Blood for blood (Tainted Bloodlines Book 1)

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Blood for blood (Tainted Bloodlines Book 1) Page 14

by Tobi Grim

  “Do not torment yourself so, Little Red, you overthink matters, the battle that dwells within your being can be seen in those beautiful eyes of yours, is it such a sin to want to experience the world through a different actuality?”

  Hammer reached his hand out and brushed the hair away from her face, Lupa felt her heart pounding with anticipation, shit fuck fuck. She should go. Fuck, she shouldn’t have stayed. She shouldn’t have fucking drunk so much. She should have fucking known his seductiveness would get to her.

  “Little Red wolf witch, calm that mind of yours, be here, in the moment…”

  Hammer’s fingers slid down her neck, nails grazing gently against her skin. Lupa shuddered involuntarily. Placing his glass on the table, he took hers from her as well. His hand pressed against the base of her neck. Fuck, she should tell him no, she should say she needed to fucking leave… but she didn’t really want to, did she?

  Hammer slid his arm under her legs, lifting her to him as he stood. Lupa’s heart was racing, with her arm around his shoulders, she focused on those deceptive eyes. No, she wasn’t fucking going anywhere but to his bed.

  He sat her down gently, kneeling in front of her. He undid his robe and let it fall around him, his well-defined body was covered in scars and fine artwork. She looked down at him, his hands slid up her robe, slowly undoing the tie and opening it.

  “What a beautiful body you have, wolf witch,” he said, his lips kissing her thigh. “Abscondens recedemus.”

  Lupa felt power shoot up her body, fucking hell, this guy was… a full blown fucking witch! How had he…? Hammer pushed her legs apart, those lips on the insides of her thighs, teeth caressing her flesh, his hands sliding up around her waist. Pulling her to the edge of the bed, the sharp nails dug into her back as she gasped. Those delicate lips on her hips, up her stomach and on her breasts. Taking her nipple in his mouth, a hand moving to between her thighs, she could feel her body shaking. Lupa felt herself about to erupt, her voice crying out.

  Hammer kissed her, pushing Lupa down on the bed, she could feel him hard against her thigh. Oh fuck, she wanted him so bad. He placed a hand against her neck, gently and intimately. Pulling away from the kiss he looked into her eyes with that damned fucking smile on his fucking face.

  “Do you want to experience this raw power? The magick you have unknowingly denied yourself, little wolf witch?”

  “Yes…” she breathed, only a tiny part of her wishing she had the strength to say no.

  “Potestas voluptatem,” he whispered.

  The room seemed to fill with magickal energy, Lupa’s body squirmed as the power filled her very soul, he pulled her to him, kissing her long and dark, she could feel his very essence inside her, his very being. Oh fuck, it was like nothing she’d ever felt before. Hammer slid himself into her. Their bodies becoming one, their magick entwining like snakes, their pleasure building like no other. He pushed against her hard and rough, her hands couldn’t touch enough of him. The energy swelled within her, she might drown in this fucking moment and she couldn’t even care.

  Dragging her down the bed, standing on the floor, he slammed into her, making Lupa’s body ache, making her flesh quiver with his touch. Sharp nails digging into her thighs. She heard their hearts beating, pounding together and reverberating throughout the room. She closed her eyes, overcome by the surge rising within her.

  “Coniuncta in virtute!”

  Lupa screamed, intense orgasms flooding her body, her power pouring over her in waves, rippling down her skin, bubbling from deep within a dark sensual place she never knew existed. It was inside, but outside her as well, like it touched every inch of her…. Oh fuck. What the fuck even was that?

  Lupa’s eyes remained closed as she panted, Hammer’s hands still on her thighs, leaning on her as she realised he was panting with her. He collapsed on the bed next to her and she looked over at him, he pulled two cigarettes from somewhere, handing one to her.

  “So, beautiful witch girl, was that a worthy enough first demonstration?” he asked, after their breathing had finally slowed.

  “Fuck. Me. That was… I don’t even know how to say it. Fucking hell.”

  Lupa sat up, looking down at herself. Blood oozed from her thighs, her skin looked raw and used. She didn’t even fucking feel it. Amazing. She felt fucking amazing. Standing on trembling legs she pulled her robe over her shaking body. As she walked over to her bag, Lupa put the cigarette out in the ashtray.

  “Do you leave so soon, little wolf witch?” Hammer stood so close to her, still naked.

  “Well… I do have people waiting for me…”

  He kissed her cheek, tucking her hair behind her ear. “Of course, sweet beauty, we shall discuss this… at a later date?”

  “Yes,” she breathed, barely trusting her voice. She had so many questions, but couldn’t find a way to ask them right now. Besides, she was more than ready to get the fuck out of there.

  “Until next time, then, my wondrously powerful Little Red. And if you please, keep the knowledge of my power to yourself.”

  Hammer opened the door for her, and smiled that charming fucking smile of his. Lupa grinned at him, finding it was completely sincere. Sure, she’d keep her mouth shut, but only because she didn’t know how she would explain finding out. And she did get a bit of a thrill knowing she had a little secret about him.

  Stepping through to dress herself again, Lupa was glad to see Chui wasn’t waiting for her. Thank fuck she had worn jeans, she wouldn’t like to have to explain her legs…. Well, shit, what a fucking unexpected afternoon.


  They sat around Slasher’s kitchen table drinking coffee after returning from Blackwater. “So Tuesday is the day,” Slasher said, tapping her fingers against the table. “Are you only supposed to bring Hawk along with you? Or are we able to come?”

  Lupa felt guilty, she hadn’t really asked enough questions, shit, she hadn’t asked any fucking questions. And she was hiding something from them all. Dammit. “I didn’t even think to ask, it’s not like we’ll be fighting when we go there or anything.” Slasher’s eyes widened at her response.

  “And what if there are wolfbloods there and they come out? Fuck, Lupa.” Dameon glared.

  Dameon hadn’t said anything until then, and he was looking at her strange. Fuck. She shifted in her seat, her body feeling sore now. Slasher and Tank peered down at their cups, the tension was growing and there was shit all she could do.

  “I know, I know. Do you have Hammer’s number, Tank? I could call and find out how many people we can have there…”

  Tank nodded and pulled out his phone, passing it to her with Hammer’s number on the screen. She copied it into her phone and handed it back. Dameon just crossed his arms angrily next to her.

  “If he doesn’t want to take more along, too bad, we’ll follow you, I’ll sort out some lookouts as well. Would you like any other teams involved? Or keep it simple for now?” Slasher asked.

  “Just us for now, I don’t think we’ll be fighting or anything, we’ll need to plan an attack if it’s legit.”

  “Ok,” Slasher stood up, “Well I have to get back to these files. Sorry hun. Oh, and I have both your cheques for the supermarket case here somewhere…” She went to the coffee table and pulled out her payments file, handing one to each of them. “Come in to my office Monday afternoon and I’ll let you know who we’ve got with us, and you can let me know what Hammer says. I’d prefer his permission, but if he doesn’t give it I’m not leaving you two vulnerable down there.”

  She kissed Lupa’s forehead and patted Dameon comfortingly on the shoulder. Tank walked them to the front door and nodded at them as the exited. Lupa could almost feel Tank’s eyes boring into them as they walked away.

  “Fucking hell, Lupa, what’s going on?” Dameon demanded, as they hopped into her car.

  “What do you mean?” she asked, starting the engine and heading off.

  “I think you know exactly what I mean. You were in
there for three fucking hours, and all you have for us is ‘Tuesday at ten’?”

  She sighed. What exactly was she supposed to tell him? She got drunk? Found out Hammer was actually a powerful witch who had the ability to hide himself? That she’d had the most amazing sex of her life with a fucking drug dealer?

  “I dunno, he wanted me to stay and have a few drinks and ask me some questions about my powers. I thought it’d be rude to just leave, I thought he might take back his offer of helping us, I didn’t want to risk it…”

  “For three fucking hours?” Dameon punched the dash board of her car.

  “Fuck, Dameon!” She swerved and pulled over. “I’m fucking sorry, ok? I didn’t fucking realise, alright? Fuck. I also had to get fucking undressed and searched, I had to deal with other shit, you know? I’m fucking sorry!”

  Dameon looked at her, his eyes burning. “What aren’t you telling me?”

  “That’s fucking it ok? It’s like…” Lupa sighed, calming herself down, she was lying to him after all, “Time doesn’t move the same in there, it’s dark, and he takes his fucking time getting to the damned point,” and we fucked, “and it’s like… I dunno.”

  She slammed her head back against the seat and closed her eyes. She hated lying to him, but what else was she supposed to do? Realistically, Hammer could have her killed if she did tell him the truth…

  “I’m just… I’m worried. This whole thing feels so… out of control. I’ve never been on an off the books case, but especially something so… big.” Dameon watched her carefully.

  She reached out and squeezed his hand. “Me neither. We are both new at this, and I guess I’m taking our connection for granted, we haven’t had as long together as it feels, I am sorry, Dameon.”

  “I’m sorry too… I just… guess I’m not used to having someone else to worry about too, y’know? I aint never had a Hunter, always been alone.”

  “Ok, we’re both sorry. Back to mine?”

  They exchanged strained smiles, and Dameon nodded as Lupa pulled back onto the road, heading for her place. She really needed some fucking sleep. She was worn the fuck out.

  Chapter Eleven

  “Where possible, always make a plan…”

  Lupa lay on the couch Sunday afternoon, staring at the roof and smoking. Dameon had left an hour before and she was still laying there thinking about sex with Hammer. Magickal sex. What were those words her said again? She couldn’t remember.

  “Can’t believe he’s a fucking witch,” she mumbled to herself.

  How had Hammer learned to hide it? Why had he revealed himself to her? Had his mother taught him? Could he teach her so she could hide from wolfbloods? Or was it something only his family knew and could do? And even if he did share it, would she owe him more?

  Lupa sighed and sat up. These were questions she wanted to ask, but it would have to wait. She never would have thought of them had she hung around though. Lupa guessed she would have to call him to ask about Tuesday, but would he appreciate her getting his number off of Tank? She shook her head. Who gave a fuck what he appreciated, he promised her information because she fucking owed him, so she may as well get it on.

  Dragging her bag over to her she pulled her phone out, it started ringing. Hammer. What the fuck? “Hello?”

  “Good afternoon, wolf witch, how are you feeling today?”

  She smiled widely, feeling that tingling… no. “Yeah, fine thanks, I was just about to call you regarding Tuesday….”

  “I believed that may be the case, so I thought perhaps I should get the discussion rolling as such. What would you like to enquire about, Little Red?”

  “How did you... never mind. Slasher and Tank want to come along, as well as some lookouts. If it really is a nest, then there is a risk they could sense us and come out to fight.”

  “Do you not trust me still? Oh how you hurt me,” he sounded about as wounded as stone, “But it matters not. Yes, that will be adequate. I request you travel with me alone in my personal car, while they follow behind us.”

  “I don’t think my Protector will go for that…”

  Silence followed for a few moments, she bit her lip and played with a lighter on the table. “He will just have to, Little Red, for I have some things of a more personal nature to discuss with you.”

  Lupa felt her pulse racing, an idiotic smile threatening to take over her face. Fuck. “Um, ok. I’ll talk to him about it… thanks.”

  “Fantastic, use your impeccable charms to convince the Protector Hawk to be calm and still, use his eyes for watching not for sending scowls.”

  “Ok, I’ll try, but he is just looking out for me, you know. I’ll see you Tuesday then, Hammer.”

  “That you will, Little Red wolf witch.”

  Lupa hung up. Wolf witch. He kept calling her that, and for some reason it didn’t make her ashamed, didn’t make her hate her disgusting blood. It just was. Just words. Not used as a weapon against her, just a name for her, the girl with wolf-blood and witch-blood. Curious.


  Dameon and Lupa sat in Slasher’s office while she informed them which lookouts would be coming along the next day. “So we have Hammer’s approval for as many as we like?” Slasher enquired, tapping a finger on the desk.

  “Yeah, he just asked that I travel with him, and you guys all follow. I presume as a safety measure for himself. Dameon and I decided we would partially bond beforehand so that we can still communicate.”

  Dameon nodded in agreement next to her. Lupa was glad that solution hadn’t brought up any issues for them, he had agreed with a smile when they talked about it before coming in to headquarters. She was relieved that they could work it out, she really didn’t want to piss him off anymore when they were just starting out.

  “Good, that will make things much easier. Ok, I want you two to meet at mine at nine o’clock, I will organise the Protectors and make sure they know to keep you two safe. Because we don’t know where we are actually headed, we’ll need a few cars. Little Red, when we reach the spot I want you to keep Hammer talking in the car for a few moments so that our lookouts have time to place themselves around the area. Sound good?”

  Lupa and Dameon both nodded. She felt a little thrill in her stomach. Whilst she hoped they wouldn’t do any actual fighting the next day, she wouldn’t exactly hate it either…


  “Should we bother with the tea?” Lupa asked Dameon, as they sat smoking on her well-worn couch.

  “I don’t think so hey, we managed to connect on a hope at the ‘market, we aren’t expecting a fight or nothing. So as long as we connect beforehand I’d say we’d be ‘right. We just need to be able to talk while we are separated.”

  Lupa agreed. She didn’t really want a full blown connection, it could make Dameon feel… what she felt when she was in the car with Hammer. And screw that. “How you feeling about it all?” she asked him, putting her feet up on the dirty table, hearing something knock off onto the floor as she did so.

  “Bit nervous, to be honest. We don’t really have any fucking idea where Hammer is taking us, we don’t know if there will be any wolfbloods around, and if there is, we don’t know what could happen…”

  “Same. Hammer didn’t really give that much information. Do you think we should’ve talked to the guys that followed them before doing this?”

  “Nah. That would mean more solo visits to Hammer’s and the quicker we can cut our involvement with him, the better, y’know?”

  Lupa nodded, noticing a trace of bitterness in Dameon’s voice, but she certainly didn’t agree. She thought she would rather enjoy a couple more solo visits… shit. “Yeah I guess,” she responded, “Better to find out for ourselves too… Hopefully we can gather enough information to organise a nest raid… how are you at spell curses?”

  “Pretty good, but I aint never used one in the field, why?”

  “Well… if this is where only one group resides… we may want to take at least one alive to try find out w
here the rest are. If there’s more strong blooded wolfbloods in Black City than we thought… well, it’s not fucking good.”

  Dameon stubbed out his smoke and went to fetch them each a beer. Sitting down and rubbing his face. “Yeah, think that’s a good idea,” Dameon concurred finally, “Before we attack them, I’ll go brush up on it, hey. Better to be as prepared as possible.”

  They each drank their beer in silence. Good. They had a sort of plan. Things could be better talked out when they knew exactly what the fuck they were up against. But at least they were both on the same page.


  Lupa, Dameon and Tank stood near Tank’s car while Slasher organised the six lookouts who would be joining them. They had been told if anything were to go array, they would need to be prepared to fight, not just to watch out for them. Everyone had on their silver infused jackets, Slasher had already checked their weapons. They needed to be prepared in case anything went wrong, because when it came to wolfbloods, many things could. Slasher finally finished talking to the others, and came over to them.

  “You guys ready?” They all nodded silently, and hopped into Tank’s big car. “Ok,” Slasher turned round to face Lupa, “If Hammer wants your weapon off your person, come and give it to me so that we can have it with us, I don’t want to trust one of his men with a blade like that, or with leaving you unarmed and not knowing where it is, should you happen need it.”

  Lupa put her hand to her wolf blade, barely hidden inside her red jacket. She sure fucking hoped they wouldn’t want her to give it up, but she did expect that it was a high possibility. They had taken her small knife when… whatever.

  They sat in silence for the rest of the trip, Lupa feeling slightly exhilarated by the idea of… ah fuck! Shut up, would you? Tank stopped the car in front of Hammer’s place. There were at least ten men standing around out the front talking.


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