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Blood for blood (Tainted Bloodlines Book 1)

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by Tobi Grim

  Shit. Fifteen purebloods. Purebloods were strong. Fucking strong. Most of them were controlling cities further up the north, it wasn’t often they were in a small, city nest. Most of them were together; controlling the people, controlling the streets, big fucking operations. The Organization had tabs on them all, but they needed armies of Hunters for that. Armies they didn’t have. Armies they might never have. But they did what they could, picked off the weaker ones. Picked of those who bred with humans. Tried to stop the spread. Rumours were the Dark Squad was becoming pretty hard-core, getting ready to take back some of the smaller cities. But Lupa didn’t really pay much attention to that shit. She did what she did, and where she did it. They were just as important here as the others were in their cities.

  But purebloods... It was going to be some hard-core fighting. Good thing Lupa enjoyed it. Good thing Lupa was part wolfblood and her strength and her power grew when around purebloods. Good thing... maybe not the right wording. If she didn’t have that damned blood in her body she might be more than... fuck it.

  “Right. What we looking at? Males? Females?”

  Slasher smiled, “Ten males, five females. At least from what we know. Our information came from one of the Blackwater… thugs. They aren’t usually to be trusted, but he wants them out of his territory so I am inclined to believe him, and we know they’ll give up anyone for more power... but the rest are pretty low on the food chain. I think most of them can’t even transform. A bit more juiced up, sure, but we are better.”

  Good. More males than females. Males were distracted easily. Wolfbitches…. Now they were some serious shit. Once they got their eyes on you, you'd better be ready to fucking kill them, or you could kiss your ass goodbye. They never let go of a fight, and if you locked eyes with them, it was you or them, and they’d chase you down if you tried to run.

  “Come on, scrawny fuck!” Tank was chuckling. “Drink it down!”

  Lupa hastily went through the details with her almost mother. Karl would be desperate to leave, and she wasn’t going to make him hang around longer than he had to. She needed him to rest today, and he wouldn’t if Tank riled him up.

  “OK.” Slasher kissed her forehead again, “Best you get home, get some sleep and we will meet here tonight.”

  Lupa squeezed her adoptive mother’s hand, then turned to Karl and Tank. “Come on now, Karl, we got some sleep to get.”

  Tank through his shot back, and then Karl’s too. Karl couldn’t get out of there quick enough. They could hear Tank laughing as Karl practically flew out the door and over to his car.

  “Right,” he said, checking the street before opening the car. “Back to yours to sleep.”

  Lupa nodded. They always slept at her place before a hunt. Her supplies were there while Karl kept his in the boot of his car. Always. And they needed to sleep in close proximity before a big raid, they needed their connection to build up as strong as possible, which was always at its strongest when they were at their most vulnerable. The Organization made them bond that way, because when they connected two people, they needed them to completely trust each other, inside and out, so they had to learn to be vulnerable around each other. If they couldn’t, then you couldn’t trust each other, and if that happened, you could die. You both could. The Organization had learnt that the hard way in the early days; hundreds of years ago. But they had a system now, had it down fucking pat. They rarely paired any that weren’t 100% compatible, at least not when they were young. And usually those that weren't, had been cheating their way to be paired with a friend... or a lover. Fucking idiots.

  Chapter Two

  “Sleep together, stay together…”

  Lupa started brewing the tea while Karl paced backwards and forwards next to the bench. She watched him mildly amused. His skinny frame was deceiving, he was tough, and he was strong. His family may have been rich, they didn’t need to work really, but when Karl had showed signs of magick, they’d taken him straight to the best school. The best and the toughest, in the heart of Central City. Central had wanted to keep him there, to have him work with the Dark Squad. Those that investigated the hostile cites, that picked off the weaker, that hoped one day to take back some of those cities. But Karl didn’t want to. He wanted to come home to Black City. He hated the big groups that the Dark Squad worked in.

  By thirteen you were sent to the part of The Organization that you would mostly likely stay in for the rest of your life. And Karl’s family brought him home just as he asked, or begged. They lived on the rich side of town. But all Hunters were considered equal. Just as all Wolfbloods were scum. Ha.

  Lupa had always lived in Black City. Slasher and her father, Blood Slayer, had trained her until she was thirteen, until they sent her to the only bonding school in Black City. A year later, she had met Karl. He was one of five potential matches for her, and she had liked him straight away. Lupa never really gave the others a chance. Not that they wanted one, most people had kept clear of her because they could sense her unclean blood; tainted by her foul father.

  Most Protectors were male, and most Hunters were female. Not all, but most. There was something about women holding more power than their male counterparts, theorised due to women being the original witches, handing their power down the female line. But somewhere along the way, the men started inheriting it too, and that’s when they started to work together. Hunting. Hunting wolfbloods, bloodsuckers, gargoyles, merpeople, faeries... not that there were many left from these castes now, if at all. Barely a trace in most of the bloodlines. Except for wolfbloods of course. They had bred in secret and kept their numbers hidden. Mostly. Only letting a few live where the Hunters could find them, to trick them into thinking they were killing them off. And then... then they attacked. The world had been in chaos for almost a year before The Organization began to clean all the shit up. The government were grateful, the people were scared... But that was so long ago now.

  She shook her head, the tea was ready; a special mix of magickal herbs that helped to connect her and Karl. He stopped pacing and stood on the other side of the bench watching her. “Nunc nos venire” she breathed over their cups.

  “I aint happy about this,” he muttered, knowing she’d hear him, “Don’t wanna work with that tosser.”

  “I know, but with ours being the only connection that will last, you have to. You have to stay close to him. He’s good at his job, even if he’s a bit of a jerk.”

  Darkness clouded his eyes. Yeah right. Tank was a bit of a jerk to Karl, but Lupa got along with him, but then he didn’t call her a ‘scrawny fuck’ every time he laid eyes on her. She was practically his partner’s daughter; he’d watched and helped her grow up.

  Tank had been there by Slasher’s side since the day Lupa started her first bloodfire. He’d smiled at her when she’d clapped and made the black lightning spring from her fingers. Tank taught her how to fight with her fists when the kids at school gave her a hiding. He’d been there when she and Karl bonded, and he had been disappointed Lupa hadn’t chosen his little brother. Not disappointed with her of course, just disappointed. Not that Tank’s brother wanted anything to do with her. Tank thought she needed someone tough like himself. But Karl was just that, tough and smart. Tank just couldn’t see it, couldn’t see bulging muscles that meant tough in his eyes. She supposed all men like him thought like that.

  Karl sighed. “I know. Just hatin' how he never gives me credit.” He looked at her dead in the eye. He knew what she’d been thinking. She knew he was remembering every time Tank called him a name, forcing him to take shots with him...

  “I know.” She put his tea in front of him. “But we are in this now. I trust you, and that’s all you need to be thinking about. You and me, baby.” She gave him a wink and he smiled.

  “Yeah, yeah, alright.”

  They drank their tea and went into her room. He always slept on the couch when they were bonding, she was glad he never asked to sleep on her bed. Not once in seven years of hunting had h
e asked. Lupa was sure he knew she’d say yes if he did, but he probably also knew she’d only say it because he asked. That her bed wasn’t his to lay in. It wasn’t for anyone to lay in. He probably knew that her bed was... whatever.

  She closed the door and peeked through the heavy curtains, glancing at the lightening sky as she drew them shut. Laying on her bed, with Karl laying on the couch, they started to breathe in unison. She could hear her heart starting to beat louder; she closed her eyes and could hear his joining hers. Lupa felt his power becoming hers, felt hers becoming his. They intertwined. They were one, and yet separate. She wouldn’t dream today, only feel their power infusing. The best sleep ever. She smiled, and felt him do the same.

  “Catch you at sundown” she said.

  He answered her in her mind. You betcha, baby.


  Fuck it was cold. They were all standing in the dark street, some shivering, some not. Lupa was sure it was the filthiest street in all of Blackwater, the entirety of it looked as though it was held together by muck and grime. And it was fucking cold. Slasher was checking everyone slowly, confirming their connections were strong. Checking their weapons and gear.

  Slasher stopped in front of her and Karl. A small, tight smile on her face. Resting her hands on both of them, Lupa felt Slasher’s power probe theirs. A nod of approval. She checked Karl first, he wore his custom silver infused jacket, they all had one made up when they officially joined The Organization. It was Rule to wear them on hunts. Karl’s was dark green with fifteen small, easy to access pockets. Slasher checked them, his herbs and vials of blood from their enemy, silver blades… so on and so forth.

  Then she checked Lupa, her long red hooded jacket didn’t need much room, Lupa’s power was in her blood, but she had a long, deadly silver blade and three sharp, silver throwing stars. Slasher had always asked Lupa to carry more, but Lupa didn’t need it. She had her power, she had the connection that couldn’t be broken by the wolfbloods transformation, she had the ability to smell the power that each wolfblood held-or didn’t hold-, each movement they made, and she had Karl. Who would never let anything happen to her.

  Slasher was back up the front of their little group, Tank standing behind her with his big arms folded over his chest. “Right. Two buildings down, there is an iron door. Protectors; you follow Tank and Karl, when they light the herb sticks, the rest of you follow suit. Position yourselves best you can, let your Hunters know, and then we’ll come. You all know the deal. Watch each other’s back once they wake, hopefully we can subdue them all. But we believe that there are at least fifteen purebloods, and unfortunately our herbs won't do shit to them. If anything feels off, get the fuck out.”

  Lupa startled. Anything feels off? Fuck. This was big. Why weren’t there more teams? Fuck. Shit fuck fuck. She glanced at Karl, but this was the one time he wasn’t nervous. Work. Protecting her. He was damned good at it, and when the fuckers couldn’t break their connection, shit was a lot easier for them. But hell, she sure hoped nothing felt off. He turned and smiled at her. Right. She trusted him, she knew it would be ok.

  With that, the men went in. The Protectors disappeared through the door. The Hunters stood close together, all of them closing their eyes. Lupa was seeing through Karl’s eyes. Almost, not quite seeing, but him telling her what he saw without needing to speak in her mind. Hallways, empty rooms. They descended downstairs, Karl just behind Tank. Down into the nest. They stood in the hall, listening. Four doors about six large strides apart from each other. Tank looked at Karl. They checked the rooms carefully. There it was. Each room had at least twenty sleeping Wolfbloods. Lupa pressed her power into Karl, smelling the air. Shit. At least fifteen purebloods. Dammit. She was too far away to know for sure, but did one of them smell like...?

  They lit the herbs and stopped. She felt the others do the same, standing in the doorways letting the smoke drift into the rooms as they started chanting. Karl standing at the far end of the hall. He’d need to watch them when the foul creatures awoke, he’d need to help Lupa, and help the others. She could feel the pride in his chest. She felt him pull a blade to hold by his side. He was ready. She was ready.

  The howls still sent shivers down her spine. They were pounding down the stairs, weapons ready, the silver reflecting the Protector’s fire. Wolfbloods awakening and howling into the night, some able to transform, other just holding the extra power of the blood; but no real power of the creatures. Lupa sliced, sending those black lightning sparks down her blade as she tore them open. She knew she was smiling, she loved the smell of the air thick with blood, making her hunger for the ripping of their flesh. She could feel Karl smiling with her, watching and keeping close as he could. Which wasn’t that damn close at all.

  The others split up and dove into the rooms, ready to fight. Then she heard it, the first female roar. Or howl? Perhaps it was both. And she felt wrong. Was it her that felt wrong or Karl? Lupa turned, staring at two half formed men. Shaggy and big. Teeth sharp and snarling, claws protruding from their fingers, but not purebloods. Not full blown wolfbloods. She slit one from his stomach to his chin, pouring the bloodfire down her blade, watching him shriek in pain made her heart skip a beat.

  She turned to face the other, only slightly more wolf like that his counterpart; his eyes fierce and yellow. She viciously grinned and crouched, blade held in front of her. Lupa knew he could smell her, smell her foul blood and he was confused. He wasn’t powerful enough to know; to understand. She leapt at him, his claws gouging deep into her thigh, but she was already on him, setting the blood in his veins on fire, almost, burning him from the inside out. Her long blade burying itself into his chest. He screamed, he howled, and then he didn’t. She smiled down at him and then stopped.

  Slasher appeared in the door way, blood running down her dark skin. Her short hair plastered to her forehead. Eyes wide and bulging. Breath coming in sharp. “Run!”

  Lupa jumped and ran for the door. Hunters and Protectors running. Some of them being chased, but the wolfbloods had no chance. She searched for Karl. He was still trapped at the other end of the hall. His mouth pulled in a tight grimace.

  Fucking wait there I’m coming.

  He stared at her. Fuck. She knew he would try stop her. He had his blades out, slicing and tearing at wolfbloods. She made a play for him, tonight she would protect him, just like he had protected her. He was usually so safe. Why was he-the wind was knocked out of her. Fuck. Too focused on Karl to pay attention to the smell. A female. A strong ass, mother-fucking female. A queen? Shit. That smell had been there...

  Lupa spun around, facing the hideous creature. The female was huge. At least nine feet tall. Her shoulders touching the crumbling roof. Her claws were thick and dark, her chest was even broader than Tanks. The wolfblood grinned. A terrible, toothy, blood filled grin. Her head thick, elongated, and hideous. Her ears, large and pointing backwards. The blood pulsating down the veins in her grey muscular body. Lupa crouched, she may be small, but she was fucking fast. Bigger was not always better.

  She readied her weapon, prepared to kill. Fuck yeah, she was ready to kill. Facing each other down, the female locked onto her, she could smell Lupa, and Lupa could smell her. The dark animalistic scent filled her nostrils, it made her sick, and yet… excited. She was going to kill this fucking wolfbitch.

  The bitch lunged, Lupa dodged her attack and lashed out with deadly precision. A deep wound appeared in the side of the disgusting animal. She retracted her arm and the blade instantaneously. The bitch howled, the silver burning her skin, but not much, not enough. Lupa smiled ever so slightly but turned fast to keep tracking that bitch.

  Lupa was at the foot of the stairs now, certain she was the only Hunter left down there, and certain Karl was the only Protector. She let her magick, her connection, reach out to Karl, letting him know she was safe, feeling to make sure he was safe. Her eyes never left the wolfbitch, but she felt Karl moving closer to her. Knowing he was ok, knowing he was coming, she let the
sensation go. Still connected, but her focus purely on that big ugly beast.

  “Fucking stink, you cunt.” Growled the bitch. “Got you tainted witch blood, got you fucking wolf-blood too, cunt. It stinks. You stink. I’m going to fucking kill you, cunt. Your blood is abomination.”

  Charming. Lupa smiled, she was surprised the bitch even knew a word so big. Blood dripped down the creature’s side, down her gnarled legs. She could fucking try, but Lupa knew she was going to win. With a deadly grin, Lupa goaded her.

  “Come on then, wolfbitch!”

  The bitch leapt. Lupa felt herself thrown backwards. No, that wasn’t right, someone was fucking pulling her backwards. Someone was dragging her up the stairs against her will. Fuck! She twisted, trying to pull herself free. She went to lash out when she realised it was Tank.

  “Fuck, Tank, get off me! I can take that bitch.”

  Outside. Cold air rushed over her body. Tank was shaking his head, his big muscular arm wrapped around her waist. He could probably snap her in two if he flexed. She’d stab him if she needed too. She didn’t want to, but she would.

  Lupa felt Slasher’s hand on her arm, she could hear her breath hard and fast. “We gotta go Little Red, more coming. A hundred. A whole fucking pack of purebloods. I told you to fucking run, what the fuck were you thinking!”

  Lupa’s insides grew cold. Hundreds. Of purebloods. In Black City? Fuck. But she needed to get to Karl, he was her Protector, he had been abandoned by everyone. She wouldn’t do that to him. She made a stab at getting away from Tank, but he held fast.

  “No such luck, Lupa.” He never called her that. Never. “We gotta leave him, we have to go.”

  Her heart was pounding too fast. No. No! She would not leave him, how could they? She turned and took in the scene. Everyone else had evacuated but them. They fucking bailed. She closed her eyes and reached out to him.

  I can’t get to you, get out! Get out!


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