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Blood for blood (Tainted Bloodlines Book 1)

Page 20

by Tobi Grim

  “Little Red? Oh, shit.”

  Lupa turned to see Sledge looking at the roof, standing in her doorway. “It’s ok, I do have underwear on, what’s up?” She turned her back and continued riffling through the basket, spotting a black crochet dress and pulling it over her head. Then searching for her shorts to wear under it.

  “Hammer been callin’ me, askin’ if we can be takin’ the wolfblood you catchin’ the other day with us. Thinkin’ Slasher witch let us?”

  Lupa pulled on her shorts and put on her long grey cardigan on as well. “I can’t say for sure, but the interrogators haven’t been able to get anything out of him, can't see what the harm could be… I’ll ask. Can’t hurt to ask. Worst she can say is no.”

  She turned to smile at him, he blushed slightly and left the doorway. Presumably to go sit back down. She smiled to herself, grabbing some socks and her boots. Flopping onto the couch next to Sledge and started pulling them on.

  Sledge cleared his throat. “Nice ink you got. How long that back piece takin’?”

  Lupa grinned, pulling her legs up onto the couch. She had a full back piece of a woman wearing a wolf skin, surrounded by bones and wolf skulls. Not very original, but she’d been young when she started it.

  “Still kinda a work in progress,” she took her cardigan off and turned, indicating for him to lift her dress up, which he did very slowly, “The girl is me, obviously, a witch with wolfblood in her veins, the skulls are the wolfbloods I kill, I thought I was very clever when I was eighteen, but now it seems kinda cheesy. But I want to add a few things in the background, I’ve already started some, can you see the merpeople hidden in the back on the right side?”

  Sledge grunted in what she presumed was an affirmative answer. “And down the base I’ve started on some bloodsuckers hiding in the shadows, I want to add some gargoyles at some point, maybe even some faeries too... Kind of like representing where witches have come from. I kinda like the idea of respecting The Organization’s ancestor’s paths. Respecting where all witches have come from, and how they have grown into what they are today… still kinda cheesy, huh.”

  She felt his fingers run down her back, making her shiver a little. He pulled her bra strap away from her back, she knew it covered the face of the girl. “It’s good.” He let the bra strap go gently. “The girl lookin’ like you, but not quite so pretty…”

  She felt him drop his hand and the dress. She turned and smiled at him, but he was embarrassed and inspecting his fingernails. Pulling her cardigan back on, she rolled her eyes to herself. “Ah well, should we head over to headquarters? I’m getting antsy sitting around here.”

  Sledge nodded and she grabbed her bag to leave. She hoped Slasher would have some good news for her. Or at least not some terrible news, otherwise she might be finding herself fucking dead soon. Sure, Slasher would help her if Hammer insisted it be dealt with, but four against a nest wasn’t a fucking good option.

  Chapter Fifteen

  “We all have our roles to play, each important…”

  Lupa, Dameon and Sledge sat in Slasher’s office, it had taken some convincing to get Sledge to come in, but he had caved when Lupa had brought up the fact that she’d need him if they were allowed to take the wolfblood from the dungeons.

  “We are still planning on attacking the nest at this stage, but I say we wait at least til Saturday. I would do it tonight, but I don’t want to rush this. I have four other teams signed up, all of whom I’m going to be interviewing today to find out if any of them have fucked this up. And of course our fucking friend from Central has heard and is coming down to ‘assist’.”

  Lupa and Dameon nodded; fucking Darwin Baxtor.

  “There’s an investigator down from Central City who was looking into the other wolfblood nest that was down in Blackwater,” Slasher explained to Sledge, “He’s a pain in the arse but he’s good at his job so I guess I should be happy he’s helping…” Sledge just gave her a curt nod in response.

  “There’s been fourteen Protectors sign up too,” Slasher continued to address the group, “So I’ll have to interview them all as well. I’ve spoken to the Serum City Commander, Edge, and she’s heard nothing about any wolfblood packs down near the river, but she’s going to look into it and see if she can find out anything more, she’ll call me back at the end of the day.” Slasher sighed, leaning back against her chair. “This is a fucking mess. But someone somewhere has to know something. We hope. What’s Hammer thinking?”

  Sledge glanced at them all and shifted uncomfortably in his far too small seat. “He wantin’ me to take that wolfblood you dun caught to him, he thinkin’ he might find some use for him. He also wantin’ this to go ahead, aint likin’ somebody fuckin’ with him.”

  Slasher nodded. “Alright, Hawk can you handle the spell curse to knock out the wolfblood again?” Dameon nodded. “Good, you can all go down and take him with you, are you all going to Hammer’s or just you two?”

  She looked from Lupa to Sledge. “Um,” Lupa started.

  “No. Just takin’ Little Red here.” Sledge said, looking like he didn’t want Dameon there with them as much as Hammer didn’t.

  Lupa saw Dameon out the corner of her eye cross his arms and put that blank stare on his face again. She gritted her teeth and resisted the urge to punch him; he fucking knew it would probably be the case, why did he have to try make her feel fucking guilty about it too?

  “Alright then, I better get on this, Mr Baxtor should be here any moment, and I doubt any of you want to hang around for a nice little chat with him.”

  She spoke to them all, but looked pointedly at Sledge, who nodded in thanks and got up. Dameon opened the door and led the way to the elevators. Lupa felt a knot growing in her stomach. She hated the dungeons; most witches did. Most normal witches. She wished that she didn’t have to go down there at all.

  They stepped inside and Dameon hit the button for the 5th basement level; the lowest one down. Lupa’s stomach tightened more and more as they descended under the city. Fuck this. As the doors opened, the stench hit them. Lupa put the sleeve of her cardigan over her nose and mouth, but both the men just stepped through without giving any sign that they noticed. Sure, her sense of smell was better, but everyone hated the smell down here, they probably just wanted to prove they were super fucking manly.

  There was a skinny, hunched teenager standing to the side to greet them. Slasher must have called ahead because he seemed unsurprised by the three visitors, he started walking them down the caged hall. The teen looked… wrong. Lupa thought all interrogators did though, had to be something evil in people who enjoyed inflicting pain on someone chained up; unable to fight back or run away.

  “This being him,” the boy said with a malicious sting in his voice, stopping outside one of the cages, and unlocking the heavy door, “He aint terribly helpful, but he does squeal like a pig.” The teenager giggled, making Lupa feel sick.

  “Thanks,” Dameon responded, pulling a herb stick out of his bag, “We got this now.”

  The teenager regarded them all slowly, noticing the herb stick; he looked a little disappointed that it would just be a magickal knock out. He finally grinned at them and then slunk away. Dameon stepped inside the cage while Lupa and Sledge waited. Lupa turned away, not wanting to sear the image of the torn up…she gagged and closed her eyes. Fuck, she hated feeling this weak.

  Sledge took a step closer to her, facing the wall with her. “Dun likin’ it down here, ey?”

  She guessed he was probably trying to distract her, she heard Dameon start the chant behind her. “Sure don’t, can’t understand how anyone could…. the sooner we can get the fuck out of here, the better.” Sledge gave her an awkward pat on the head, she supposed it was intended to be a comforting pat, but it made her feel small and even weaker.

  “Alright big guy, he’s out, come give me a hand, would you?”

  They both turned to see the wolfblood, looking human, hanging in his silver chains with blood coati
ng his front, the black spell curse pulsing in his veins; dark and ugly. Lupa willed herself not to look away. Dameon undid the clasps and the man fell to the ground with a heavy, meaty noise. Stepping inside, Sledge lifted the man over his shoulder, Lupa felt her eyebrows shoot up her forehead. Sure, Sledge was big and strong, but he was carrying a full grown man like a fucking sack of potatoes.

  Dameon scowled at Sledge’s back as Lupa stepped aside for him. What was it with these two? Had the conversation at her place really made Dameon so mad he was still holding onto it? Whatever. She had to go deal with Hammer now too. One fucking thing at a time.


  When they arrived at Hammer’s, Sledge dropped Lupa off out the front where Maccabee was standing guard. “I gotta take the wolfblood round the side, Hammer be waitin’ for you in there. I seein’ you later.”

  Lupa nodded and hopped out, feeling conspicuous as she walked over to Maccabee, who was watching her closely. “Hey, um… here to see Hammer…”

  Maccabee opened the door and she stepped inside, the shirtless man from her first visit was standing there. “Just go down the end,” he told her, pulling the door closed behind them.

  Lupa sat on the same couch she had the first time, lighting a smoke and playing with the hem of her dress. How long was he going to keep her waiting this time? Especially after offending him…. Four cigarettes later, Lupa was still waiting. Her patience was starting to wear thin; she got the fucking point, Hammer was unimpressed and he was the one in control.

  “Ah, the sweet Little Red,” Hammer said, sweeping in and kissing her hand, “I apologise for keeping you waiting, I hope that you were not starting to feel discontented?”

  Lupa pulled a nice, big, fake smile for him, “Of course not, you are a busy man.”

  Hammer gave her a smile in return. “Well then, follow me, this room is so drab and incommodious.” Lupa silently followed Hammer through several hallways, until they reached the room with the jukebox she’d been in the other night. Interesting. “A refreshment, wolf witch?”

  “Uh, sure. Thanks.”

  She sat down on the black velvet couch and lit another smoke. She had expected him not to be as charming after she had almost ‘accused’ him of having a spy in his midst, but he seemed to be in good spirits…. At least she hoped he was, and not just waiting until she was off guard to tell her something shitty. Dammit, that was probably exactly what he was doing.

  Hammer presented her with a glass of golden liquid and sat down next to her, smiling that charming smile of his. “I wish to apologise for earlier this morning. I was exceedingly displeased about the events happening in my warehouse. I do not appreciate the attack on my men, good men too. But I should not have taken my frustrations out on you, beautiful wolf witch, you were just doing your job and I do understand that.”

  Lupa eyed Hammer, was he fucking serious? Apologising to her? That was not something she had been expecting at all. What kind of tactic was this? “I get it. Sorry about what happened, hey.”

  “Thank you. Sledge has filled me in on what the dear Slasher witch is doing so far, thank you for taking him inside, he may have been opposed to going into that building with you, but he was appreciative of your respect towards him. It is a rare thing to have Sledge like you, and you, my beauty, have earned his liking.”

  Lupa smiled, taking a drink. Tequila? It was nice. Only the best for fucking Hammer. “I like him too. A man of little words, but he’s nice.”

  Hammer’s laugh startled her, he had a very whimsical laugh. “He might be to you, my little witch, but nice is not something he is usually known for, I would be careful who you tell that one to.” Hammer grinned at her. “Now, I am glad to hear that Slasher is working on your side of things, and that the operation has not been cancelled altogether. It is better to have her and all of your witches on our side with this. One of my most trusted employees has set up small cameras around the warehouse, and some facing the abattoir, so that we may see if any wolfbloods return, or if they are purely planning an ambush. I dislike having to do this, but we are needing to be well informed.”

  Lupa finished off her drink and crossed her legs. “That sounds like a great idea,” she agreed.

  “Of course, but a highly distasteful one. Only weak men need to watch all their dealings through the eyes of a camera. Surveillance is not something I enjoy doing, nor wish to do, but this is a hazardous situation. And one I want dealt with as quickly as possible. I’m sure your Organization feels the same?”

  “Well, yes and no. Quickly, yes, but not hastily. I was hoping we might take it on tonight, but Slasher is right, we can’t go jumping in without knowing what the fuck is going on.”

  Hammer nodded, pulling out his gold cigarette case and lighting one slowly. “Understandable. Slasher is very wise to be cautious, we do not want a reiteration of last time... Now, Little Red, have you tried one of my pills yet? Sledge informed me you asked for his opinion, I know you are hesitant, but have you given it any more thought? I would be happy for you to try one in my presence if it would ease your troubled thoughts?”

  Of course he fucking would. Probably wanted to study her like a lab rat. He stood and fetched the bottle of tequila, and refilled both their glasses, sitting back down slightly closer to her than before. She took a long drink and put her glass back on the table. She wasn’t sure taking the pills was a good idea under any circumstances, let alone with Hammer. What exactly would he expect from her? What if shit went wrong? Sure, he might be strong… but if it messed with her head…

  “Do not feel obligated to, wolf witch, it was merely a suggestion. I can think of far better things to do with our time, if it would please you?”

  His fingers were on her neck, turning her face with his other hand, he kissed her. Gently, and lingering. Her heart was beating out of control. The pills escaping her thoughts as she kissed him back harder, forcing her hands under his shirt. Oh yes, far better things indeed.


  Sledge gave her an odd look when she’d hopped in the car, driving her home in silence. Lupa didn’t have any visible scratches, but her skin had that raw look about it again, as though the magick had rubbed harshly all over her body. Whatever, he could think what he wanted. Pulling the car up next to her place, he turned the engine off. Not getting out to open her door, but not dismissing her either. Lupa waited, wondering if he was going to stay something to her.

  “Everything ok?” she asked.

  Sledge grunted. Then stared at her front door. “Wantin’ me to check that again?”

  She looked over at her building too. She guessed he should, couldn’t be sure… “Yeah that’d be great…thanks.”

  Sledge got out of the car and opened her door for her, striding over to the front door and sticking his face down near the keyhole. She stood behind him, waiting. “Seems a’right. Want me to check the other too?”

  “Sounds good... If we’re all good, did you want to stay for a beer?”

  Sledge nodded curtly as she unlocked the door, letting him go up ahead to check her apartment as well. Lupa wondered why he was being so… strange? Although, she didn’t really know him, maybe he was just fucking tired. Did his knuckles look a little bruised?

  “Feelin’ a’right too.” he said, standing aside so she could unlock it.

  Once inside, Sledge sat awkwardly on the couch while Lupa fetched them each a beer. Handing him one and sitting down, she hoped he’d spit out whatever it was he had to say. They sat in silence for ten minutes or so. Lupa didn’t mind, she felt comfortable enough, but when she looked over at Sledge he quickly averted his gaze.

  “Hmm.” He said, clearing is throat. But not continuing. Lupa lit a smoke and put her feet on the table. She was sure he’d get there eventually. No point in rushing the man. “I been thinkin’,” he said finally, lighting a smoke and glancing at her quickly, “Thinkin’ maybe you wanna try them pills with me?”

  Huh. Not what she was expecting. “Did Hammer ask you to ask me that?
” she questioned, not looking at him.

  “Nah, I just… he sayin’ you not wantin’ to take them, comin’ talkin’ to me before I get you, sayin’ you aint wantin’ to take them with him today. Just thinkin’… maybe cos I aint got a reason… aint got a motive, you might feel a’right tryin’ with me.” Sledge shrugged and finished off his beer, putting it on the table gently and not meeting her eyes.

  “But didn’t they make you feel out of control?”

  Sledge leaned forward, resting his large muscular arms against his knees. His forehead creased in thought. “Yeah, I didn’t like it. But I been thinkin’… if this wolfblood business is gettin’ bad. Maybe you dun needin’ it. Or least, needin’ to try. I aint pressurin’ you or nothin’. Just sayin’… if you wanna try, I can be lookin’ after you.”

  Sledge cleared his throat. Lupa wasn’t sure what to say. He had a point, if shit was getting more serious, having a power boost would fucking help a lot. But… she didn’t really want to go crazy while on it, what if she lost control and did something stupid? What if he got hurt by her? But she supposed having someone with her who’d already tried it would probably be a good idea… And not Hammer, who whilst he had said he tried it, would be wanting to watch her for completely different reasons. Fuck.

  “And… Hammer isn’t wanting you to report back to him about it?” Lupa asked as she got up and grabbed them both another beer, stopping in front of him, and waiting for him to look at her.

  “Aint knowin’ I’m offerin’.” Sledge looked up at her as he said it, almost at eye level with her even sitting.

  Lupa searched them for any hint of a lie and couldn’t find it. Sure, he might not have told Hammer, but why did Hammer say anything to Sledge about the pills? Did he suspect that Sledge would offer this to her? Probably. He wasn’t fucking stupid… And if he and Sledge had been ‘working’ together a long time, Hammer could probably predict Sledge’s behaviour pretty well.

  “Ok.” She said, handing him the beer, “I’ll trust you.” Sitting back down next to him and tucking her legs beneath her, she faced him.


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