I’d been cleansed, forgiven. And the message delivered hadn’t been that I was a failure, or only in that I’d failed to recognise my real strengths.

  I’d wanted to train as a bodyguard so that I’d be the one in control, the only way I’d seen at the time of taking charge and never letting someone have such power over my body again, or the power to ruin my life. And though my skills saved me, the thought of holding a gun and needing to point it in anger chills me. All along I wanted someone who’d stand up for me, to protect me. Last night, albeit in a rather bizarre and unique way, gave me the clarity to admit that. And without leaving a residual feeling that I was disappointing anyone, including myself.

  The door opens behind me, and still watching the mirror I see my lips turn up in a smile as I’m encircled in warm, strong arms. Leaning back I feel, and watch as Sean nuzzles me and whispers into my ear, “Good morning, sweetheart.”

  Swinging around I put my hands on his chest, “I love you, Sean.”

  “Love you too.” His intense eyes stare into mine, then he brushes his mouth across my lips, the gentlest of touches. “What time are you seeing Ben?”


  A dip of his head, “Then we’ve got time to go and collect Mollie first.”

  The pleasure that goes through me is indescribable and I start grinning, “I can’t wait to see her again.”

  As h
e smooths his hand down the side of my face, he tilts his head to one side, “She doesn’t bring back bad memories for you?”

  It’s not hard to give him the honest answer, “No. She’s chased them away. Oh, it will always be there in the background, Sean, I’ll never completely forget. Or stop mourning. But it won’t destroy me. And being around Molls? I honestly can’t think of living without her.” I giggle, “If you hadn’t have asked me to be with you, I might have tried to steal her from you.”

  He smiles, and then grows serious. His hand wanders down and caresses my stomach. “I want you pregnant, Nessa. Just as soon as we can.”

  My stomach churns with excitement at his words and a delightful shiver runs down my spine. My hands tighten against his bare chest as though I never want to let him go. A fluttering in my stomach tells me I wouldn’t be averse to continue working on his plan now.

  He smirks, well aware of the visceral reaction his words have had on me. But it seems he’s got other plans as he reaches around and gives a slight tap to my bum. “Now, get ready and dressed. I want to get our daughter.”

  Our daughter. For a moment, I forget to breathe.

  “Oh, and after your meeting, we’ll go to your house and get your things. You’re moving in with me until we can find somewhere to raise our family.”

  He’s full of instructions today. Don’t I get a say? But he’s offering me everything I ever wanted, so who am I to complain? But I’m not letting him get away with it entirely. “You going Dom on me?”

  Now I get a proper smack. “You love it,” he smirks.

  And I can’t argue with that.

  An hour later and we’re at his mum’s house, and Mollie is in my arms. It feels so right to hold her, as though it was meant to be. Fleetingly, memories of our hardship in that adobe hut go through my mind, we formed a bond there which will last forever. I might not be her birth mother, but now I’m the only mother she’s ever going to know. And as she chuckles up at me, I can’t help but grin back, even when her fingers get tangled in my hair.

  Sean’s watching me with Mollie, the gentling of his features betraying what the scene makes him feel. In the kitchen, his mum is making tea, pouring boiling water over tea bags in the cups. Sean approaches her, and tries to make conversation, “How’s the work going, Mum?”

  He gets a slap on the wrist with a tea towel for his attempt to drive the conversation into mundane matters. “It’s going, son.” She takes the tea bags out of the cups and disposes of them, then nods toward me so carefully holding the precious bundle in my arms. “Now tell me if you’re going to make an honest woman of Nessa here. Give Mollie a mother?”

  Wait. What? He claimed me in the club, but we haven’t discussed what she’s suggesting. She’s putting him on the spot. I shift awkwardly, but I needn’t have worried.

  With his eyes firmly on me, he answers her, “As soon as I can.”

  I gasp, for some reason I hadn’t expected that. My eyes widen as I look at him, but both son and mother are ignoring me.

  “Good,” Anna nods, “I’m looking forward to helping plan the wedding.” Then she laughs and covers her mouth with her hand and turns to me, “If my future daughter-in-law is alright with that.”

  Coming up behind me, Sean draws both myself and Molls back into his arms, “She’s already got the venue for the hen party sorted.”

  I swing around to see him looking at me with a wicked twinkle in his eyes, and then turn back as his mum gasps, “That was quick!”

  “I haven’t said yes!” I think it’s time I contributed something.

  Pressing his lips against mine, he then pulls away, “Well?”

  “Oh, son of mine, I want to see you do this properly.”

  Sean’s eyes go to his mother who’s standing with her hands on her hips, her head tilted to one side as if she’s waiting. He sighs heavily, and then sinks down to one knee in front of me.

  “Wait!” I call out. As he looks at me warily, I wave my hand at the cupboards, “You wouldn’t have any rice, would you, Anna?”

  He barks a laugh, and pulls me down beside him. “And there was I thinking you weren’t going to be a brat.” He smooths his hand over my hair, “Now, you going to marry me, or what?”

  “Well as proposal that’s a bit lacking, Sean.” His mum’s laughing, and I’m blushing red hoping she’s no idea what implication the rice had.

  And then the seriousness of his question hits me, and I have eyes only for him. And my answer comes out in a rush as though I can no longer hold it back. “Yes, a thousand times, yes!”

  “Well, I suppose that will have to do.” Anna’s grinning. Then she frowns, “But Sean, rice is nasty stuff. You really don’t want to kneel on that. A spanking’s much kinder.”

  I’m not quite certain whether it’s myself or my new fiancé who’s more shocked at that. It renders us speechless and soon we make our excuses and leave. Once Mollie’s strapped into her car seat, I’m the first to address it.

  “Sean… your mum. Your dad… Er?”

  He turns and looks at me with a complete look of shock on his face, “Nessa, I never, ever, want to even think about it.”

  We stare blankly at each other for a few seconds, and then I can’t hold back my laughter. Soon he’s chuckling too, and then neither of us can stop, Bent almost double with the effort to try to stop myself giggling, I have to wipe tears from my eyes thinking what Sean’s parents might have got up to. I’m not surprised he doesn’t want to know. Eew.

  When we get to Grade A, Sean lets me enter through the glass doors first, his hand solicitously at the small of my back, in his other he carries the baby seat with Mollie inside. Once inside, I glance over to nod at Sandra, and out of the corner of my eye see Sean placing Mollie’s chair on the ground. Next I find myself being pulled back into Sean’s arms. Fastening his lips to mine he bends me back over his arm as though we were performing some dance routine. Automatically my hands come up to hold onto him, first to help me balance, and second, well, I’m not going to waste any opportunity to hang onto my man.

  After thoroughly ravishing my mouth he lets me up, lifts his chin toward the reception desk where Sandra’s standing with her mouth hanging open, picks up Mollie then takes my hand and leads me to the lift.

  Once inside I swing around and hiss, “What the hell was all that about?”

  “Now we’ve announced it to the whole company,” he smirks, “Saves us time.”

  I put my fist to his arm, “Maybe I wanted to keep it quiet for a while.”

  He doesn’t look in the slightest bit remorseful, but redeems himself when he says, “I love you, Nessa, and I’m proud you’re mine. I want everyone to know what a lucky bastard I am.”

  How can I stay angry with him after that?

  On the third floor I have to walk through the open plan office, and of course, Ryan and Nat are there working. Feeling my face glowing I greet them in my usual way, and any worries I might have had about seeing my work colleagues after they’ve seen me naked disappear when they acknowledge my presence as if nothing untoward had ever happened. Relieved no one’s making any reference to the night before, nor have the slightest sign of a smirk on their faces, I leave Mollie with Sean, and at precisely twelve o’clock I enter Ben’s office.

  He stands to greet me, “Good afternoon, Van.”

  I complete the pleasantries and then take the seat he offers to me.

  He smiles across the desk, “You’ve come to a decision?”

  “You know I have. I’ll stay here and do what I do best.”

  “I’m glad.”

  I stare at him, “You set us up, didn’t you Ben? Right from the start.”

  He shrugs, but doesn’t look repentant. “Should have realized you’d work it out.”

  “You never wanted me to be a CPO, did you?” Now he doesn’t speak, but simply returns my gaze. And it all drops into place. “You gave me something to focus on, didn’t you? To help me get over…” I break off, remembering the day
I came to him almost exactly two years ago. But as quickly as the memories threaten to overwhelm me, the thought of Mollie waiting for me outside chases them away.

  He sighs, “I didn’t know how it would pan out, Van, but I suspected you weren’t suited. But your training was an investment, it wasn’t wasted, Knowing the detail of what the CPOs go through at the coal face, your experience of working the job on the ground will prove helpful. You’ll have far better insight now.”

  I nod. He’s right. I’ll have a new appreciation of the importance of getting the right information to the CPOs at the right time.

  “Has Sean updated you about working with him as part of Devil’s team?”

  “Yes, but I’m not sure what that will entail.”

  He shrugs, “Problem solving, sorting through information, tying things together. Exactly what you do best. Devil will be back next week and will brief you properly. And you may work outside the office too, so your license will come in useful, even though you wouldn’t officially be a CPO. And, of course, you know how to shoot if you’re ever put in that position again.”

  This talk about the new job is intriguing, even though it seems Ben has no more idea about it than Sean or I. I begin to get excited about meeting Devil.

  Ben looks like he can see the wheels turning in my head, “You’ll have to curb your curiosity for another few days. Take the week off. I’m sure you and Sean have things to work out between you.” Leaning back in his chair, he clasps his hands behind his neck and chuckles, “I couldn’t predict a happy ending, Van, but you always had the hots for him.”

  My face reddens as it sinks in that I hadn’t hidden my attraction for Sean as well as I’d thought.

  “You always sat opposite him at meetings, arriving early so you’d get that seat. The looks you were giving him.”

  I breathe in sharply, “But what about the baby? When Mollie arrived…”

  “You had to face up to your fears, Van. You’d either sink or swim. And I’m pleased to say it all worked out. Sean needed to find himself, and you helped him do that.”

  I toss him a glare, “You’re a born meddler, aren’t you, Ben?”


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