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Don't Make Me Love You (Club Release 2)

Page 9

by Pixie Moon

  “Let’s go in, little seema.” He guides me up the pretty stone steps. A light comes on flooding the area.

  At the landing I notice an interesting design that’s been artfully built in. It has an axe and a sword crossing and there are three horizontal lines on each side of the weapons. At the top of the first line is a slash that adds a touch of energy.

  “What’s this?” I point at the design. “It’s interesting. I like it.”

  “It’s my family symbol. I’m glad you like it.” He opens the door and gestures me in.

  We walk through the metal door and into an enormous living room. “Oh my gosh, that is the biggest couch I’ve ever seen. I love the red color.” The words gush from my mouth.

  A chuckles comes from him. “I’m glad you like it. We’ll be spending quite a bit of time on it.”

  Heat flushes my cheeks as I wonder what kind of time he has planned. That is not something I would normally think. This guy definitely has me spellbound. That can’t be good.

  “Come, seema.” He walks deeper into the living room and then into a kitchen. “This is the kitchen.” He opens a cabinet and points out a few foods. “When we’re done you can come in here and try some of these.” He opens another cabinet. A floor level one. “This is where the stros is kept. Part of your job is to let me know when it runs low. Zaphinians drink a lot of stros.”

  “Yes, sir. How much should I keep on hand at all times?” The metal containers look large to me. As though the four should last a few months if not a year but he’s a big guy.

  “Two full. You can see the level of stros through this glass line. I always keep two more containers in the last cabinet.” He reaches into another cabinet and gets two glasses out. I watch him use the spout to pour our drinks. When the glasses are full he hands one to me.

  After he takes a long drink, he says, “Let’s continue, seema.”

  I take a drink of my own stros and notice that his is almost gone. I make a mental note to watch the stros level with a sharp eye. I have no desire to make him angry. Plus my supply training from working at the bakery is kicking in.

  He finishes his drink and puts his glass on the counter. I follow suit by placing my nearly full glass close to his. When he heads down the corridor, I follow.

  The stone floor is a mystery to me. I search for a seam or any indication of how the stones were placed together. Surely they don’t have slabs of stone large enough to cover an entire home.

  The homes and businesses in my village sure could have used some stone like this. I keep looking for a sign of how the floor was made. The shock of my body ramming into a warm solid wall has me gasping and jerking back. My pulse leaps as I take a step backwards.

  Dang it, I just ran right into the big guy. Fear spikes within me. I hope he’s not one of those types of people who can’t stand imperfection in others. “I’m sorry, Din Ryk? I was trying to figure out if your floor is solid or pieced together. I promise to pay better attention to where you are from now on.” I have to stop letting my curious nature get to me.

  His right eyebrow hikes up and for the first time I see that he has a scar above the dark arch. I immediately wonder how he got the scar. Curiosity killed the cat, my cautious side whispers through my mind. Dang it, I’m supposed to be suppressing that side of myself. Trying to be a better servant, I look into his pretty eyes and wait to see what he’ll do next.

  “I see you’re back,” he says with some amusement.

  “Huh?” I’m too dazed to follow what he’s talking about. Maybe it’s because of the rough few days I’ve had.

  “I said it was okay, but you seemed to be somewhere else. Do I need to conduct this tour tomorrow, seema?” His eyes now hold a hint of concern.

  That show of concern is a relief. “No, I’m sorry. I just get deep in thought sometimes, Din Ryk. Please continue.” My danged curious nature is getting me into a lot of trouble today. There are just too many new things around me.

  He inhales and then sighs. “What is your question about the floor?”

  I debate telling him it’s okay that I don’t have to know. But if he’s willing to answer my question without getting mad then I should ask. “Is this one large slab of stone? There are no cracks or gaps for grass to grow through. It’s amazing.”

  His eyes light up with amusement. “We have machines that meld big pieces of stone together.” He gestures to the floor. “As you can see, it seamlessly turns many large stones into one massive slab. The method is also used to make a lot of our stone furniture and some walls.”

  This world is different and so high tech. There is no way I’m going to be able to contain my curiosity. “Do you mind if I ask you questions?”

  “I don’t mind but I do have some work to do tonight. I’ll be working with you a lot over the next few days and will gladly answer your questions. Let’s continue our tour, seema.” He pushes open a door and then steps out of the way.

  I look in as he tells me it’s a bedroom just like most of the other rooms in this corridor. The room is larger than the bedroom at my house. It is decorated in creams and has splashes of blue. I notice a plant much like one I saw in the living room. The bed looks massive to me but for a zaphinian it would be a good fit.

  “You have a beautiful home, Din Ryk.” It is definitely the nicest home I’ve ever been in. A part of me can’t believe I live here too. I briefly wonder which room I’ll be staying in. When he moves on down the corridor, I follow.

  “I’m glad you like it, seema. Your curious nature is good.” He motions down the corridor. “This corridor has three bedrooms and a bathroom. All the bedrooms are similar to the one you just saw.” He moves to a room on the other side of the corridor and opens the door.

  I look in and see a beautifully decorated bathroom. Once again stone is the main material but it is so smooth and shiny that it makes me smile. The red stained stone at the top of the shower makes the room pop. I’m surprised to see that there isn’t any glass surrounding the shower. I like it. Plus it’s less to clean. The huge tub in the corner makes me long for a relaxing soak. Maybe I can do that soon.

  When I step out of the bathroom he points at the next two rooms and says that they are bedrooms. He then leads me back toward the kitchen and through it. Off of the living room is another door. He goes to it and opens it.

  I follow him into a short hallway. He points at the end room. “That’s my home office. I spend a lot of time in there.” He then opens the other door and walks in.

  I enter the room and stare open mouthed. The bed in this room is twice the size of the one I saw in the other room. The dark red comforter adds a nice touch of color to the cream and brown room. It’s a masculine room and it seems to suit him well.

  That it’s not messy strikes me as strange. Especially when I remember that the other rooms weren’t messy either. Before I can ask why I’m here he heads to a door within the room and pushes it open.

  It’s a bathroom. The thing is larger than my living room. A sad part of me acknowledges that I don’t have a home of my own anymore. The sight of smooth stone counters and a huge tub along the wall draw me away from my sad thoughts.

  I scan the room and take in a shower that’s a little larger than the other one. It has a row of red stained stone as well but there is an intricate design flowing through it. No glass contains the shower in here either. I’m happy about that. I shiver when I understand how vulnerable that makes the person taking the shower though.

  “Are you all right, seema?” he asks. His eyes scanning me before he inhales deeply. “You never have to fear me, little one.” His tone is softer now.

  A flash of lust blazes through my core. That the big guy’s voice alone can turn me on is a surprise. I can’t explain how he does it but I’d love to be able to. As he looks me over another wave of lust sinks into my core.

  He sniffs again and then smiles. “We have plenty of time for that later, seema. Why don’t you go to the kitchen and get something to eat while I d
o some work in my office? When you’re finished eating you can come back in here and take a shower.”

  Heat stings my cheeks. How did he know I was horny for him? Then it registers that he just told me to come back in here to take a shower. Surely he doesn’t mean for me to sleep in here. Not when he has all those other bedrooms. Do other people live here? I don’t like that thought.

  He takes another deep breath. “Go ahead, ask me the questions that are bothering you, seema.”

  Since his tone isn’t too gruff, I ask, “How come you seem to know how I’m feeling?” Or is he a mind reader? I don’t know anything about zaphinians. That’s bad.

  His chuckle has a healthy dose of amusement and a touch of sexy. “You smell wonderful and you’re curious as well as smart. You are a treasure. I’m a lucky male.” His blue and silver eyes twinkle. “I know your emotions because I can smell them. All zaphinians can.”

  “What? You can smell my emotions.” Oh, no, no, no. This is terrible. I can’t hide anything from him. The realization of how powerful he is sends another round of arousal circling my core. Heat stings my cheeks again. This is horrible.

  Some of the stands in his incredible eyes start to glow and he growls lightly. The sound sends another wave of lust through my sex. Moisture gathers in my panties. I squirm under his heated gaze.

  He inhales and then smiles. “Me knowing your emotions helps me take care of you—of all your desires.”

  Some of his earlier words come to the forefront of my mind. “Do others live here?” Are there other females I need to watch out for? I can see how a female would want Din Ryk all to herself.

  “No, it will be just the two of us.” His tone is firmer now.

  His words send a trickle of relief over my tender nerves. Relief doesn’t last long though. “You said I could take a shower in here. Why don’t I use the other bathroom?”

  The glow in his eyes brightens for a moment. “Because you will be staying in here with me, little seema.”

  Dang, dang, dang. I haven’t gotten my crazy emotions for him under control yet. Being so close to him is going to make it harder. I straighten my shoulders. I can do this. I can distance myself from this warrior. I just need to remember that he has a dangerous job. Dangerous jobs equal death. Sadness fills my chest. I don’t want him to die.

  “I don’t like the smell coming from you.” A beeping sound coming from a device on his wrist draws his attention. He blows out a harsh breath and then hugs me to him. “Don’t worry, seema. Everything will be fine.” He releases me and steps back. His gaze roams over me and then locks with mine. “I have to go back to work. Get something to eat. If you look around you’ll see that the laundry room’s door is in the kitchen.” The device on his wrist beeps again. He presses a few buttons on it as he walks out of the room.

  The growling of my stomach has me going to the kitchen. I look around and find some of those crackers that he gave me on the spacecraft. Knowing I like them I open the bag and get a handful. I drink some of my stros as I enjoy my crackers.

  My moist panties are an ugly reminder of how he makes me feel. As I nibble on another cracker I know I have to keep my heart from falling for the big guy. If he’d just slip up and do something bad that would help. He has to do something wrong. I need him to. When my heart flutters and whispers that he’s good, I know I need him to do something bad soon. Real soon.

  Glancing around the kitchen with its strange devices, I spot the laundry door he was talking about. I set my glass down and slide off the stool I’d been sitting on. I press the handle and push the door open. I stare in stunned silence.

  “Holy smoke.” My eyes water lightly at the overpowering smell of dirt and sweat. The room has two strange devices that I guess are the zaphinian version of a washer and dryer. There is also a cabinet which I assume has soap in it. I really hope there’s lots and lots of soap in it.

  I can’t help but shift my gaze back to the sky high mound of dirty clothes. Now I know why I’m here. See, he needs you, my foolish heart whispers.

  Ignoring my heart, I leave the room and shut the door. I’ll need to learn to use those machines tomorrow.

  Even though I’m not starving, I grab another handful of crackers and then replace the bag in the cabinet. I don’t like to leave messes behind me.

  As I pass through the living room I look up and notice how high the ceiling is. Dang, it must be close to sixteen feet tall. I enter his bedroom and notice the same thing. I can understand how such tall people would require high ceilings.

  I shiver as I recall that my head only comes to his nipples. Nipples I haven’t seen yet. Another pulse of desire floods my sex. I groan at my lack of restraint. I don’t like how my body reacts at just the thought of him.

  To calm myself I look around for places to stash my crackers. I always feel better when I know I have a hidden stash of food. I’ll have to wait for some bags to become empty then I’ll have something to wrap my extra food in.

  For now I’ll just have to make do. I find a nice place behind a stack of books that are on a dark stone table. I’m surprised that they have books. I pick one up and notice that the texture of the paper is soft and the ink is dark blue. The cover is sturdy and appears to be made of some type of leather.

  I glance at the words and am surprised when I can read them. The chip has to be the reason for me understanding their written language. Turning a few of the buttery soft pages, I soon find that this book is about training strategies. Fighting is not my thing. It’s too dangerous. So far this is his flaw and it’s a biggie. I need to remember this.

  My foolish heart aches. For some insane reason the dang thing doesn’t want me shutting the big guy out. I sigh and go back to looking for another place to hide my last two crackers.

  Frowning doesn’t help me find a good spot so I focus on relaxing the muscles in my face. Sunny would say I was going to scare off the customers if I didn’t stop wrinkling my brow. A pang of sorrow wells in my chest. A tear slides down my cheek followed by another and then another.

  I quickly stash my crackers on a shelf in the closet and grab a robe I see hanging on a hook. With a heavy heart, I go into the bathroom and figure out how to turn the water on. Once it’s at the right temperature, I strip out of my clothes and get under the large spray of clear water.

  In here I let my grief overwhelm me. My body shudders as I grieve for my lost family and friends. My tears mingle with the water. I won’t do this again but for now I will release all of my agony. I desperately need the soul cleansing.



  ~ Skyla ~


  I cry for what feels like an eternity.

  I silently say goodbye to all of my family and friends. All of my pent up pain stabs my heart and pours out through my eyes and nose. My nerve endings throb as pain encompasses my world. Agony cloaks me. For now, I welcome it.

  When the final goodbye is said, I sink to the stone floor and sit warily. My body is still quivering but my heart is a little lighter. I feel someone nearby but when I look around, I don’t see anyone. Relief courses through me. I don’t want anyone to see me at this moment. I’m too raw.

  I understand that life goes on even when you’ve lost all of your family. I will go on as well. I acknowledge that my steps will be a little heavier for a while.

  My first steps into my radically changed life are baby sized ones. I get up and reach for the foreign soap and start washing my body. The scent is masculine. It makes me think of my future. No matter how strange it may be I have to be content with having a future at all. Others from the sell-block aren’t so lucky.

  Once I’m clean and smelling better, I turn off the water and grab a towel that’s hanging on a stone rack. At least some of the things on Zaphin are a lot like those on Earth.

  The towel is soft and nice. Things could definitely be a lot worse. After I get my hair as dry as possible, I hang the towel back up and pick up the robe I found. I put it on and almost lau
gh at how big it is.

  I finger comb my hair as I go back into my shared room. I’ll admit to being a little concerned about him wanting sex tonight. I haven’t done that in two years. It doesn’t help that the guy is so tall and broad shouldered.

  It helps if you’re needing a reason to get wet. Mmm, all that muscle, the sex crazed part of me whispers. She’s right. Din Ryk being ruggedly handsome helps. A lot.

  A picture of those six-eyed beings on Dagrin pops into my mind and I shudder at the thought of being with one of them. My sex crazed side is right. Din Ryk is extremely easy on the eyes.

  His eyes. The remembrance of them lightly glowing as he looks at me causes a sweet shiver to race down my spine. His irises are by far the prettiest ones I’ve ever seen. I groan when another wave of lust washes over me. I don’t care for my body’s reaction to him. Warriors are too dangerous to be drawn to. Why couldn’t he be an alien accountant?


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