Blood for blood (Tainted Bloodlines Book 1)

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Blood for blood (Tainted Bloodlines Book 1) Page 15

by Tobi Grim

  “Ok, let’s do this.” Slasher said.

  Lupa and Slasher went over to the group of muscular, glaring men. One of them towered over the rest and Lupa noticed he wasn’t glaring, but staring curiously. Hammer stepped out from the front door, a smile on his face. Dressed in a pale blue suit, with a dark blue tie, he looked pretty amazing. He had his long hair brushed straight, flowing down his broad shoulders. Lupa felt her face heat up a little as he smiled at her.

  “My beautiful Little Red, and my darling strong Slasher, how are the ladies?”

  Lupa said nothing, but Slasher smiled at Hammer like he was her best friend. Lupa knew that fake smile, Slasher had perfected it when she was only the stand in Commander, before The Organization appointed her worthy to take over. It had worked a treat for unpleasant people over the years that Slasher had been running Black City’s Organization.

  “Hammer, it’s very good to see you again, we are well. Now, I have six lookouts following us, we want to be prepared in case the wolfbloods are alerted to our presence, what is the plan when we get to the building?”

  “We will observe the building from a short distance, then two of my men will watch, and two will go inside. That way, if there are any of your creatures in there, they shall not be alerted by all the magick your people carry within themselves. And after that, I shall let Little Red decide what we do next, does that suit you, glorious Commander?”

  Slasher nodded curtly, “Yes.”

  “Very well then, shall we embark on our little adventure now? Excellent. I shall be in the lead, Slasher, you and Tank shall follow behind me, then I will have a vehicle behind you, with five of these fine gentlemen behind me keeping a large distance between us all. The men who found the establishment will be in that car, we do not wish to draw too much attention to ourselves. But they know the way, and the rest of your people may follow them.”

  They smiled at each other in some kind of agreement, Slasher kissed Lupa’s forehead giving her a tense look and headed back to Tank’s car, leaving Lupa to follow Hammer to a large black muscle car on the street.

  You ok, Little Red?

  Yep, all looks good, Hawk, let’s fucking do this.

  Hammer opened the passenger door for Lupa, and she slipped past him and onto the leather seat. Fucking hell, she wondered if he used his power for money as well as… she shook her head, clearing it forcefully.

  Hammer started the engine and pulled out slowly, making sure Tank’s car was following behind him. “So, little wolf witch, are you feeling a great excitement for this morning’s activities?”

  “Yeah, a bit. Once we’ve sussed it out and made an attack plan I’ll be feeling great,” Lupa looked over at him, that damn cheerful smile on his face.

  “And how did you enjoy our Saturday afternoon? I suspect you have things you wish to ask me. So let me enlighten you a little first. My family has always kept their power masked from those who might sense it, it is an enchantment passed down for many generations, and we can release it at will to accomplish our desires, then with the right words hide it again. My brother does not know of the magick in my people, he thinks the little amount he senses is something I inherited from our father, as my mother hid me as a child.”

  Hammer turned the car down a small road, heading towards the outskirts of Black City, the buildings were even more dilapidated, with most of the windows boarded up. Bony humans huddled around each other, junkies laying on the ground, hookers returning to their homes after a long night’s work… pretty standard for Blackwater.

  “I have never experienced magickal sex quite like that, though. As I have never met a witch as powerful as you whom I was not related to. Only witches too weak to enter The Organization have ever crossed my path. It was a truly sensational experience, how did you find it?”

  Hammer pulled the car into a small alley way, turning several times down tiny spaces before coming out onto an extremely neglected road. Apartment buildings were decreasing, and big warehouses replacing their spaces.

  “Well, it was pretty fun. Why… reveal yourself to me though?”

  “Why not?” Hammer smiled broadly, fucking charming as always. “You are not just any witch, you are a wolfblood witch, you have something marvellous inside of you, something that you seem to consider an affliction, why would I not open a doorway for you that you have never dreamed of?”

  “Because you don’t know me. You don’t know who I might tell. You obviously keep this information secret for a reason, why would you want someone who works for The Organization to know? I could tell them and then you’d have tabs on you for the rest of your life, for the rest of your fucking families’ lives…”

  “Oh? Will you?” He sounded amused at the idea.

  Lupa watched him carefully, honestly unsure of her answer. She didn’t think she would, but… The Organization was her life… she really should tell them, shouldn’t she?

  “Tell me, wolf witch, what exactly would you gain from telling your Organization? You have far more to lose than to gain. I can teach you things… I can show you ways that could change your entire world, would you give that up just so that The Organization could spy on me? My ancestors never shared their vast wisdom with outsiders, and I could offer you an opportunity to grow, to learn more than you ever could in The Organization’s rigid world. Would it be worth losing that so they could keep tabs on me?”

  “No… I guess not…” Lupa wondered whether Hammer was actually telling the truth, or if he was just saying that so she wouldn’t tell anyone…

  “Marvellous.” He pulled over and stopped the engine, “May I see your wolfblood blade?”

  Lupa hesitated, then drew the carved blade from her jacket, holding it out on her palms, the light reflecting off the silver brilliantly. Hammer ran his fingers down the blade’s length, with his eyes half closed.

  “Little Red wolf witch, you are a very fortuitous woman. This is a magnificent weapon, and Protector Hawk is a master craftsman. I knew he had something more than fire in those veins, what incredible skill he possess.”

  He leaned back against his seat, observing her with… curiosity? Lupa put the blade back into her coat, watching as the rest of the cars that had been following, passed them and parked much further up the road.

  Don’t bother trying to keep him, Lupa, we don’t know which building it is so we can’t just send lookouts out.

  Lupa smiled over at Hammer, “Shall we do this then?”

  “So hasty! Very well, little beauty, let us proceed.”

  Hammer was out of the car before she knew it, then around her side opening the door for her. Lupa climbed out and glanced to see Slasher and Dameon coming over, Tank was leaning against his own car and stubbornly not looking in their direction.

  “Alright, Hammer, which of these is the place?” Slasher said, her eyes scanning along the old warehouses that surrounded them.

  “None, Slasher witch. I would not be as obvious as that. But we shall go onto the roof of that one.”

  Hammer pointed a long delicate finger to the very large warehouse across the road, it had a sign that said it was a packing company. Maybe once, or maybe Hammer still used it, didn’t really matter what it was or used to be. They followed him over, and up the outside stairs. One of Hammer’s men from the other car came and joined them, a man as wide as Tank, and even a bit taller. The one that had been looking at them curiously at Hammer’s…

  Once on top of the roof, Hammer made a phone call to whomever was in charge of the four men still on the ground, then summoned Lupa to the far edge. “Little Red,” he spoke, placing a hand on her shoulder, “Do you see the building down there? Sniff the air, can you smell the stench of old blood? Of death? It used to be an abattoir, a glorious spot for wolfbloods to hide themselves, wouldn’t you say?”

  Lupa gazed down at the long building on the other side of street running behind the packing warehouse. Yeah, she could smell it, that retched stink of animal blood. But that was all she could smell. Well,
that and the general stink of Blackwater. Slasher, Tank and Dameon were standing near them, looking down at the building, watching as two of Hammer’s men emerged onto the street, slowly approaching the old abattoir.

  “I stopped using this abattoir about three years ago, the machinery was ancient, and I did not care to replace it. We shut it down and never bothered to open its doors again. What would one do with an old slaughter house? The stench will never dissipate and the stigma frightened anyone else from renting it.”

  Hammer lit a cigarette, Lupa and Dameon followed suit, watching the men down below checking the perimeter of the building. Silent as they worked. Lupa felt her anticipation growing. Fuck, wouldn’t they hurry up? The other two men stood on the sidewalk nearest to the onlookers, smoking and watching the street. The two who were checking the place out stopped in front of the building, looking as though they were talking to each other. Finally, one of the men opened the door, the other ran in, followed by the one holding the door open, and it closed behind them without a sound.

  Lupa’s heart was beating hard, she realised she was leaning over the small ‘wall’ around the building’s edge, looking down, trying to catch a glimpse of something, or a sound… how long had they fucking been in there?

  Yelling, one of the men was running out the door, the other wasn’t to be seen. Fuck. Lupa jumped off the building without even thinking, shit, how high had they been? She landed and rolled, tearing her jeans, pain shooting up her legs. She heard Dameon yell her name, but it sounded so far away. She sat crouching, waiting, seconds passed slowly and then a large, dark man came striding out yelling and dragging something behind him.

  “What the fuck you people doin’ ‘ere?” The dark man yelled, throwing the other of Hammer’s men on the ground; their face bleeding. “Aint you knowin’ it not polite comin’ in someone who tryin’ to get some shut eye?”

  He hadn’t noticed her… not yet. Lupa held her breath. He was a wolfblood, for sure, and he stunk of the strong blood and violence. She watched as he kicked the man on the ground with a heavy boot and laughed.

  I need you to come up with a fucking spell curse quick, we want this guy knocked out.

  The wolfblood turned. Shit, he smelt her now. “Oh ho, ho, ho! Lookin’ what we got here! Stinkin’ little witch comin’ hey? Hammer sendin’ you too? Or you just wantin’ some wolfcock?”

  Lupa sighed inwardly, why the fuck were wolfbloods so crude? She stood up, pulling out the wolf bone blade and grinning maliciously at the creature in front of her. “I was hoping you’d come with me for a little chat,” she said, giving Hammer’s men a look that said ‘don’t get fucking involved’.

  Lupa didn’t want to cut him, she wanted to take him with them so he couldn’t tell any of the other possible creatures inside that The Organization were onto them, and if she left any of his blood on the ground the rest might get suspicious and leave. Shit. She hoped Dameon was working on something, and getting his ass down to them quick smart.

  “Aint no chattin’ with no stinkin’ witch, no fuckin’ hybrid!”

  The wolfblood grew, transforming into his true self. His teeth were bared, his eyes yellow, claws ready, ears drawn back, partially elongated jaw cracking loudly as it changed. Yep, his blood was strong. But she was stronger. Lupa held her blade ready.

  Coming Lupa, just hold out for a couple of minutes.

  Right. She was ready. The creature lunged at her, she ducked under his arm and smacked the handle of her blade against his side. He growled turning back towards her.

  “You fuckin’ playin’ with me, witch!”

  Lupa didn’t bother responding, just readied herself as he lunged at her again. She ducked a second time and hit the wolfblood on the other side, a little harder than before. She took a deep breath, was Dameon close? She hoped so, the longer they fought, the more risk of others coming to join them. Lupa readied herself, watching the creature with wary eyes. The wolfblood charged again, she dove to his left and kicked out, scraping her heel down his ankle.

  “Are you fuckin’ scared, witch? Come‘n fuckin’ fight me!”

  Clenching his fist, he threw a punch at her, she ducked it and went to run around him, but he grabbed her long plait and dragged her to the ground, laughing viciously. Fuck. She didn’t have time to think, quickly putting the knife behind her head she cut herself free. Leaping up she turned to face the beast again.

  “Ooooh, aint you smell fuckin’ pretty,” the wolfblood said, holding the long piece of Lupa’s plait under his nose, “You may bein’ a witch, but you still smells good like a bitch. A bitch that wantin’ to learn how to fuck a wolfblood.”

  He laughed. Very fucking funny. Lupa straightened and smiled as her hair blew free around her in the soft breeze, seeing Dameon behind the creature, holding something smoking in his hands. She spotted Slasher and Tank behind him too.

  “Ligabis eos, ligabis eos” Dameon chanted, the wolfblood turning around, “ligabis eos, et somnus. Ligabies eos, ligabis eos, et somnus!”

  The wolfblood’s knees hit the ground, he appeared to be trying to fight it. Lupa stepped closer just in case… but the creature keeled over, his body turning back into that of a man as his head hit the pavement with a loud, cracking noise.

  “Quick,” Lupa called, addressing Hammer’s men as well, “We need to get him out of here. And you with the bloody face, go drip your blood on the road in the opposite direction, we can’t risk them knowing we have him.”

  Everyone nodded, Tank helping the others pick the wolfblood up and start carrying him over to the cars. The guy whose nose looked badly broken, stumbled down the opposite direction spitting his blood on the ground.

  Hammer was by her side, smoking and smiling at her. “We had better get back to my place, wolf hunters, we can discuss what these gentlemen saw when we arrive there, but I feel we should not linger too long. Things have already progressed past the point of planning.”

  Lupa agreed, she looked to Dameon who grinned and winked. She beamed back and they headed though the warehouse to the cars. She was unsure where the wolfblood had been put, but she guessed in one of the lookout’s cars. Slasher gave her a nod and they all dispersed to their various vehicles.

  The trip back to Hammer’s digs seemed to pass very quickly. Lupa was in the back this time, as the large man, ‘Sledge’ she heard Hammer call him, drove Lupa and Hammer… Was there some kind of fucking joke there? Poor bastard.

  When they reached Hammer’s, he took them around the side and they entered a big well lit room that had a mismatch of chairs lined up against the walls. One chair was at the front where Hammer sat himself, crossing his legs and folding his hands over his knee.

  “Will you be escorting the wolfblood back to The Organization, Slasher witch? Or would you like to question him here?” Hammer queried, as they all sat uncomfortably on the chairs.

  “We will take him to our dungeons for questioning, thank you for the offer Hammer, he should be out for a few hours now. And… thank you for your assistance today.” Slasher responded.

  “Very well. Now, Marcus, come here and enlighten us of what you saw inside the abattoir.”

  Marcus was the one without the bloodied face, he wandered up and stood next to Hammer, shifting his body from side to side like he’d rather be anywhere else. “A’ight. Inside we findin’ that guy layin’ on the ground at the top of ‘em stairs, Slecg there he went on down ‘em stairs, said he seein’ lotsa beds wit people sleepin’. When he comin’ back up the big guy waken up, I yellin’ at him to run, den you seein’ the rest.”

  Right. A nest. All in one room too from the sounds of it. Lupa felt that shiver of excitement, fuck yeah. She was wanted to kill them all. Fucking wolfblood scum. Those bastards had stolen her friend, her Protector, and she was going to make every last one of them pay.


  Lupa and Dameon sat on the grass out the front of headquarters waiting for Slasher to call them. She had someone watching over the wolfblood waiting for him to wa
ke up so they could… question him. They probably wouldn’t get any useful information from him, but they had to try.

  “So, when do you think you’ll wanna plan an attack?” Dameon asked, laying down on the grass and placing his hands behind his head.

  “There’s a full moon in three days. If possible I would like to do it then, I’ll have to see what Slasher says. I’m in no position to organise a big attack like this, she will have to do it.”

  “Fuck. Three days. Seems so real when you say it like that, Red. You still wanna capture some of them?”

  Lupa lay down next to him, looking up at the sky that was slowly filling with more dark clouds. “I want to kill them all. But I suppose we should. If there’s more nests… we need to fucking know. Not just me. The Organization needs to know. This could be fucking big….”

  Tank’s face appeared above them. They sat up and he plonked himself down next to them. Lupa thought he looked quite ridiculous with his legs crossed like a child, but she hid her smile. “Slasher’s pissed. Aint thinkin’ you should go in yet. She spoken to the Commander in Central, they thinkin’ she full of shit. They thinkin’ she tryin’ to make fuckin’ shit up so she don’t look like she stuffed up on that other nest. She gone puttin’ a hole in the wall. I thinkin’ I stay here til she come’n to get you.”

  Fuck. Lupa lit a smoke. Fucking assholes. Dameon didn’t say anything, glancing at Lupa out the corner of his eye. “Probably a good idea,” Lupa sighed.

  She’d only seen her adoptive mother really angry a couple of times in her life. One time, when a much older kid had broken Lupa’s arm and given her a black eye, Slasher had gotten so angry she demolished three walls in their house. Not something Lupa really wanted to see again. She had learned to talk to Tank about shit like that rather than Slasher… although a lot of it she just kept to her fucking self… Best not to think about it.

  “Wolfblood has woken up though, we got someone tryin’ to get some information outa him. Don’t think you needin’ to be there, ‘less you wantin’?”


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