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Don't Make Me Love You (Club Release 2)

Page 3

by Pixie Moon

  As the Commander leaves Din Treia LarPe walks over to us dressed in her standard uniform. She hadn’t looked bad in the dress she’d had on moments ago. I know she wouldn’t like me saying that though so I keep my thoughts to myself.

  LarPe gets close to Von and slaps him on the shoulder. “Be glad I’ve got Lank as my seema or I’d be dominating you tonight for coming on to me. Your technique could use some help, but your interest is flattering.”

  “Come on, it was a practice mission. You could at least have acted submissive,” Von shoots back unapologetically.

  LarPe snorts and shakes her head. “Not in this lifetime, TocGar.” She turns her gaze on Tairin. “What kind of technology did your parents find this time, GyRol?”

  Tairin and Zairin are identical twins. Their parents are Zaphin’s tech-wizards. The GyRol’s job is to search the universe for the latest technology and they do a zyfing fine job.

  Tairin’s gaze sweeps us all and then lands on Treia. “They found a new computer chip that is supposed to enhance most computer systems beyond anything so far.”

  “Nice. Keeping up with the latest technology is a powerful way to protect our planet. Wish I was going with you guys,” LarPe says and then blows in Von’s ear. She dances back and grins when he growls. Her face turns serious again as she eyes us. “Be careful out there. See you guys when you get back from Dagrin.”

  I watch LarPe walk away and several of the others walk up to us. My brother, Dax stops next to me. “I can’t believe you were able to make me lose my axe. I’ll be practicing while you’re gone.”

  “You do that and I’ll try to disarm you again when I return, little brother,” I say. Only hours of practice can hone a warrior. We all could use a bit more training. I look forward to practicing with Dax.

  Sympathetically, Tairin watches his twin, Zairin, walk up rubbing his eyes. Smoke bombs are a prelling pain. “That’s what happens when you’re one of the bad guys,” he says as he pounds his twin on the back. “Nobody can dodge that stuff.”

  “Try not to throw it so close to me next time,” Zairin says as he wipes away another tear.

  I can relate. More than once I’ve been too close when those bombs have gone off. That lesson always reminds us how potent the weapon is.

  Von’s brother, Zar, is gently rubbing his throwing stars and occasionally wiping his eyes as he listens to some of the others talk. The TocGar brothers definitely have a way with throwing knives and stars. I’m glad they are my friends.

  A sweet smell fills the air. I look around and see Hallie walking over to her bonded male, Zar. The warrior’s eyes are glowing lightly as he watches his new kesdy approach.

  I can barely believe that Zar is now a keslon—a bound male. The scent of their happiness floating in the air is proof that they are extremely happy to be together.

  After being thoroughly kissed by Zar, Hallie gives us all the customary greeting of a submissive. She looks into each of our eyes until we nod to free her. Now that she’s a kesdy it’s not as important that she do it every time she sees us, but it makes her feel good and it keeps her on her toes.

  Zar pulls Hallie in even closer and kisses her deeply. Now the smell of their arousal dominates the air. It’s fun to watch TocGar lose it completely over his female.

  When Zar goes for the fastener of Hallie’s cargo pants she stiffens and puts her hand on his. “Not here,” she whispers.

  I love her innocence. In the moon cycles she’s been here, Hallie always forgets that we can hear the lightest of sounds. Not much is private here on Zaphin.

  Zar growls and turns to us. “I have to go.” His gaze sharpens on Tairin, myself, and then his brother, Von. “You guys be careful out there. I’ll see you soon.”

  After the successful practice we’ve had we all decide to head out. After saying our goodbyes, I watch Zar and Hallie climb into their vehicle.

  I’m happy for them and look forward to sharing time with a kesdy of my own someday. For the time being, I need to get a seema to take care of my home and sexual needs.

  Soon, I’ll start looking for the right seema for me.



  ~ Skyla ~


  Scrape…wings flapping…squawk

  Why are those sounds so close? Is a bird trying to get into my house?

  I think about getting up to scare the bird off, but I’m too tired. “Dang it!” Birds are loudest during the day. “I hope I’m not about to be late for work.” I leap up and am stunned when my head hits something that feels like wire.

  As I rub my head, I start looking around. My heart sinks when I see the dagrinian watching me. I’m not on Earth anymore. I can’t be late for a job I no longer have. A huge knot forms in my throat when I remember that I’ll never see my family and friends again.

  I plop down on my pallet and embrace the sorrow that flows through me. My life is over.

  I blankly stare at the bars of my cage. The sound of my captor talking to the male in the end cage whispers through my ears. I can’t understand them, and right now, I don’t care.

  My hands itch to start baking the morning bread and biscuits. I want to give Molly snacks and talk with Sunny and Alberta.

  The parrots in the cage next to mine are enjoying their seeds as though nothing is wrong. A part of me longs to be like them—uncaring as long as I’m fed. What kind of life is that though? Not the kind I want. I want to thrive—to be part of a loving group that needs me. I want to love and be loved.

  The purple male moves to the front of my cage and points at my food. “Eat. We will land in a couple of hours and then we’ll be taking all of you to the sell-block.”

  “I don’t want to be sold. I want to go home.” I’m not sure if I should have expressed my feelings, but at this point I don’t have any control over myself.

  “You will never go back to Earth. What you will do is go to a new home. If I see any good buyers, I’ll tell you so you’ll have a chance to go to a good place.” The dagrinian’s tone is calm and even.

  Is that supposed to make me feel better? If I was a spitter, I’d spit at my captor. Since I suck at that, I’d probably just spit on myself. Plus, that’s disgusting.

  My captor points at my food and then turns and leaves. I look at the others and see that they are eating. Remembering that I hit my head earlier, I crawl over to my food and start eating. Wasting food is not something I can do. No matter how upset I am.

  Movement catches my attention. The reslikian sets his tray down and moves to the port-a-potty in his cage. When he starts unfastening his pants, I quickly look away. With heat burning my cheeks, I finish my food and put the tray back where it belongs. I like things to be put up properly.

  The need to pee hits me hard. On a normal day relieving myself is the first thing I do. I think about holding it but I’ve heard that’s not a good thing to do. Fire stings my cheeks as I crawl over to the port-a-potty. This is so wrong.

  As I unfasten my pants I look over to see the male watching me. I shake my head and to my relief, he looks away. Flashing my ass is something I’m not used to. My gaze darts to the parrots. The blue one is watching me. I know shaking my head at the bird is not going to do me any good.

  I quickly do my business under the hard stare of the parrot and then refasten my pants. I look over and see that the purple haired male is back on his pallet staring at the silver ceiling. I’m thankful for him being a gentleman. Even in bad times, good can be found.

  I do some stretches for a while and then watch the parrots groom themselves. A few escaped feathers float around from time to time. The birds are not bad entertainment. Occasionally the reslikian watches them as well.

  The door opening has me jerking. At the sight of three armed dagrinians, fear spikes within my veins and slithers up my spine. My body trembles. I don’t want to be sold to the highest bidder. The parrots squawk and flap their wings when one of the dagrinians takes a small cage into their space and then closes the door b
ehind him.

  I shake my head and back up when my captor enters my cage with cuffs and a length of chain. My heartbeat starts pounding out a wild rhythm that rings through my ears. His fresh scent fills my lungs but it doesn’t calm me today. I’m onto him.

  “Calm yourself, human. I don’t want to hurt you, but I will if I have to,” the dagrinian says as he grabs my wrists and quickly cuffs and chains me.

  In a daze, I look over and see the reslikian being led from his cage. Shock has me moving slowly behind my captor. The parrots put up a fuss as they are captured and put into the smaller cage.

  The dark cloud that had formed around me yesterday is back. A part of me tries to fight it, but another part of me welcomes the sorrowful haze that takes over.

  With leaden feet I follow the purple haired reslikian out of the room and into the silver hall. My stomach churns and threatens to spew my breakfast all over the place. I take several shaky breaths to calm myself as best I can.

  We turn a corner and I see that the spacecraft’s door is open and it’s sunny outside. How can the sun be shining when I’m in such a terrible state. Thick clouds like the one hanging around me should be darkening the sky.

  When we get to the ramp leading from the craft, I’m placed in front of the reslikian. I look at my captor wondering what’s going on. I’ve always been too curious for my own good.

  The dagrinian grins and says, “You are prettier than him and you are a female. That makes you a high-demand product.”

  Who really thinks like that? “I’m not a product! I’m a person.” There, that should make him feel guilty.

  “Your parents produced you. That makes you a product. A pretty one as well. Now start moving.” He tugs my chain and I snort as I follow him.

  I can’t believe they are showing me off. I should be flattered but under the circumstance, I’m not. When the bright sunlight hits my face I sneeze three times. Even though it’s only been a day I feel as though I haven’t breathed fresh air in weeks.

  Lush green trees are in the distance. If I wasn’t chained I’d make a run for it. A tug on my chain has me looking up into my captor’s pearl and blue diamond eyes.

  “Don’t even think about it. There are dangerous animals out in the woods.” After that dire warning he turns his attention back to leading us to our doom.

  I don’t think he understands that right now I’m with one of the most dangerous animals around—a technologically powerful predator.

  We go around the spacecraft and a gasp escapes my mouth. All kinds of beings are milling around. Venders are selling their wares. In the distance there appears to be a few stores as well.

  That dark cloud thickens around me. If I wasn’t for sell I’d think this place is amazing. The rattle of my chain depresses me even more. “This isn’t right.”

  The male holding my chain stops and frowns at me. “Don’t show any attitude. If you want to go to a good home you will act submissive.”

  I don’t feel submissive at this moment. I feel angry. I shake my wrists making the chain rattle. “And what if I don’t?”

  The male’s eyes narrow and he pulls my chain until I’m forced to step within a foot of him. I cringe and he smiles. “That’s more like it. On the sell-block angry beings are bought for food. Submissives are bought for another reason. Do you want to be food or do you want to be cared for?”

  A sigh of relief escapes me when he straightens and starts leading me closer to the crowd. Got dang it, I don’t want to be eaten. I can be submissive. That just means being nice, right? My stomach does a few cartwheels when we start walking through the mass of beings.

  My curious nature takes over as we pass venders selling things I’ve never seen before. I wish my family and friends could see this place. There is no telling what kind of spices we’d find here. The bakery would shine even more with some new flavors.

  The feel of chain moving over my hands reminds me that I’m not here shopping. I’m here to be sold. My heart sinks and that dang cloud thickens around me again. I can’t stop pinging between fear, excitement, depression, embarrassment, and hope. Right now, depression is definitely winning.

  I trip on a rock and am quickly righted by tan hands. Pain shoots through my toes. I look into grass green eyes. Sad but kind reslikian eyes.

  “Thanks,” I say and hope he can guess the meaning of the word.

  He smiles as best he can under the circumstances. I understand and return his sad smile. We are screwed and we know it.

  Our captors prod us on. The crushed rocks of the ground shift under my sneakers. I know my steps have to be making a crunching sound but I can’t hear the light noise over the sound of the crowd.

  I pretend I can hear my steps as I walk along the path leading to the bakery. For a moment my heart slows to a normal beat. I stay in this nice state until a six-eyed creature reaches out to touch me. I jerk back and yell as fear dominates me.

  Shakily I watch my captor slap the scary hand away. The dagrinian holding my chain tells the creature something in a language I don’t understand. Please don’t let that be an overeager zaphinian.

  Squawk. I hear the parrots making lots of noise from their cage. The birds have to be wondering what’s going on. I feel just as sorry for them as I do for myself and the male captive behind me.

  My captor guides me around a large blue plant. I wonder what it is but not for long. The lush plant reminds me of the ground its pot is placed on and how I recently tripped. As I go I keep an eye out for more rocks.

  I don’t want to fall down in this wild place. I scan but don’t see any more rocks big enough to trip me. Since my toe still stings I think of the rock that got me. That’s just my luck to trip on the only large rock in the area.

  I can’t help myself, I stop looking at the ground and start looking around again. The mixture of beings milling around astounds me. There are maroon beings, scary green beings, tan, and even red beings. I have truly been sheltered on Earth.

  Deep into the market my captor guides me over to a raised platform. We don’t go onto it, we just stand nearby the high structure. One of my dagrinian captors walks away. The other two have firm grips on our chains. Their familiar scent helps ease me a bit. I know it shouldn’t but it does.

  The parrots have been set on the ground. Their cage is so close to me that it’s touching my leg. Remembering the bite I received, I shift forward just enough to stay out of beak range.

  A nasty odor hits my nose. I glance around and see a group of captives. They are filthy and look as though they’ve been beaten and possibly starved. My next breath is just as bad as the last one. My nose twitches as I realize that excrement is one of the smells coming from them.

  I think of the port-a-potty in the corner of my cage. That I had to pee in an open room is nothing compared to what these beings have been through. My heart hurts for them.

  I can easily picture the four maroon beings stuffed into a disgusting cage with nowhere to relieve themselves. From the dirt on their clothes and the fire in their light blue eyes I guess they put up a fight when they were captured.

  In horror I wonder if they were hunted and then chased. A shiver runs down my spine as I realize how lucky I was to be captured by the dagrinians. I can’t suppress another shiver.

  This side of life is too ugly to fully comprehend. How can beings do this to one another? Because we are all animals, a cynical voice whispers through my mind. As I look around I have to agree.

  Survival is a primal instinct in all of us. Any living being will do whatever it takes to live—no matter the cost to others. I know I wouldn’t ever sell people to survive. I’m saddened that so many others will.

  Sorrow has my heart sinking. Some beings’ animalistic sides are so much stronger than others. I wish it wasn’t so. The cold-hearted shouldn’t prey on the kind-hearted. Anger sparks within me at the unfairness of it all.

  I start when a warm hand wraps around mine. I look down to see the reslikian’s fingers wrapped around m
ine. I look up into his interesting green eyes. Once again I see kindness mixed with sadness. Since I don’t speak his language, I lightly squeeze his hand. He gives me a sad grin and returns the gesture.

  My hand tightens around his when I see the poor smelly maroon aliens being shoved up the platform stairs. The four maroon beings are quickly placed on the stage by five yellow aliens who have three scary red eyes and sharp teeth.

  I shudder in horror. The hand clasping mine tightens reassuringly. I cringe when several different aliens go onto the platform and start looking the maroon beings over.

  Each of the four maroon aliens are touched, prodded, and one has his hair pulled roughly enough to snap his head back so one of the six-eyed aliens can sniff his exposed neck. Bared teeth almost make it to the maroon being’s neck but in the last second one of the yellow aliens snarls and drags the six-eyed beast back a few steps. The two aliens speak in a language I can’t understand and then currency is exchanged.


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