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From Riches to Rags

Page 6

by Mairsile Leabhair


  “What’s your business here, girl? You’re too well-dressed to want to rent one of my apartments.”

  “My name is Blackie and I need some information.”

  “What kind of information?”

  The landlord of the building where Chris lives, dressed in a ketchup stained T-shirt, was slouched in a chair behind a desk. At least I hope that was just ketchup on it. He didn’t move from his seat as I explained to him that I needed Chris’s apartment number. He gave me the standard refusal excuses, until I pulled out a hundred dollar bill and handed it to him. He looked at me with beady eyes and a greedy grin. I handed him another Benjamin, with an ultimatum. He was satisfied and told me the number to her apartment.

  I bounded up five flights of stairs because the elevator in that old building was out of service, and looked like it had been for years. When I got to the fifth floor hallway, with its tattered carpet, peeling wallpaper and trash in the corners, I shook my head in wonder. How could anyone live in such filth? I noticed a young woman standing in front of 5C, with what looked like a takeout box in her hands. She was handing it to a little old lady who smiled at her, until she saw me, and then she quickly retreated back inside.

  Two doors down from 5C was Chris’s apartment, 7C. Suddenly, I wasn’t sure what I was going to say to her. Suddenly, it was me who was timid. Well that’s a first. Just as I raised my hand to tap on the door, the old lady from 5C poked her head back out and told me that Chris had left for work already. I walked over to her, until she took a step back, as if she was going to close the door again. I stopped and smiled at her, hoping to calm her fears. I asked her if she was friends with Chris.

  “She’s a dear thing. When I told her this morning that my cat had died, she gave me her kitten.” The old woman disappeared from the doorway and when she returned she was holding a black and white kitten. “She said its name was Blackie.”

  Oh my God! I screamed in my head, both excited and confused.

  “Chris gave you her kitten… named Blackie?”

  “Yes, and when she did, she tried to hide the tears in her eyes. I tried to refuse such a kind gift, but she said I needed her more than she did. Why would she do that?”


  “Chris, hey Chris!”

  It was two in the morning. I had just clocked out and was headed for the bus stop when Melinda pulled up. This girl doesn’t understand the concept of the word no. What am I saying, it’s Blackie Blackstone, of course she doesn’t get it because no one has ever dared to say no to her. I decided to ignore her and continued to the bus stop, then sat on the cold, hard bench. She stopped her car near the bench, got out and walked over to me, then sat down. I turned away from her.

  “Oh come on, I was in the neighborhood and thought I’d give you a lift home again. Is that so bad?”

  “And what do you want in exchange for your good deed, Melinda?”

  “Ouch, that hurt. I thought we were friends now?”

  I looked at her dubiously. “What would give you that idea?”

  “Because, you named your kitten after me.”

  My face blushed so deep that I thought I would burst into flames. How on earth did she know that? I was at a cross between angry and curious, so I calmed myself and turned on the southern façade. “I’m sure I don’t know what you’re talking about, Melinda.”

  She grinned at me, a big cheesy grin like she had pulled one over on me, then she got up and went to the passenger side of her car. She leaned inside, and when she came out, she was holding my kitten in her hands. Blackie! I forgot everything else and held my hands out for my kitten, like a kid does for his presents at Christmas.

  “How did, why did…” I couldn’t form a complete sentence. Blackie, the kitten, was as happy to see me as I was her and I rubbed my cheek over her head and she purred for me.

  “Aw, you two are so cute together,” she said, and sat down next to me.

  “No, this is wrong. You have to give her back to Ms. Shelby,” I said, even as I hugged my kitten closer.


  “She’s the old lady who lives in apartment 5C. Why on earth would you take this kitten from her?”

  “Because, I gave her another one.”

  “You.. you did?” It was then I realized that I was drunk with happiness and Melinda was stone cold sober. It was an intoxicating feeling, sitting next to her after she gave me such a heartwarming surprise. Had I been wrong about her?

  “Come on, let’s get you two home.”

  Melinda opened the passenger door and Blackie and I slid into the luxurious leather seat. Once we were on the road, Blackie curled up in my arms and purred herself to sleep.

  “Melinda, how did you know about my kitten?’

  “Oh, uh‒”

  “The truth, please.”

  “I sort of bribed your landlord for your apartment number, and then I ran into your neighbor who told me all about you giving her your kitten. Why would you do that?”

  “Because I knew first hand, how lonely Ms. Shelby was without her companion. No one should have to live with that kind of loneliness.”

  “Isn’t that what you were willing to do to help her?”

  “Yes, I was, because her needs were more important. It took me a very long time to learn that lesson, and even now, have a hard time with it.”

  “Please, forgive me if what I’m about to say is insulting, but it doesn’t look to me like you have a whole hell of a lot to spare, what about your needs?”

  “You’re not hearing what I’m saying. I am trying to pay it forward. I am trying to make amends, which means I have to let go of my egotistical, narcissistic, self-absorbed ways.”

  “You do realize those three words mean the same thing, right?”

  I smiled at her and replied, “Yes, but I wanted to make sure I picked a word you might recognize.”

  “Snap. So tell me, what are you trying to make amends for?”

  I marveled at how she had brought it around to my secret again. She’s clever, I’ll give her that. And I have to admit, I am thankful for her kindness, but I’m still not prepared to let her in, not until I know she’s not playing some kind of sick game with my emotions. She bribed my landlord? She is playing games with me!

  “Wait just a damn minute. You bribed my landlord?” I stroked my fingers over my kitten, shaking my head in disgust.

  “How else was I going to find out what apartment you lived in?”

  “The fact that you can’t see how wrong that was, Melinda, bothers me deeply. Not only was it an invasion of my privacy, but it is just another example of your reputation, and all I know about you is your reputation. And Melinda, I’m afraid of your reputation.”

  “Afraid? Why on earth would you be afraid of little old me? I don’t understand. You’re sitting beside me now, and you’re not afraid. In fact, you’re in charge.”

  “The only reason you might think that I’m in charge is because you want something from me that I won’t give you. I don’t like that, and I don’t like that you bribed my landlord.”

  We sat in silence until Melinda pulled the car over to the curb in front of my apartment. Before I got out, I said, “But you know what, Melinda, it doesn’t matter anyway. I’m grateful for the kindness you showed regarding my kitten, but I’m dismayed at how you pulled it off. My father’s name is Carl Livingston. Look him up in the Fortune 500, and then maybe you’ll have your answers, understand why I can’t go back to that life again, and why we can’t be friends.”

  Chapter Seven

  Repercussions ‒ Melinda aka Blackie Blackstone, Frankie Bonner and Meg Bumgartner

  I laid in bed most of the night thinking about how I had really fucked it up with Chris. Any advance that I may have made with her has been stripped away, all because I did what I have always done, I paid someone for a favor. Now I have to start all over again and that’s going to be difficult because Chris is really pissed at me right now. I’d be surprised if she ever spok
e to me again. I asked myself if it was worth it, and was surprised at my answer. Yes! What fascinated me most about Chris was her integrity. It could not be impugned, no matter how rich a person was, or how grateful she was to have her kitten back.

  So, I will start over, having learned a little more about what Chris expects from me. She told me to look up her father, so that’s exactly what I will do, using the resources I already have in place.

  “Ms. Blackstone, please, come in.”

  She showed me into her office full of old paintings and fake leopard skins. She offered me a beverage but I declined it, preferring to keep my mind sharp because according to George, this woman was not very forthcoming with her information.

  “Thank you for seeing me on such short notice, Ms. Bonner.”

  “Well, you are, in a way, my client, Ms. Blackstone. Although I may still require a release form signed by you, depending on what I can help you with today?”

  “Will your wife be joining us?”

  She’s the one I really wanted to question because I had a feeling she was connected to Chris’s family somehow.

  “Yes, when you called earlier, I took the liberty of calling her. She should be here at any moment.”

  “Very good. And what role does your wife play in Chris Livingston’s life?”

  “I would prefer she answer your questions regarding Ms. Livingston, and as I said, she will be here at any moment.”

  “Fair enough.” Okay, if I can’t go in the side door, I might as well play along. “So, I understand you two were just married. Congratulations.”

  “Yes, thank you. We got married nine months and fourteen days ago.”

  “Aha, I see that you’re still in the honeymoon stage, that’s nice.” I do believe the southern belle blushed. Pretty.

  “And here’s my better half now.”

  I turned my head to see a woman not unlike myself, strong and confident, walk through a side door. But unlike me, she was a little disheveled and worn a bit thin.

  “Ms. Blackstone, this is my wife, Meg Bumgartner.”

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Blackstone. I’ve heard so much about you.”

  Bumgartner extended her hand, and I gripped it firmly, squeezing it tightly. I’m not sure why, perhaps it was the way that I could tell she was lying through her teeth. “Likewise, I’m sure.” I said, still gripping her hand. When I realize she could take as much as I could give, I released it.

  “So, what can we do for you today?” Bonner asked.

  “Tell me what the hell is going on with Chris Livingston.”

  “As I told your colleague, and as I’m sure you are aware, client confidentiality is our main concern, and‒”

  “Chris told me to look up her father and then I would understand what she’s been through. She has as much as given me permission to find out, because apparently it is too painful for her to tell me herself. And ladies, I want to spare her that pain, but I also want to be of help to her if I can.”

  “Ms. Blackstone, may I be blunt?”

  “Yes, Ms. Bumgartner, fire away, I can take it.”

  “You’re full of shit.”

  Wow, the woman sure doesn’t mix words. And from the way her wife gasped, I’d say that she had reserved them just for me. “And why would that be, Ms. Bumgartner?”

  “Because, and I quote, ‘Do you know who I am, bitch?’ and ‘I’ll have your job for this.’”

  I couldn’t believe it, I was actually blushing. Me, embarrassed?

  “She told you?”

  “No, I was there and I saw how you bullied her right out of a job. You must be very proud.”

  “Okay, now you’re just being hurtful.” I said snidely, locking my eyes on hers, gritting my teeth like a rabid dog.

  “Ladies, please. Let’s at least be amicable toward one another.” Bonner was obviously the brain in that family.

  Bumgartner wouldn’t let it go, “I think your skin is probably too thick for that, Ms. Blackstone. But regardless, let me assure you, I will not let you hurt Chris again. She has come too far to be knocked back down by the likes of you.”

  “And I assure you, Ms. Bumgartner, that I would never do that again. In fact, that’s why I’m here, to make amends, to make it up to Ms. Livingston, however possible.”

  “Is that why you’re stalking her?”

  This is not getting me anywhere. Stonewall Jackson over there has already made up her mind about me, and I don’t know how to change it. What can I say that will show her I only want to help? Offer her money? No, that would only prove her point. I was stalling for an answer when I put my hand on my arm, where Chris’s touch still lingered.

  “Look, I like her, a lot, and I just want to be her friend, with no strings attached.”

  I was as surprised as they were to hear those words come out of my mouth. I’d never said that about anyone before and meant it. But this time I wasn’t trying to get someone into bed nor was I trying to soften the blow before dumping someone. No, this time, my heart was speaking for my brain. It was a strange, sweet prickly kind of feeling, and if it weren’t for Bumgartner’s mocking eyes, I would have enjoyed experiencing that feeling a bit longer.

  “Ms. Blackstone. I know you can have me blackballed. You can have me run out of town on a rail for what I’m about to say, but I don’t care. I’m going to say it anyway. You couldn’t possibly be her friend because that requires compassion, and you don’t know what that word means. No, I think you’re probably just in heat. And when Blackie Blackstone is on the prowl she thinks the good people of Memphis will pull down their pants and spread eagle for her.”

  I gave her an angry sneer and she retaliated with a snide remark. Why am I taking this shit off of her?

  “Oh, I’m sorry, I thought you liked talking about yourself in the third person. Listen, you know how to buy, bribe or drink your way into a person’s bed, until you get bored with them, and toss them to the side like so much trash. You probably think you will rush in and sweep her off her feet. Take her back to your mansion, where you’ll ply her with booze, screw her with drugs, and leave her when she gets too predictable. Chris is not one of your floozies that you pick up at a bar. She’s making a difference in people’s lives. Not because she has to. Not because she has millions of dollars to give to a bum on her doorstep. It’s because she wants to, that she gives her hard earn money to a drunkard. It’s because she has a heart that she gives her only companion, a kitten, to an old lady who has nothing. It’s because‒”

  “But I got her kitten back for her. I got the old lady another kitten so Chris could have her pet back.” I knew that I was on the defensive, but that sounded weak, even to me. Still, I thought I saw her hard eyes soften… briefly.

  “And you think that makes you a hero, don’t you?” Bumgartner asked sarcastically.

  “No, that’s not why I did that. I felt bad for her. I just wanted her to be happy, that’s all.” I didn’t have time to properly analyze whether she was right or not, but I really did think it was to make Chris happy… and make me her hero.

  “Ms. Blackstone, I will not tell you what happened to Chris that has brought her to this point. It’s not my story to tell. But I wonder if you can honestly tell me why you are pursuing a poor girl from the streets?”

  I have been honest with you, damn it. This woman was being a real hard ass, yet she believed in Chris to the point of risking my wrath. I felt like I had just been stripped naked by her words and my bones left for the buzzards to pick apart. But even though her words have cut deeply, there was no asperity left in me. I have no desire to take retribution on her, although I clearly have cause to. No, in fact, from her words, I gleaned a sliver of hope. I no longer want to be that person she obviously loathes, I want to be something more. So I decided to tell her the truth and hope she understood me.

  “I’ll admit that at first, I wanted to get back at Chris for telling me off in front of everyone. And yes, I was glad when they fired her. But something kept
eating away at me, until I realized, it was because Chris put me in my place that I wanted to know her better. I wanted to understand where her strength to resist me came from. You have to understand, all my life people have cow towed to me because of my wealth. And yes, I admit, I encouraged it, abused it, even confused it for love. But that doesn’t work for me anymore. Since I met Chris, I’m beginning to feel that I am worth more than what my money can buy, you know? Damn it, I’m not saying this right…”

  “You want to be more to people than just a wad of cash.” Ms. Bonner offered and I was relieved that someone finally understood me.

  “Yes, exactly right. And the only way I know to do that is to understand where Chris gets her strength from that she can so easily refuse me.”

  “She gets it from within herself and it is not something that can be taught or bought, so I think you should just give up before you embarrass yourself more, and go back to Vegas or LA or wherever the hell you’re from.”

  “Ms. Bumgartner,” I stood to leave, because I knew that I had hit a brick wall while driving two hundred miles an hour, and it was beginning to hurt, “I’m sorry if you feel I should be embarrassed, but you are wrong. I’m not in the least bit embarrassed. I’m humbled, and I’m grateful. I will return to Vegas on the next flight and lick my wounds, which I’m sure, will make you happy. Thank you for your time.”


  Frankie showed Blackstone to the door and then turned and looked at me.

  “Do you think I was too hard on her, Frankie?”


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